Is This Real Life? (Michael M...


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It's the Summer! You just graduated from high school and you're completely thrilled to move into your own hou... Еще

[To the Mall]
[Moving Day]
[A Slight Drizzle]
[The True Terror]
[The Call]
[The Hang-Up]


369 8 5


How could I have let this happen?! The call was at 5:30 and I knew that!

You sprinted to your room, almost running into your night-stand when hopping onto your bed. You quickly open a small laptop you had gotten for Freshman year. It was always a personal computer, it wasn't provided by the school, but instead by your loving foster parents after you had showed your improving responsibility.

Improving as in you learned it's okay to have emotions, and these amotions need to be expressed in a healthy way instead of...

You quickly open the computer and click for a new tab. You type in the website for Zoom and enter the code that had been given to you by Mr. Strode. It had been almost a month since you had met in-person and you were almost overwhelmed with excitement! A new home!

As you enter the code, it starts to request a host to join.

It rings.

No answer.

You try again, this time with a little less hope than last time.

It rings.

An answer!

"Ah, hello Y/N! Wonderful to finally see you. What had kept you from calling?"

You got a little uncomfortable. You didn't want to seem unprofessional, but you also didn't want to lie to him. I mean, he could do anything to your new house and you probably wouldn't notice with the already poor condition it was in.

"I'm truly sorry! I was coming home with a friend in their car and we got a little caught up in the good times. Once again, sincerest apologies."

You slightly bow your head down, apologizing for something that was, slightly, but not entirely untrue.

"Well, it's good to hear that you're getting your excitement up! Because I was wondering if you were ready to make a final decision! I know you've only seen the house fully once, but I would love an answer as soon as possible."

He gives you a small, slightly anxious smile. You huff and close your eyes for a second. Time feels like it truly stops.

What could the cons be?

Costs for renovation, possible murderer.


You can live on your own, get independence a good chunk away from your foster, and biological parents.

30 minutes from foster parents and...

1 hour 37 minutes and 24 seconds away with minimum traffic and minimal red lights.

You shake your desperate thoughts away and open your eyes.

"I think I've actually made a final decision." You say with a sigh and a confident smile.

"Well that's amazing to hear, whether it's good or bad! So, what'll it be?" He stares at you intensly, smiling wide and with eyes that seemed to look deep into your thoughts, seeing all of your doubts and worries.


"I'll take it." You exhale very loudly out of relief of getting those words off your chest.

"Yes, yes perfect!!" Mr. Strode almost screams. He seemed so excited. He had cut off his video but seemed to be silently celebrating behind that grayed out camera upon your screen.

His audio cut off as well. You slightly laugh as he comes back to his seat, sitting down like he had just ran around the house for 30 minutes at a full sprint.

Turning back on his camera and audio, his smile had never faded from before and he starts to speak.

"Alright, now, I'm not a huge fan of technology so you'll have to excuse me. We will meet up in two days to sign official papers. How do you think you'll pay? I know we talked about a mortgage, but have you ever considered liquidation?"

Liquidation?! Does he seriously think you have that kind of money? I mean, it is only $90,000. But still! Just paying him right on the spot?

"Well, I think I might stick with mortgage. It just seems easier to handle with. And I don't have all the money for the house right now. But with the mortgage I'll pay it off in a jiffy."

He sighs, knowing that no one really chooses liquidation. He gives a slightly pained smile but immediately turn back into his regular smile, remembering that he just sold the Myers's house. The Myers's house! This was truly a dream come true for him. Almost 15 years. 15 years no one had lived in that house. And now was finally his time to shine.

You make a small noise while racking back an forth on your bed. You didn't like when there was silence for long moments while others pondered. It was very awkward for you and others. He snaps back to reality.

"Alright! So, see you in two days to sign off on the house?"

"Yep! That should be about it! Have a wonderful day Mr. Strode!"

"You too Y/N! I can't wait to see you on Friday! Goodbye!"

He hung up before you could even try. You close your computer and slide it back into its case. You hum in minor content as you had just made the most adult decision you have ever made.

"Y/N! WE'RE HOME!" Your dad Oliver had walked into the house from the front.

"Oliver! Quiet down! We don't know if Y/N's asleep or not!" Your other dad LaMarcus had whisper shouted to his significant other.

"Oh, you're right. I'm truly sorry for my cruel actions, but it just so happens that I found Y/N on their computer when checking the recent activity of our electronics throughout the house." He grins at LaMarcus, a smug look on his face.

Your father sighed, pinching the bridge, we'll, as close to the bridge as possible. He had many piercings to compliment his dark skin. As LaMarcus roughly sighed he made his way to your room.

"Why were you on your computer?"

"Oh! Jesus Christ you scared me! Oh, well... I know I'm not supposed to be on it, but I had a meeting with Mr. Strode!"

You slightly wince, knowing that your dad knew it was supposed to be at 5:30.

"At 6:18 PM?"

"Okay, so I might've taken a short nap with forgetting that naps can't be taken before a meeting. I'm sorry. I apogized severely to him, but we still made it work! I'm moving in!"

You couldn't help but see your dad smile. A smile you haven't seen from him in a very long time.
It was genuine, sincere. He was truly happy for you. You practically grew up with him. You both had grown, despite not having an amazing, or not as strong of a relationship like you've had with Oliver.

"Well, how do plan on getting the money?"

"Money from my bank account, savings and stuff. Not liquidation, but a mortgage I can pay off quickly."

"Are you sure? You could just wait a few months to move in and then you could just buy it on the spot-"

He was cut off by a slight crack in his voice. He was breaking up. Tears forming making his eyes shimmer lightly under your bright LED light that was fixated on the ceiling. You stand up to give him a hug. He hated physical affection, but he really needed it right now. And he needed support. You were leaving. Most likely for good! What if you never came back to him? Was all of this for nothing? For you to just move away?

Once more, the thoughts that raced through his head was cut off by his husband hugging him from the side of both Y/N and him. He felt at home. Safe and a few synonyms more. As you three stood in that position in your bedroom doorway for a moment, you break free from the embrace. Walking over, you grab the box of tissues that sat gently on your nightstand and bring a tissue over to your fathers that we were both an emotional wreck right now.

They both a take a tissue, thank you almost in unison as if they were finishing each other's...

"Sandwiches! Who wants some sandwiches for dinner?" Your father Oliver had shouted out. You laugh at his sudden burst while he looks at his husband then to you.


"Yeah, sure. Only if it can be a Pb+J!"
(Or a Soy Butter and Jelly sandwich if you have a peanut allergy <3)

"Of course. You never eat any real lunch sandwiches unless it's grilled cheese or those nasty lunchables."

"Hey! They're not nasty! They're absolutely gourmet! Never heard of before! A juice box, a main course, and a dessert! That's all I could ever ask for! Even if the juice isn't in a box!"

Your father Oliver smiles. "Whatever, I think you need to expand your food pallette."

You sigh, you were waiting for this comeback all day. Your minor inconvenience can finally have a sparky remark you've been waiting for.

"Whatever, I think you need to stop being so homophobic." You hold out your hand and roll your eyes.

"Y/N, me and your dad are literally gay-"

"I'm aware dad, it was a joke." You laugh at yourself internally. It was so funny. Your humor > literally anything. Peak comedy.

As your dad Oliver walks into the kitchen with LaMarcus they smooch as they start to make sandwiches together.

You take in their appearances from behind. Your dad; LaMarcus. Tall, long braided hair like Tanisha's. Towering over both you and Oliver at a solid 6'2. Piercings littering his face. Eyebrows, bridge, many ear and nose piercings, along with two bottom and two top lip piercings. You were there for a handful of them, and were incredibly proud when you helped clean them. He wore mostly casual clothes along with the occasional all black outfits to match you. Your father Oliver on the other hand though, was the exact opposite, other than gender. He was your height, very pale and growing a slight stubble on his chin. Since he was considerably shorter, he was more boxy instead of lengthy. He had brown hair and green eyes while your other father LaMarcus had black hair and deep brown eyes. Oliver always wore pins on his button up shirts and bracelets on his wrists. He wore super causal, everyday Dad clothes. Tan cargo shorts with a floral button up. He pretty much wore the same thing to sleep, just with comfortable fabric. LaMarcus, wearing black boots, Oliver wearing comfortable sandals. Never inside though. That was a strict rule. Take your shoes off at the door or mudroom. There was no acception to that rule. After all that staring and drifting off in your thoughts, you never realized the overwhelming feeling of being watched.

As you pass them in the kitchen you sit down at the small dining table that was connected to your living room. A nice Pb (Sb) + J was placed in front of you with a handful of apple slices and a nice glass of water with ice. Your parents sat down in front of you and start munching down. LaMarcus taking in his whole sandwich with a few bites, while Oliver was savoring the nicely prepared sandwich that was made just for him.

You quickly finished your sandwich, and a few bites of your apple slices and finishing off your water.

A hummed content noise came from you and you take your plate, along with LaMarcus's to the kitchen sink. You set them down in the large metal bowl and turn on the hot water while sprinkling a few lines of dish soap onto them. As you rinse and wash the plates you look up out the window in front of you.


Who is that?

You rub your eyes and look out again. Gone. That was scary, but not uncommon. You always saw something out of the corner of your eye. But that one figure seemed so realistic.
You put the dishes on the drying rack and leave them to sit and air dry while you go back to laze around with your parents.

"So, what have you been up to Y/N?"

You kinda shrug your shoulders, hating this type of small talk because it always leads to something rude coming from you or your parents voices.

"Just, napping. Getting a house. The basics. You pretty much know everything I've done for the past week."

"I know I know, it's just..."

"Listen, your father and I are very, very proud of you for being so independent, but do you have to go so soon? I mean, it's just we don't want to see you leave so soon!" LaMarcus tears up, making you feel the same way.

Your bottom lip starts to shake. You were going to cry in front of your dads again and it was always so embarrassing. When you cry in front of other people, it made you feel weak. Hopeless even.

"WE DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!" Oliver shouts while bursting into tears. They had watched you grow up for almost 7 years and now you were leaving. Just like that.

"Oh, dad!" You run over to both of them, squeezing them in your arms as they tightly hug you back. They weren't ready, but you sure as hell were.

"I'm going to visit! It's not like I'll never see you guys again. I have family and friends here, I'm not going to leave that behind." You say in an almost cliché like movie tone. Like you were in a fantasy or fiction book. Emotional but ready to move on.

As you all stand there for a moment, frozen in time, you let them go, explaining how tired you were after your crying fiasco with your dads. They give you a genuine smile and a small pat on the back until letting go of your hands that they held. You head off to your room and flop on your bed. You quickly drift off to sleep.

After a good 13 hours of needed rest, you rise from your slumber and stretch. First day of actual summer. And you were hoping to savour every moment of it before you have to be a real adult for the rest of your days.


A/N Truly sorry for the short like chapter. I want everyone to enjoy this story as much as I am. I also might update sooner than next Friday, just a week might be my maximum days of not posting. Hope my few viewers are enjoying, and thank you so much for reading <3

(2,402 words <3)

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