By allthevibez

793K 12.4K 9K

She was raised to be the perfect daughter. The kind of girl who other girls were jealous of and that boys wan... More

Bad Habits
[Undergoing Editing again]
01: she's a kook ✩
02: grow up ✩
03: mouse genocide ✩
04: Milwaukee beverage ✩
05: spoiled brat ✩
06: fried Sarah ✩
07: never bailing ✩
08: virgin glory ✩
09: anytime princess ✩
10: free beer ✩
11: a summer movie ✩
12: natural born enemies ✩
13: a treasure hunt ✩
14: grand entrance ✩
15: powerpuff girls ✩
16: hawk's nest ✩
17: start of time ✩
18: lavender shampoo ✩
19: kook family ✩
20: masterminds ✩
21: hey kiara ✩
22: motion sensors ✩
24: broken memories ☆
25: crackhead wasteland ☆
26: cat's ass ☆
27: rhodes siblings ☆
28: forensic pathology ☆
29: runaway kook ☆
30: void pope ☆
31: mama's mad ☆
32: homeland invasion ☆
33: my boy ☆
34: where's John b ☆
35: tropical depression ☆

23: golden sunrise ☆

17.3K 283 211
By allthevibez

"You drive me crazy too."


By the time the twinkie made it back to Figure Eight the sun was just beginning to rise over the marsh. The sky would soon be tinted a vibrant orange color, but for now it was still a dark blue.

Sarah and John B were the first to leave the van when they got out at Tanneyhill, while Pope and Kiara remained at the chateau to try and get some sleep before the sun came up. Which left Emerson and JJ, who were both currently sitting in Emerson's driveway.

JJ had expected her to get up and leave the second he parked the car, but she didn't, she just sat there staring up at her house. He didn't want to ask her to leave but he did want to know what she was thinking about. The two of them had been sitting in silence for six minutes and it was slowly driving JJ insane. He needed her to say something, anything, he just couldn't handle the silence any longer.

"Emerson?" He spoke quietly and she let out a quiet hum but her focus remained on her house. "What are we doing?" He asked, "I mean... why are we just sitting here?"

"I don't want to go inside," Emerson mumbled under her breath, like she was ashamed to admit the truth.

"Why not?" JJ asked in confusion.

"By now they all know that I left Rafe at Midsummers, and my mom... my mom is going to be so disappointed in me, again," Emerson answered, still not looking at JJ. "I've disappointed all of them."

Emerson knew what was coming, the second she walks into that house the feeling of freedom she's adopted will disappear. Her mother will attempt everything she knows to deprogram her daughter and make her a Rhodes again.

JJ didn't need her to say anything else, he knew the feeling of not wanting to go home. He had felt the pure panic that Emerson was feeling and he didn't want her to go through it alone. "Okay," was all he said before he started the van.

"Wha- Where are we going?" Emerson asked, finally turning away from her house to face JJ.

"Does it matter?"

Emerson sighed, thinking about the question. "No, I guess it doesn't," She answered with a smile. She couldn't help but look back at her house one more time and for the first time in her life she wished that she'd never have to go back.

JJ smiled at Emerson briefly as continued driving down the road away from Rhodes' residence. The wind blew the van as they continued driving down the quiet streets of Figure Eight. The air was warm and salty, the sun was ready to show itself as light began to shine in the sky.

It wasn't long before JJ pulled the Twinkie into a spot by the beach. He parked the van then got out leaving Emerson in her seat. Her eyes moved to follow him as he walked to the backseat and opened the side door.

"What are you doing?" Emerson asked as she turned around in her seat.

"We can watch the sunrise," He answered with a shrug as he grabbed some towels and laid them down on the floor of the twinkie. Emerson raised her eyebrows as she smiled at him, she couldn't help but think: this is something that couples do, and she never expected that thought would bring a smile to her face. JJ turned noticing the look on her face, little did she know he was thinking the same thing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason," Emerson replied.

"Mhm," He hummed, then held his hand out for her to take. Emerson didn't have to think before sliding her hand in his, allowing him to guide her into the back of the van.

They sat with their backs against the seat as they looked out at the waves crashing against the shore. It was peaceful, more peaceful than either of them had seen the beach. Usually it was filled with people wanting to surf, swim, or just lay on the sand. There was always somebody there, but now it was just the two of them.

They were quiet but the silence wasn't awkward, it was comfortable and safe. Emerson's gaze remained on the water as she tried to pretend that she didn't notice JJ inching closer to her.

"Once everyone's back at the chateau we're gonna melt down the gold," JJ announced, breaking the peaceful silence.

"So it isn't traceable?" Emerson asked, glancing at the blonde pogue. 

Emerson found herself amazed that she was sitting and talking with a pogue. Even just a couple weeks ago she would've done absolutely anything just to avoid him, but now she found herself wishing he was always around.

"Look at you smarty pants," JJ said, causing Emerson to let out a small laugh. "All that gold... I never thought we'd find it."

"But you did, you found it," Emerson smiled. "You guys deserve that gold."

"You deserve it too," JJ told her, but she just shook her head.

"No, I don't," She claimed but JJ just gave her a look of confusion. He wanted her to explain why she felt like she wasn't worthy of having the gold, he wanted to know what brought a frown to her face. "It's your treasure hunt, not mine," She added but JJ let out a quiet scoff.

They got quiet again, both of their focus seemed to be on the water but in reality both of them had about a million thoughts rushing through their heads. JJ didn't want to press the gold topic any further because he knew this whole situation was fragile. He knew that Emerson was still fighting the urge to go back home and become the person she's supposed to be, even though the person she wants to be is with the pogues. JJ didn't know what it was like to have parents who expected so much, and he didn't know what to say to help her.

"I'm fine JJ," Emerson announced without JJ having to say anything. "I feel your eyes, it's distracting."

There were two different ways JJ felt he could respond, he could try to see what's really bothering the kook or he could try to lighten the situation. The Maybank boy wasn't exactly known for his inspiring speeches that make everyone feel better, no he was known for having a good time.

"So I'm distracting?" He asked, making Emerson smile as she turned to him.

"Shut up," She told him, trying to force the smile off her face.

He moved his hand to start playing with her hair, and he could feel her shiver when his hand brushed against the back of her neck. "Is this distracting?" He asked, but instead of answering Emerson just let out a sigh, giving him enough of an answer. 

JJ pushed her hair away from her neck, as he brushed his finger against her soft skin again. She could feel her heart beating faster and her skin getting warmer. Emerson never realized that such a small touch could make her feel such incredible things. But then she had to remind herself where she was and who she was with.

"JJ," Emerson said, pulling herself away from him. She moved away from him, knowing she couldn't be near him. "What happened to being friends?"

"You don't do this with your friends?" JJ asked. Emerson shook her head at him as he moved closer to her. "You and I both know we're more than just friends." 

Emerson shook her head again despite knowing that it was true. She wanted more. She wanted JJ.

"When did we decide that?" She asked as she brushed her hair to the side.

"I decided it," JJ told her, confidently.

Emerson turned away from him, letting out a sigh. No matter what Emerson does she will always care what her mother thinks, nothing will ever change that. She will always have her mother's voice in the back of her head, telling her what to do. Emerson felt like she wasn't strong enough to go against her mother's will, she had never gone against the woman before, not like this. Everything she did was to ensure her mother's happiness, but for the first time in her life she wanted to do something for herself.

"If we do this..." she began, giving JJ a small twinge of hope, "... and I'm not saying that we will, it won't be easy. None of it will be." Emerson said as she moved her body to face JJ. The sun rising over the water now going unnoticed by the two teens as they talked.

"I don't care," JJ told her.

"My mother will probably want to murder me, Rafe might actually kill us, and-"

"Emerson," JJ said, interrupting the rant the young kook was about to go on. "First of all Rafe will never be able to kill me, I'm too quick for him," He said, making her laugh quietly. "Second, I'm not afraid of your mother."

"I am," Emerson announced. "I always have been."

"Nothing scares me," JJ said, cockily.

"Not even Mrs. Crain?" Emerson asked him.

JJ sighed thinking about the possessed old woman with a gun. "O-Okay maybe Mrs. Crain," He said, laughing awkwardly. Emerson got quiet again, making JJ smile to himself. "Seems like you ran out of reasons."

"Trust me there's more," She assured him.

"Okay," He turned to look at her, waiting for her to give him a legitimate reason why they shouldn't be together.

"My ex-boyfriend... I don't think I'm 100% over him," She told him. She wanted to be upfront about it, even though the look on JJ's face made her wish she hadn't said anything. JJ sighed, not knowing what to say next. "That's why Rafe and I didn't work..." she continued, "because part of me still wanted to be with Nick."

"Oh," JJ sighed like he had just realized something. "That's why you and Kie were fighting right? Because of him?"

"Partly," Emerson answered, not wanting to explain the full reason she and Kiara had been fighting.

"He broke your heart?" JJ asked then Emerson nodded. "And you're worried I'll break your heart?" He questioned, trying to figure out exactly what Emerson was afraid of.

"No," She answered quickly. So quickly in fact it made her answer seem like a lie. "I want the real thing, I do," She added. "It's scary but... at least you know it meant something."

The Maybank boy was known for being a player. He wasn't the kind of boy you showed off to your parents or family, he was the kind of boy you hook up with once then leave. JJ knew this, he loved this about himself. He never expected to be the kind of guy that had a girlfriend, and he never expected to be the kind of guy to date a kook. He's JJ Maybank, he isn't Topper Thornton, he isn't Rafe Cameron, and he definitely isn't Nick Porter. Those boys were the kind of people that Emerson was used to dating, and none of them were anything like JJ Maybank.

JJ knew this. He knew that Emerson had better offers coming in, but for some reason she wanted him, and more importantly he wanted her too. Never in his life did he think he'd fall for a kook, but here he was, sitting in front of Emerson with more love in his heart than he's felt in his entire life. Everything was pointing to her being the right girl for him. As he looked at her he prayed that they'd work, he prayed that she wouldn't realize the mistake she could be making. JJ wanted to be good for her, but he didn't know how.

"Emerson Rhodes," JJ began as he reached forward taking her hand.

"JJ Maybank?" She replied in a questioning tone with her eyebrows raised.

"God this is so cheesy..." He muttered under his breath, quietly enough that she couldn't hear what he said. "Emerson Rhodes, will you..." He paused, thinking about the magnitude of his question. JJ has never really been able to show his feelings, he always masked them with jokes and excessive amounts of weed. He wanted to give Emerson everything she wanted, and if she wanted a real relationship then he wanted to give it to her. Unfortunately he didn't seem to be ready. "...go swimming with me?"

Emerson knew JJ's reputation. She knew he wasn't boyfriend type but still part of her hoped that maybe he'd become one. It didn't surprise her that JJ couldn't ask her the question, she figured it'd probably be a while before he could. And she'd try to wait, because she wanted to give it a real try. Emerson wanted to be able to call JJ her boyfriend.

It was odd how both of them knew how delicate this situation was for the other, but they were both slowly pushing it. They wanted to be together, that was obvious. But it was almost like there was still a barrier keeping them apart.

"I'd love to," Emerson replied, doing her best to show any disappointment.

JJ stood up and got out of the van before reaching for Emerson's hand. She took it immediately and they walked hand in hand towards the water. They both slid their shoes off, leaving them behind on the sand. JJ pulled his shirt over his head, feeling Emerson's eyes on him as he did.

"Want a picture?" He asked.

"Shut up," She told him with a smile as she took her own shirt off. Of course she had a bikini on underneath, it was a habit she gained from living on an island her entire life. She smirked to herself when she felt JJ's eyes on her ass while she took off her black shorts. "Want a picture?" She asked him when she turned around.

"Let me get my camera," JJ replied, his hands moving to the zipper on his shorts.

Emerson decided not to wait for him, knowing she'd just be caught staring again. She stopped walking when she reached the wet sand, she stood there for a moment, waiting for the water to come to her. Since she was a little kid Emerson loved being in the water, something about it made her feel safe. It was the reason why loved surfing so much, of course she had to give it up because of her mom, but not a single day went by where she didn't regret quitting.

She inched further into the water, loving the way it felt on her bare feet. JJ caught up with her soon enough, coming to walk beside her as she made her way out.

"What are we doing?" JJ asked, he'd normally rush into the water. He never took the time to stand and appreciate the water, at least not like this.

"Thinking," Emerson answered.

"Right, about what?"

"H2O," She replied.

JJ nodded, "Of course we are. I just love thinking about, uh, H2O," He lied. He tried to think about where he'd heard of h20 before, it seemed so familiar, he just couldn't remember. "Emerson?" He asked and she hummed, turning to him. "What's H2O?"

"It's a chemical compound," She answered but he still wore a confused look. "It's water."

"Right, I knew that," He laughed.

They finally made it until everything up to their waists was covered in water. The sun was now shining brightly, as the vibrant orange started to disappear, being replaced with the light blue color they were so familiar with.

Without saying anything to JJ, Emerson dove under the water swimming further out. When her head resurfaced she looked back at where JJ stood with a smile on her face. "Come on!" she yelled, waving for him to join her.

JJ dove into the water only to come out about a foot away from Emerson. He shot her a smile before going back under, reappearing right next to her.

Emerson laughed as JJ picked her up. Her legs instinctively went around his waist as her arms were wrapped around his neck. JJ wanted to feel close to her again, never before had he longed for a girl's body the way he did Emerson's. There was just something about her that always seemed to be pulling him closer and closer to her. It wasn't just that he wanted her, it was that he needed her, almost like his survival depended on her.

"You drive me crazy, you know that right?" JJ asked her, as he pushed some of her wet hair out of her face.

"I know," She said with a proud smirk on her face. "You drive me crazy too."

JJ leaned in, his lips nearing hers. He knew that she just wanted to be friends but JJ didn't know if he could be just friends with a girl like Emerson Rhodes. He wanted her, all of her. He wanted to tell everyone in the OBX that she was his girl.



"Do you still just want to be friends?"

She hesitated for a second before eventually shaking her head. She couldn't lie to herself anymore. "No... not really."

"Does that mean I can kiss you again?"

Emerson was quiet for a second. She wasn't thinking about her answer, she already knew what she was going to say. "Yes," She said with a smile. "You can kiss me."

Not even a full second later JJ's lips were on hers. One of his hands moved up into her brown hair, holding her head even closer to him. Emerson sighed into the kiss, she didn't fully realize just how much she missed feeling her lips against his. The kiss brought her to life, and she never wanted to let go of that feeling.

They pulled away only for a moment, just to catch their breath before they went in again. Nothing mattered except their kiss. Everything else, all the bad things in their life was being washed away by the water that surrounded them.

Eventually the need for air was too much and they two teens had to pull away from each other, their foreheads rested against each other still wanting to feel close. JJ's hand made his way to Emerson's cheek, making sure she wouldn't move away from him.

A small giggle left her mouth as she ran her fingers through JJ's hair. Her eyes moved off of him for a split second, just long enough for her to notice someone watching them from shore. She couldn't make out who it was, just that it was a man.

"JJ, someone's watching us," Emerson whispered as she moved out of his grasp. JJ turned around just in time to see the man walking away from the beach.

"It's probably just someone going for a walk," JJ shrugged.

"Right," Emerson nodded, not knowing why she felt so paranoid. She felt like she was being watched. She knew the kooks were crazy but she didn't think they were crazy enough to have someone follow her around.

"Want me to go beat him up?" JJ asked her.

Emerson let out a quiet laugh as she shook her head. "No, but I reserve the right to change my mind," She told him.


They stood there quietly for a couple seconds, just looking at each other. They thought about how crazy it was, a kook and a pogue. A rare combination that never usually worked out. They knew the probability of heartbreak was greater than the chance everything turned out perfectly, but they didn't care. It was moments like these that made them feel invincible.

The kook and the pogue, destined for heartbreak, but they couldn't care less. They just stood in the water, holding onto each other for dear life. They never wanted to leave each other's arms. They just wanted to stay there, in this exact spot, for the rest of their lives.

"I should probably go home," Emerson said quietly. Of course, the two of them had others things going on that prevented them for living out their happily ever after. They had responsibilities and families that needed them, and they couldn't keep their backs turned forever.

"Do you have to?" JJ asked her.

"Mhm," She nodded. "Things at my house have been... crazy."

For the last couple of days Emerson had been able to forget everything that's been going on inside her house. She was actually able to forget about her mother's cheating, but once she remembered the feeling hit her like a truck.

"Oh my god. My family's falling apart," She remembered, out loud. "My family is quite literally about to fall apart and I'm out here."


"So the people I care about the most are about to go through hell and I'm out here thinking about myself and what I want," She explained, even though he didn't seem to understand. How could he, he didn't actually know what was happening in Emerson's family. "They needed me to do one thing, be with Rafe, and I already messed that up. I just need to make sure everything is okay. I promise this has nothing to do with us and I'd stay out here with you if I could-"

"Emerson it's okay," JJ told her, stopping her ranting before it continued. "I'll drive you back."

The kook princess let out a sigh of relief as she kissed JJ's cheek before they walked hand in hand back to shore. Both of them completely forgetting about the man who'd been watching them only moments ago.


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