5,160 Miles [Billie Eilish]

By biladdiction

250K 5.9K 4K

Reese is awoken by a FaceTime call in the middle of the night. She had no idea that the call would lead to he... More

Learning you
5160 miles
What's an ocean or two?
First date
I know her, but do i?
Im sorry
They picked me to love
Remain calm
I love
Whatever you want
Everything i wanted
Is this real?
In with the new
A special moment
Broken trust
He's never late
I know fear
Maniacal laughter
I'll miss you
Dont say it
She gets me
Completed checklist
Last meal
See you later
This is it
Do not overthink
new book
new book

Its been over a month

9.5K 216 169
By biladdiction

"Hey cherub, what time does your shift finish today?" Mr.Webb spoke up, extra cheerful today.

"I'm off in an hour, why?" I asked as I started making his coffee.

"Are you free after? I finally have the keys!" I heard a jangle and turned to see him dancing a set of keys around in his fingers.

"YES!" I shouted a little too loud causing the customers to look my way, "yes, yes, yes!" I now whispered. Tom took a seat as usual, and I brought over his breakfast.

The hour passed, it went so much slower than usual. I could not wait to see the new home. Tom found the place he wanted a month ago, he put down an offer which was way above asking price, it took a whole month to finalise and get the keys, even though the offer was accepted quickly. Tom and I made our way out and walked toward his new home. It was close to the same route however he cut off a little earlier now.

"Here it is." Tom pointed over to a cute bungalow, flower beds surrounded the front garden. Inside it was beautifully decorated- all Tom needed to do was furnish it. He got rid of quite a bit of the old furniture but certain things he couldn't let go; Sally's piano, some of her paintings, just personal items really. Things that money couldnt buy you again. He gave me a tour of his new home, and I noticed that even though no furniture was there, in each room there was a single framed photo hung on the wall, photos of the rooms in his and Sals house. It was a beautiful idea, and I was so thankful to be a part of it. The back garden of his new bungalow was small, but that's all he needed. The grass was such a bright shade of green, and flowers grew around the perimeter. Tom just looked calm, and happy. I loved to see him like that.

Me and Tom arranged to move all his stuff in the following day. It wasn't even a question as to whether I was helping or not, I just was. I said my goodbyes and headed home.

It was still warm in the day, but definitely getting cooler at night now, so I popped the heating on and sat down on the sofa with a cup of tea. Shortly after I finally sat down though I heard a knock at the door, without thinking I rushed to answer.

"Hi," Addi spoke up.

"Hello?" I replied, in a questioning tone.

"I just wanted to see you." Her voice cracked, but I didn't have any fucks left to give her. "Addi, I can't keep telling you that I don't want you in my life anymore."

Addi looked toward her feet, tears filling up her eyes. "Addi, we're over. Completely."

She turned her gaze toward me. "It doesn't have to be."

"Yes it does Addison." I paused, took a breath, and looked her dead in the eyes. "It has to be over because you couldn't at any point during our relationship think that I was enough, you always had to find someone better. You couldn't just be with me, there always had to be someone else, and it has to be made clear that it's over because I have someone who wants just me."

Addison gave me a look that told me that she finally understood. "I have to go." And with that Addison left.


Hey, almost finished recording sexy

Ok angel, no rush

That's soft, your the angel not me;)

Whatever you say, angel;)

I waited around for billies call, we'd been calling and texting for over a month now; safe to say I have feelings for her. My phone rang and immediately I answered, "hey there" I spoke up.

"Hey you." Billies voice was the highlight of my day. She'd gone from a stranger, to my stranger in 5 weeks. Every night we call, we sleep on FaceTime, every day we text, and call when we can. Billie is doing great her songs got released, just to add I died and went to heaven listening to them, and she's finally getting some recognition for them. Not loads, but a good amount. She always thanks me, it's pretty cute. She suddenly has girls and boys throwing themselves at her, but she always says to me she feels lucky she found me before she got recognition cause she knows that I'm truly all about her, and not just the 'clout' as she calls it.

"I feel like I need to tell you something cause I'd want to know, my ex turned up here today. I told her to leave, I told her it's completely over. She just doesn't leave me alone I'm tired of it..." I rambled on.

"Hey it's fine, don't worry I trust you. You're mine now." She reassured with a smirk, I nodded my head in agreement.

"Dude people make fan accounts of me now..." Billies expression was a picture I swear, she was so shocked at all the love and appreciation she was getting. I wasn't, I knew she'd get it, she's fucking amazing.

"I wanna meet Tom!" Billie stated so randomly. I threw my body back,

"Meet?" I questioned,

"yes, like on face time. He's clearly a huge part of your life." I nodded in complete agreement,

"Im moving his things into the new place tomorrow, I will call you if you want?"

Billie's eyes widened, "do I need to look more girly?"

"No, he doesn't care, he's just the sweetest old man in the world. But if he doesn't approve, it's done I'm sorry" I winked.

Billie looked a little panicked "I hope he likes me."

Not one part of me thought Tom wouldn't like her though, I was one hundred percent sure he would love her.

As usual, I got myself ready for bed and billie had her meal, and we talked until I fell asleep, except this night I hadn't fallen asleep completely and I could hear Finneas and Billie talking about me. "You two are cute" he spoke.

I'd 'met' Finneas at this point over FaceTime of course, we got on pretty well. He's funny, he reminds me of Billie really. "Shut up, it's just hard dude she's so far away, how can I be falling for someone who's 5160 miles away?"

Finneas let out a very faint gasp, "did my sister just say she's falling for someone?"

I heard billies perfect laugh, "that's my girl dude" Billie added, that was me impregnated by a single sentence. Eventually, I did fall asleep listening to the two.

The next morning I woke up bright and early and jumped in my car, it's not every day I use my car, the cafe is ten minutes away, tom lives fifteen minutes away so it's almost pointless driving there, but today we were moving boxes, and I couldn't wait. Today we were also meeting Billie, which I must admit I was more excited about.

I picked Tom up from his old home, it looked strange inside- most of the furniture was gone. This house was a seven bedroom, eight bathroom fucking beautiful home, and every room was filled with beautiful pieces of furniture, most of which had been sold on or gifted away to families who needed it.

Tom was the most giving person, but I'd never let him give me a penny. If he bought the coffee I was buying the breakfast, if he bought the starter, the mains on me. That's just what we were like. We had a budget at Christmas, and birthdays. It was always fifty fifty. I almost shed a tear looking around the empty palace, it was a beautiful home, and it had raised a beautiful family.

Throughout the day we brought boxes, unpacked them, and drove to get more boxes. The cycle went on. We went for lunch in between for a break at our favourite place outside of the cafe, and then we continued on.

Eventually we were down to the last load and this is where I felt the tears welling up. We'd had such a fun laughter filled day until we finally reached the end of an era. Toms eyes filled up, "well..." he started as he tapped the brick wall of the house, "you have served your purpose. A young man, and a beautiful young lady made four beautiful children and raised all of them in this house. We turned these brick walls into our loving home. Magical Christmas mornings, Easter egg hunts, birthdays anniversaries, all the way through to the feeling we got after being away on holiday and coming back here. There was no feeling quite like it. Me and my beloved wife grew old together here. We made so many memories. My great love came to an end and now it's time for a new family to create such beautiful memories and feel that great love for themselves. Thankyou for fifty beautiful years." He mumbled to himself, patting the wall again.

We walked to my car, hand in hand. We both blew the house a single kiss and drove off. Tom wiped away his tears, and we chatted on the drive down to his new place. "Tom you're more than welcome to sleep in my spare room if you aren't ready." I offered in a delicate tone.

"Thank you love, but it's time. I will never let her go, but I need to let the life we made go at some point, it's no longer our life, it's only mine until one day we meet again. I know she would hate that I was alone in that large house. She'll be happy for me. The reason I put a massive offer on this bungalow is because it was the bungalow we always admired, when we went on winter walks with the kids we walked down that street, past the little bungalow and every time we always joked that we'd retire there. How fitting that it came available when I was finally ready to move out?" Tom suggested, hinting that by some magic Sal gave him the go ahead on that home. Chills ran down my body.

"That's beautiful."

We unpacked the final box, it was now eight pm and I finally told Tom that he's about to meet Billie. Tom was ecstatic, I knew he would be.

I began calling Billie, and after only three rings she answered, a huge grin painted across her face as she saw me and Tom smiling at her. Billies hands immediately covered her face, she was so nervous. "Hi cherub, how are you?" Tom spoke up.

Billie immediately placed her hand on her heart, "hey! I'm good are u?" She was being extra polite, bless her. We all sat and chatted for a while. They even talked when I went to the bathroom. They got on so well it made my heart melt.

Eventually we all said our goodbyes as I had to head over to my best friends house. I hadn't seen Ria in such a long time since she'd been staying over her families house in France for the summer. I gave Tom a massive hug, and told him I'll see him at the cafe in the morning for his usual. With that I drove half an hour to Rias house.

"OH MY GOD HI!" She screamed, running toward me and hugging me, I'm surprised we didn't fall to the ground. We both laughed and went inside.

"I missed you so fucking much, fill me in how was France?" I asked, Ria filled me in on absolutely everything over a cup of tea, and I then got forced into telling her everything about Tom, and the house, addison turning up at my house and last but of course not least, Billie. Ria had heard billies music whilst in France and was slightly fangirling. Me and Ria spoke little bits whilst she was away, but overall not much she was with family and I'd been mad busy running the cafe for four of those weeks. No matter how much time passed, and how many conversions were lost we still talked like we'd never been away. The town felt a little more homely with Ria back. Time flew by and before I knew it the clock struck ten pm, it was going to take around forty five minutes to get home, and I had work early so we called it a night.

I drove home listening to some of billies music. Something felt so somber about the drive, I'd spent the day with the people I love so much, but i just wanted one hug from Billie. Just one.

Finally I was home and on FaceTime to Billie. "He is seriously adorable" Billie was still rambling on about Tom, and how she sees why I love him so much and see him as my grandad. "Oh Reese I just adore him." I giggled at how cute she was. I felt so whole... the girl I adore and my family getting along.

At some point I fell asleep on FaceTime and woke up to a snoozing Billie. Since I was on an early shift I rushed to get ready and made my walk to work- Billie woke up half way through, told me to have a good day and we sadly had to end the call.

"Hey sweetness. Josh is having a get together tonight, he told me to invite you, he also said bring Ria!" Jules informed, Josh is her son. He was in my year at school, we always got on like brother and sister. I really haven't been anywhere but work, or the usual Tom dates in a good six months. I kind of took myself away from that lifestyle to focus on early mornings, healthy diets and work. I felt better for it, but one night can't hurt. "I'll come for a few hours, and of course Ria will be down." Jules cheered, she loves a good get together, she used to be the fun mum that let josh have parties. Her house was the party house. I grabbed my phone and text Ria.


Jules is throwing a get together tonight, you up for it? I'll drive🥳x

Duh, when should I be ready 😜

I get off work at 4, I'll go home sort myself out and come to yours for 6 ish? I'll be heading home at like
11:30 but if u wanna stay I'll come get u boo😌x


In strolled Mr.Webb, I began preparing his coffee and put his order through. "Hey there!" I smiled.

"Hey darlin! First night went good, it feels so much better than the house. The kids are coming to see it tonight, it's just a shame they have to book a hotel now!" He laughed half heartedly.

"And by the kids you mean?.." I added.

Tom laughed again "by the kids I do mean the thirty plus ones! I'm sure they'll bring the babies though, and by babies I mean the five plus."

We both joined in a giggle then Tom made his way over to his table. I always feel so happy when toms kids come over. It brings tom so much joy. Ive met his kids, they're all so lovely. The small grand kids are adorable too. Tom ate his breakfast and then left, I'm assuming he wanted to make sure the bungalow was as tidy as it can get. He used to be the same with the house, he'd spend all day cleaning and organising before the kids came.

The end of my shift arrived and off I went. Jules had left an hour earlier to start preparing for tonight, whilst I closed the cafe for the night at Jules request.

I ran home, showered quickly and sent Billie a text.



Hey bub, Ive got this thing, well it's a get together at Jules' im leaving at 11 though, so I'll still call you

Ok pretty, have fun and be safe please

Thankyou angel, missin you

Stop with that, ur the angel I'm not;) I'm missin you too

Once I was ready I jumped in the car and drove down to Rias, we headed to Jules. The whole way there was like old times. Belting out good music, laughing fits, windows down. It was nostalgic- I missed her too much.

Once we arrived we walked in and said our hellos. Jules' house was beautiful, a regular four bedroom house but decorated so nicely. Jules' took a lot of pride in her home. "Hey Reese!" Josh shouted as he saw me.

"Hey!" We hugged and josh passed me a glass of water, he must have noticed I was driving.

"It's so good to see you stranger!" He added, stranger... damn I miss Billie.

"I've kept myself to myself lately, I don't know I just haven't felt up to it you know. How are you anyway?" I rambled.

"Yeah, I'm not too bad. Me and Neve broke up, it needed to happen though..." I was shocked, Josh and Neve got together at the start of high school, they must've been in a relationship for six or seven years.

"How did I not know this?" I asked with wide eyes.

Josh shrugged his shoulders, "no one knew, I only told the boys a few days ago, we wanted to make sure it was really over. Anyway, we've been done for a good five months now. I feel relief."

I nodded my head, knowing exactly how he felt, "guess you'd know right? With Addi?" He added.

I quickly filled him in about addi showing up at my house, "shes out of order Ree, I never liked her she controlled everything you did. You're gay, and she hated the fact that you had friends that were boys, but also didn't let you be friends with your girls either just incase. You were completely manipulated."

I smiled at the fact he called me Ree. That's my nickname, and with me isolating myself, and Ria being away, I hadn't heard it in too long, "yeah she did, she was texting me too. It's crazy. I think me telling her I'm talking to someone got it through to her finally though."

Josh sent me a smirk, "show me a picture."

I quickly looked through my phone and found a picture of Billie, Josh punched my arm lightly as he made a comment about how hot she was, told me he approved and we ended the conversation there. I spent the rest of my night having small talk with old friends, and watching Josh and Ria secretly flirt- that's one thing I didn't expect. I told Ria I'd stay til half eleven but being here I just wanted to head home and get in my pyjamas, I think admittedly I just wanted to talk to Billie.

"Hey Ri, I'm gonna-"

Ria cut me off, "go talk to your girl, I love you!"

I gave Ria a massive hug, "I love you, do you want me to pick you up?"

She shook her head and gave me a huge hug, "no, it's ok Jules said she'd take me!"

I finally arrived home.


Hey, I left early can I call you?

Course you can bby, everything ok?

Yeah, everything's good


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