seraphic [h.s]

By ohharryangel

324K 10K 18.3K

1988. Self discovery wasn't something that came easy to Mabel, in fact, she'd refused to deal with the matte... More

authors note.
cast list.
part I
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty one.
chapter twenty two.
chapter twenty three.
chapter twenty four.
chapter twenty five.
chapter twenty six.
chapter twenty seven.
chapter twenty eight.
chapter twenty nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty one.
chapter thirty two.
chapter thirty three.
chapter thirty four.
chapter thirty five.
chapter thirty six.
chapter thirty seven.
chapter thirty eight.
chapter thirty nine.
chapter forty.
chapter forty one.
chapter forty two.
chapter forty three.
chapter forty four.
chapter forty five.
part II
chapter forty six.
chapter forty seven.
chapter forty eight.
chapter forty nine.
chapter fifty.
chapter fifty one.
chapter fifty two.
chapter fifty three.
chapter fifty four.
chapter fifty five.
chapter fifty six.
chapter fifty seven.
chapter fifty eight.
chapter fifty nine.
chapter sixty.
chapter sixty one.
chapter sixty two.
chapter sixty three.
thank you.

chapter four.

5.9K 167 99
By ohharryangel

"You always lay on your living room floor like that?"

Jett's curious voice piped up through the emptiness of my home, I wasn't expecting anybody to question my strange habits, clearly I still wasn't used to anybody else being here. My mother and father had gone to church, their early morning ritual on a Sunday. Leaving Evie and her friends to stay hidden in their rooms still asleep.

I heaved myself up onto my elbows, crossing my legs and sitting up straighter. "Oh sorry, just a habit I guess." I confessed, brushing the stray strands of hair behind my shoulders. "No need to apologise sunshine, just not used to living with a family is all." She huffed, bouncing down onto the couch near my feet. "No?" I questioned lightly, smiling softly to let her know she could elaborate if she wanted to.

"God no. My mom and dad said bye as soon as they could. Been on my own since I was fifteen." Her voice had a sense of amusement, a kind of storytelling sound that I wasn't sure how to respond to. "That's awful. I'm so sorry." I spoke in hesitation, not knowing exactly if it was a soft spot for her or not. "It's okay though, I've learnt a lot from it and thank fuck they left when they did otherwise I wouldn't be who I am right now." Jett shrugged, with a smile on her face.

It were moments like these that made me realise how much of my life I hadn't lived. It took me a long time to understand the sheltered life I'd been brought up in, as grateful as I was for everything, I could admit that I hadn't been through much. Which I wasn't sure was a good thing because really, I didn't have much to grow from. "You don't know what to say, huh?" Jett chuckled, booping my nose from her spot on the couch. I looked at her with wide eyes, a hopeful gesture for her to understand my awkwardness. "Kind of, well, not exactly. I just, am not exactly the greatest person to talk to sometimes." I mumbled, bringing my eyes down to my fidgeting hands.

"I think you're doin' just great. Plus, you think I know what to say half of the time? Because let me tell you, I absolutely do not." She exclaimed, managing to bring a grin to my cheeks. "You're nothin' like your sister y'know?" Her cheery expression stayed bright on her face, lighting up the gloomy room we sat in. The weather had taken a turn, while it was still extremely boiling outside, the sun had decided to reside behind the clouds.

"Is that good or bad?" I laughed, huddling my knees to my chest and leaning my back against the coffee table. My bare legs felt the carpet beneath me, still in my pyjamas, it had been a quick nights sleep until morning arrived. The night before slipping from my mind as I woke up to a full house, it was as if the events of last night had never even occurred to begin with. "Definitely good. You're both special in your own way, but I like you already and I haven't even been here long." Her dark eyebrows shot up to prove her point further, the single braid in my hair matching her doubles.

"There's not much to like, I'm known to be quite boring, or so I've heard." Her cheeks frowned at my words, almost in disbelief of what I'd said. "Well whoever the fuck dared to say that will have me to deal with. Trust me, I throw a good punch y'know, defended myself plenty of times." I appreciated her enthusiasm, wondering how on earth I could take a page from her book.

I admired the way she carried herself, not that I'd even known her long, though I could tell the amount of respect she had for herself was immense. Straightening my legs, I placed my slouch socked feet under the gap of the couch, leaning back on my hands. "You seem like you'd have some really good stories to tell." I spoke aloud, nodding my head at my own words as I eyed her. She chuckled out, the husk to her laugh causing a grin to appear on my cheeks alongside her own.

"I have the best fucking stories you'll ever hear. I've seen, heard and done just about everything you could ever think of." She gaped, bringing a hand up to her chest in proudness. My mind could only wonder so far, thinking about everything she could possibly be referring to. "Really? Oh you'll just have to get your stories ready because I want to hear them all." I excitedly spoke, knowing I could probably learn a lot from her.

I realised that Jett was one of those people who could make me feel comfortable within seconds. Without pestering me with questions as to why I appeared to be more reserved to begin with. All of the good genes had been sent over to Evie, for some odd reason I had seemed to be built with all of the reject genetics.

"You wanna smoke up tonight? We could have a real fuckin' cute movie marathon and sleepover in here? I'll let you in on some stories that'll blow your fuckin' mind." I gulped at Jett as she squirmed in her seat, her crossed legged position still allowing her to wiggle in excitement. I licked my lips in nervousness, a sign she wasn't able to grasp, "Smoke up?" Seemed to be the set of words that stuck within my mind from her idea. "Yeah, y'know, weed? I've got some. S'nothing crazy sunshine, we could ditch the weed and just do a movie sleepover?"

Though as I processed the idea over in my mind, realising that it would probably be good for me. I nodded my head with a smile, "I think that's a great idea. We just have to do it after my parents go to sleep." Jett giggled at my words, "Of course, we ain't no rule breakers."

"That's fuckin' funny, coming from you."

Both Jett and I swivelled our heads around to meet Leon, his bare chest of full display again, something my eyes had become used to. He walked so casually into the living room, bending down to where I sat to plant a kiss on my cheek, as well as doing the same to Jett. "Morning, love bugs."

"Plural." I suggested with a smirk, eyeing Leon as he fell back into the couch, beside Jett. "You know it baby." He hummed, resting his head gently against the couch, as if to restore some sleep. "You get up to anythin' fun last night, sweets?" Leon asked, bringing his attention towards me. I gulped lightly, not wanting to express the nervous rush that fled through me at his question. I'd hoped that Harry hadn't told the lot of them that he'd seen me, I didn't hold much faith in him at all really, but I prayed that he held some sought of decency.

"Um, not that much. Just a night in with Avery." I muttered quickly, hoping to have no further questions. "Oh, the looker who came here yesterday for you? She was cute." He spoke with a wink in my direction, my mouth propped open, not liking whatever his mischievous face was insinuating.

"Don't you dare get any ideas." I warned him, pointing my index finger at him with a grin and weary eyes. His deep chuckle roamed around the quiet room, only to be met with footsteps moments later. Causing the three of us to turn our heads once again, being met with the sight of a tired looking Harry. He rubbed at his eyes as he stepped onto the carpeted floor, taking slow steps over to where we all sat.

"At least one of us had a bangin' night, quite literally. Am I right H?" Leon boomed as he slapped a hand down onto Harry's thigh, only a second after he'd joined them on the couch. I peered over towards Harry, realising he was a man of few words. "You got a problem with it?" Harry asked with a nudge of his head, letting his hands file through his brown locks.

"Not one. Just sayin' you don't have to fuck randoms at every single gig we do." Leon's tone became sturdier, enough for me to realise his subliminal message. Just as Harry was about to give him a piece of his mind, I butted in, propping myself up from the floor and gesturing my hands out. "I-I think this may be uncharted territory for me, I'll make some coffees. You guys want one?" Both Leon and Harry murmured a 'yes', though they looked extremely occupied and ready to let loose.

Jett pounced up in unison to me, "I'll come with." She sang as she skipped her way into the kitchen. I followed right behind her, already hearing the muffled voices of Leon and Harry. I grabbed the kettle, brining it over towards the sink to fill it with water. "They okay in there?" I asked Jett, bringing the kettle back to its spot and flicking the switch to allow the water to boil.

I walked over to the bench, opposite of where Jett sat on the stool. Leaning my arms onto the peach coloured counter, she narrowed her eyes at me, letting out a huff in frustration to the boys' conversation. "They butt heads a lot, you become used to it really. Harry's just a bit-" She pondered on her next words as she breathed out and continued, "Adventurous. He likes to fuck, a lot of people seem to just fall to his feet. Leon's pissed because every gig we have Harry loves to mark his territory, he says one day it'll give us a bad name if he keeps goin' the way he is."

The chime of the kettle sounded, I walked over to the cupboard, pulling it open and setting four mugs onto the counter. My eyebrows rose, taking in what Jett had just explained to me, "I see, and how do you feel about the situation?" I asked her, spooning the coffee into each mug, then pouring a small amount of milk into them. Jett rolled her eyes, her dark lashes standing out compared to the paleness of her skin, "I've told Harry plenty of times to at least try and keep his dick in his pants. I think there's a time and place to fuck but when we're out on the job he could at least press pause on it."

I understood where she was coming from, not that I had the right to take sides when I wasn't even involved in the situation at all. Grabbing the steaming kettle, I filled each mug up to the brim, stirring them and letting them cool. I placed my elbows on the counter once again, resting my chin in my hand, "That makes sense." I nodded, passing over a mug towards Jett's open hands. "Harry does what he wants though and rightly so, but he's a softie, not that he ever shows it. He'll listen without a doubt." The more I took in Jett's words, the more I couldn't understand them, from what I'd seen, Harry was not a softie and rather a complete jerk.

She swivelled herself around on the stool, leaping down and sliding along the tiles of the kitchen in her socks to see if the boys had stopped bickering, "Come, let's go see the damage." She winked at me, grabbing another cup in her free hand and waiting for me to follow. I then picked up the two spare mugs, one in each hand as I carefully walked over to Jett as we entered the living room once again.

"I could totally cut the tension with a knife in here, you two good?" Jett blurted as she handed Leon one of the mugs she held. Leaving me to shudder at the thought of having to hand mine to Harry, who had now moved onto the single armchair beside the couch. "We always are." Leon smiled, his eyes wavering over to Harry as if to double check. As quickly and carefully as I could, I outstretched my arm, signalling for Harry to grab the mug.

Though he seemed to stare at me for some time, his glare piercing holes through my body. It didn't help my already shaky hand, and as he took his time reaching for the mug, the tiniest bit of coffee launched itself from the trembling cup and onto his bare leg. His shorts sat high on his thighs, leaving me to realise the hot coffee had dropped onto his tattooed tiger that seemed to be staring me down just as he was.

"Ow, fuck." Harry cursed, immediately wiping the coffee on his leg with the end of his grey t-shirt. "Shit, oh my god, I'm so sorry." I frantically spoke, still standing stagnant before him. In reality, it wasn't that big of a deal, but seeing as he already didn't like me, even though the feeling was mutual, it wouldn't help my situation regarding last night in any way.

Leon and Jett sat in their previous spots laughing, rambling on about how Harry's face morphed into an angered one, even more than it already had been. As I apologised once again, a downfall of mine, just to make sure he recognised that I genuinely meant it. Though with the cold look that he gave me, I wasn't convinced that he did.

"Make my own coffee next time." I heard him mutter to himself under his breath as I sat back down onto the soft floor. I whipped my head over to where he sat, noticing the raised eyebrows of Jett and Leon's smirking lips. "Okay well you know where the kitchen is." I scoffed, rolling my eyes and bringing my warm cup up to my lips.

"So, tonight, Mabel and I decided it's weed and movie night. If you find yourselves free and in need of something to do, you're welcome to join." Jett announced trying to ease the tension, taking the small elastic band out of one of her braids and redoing the bottom of it. "In this house? I don't think so." Harry chuckled, one which was filled with a smart undertone. As much as I tried to be a decent person, sometimes people just needed to be set in their place.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I questioned him, causing the tension to rise and never falter. "You think your parents will be okay with that? Or will you not tell them about that either?" My jaw dropped at his words, in awe of the fact that he'd just dared to say such thing. I guess he had no decency within him and praying that he wouldn't say anything was never something I should have even thought of. "I don't remember asking for your opinion to begin with, so, maybe you should keep your mouth shut." I speedily uttered, noticing the wave of shock that passed onto his face for only a minute.

Giggles sounded from my left, ones I knew belonged to Jett, "That's my fuckin' girl. I like snappy Mabel, you watch yourself Harry, wouldn't want to get put in your place." Harry scoffed loudly, taking a swig of coffee and scratching the tip of his nose.

"I lied before, we are rule breakers, but only when we need to be. Right Mabel?" Jett questioned with confidence, I straightened my shoulders before answering in the same tone.



The coolness of the blasting aircon ran throughout the house. It had been so hot during the day, and that didn't seem to let up as soon as it got dark because now it was six o'clock and still just as hot.

I stood near the split system that gushed cool air, my arms raised over my head and trying to get the most of it onto me. My air dried hair moved with the motion of the aircon, waving the damp sections that were yet to dry completely. Rising on my tippy toes further, my blue coloured toes a refreshing comparison to the peach carpet they stood on.

The white cotton shorts I'd decided to chuck on were slowly creeping up the sides of my hips as I stretched for more air, standing in my living room extremely impatiently as I was. As I peered down at myself, the black button up top that sat an inch above my belly button seemed to hug me tighter than it usually did when I'd first bought it.

Not long after Jett and I had made coffee for the four of us, Evie had stomped her way down, moody as she normally was on a Sunday morning. Though it was the little peace we had before my mother and father came home, because once they had, the day consisted of nonstop chores and too many eye rolls to count.

Though Evie had agreed to join us for the night, the three girls; Jett, Evie and I, would indulge in the essence of film watching and it was surprisingly something I had been looking forward to all day. Just the thought of going back to work tomorrow easily lowered my happy spirit, the week would always include me working here and there since I hadn't decided what on earth I'd wanted to do with my life yet. In my mother and father's eyes, my twenty one year old self should really have my entire life planned out by now.

"Mabel, come get the drinks please." Jett shouted from the kitchen, causing me to whip my head back in fright as I had been in my own world for quite some time now. I walked over to where Jett was, her frantic state popping ice cubes out from their trays and into the three lined up glasses of coca cola.

The house was quiet like it usually was, my parents had gone to bed not long after dinner, though as well as after a bribe from my sister on letting them know we had a movie night planned. I helped bring down all the blankets and pillows from my room, making sure we would all be as comfortable as possible. Evie ordered the pizza, made sure the videotape recorder still worked well with the television and I ran around doing any odd jobs that had been left, to prepare for the evening.

"I'll bring them into the living room?" I asked Jett as she wiped the water precipitation from the glass onto the red of her cropped tank top. "Yes please." She sang, turning around and grabbing a tiny board for me to carry them all on. I placed the glasses on its surface, fumbling with the sides though managing to secure it and bring it into the living room. "This is exactly what we need, a girls night, haven't had one of those in a fuckin' long time." Jett squealed as she entered the room and re adjusted the blue shorts she wore.

"Me neither, I think we have everything. I'm going to sit now because I really cannot be bothered doing anything else." I chuckled, finding the end seat of the couch and spinning myself down. "Come on you little shits, let's get this night started." Evie wooed as she came rushing down the steps. Just as she was about to find a seat for herself, a slight knock on the door made us all the more excited.

"Pizza's here." Evie mentioned as she ran towards the knocking, opening the door and handing the quiet man his money. "Thankyou so much." She grinned, taking the three boxes we'd ordered and sliding the door closed with her foot. The instant aroma fuelled through my stomach, allowing for it to rumble and yearn for the goodness that awaited us. I leapt up from my seat, grabbing the three delicate plates and handing them out for both Evie and Jett. We manoeuvred the boxes across the coffee table, opening them up and digging in.

I went straight to the margarita, knowing I wanted to taste the cheesy sensations mixed in with the rich sauce. "God this looks gnarly." Jett hummed in praise of the vegetarian pizza she had opted for. I was convinced drool had started to accumulate from my mouth as I brought the piping hot slice up to my lips, knowing quite well that a long string of melted cheese was dangling from it. "Fuuuck." I whined, feeling extremely content, the room was quite apart from the satisfied mumbles that came from Evie, Jett and myself.

"Okay, this is fuckin' it. Why is this like, the most beautiful taste ever." I nodded my head quickly at Jett's words, immediately agreeing, I wasn't sure if I was just so hungry that anything would have hit the spot or if the few puffs of weed we'd had before organising everything finally kicked in. "Alright, let me pop this in, we're good yeah? Mabel, turn the lights off please?" Evie spoke as she sauntered from her spot and slid the video into its slot. I reached as far as I could from my seat, my fingertips just touching the light switch as I flicked them down.

"This one is supposed to be good, the boys have watched it and like, recited the whole fuckin' script for a good week after that. Remember Evie? They'd never fuckin' shut it." I watched in amusement at Jett's recollection, giggling at the thought of Leon and Harry reciting words from the Godfather. "Press play spunk, I'm so ready, look at us in our element." I smiled as I looked over towards the girls, grinning even wider when they both agreed.

With a quick press of a button, the movie began unfolding, we all sat in angst, wondering where on earth this movie would lead to. I continued to chew the doughy texture, feeding myself more and more until the buzz of hunger slowly faded.


The small screen occupied the three of us for the entire length of the movie, nobody spoke, we shifted in gasps and shock of what had happened throughout, asking numerous questions aloud and shushing the other so we could still listen.

After the boxes of pizza were home to only a couple left over slices, stacked onto one another, the room became even darker as the credits rolled out and the three of us sat wide eyed staring at the television. "And there you go, if that taught us anything, it's that you cannot escape your responsibilities." Evie slowly exhaled, turning her head, "Well clearly." I pointed to the ending movie, my mind feeling a sense of empowerment from the meaning of how the film unfolded, though I knew it was laughable to be inspired by a film based on crime within a family business. I thought about my own family, thinking how on earth we'd deal with that and what on earth we'd get convicted for.

I wasn't sure if it were a troubling thought, feeling the pull in my tummy with the exciting thrill of imagining my life like that. It was safe to say I'd hardly been involved in anything daredevilish, nothing that ignited that sense of wild fire within me. So far I'd been kind of okay with that, though I would always long for that feeling here and there, knowing I was capable of more just not knowing what. Nothing nearly as life threatening as what had gone down in the Godfather, that was something I'd pass on any given day.

"I feel kinda teary, that was the fuckin' shit. Mabel," Jett cried, immediately pausing after calling my name, I met her glance as she continued, holding a sour look on her face as if she were about to recite something. "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." I waited no time to burst out in laughter, holding my stomach as my chest fell forward. I wiped a single tear beside my eye that dared to escape, the fits of laughter the three of us had erupted into only getting louder. So loud that we hadn't heard the click of the door as it opened.

"You're all fuckin' wild. Jett you gave us shit for reciting that and you go fuckin' do it."

It was Leon, strolling in first through the door with a sour looking Harry behind him. My previous grin faltered at the sight of him, I wasn't sure why, though I was curious as to why his eyes had found mine first when he'd decided to look up. "It was so good, didn't expect so much yearn within me to want to be like them." Jett chuckled, which only made Leon roll his eyes with a wide smile, his hair so messily strewn I wanted to fix it myself.

"We're gonna bake, you wanna join?" Evie asked, pulling the small joint out from her jacket pocket and slinging the pink lighter from the table. I couldn't stray my eyes from Harry, the wifebeater he wore almost looking transparent to the dark shaded tattoos that graced his body. "You know I'd never turn one down." Leon hummed as he sat himself on the floor, in front of the television facing us, Harry too followed his actions, sitting right beside him.

"You don't have to make everything look like a chore y'know." I whispered, hoping for only Harry to hear me as I whispered in his direction. I wasn't sure what had possessed me to say it, maybe it was the haunting frown that fled through his inviting skin. Slowly, he turned his head, angling to mine, his eyes squinting in question as if to say 'what the fuck'. I shrugged my shoulders, hoping for some sought of emotion from him that never seemed to give. "It's true, lighten up a little, hunk." Evie chimed in, sending me a wink I hadn't caught the meaning of.

The pink lighter then caught my eye, the flame flickering up and surrounding the end of the joint, I watched in awe, wanting to get another taste because before had really not been enough. It was as if Evie had heard my throughs first hand, she smirked my way with a piercing stare so sharp I couldn't help but gulp. "You wanna take the first swig, baby." Immediately I nodded, pushing myself up from my seat, carefully stepping over both Harry and Leon's outstretched feet. Standing beside where Evie sat, I knelt to the ground slowly, puckering my lips as Evie perched the joint in between them. "That's fuckin' hot, love bug, somethin' so easy as that." Leon's faint voice ran through the room as I let the smoke soak through my lungs, inhaling as much as I could in one go.

"Even I'm getting flustered, get that thing away from her." Jett joked, gently sliding out of her seat to join me on the floor, the two of us kneeling beside Evie as she passed the joint between us. I could feel the haze flutter through my mind, getting lost in all of my previous thoughts, drowning them out instantly. "I feel like I'm watchin' somethin' I shouldn't be. Harry, you gettin' a load of this too?" I roamed my eyes over to Harry at Leon's exhale, eager to see if he too was getting a load of this. It intrigued me more than it should have, but the cloudiness inside of my brain right now was far too strong for me to be rational about it.

From what I could see, Harry wiggled in his place on the floor, fidgety and unable to focus on the scene unfolding in front of his very eyes. I felt a tug deep in my stomach as I noticed the tiny smirk that wanted to seep from Harry's lips, my glance caught a glimpse of his cotton candy coloured tongue darting over his plump lips, looking severely dangerous.

"Mmm, maybe some music, anyone object?" I sang, standing up from my uncomfortable kneeling position and prancing over towards the silver shimmered stereo. I quirked an eyebrow as I walked back over the boys' feet, waiting for anybody to interject and tell me no. "Didn't think so." I hummed in satisfaction, letting my fingers press the nimble buttons.

"Jesus, Mabel's a little brat when she's high, noted." Evie admitted, her eyes unable to focus on anything, a knowing sign that she was a lightweight with the herbal essence flooding through her. She shimmied her way out of the chair, standing up on its cushioning and winging her hips. "Play it baby, now, let's dance." Her excitement flooded through the room, expanding to both Jett and Leon but expectantly skipping Harry.

As the cheery quick beats of the song began, I swivelled my body around to face them once again, suddenly noticing the way that everything seemed to move extremely slow, my furrowing brows trying to understand how Leon was dancing in milliseconds and slow motion all at the same time. Evie remained in her place, standing on her seat of the couch, Jett had sweetly leapt onto the table as Leon took reigns in trying to haul Harry up from his confused state on the floor.

The wide grin spread on my face before I allowed it to, smiling like a cheshire cat, before I knew it, my feet came in contact with the lonesome looking couch, the material moulding to my feet that now stood on it. My hazy eyes roamed around the room, in disbelief of how I'd never noticed the furniture to look so inviting. I felt my hands rush over the length of my sides, coming up to brush over my breasts and reaching towards the ceiling as if I could somehow touch it.

A voice then sounded to the words of the song, it sounded so familiar and energetic until I realised that it was my own.

"I remember when rock was young, me and Suzie had so much fun."

- - -



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I absolutely love writing this story and can't wait to keep seeing it unfold.

Thankyou so much for reading, I appreciate it so very much! There'll be heaps of song references as the story continues so I'll make sure to add them if you wanted to check them out.

I love you.

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