The Little Devil of the 5th x...

بواسطة Kiyorisawabakinami

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As you guys can see hehe This takes place at the start of Y2V1 Ichika Amasawa along with 2 other White... المزيد

Her Feelings
Expect the Unexpected
Her Freedom
D-D-Date!? (Revised)
D-D-Date!? Pt. III
Showing off
Argument(not an update)

D-D-Date?! Pt. II

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بواسطة Kiyorisawabakinami

Amasawa POV~

We proceeded to exit the clothing outlet leaving behind senpai's~ classmates who were 'stalking' us. Just what were they doing? I don't really think that could even be called stalking. They were already in our field of view the moment we arrived at this place called Keyaki mall, I've never been to one of these types of places before, of course the same goes for Sakurako and Yagami too, it's really big and apparently you could do a whole of stuff in here. 

The group that were stalking us were still inside the store probably waiting for us to go farther away from them. I mean why do you guys have to be in such a large group? Well even if they did go in a small group or solo they would never ever be able to go unnoticed by me or senpai~, they're seriously annoying though , that little stunt I pulled should tell them to not interrupt our date any further~. 

(She means the smile she showed before walking out)

The moment senpai~ and I got out of the store we were greeted by a loli?

She had lilac-hair and a very petite figure that somehow reminds me of my 12 year old self. Next to her was a pretty girl who had purple hair, her only downside was she had a disgusted expression attached on her face, I think she directed her disgust towards the loli next to her. Is she really a highschooler ? No matter how I see her, she definitely looks like how a 6th grader would.

Sakayanagi: fufufu~ to think Ayanokouji-kun would go on a date with a kouhai on the first day of school~.

She said to senpai~ in a very superior like manner, but her voice didn't fit her words at all, it was unusually high.

Kiyotaka: I really didn't expect this either Sakayanagi.

Senpai~ said. 

Eh? Why was senpai treating her with a certain amount of respect? Is she supposed to be an opponent to him? I really couldn't see that. 

Ichika: Eh senpai~is there supposed to be an elementary school here?

I asked senpai~ with geniuine curiousity and a little smugness, but the girl beside the loli was grinning like a pyscho, creepy. The loli's smile didn't fade, but it changed from a smug smile earlier to a threatening one now. 

Not cute loli-chan.

Kamuro: Pfft.

Sakayanagi: Ayanokouji-kun may I ask who is this kouhai?

She asked in a clearly angry tone. 

Kouhai? So she was supposed to be my senpai huh, the outside world's a strange place.

Kiyotaka: She's a kouhai I met today Sakayanagi.

Ichika: Eh? She's a senpai? I'm sorry loli-senpai~

The girl next to her was holding her mouth with both hands struggling to hold in her laughter, while loli-senpai had a vein bulging in her forehead hehe~.  

She wanted to talk, but senpai~ spoke first.

Kiyotaka: *sighs* This is Amasawa Ichika, and she is Sakayanagi Arisu, now play nice okay?

Hmph! Senpai~ was treating me like a child. I can understand the loli, but why me?!

Ayanokouji POV~

These two meeting is possibly one of the worst coincidences I've ever witnessed, and I'm a man who lives using coincidences as my main weapon .

Amasawa POV~

Sakayanagi: Amasawa-san~

The loli said in a cheery, but horror-striking tone.

Amasawa: Nice to meet you too Sakayanagi-senpai~.... Nope doesn't feel right at all, I'll just stick with loli-senpai hehe~.

It seems loli-senpai is at her breaking point the purple haired girl is holding back the loli by holding onto her shoulder, while watching senpai lets out a sigh and opens his mouth.

Kiyotaka: Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi POV~

Kiyotaka: Sakayanagi

I was going to hit the nasty kouhai with my cane, but was stopped by Masumi-san, then Ayanokouji-kun, called out to me I looked at him.

Kiyotaka: I get how you're feeling right now, but please hold it in, Amasawa probably knows more about me than anyone else in this school.

Kamuro: Hmm...

Including me? The way he phrased it... Is he implying the possibilty that Amasawa-san is from the Whiteroom? No the way he said it, was implying that he is almost certain about it.

Sakayanagi: I see... it seems this is not the time yet. We will be on our way now Ayanokouji-kun, let's go Masumi-san. We shouldn't hold up their date any longer.

If she really is from the Whiteroom, her intellectual prowess should atleast be a step down from Ayanokouji-kun's or atleast equal with mine not to mention I don't know her physical prowess either, now is not the time to antagonize her.

Kamuro: Fine.

Kiyotaka:Okay, bye.

Sakayanagi: See you later Ama-sa-wa-san.

I said in an annoyed voice.

Ichika: See you later loli-senpai~!

She said cheekily 

Sakayanagi:'What a troublesome kouhai.'

I walked away with Masumi-san walking towards our intial destination. Then we saw Hashimoto-kun hiding behind a pillar, we were supposed to meet 5 minutes ago, but we were held up, it seems he heard some parts of my conversation with Ayanokouji-kun and the nasty kouhai.

Hashimoto: Hime who was the kouhai King was with?

He asked with curiousity, King huh. A fitting nickname for someone like him.

Sakayanagi: Her name was Amasawa Ichika.

Hashimoto then started typing on his phone it seems like he opened the newly introduced OAA app, it was certainly useful, it allows the student's of all three years to view a certain student's evaluation based on the schools criterion. It seems he was searching for Amasawa-san in the app, it looks like he did so, his expression shown was that of a shocked face. It seems she had a high rating.

Hashimoto: H-Hime, that kouhai has an A on Academic Ability and A- on Physical Ability.

He said this with an awestruck expression. Including Masumi-san who also had a shocked face. Well it seems like she atleast has the capablities to even be considered a Whiteroom student, but it seems unlike Ayanokouji-kun she doesn't hold back as much.

Hashimoto: Why is King with someone like her? She could possibly be one of the most talented students within the new 1st years.

Sakayanagi: Didn't you hear our conversation Hashimoto-kun?

Hashimoto: I only heard little bits like her calling you a loli.

Kamuro: Pfft.

I suddenly felt something in me rise up and I realized that it was anger, I was gripping my cane harder and harder, remembering her say that is making me lose my composure more and more.

Kamuro: Oi Hashimoto, look at what you did to her.

She said while pointing at me.

Hashimoto: H-Hime! Your cane will break!

Don't worry Amasawa-san, after I guarantee Ayanokouji-kun's safety I'll come after your head next, it doesn't matter whether you're a Whiteroom student or not.

3rd Person POV~

The group 'stalking' Ayanokouji and Amasawa finally got out the store after they felt the distance between them was right. Surprisingly even when they knew they got 'caught', most of them still pursued on following the two, while some randos wen't home. 

Before they could even take their second step outside the store they saw Ayanokouji having a conversation with Sakayanagi and Kamuro. 

Ike: How does Ayanokouji know Sakayanagi-chan?

Sudo: Oi Kanji! You remember what happened to Haruki right?

Hondo: Yeah dude if she ever hears you say that your dead.

Ike: Where's the harm?

Sudo: There.

He said while pointing at Sakayanagi.

Ike: Understandable, have a good day.

Hirata: I'm curious too.

Hiratards: If Hirata-kun says so.


Shinohara: Maybe he's betraying the class!!!!

Random defect: Yeah!!!


Clit: Even in this Universe Author-san? Really?

Author ignored him

Clit: Author-san....

Author: I can't help it okay!

Clit: *Sighs*


Okitani: How dare he betray the class!

Most of the defects agreed.

Horikita: How did you come to that conclusion?

She said clearly irritated.

Shinohara: Don't you see Horikita-san? He clearly is talking with Sakayanagi-san!

Horikita: And?

Shinohara: B-But, he's b-betraying the class...

She couldn't find an answer to her own accusation. Horikita just sighs.

Matsushita: Maybe it's because they were both commanders in the End of year exam.

Hirata: That explains it, or they could just be normal friends.

Keisei: Why didn't Kiyotaka tell us he's friends with Sakayanagi-san!?


Clit: Author-san... Why you gotta do him dirty here too?

Author: Sorry..........not sorry.

Clit: Did you just quote Demi Lovato? Anyway you gotta stop doing this Author-san.

Author: No promises.


Haruka: Does he really need to Yukimuu?

Akito: Yeah, Kiyotaka can have other friends than us, and I think he should at least have some.

Akibro ftw.

Airi: Other friends than us....

She thought dejectedly, she was clearly against the idea.

Keisei: B-But... He d-didn't t-tell us.

Akito: Shut up Keisei.

Akibro mad af.

Haruka: Hey now don't fight we gotta keep watching Kiyopon.

Harukaa-san scolded her sons.

Akito/Keisei: H-Haii...

Kei:' Kiyotaka and Sakayanagi-san?! I have too many rivals...'

(Sorry Kei, but you'll ever only be a rival in this fanfic.)

Ike: Look Sakayanagi-chan is looking angry.

Satou: M-Maybe that kouhai made her angry...

Inogashira: Y-Yeah she was very straightforward earlier after all.

Mori: Isn't that bad?

Ike: Oh look she calmed down.

Satou : Looks like their done talking.

Shittyhara: They're walking away let's go.

The 'stalkers' followed them 'sneakily'.

Ayanokouji POV~

Finally that hellhole was done, Sakayanagi walked away and talked with Hashimoto, it seems he was already listening to our conversation, but I doubt he heard anything note worthy, he probably just heard Amasawa saying loli over and over again she was pretty loud after all. 

It was impressive that she could tick off Sakayanagi like that the only other person who could possibly do that is Ryuuen, but it seems like she got the meaning of my words, she immediately calmed down after a while after all.

She was right to back away then, I didn't wan't her to provoke Amasawa, she could potentially be a hindrance if made an enemy, although right now I'm not even sure if she considers me an ally. There were too many possibilities regarding the truth in her words. I was only forced to believe it earlier in the classroom, but now I can start my own Investigation.

Ichika: Senpai~ you still don't believe me do you?

Why does it feel like she's reading my thoughts?

Kiyotaka: Why do you think so?

Ichika: Just a hunch.

What an incredibly accurate hunch

Kiyotaka: Well you aren't wrong.

I mean you literally "greeted" me in the middle of my classroom and said you were from the same "middle school" as me. How is that not suspicious. Bakabakashii

Ichika: I can prove it to you later senpai~ after the date, but we'll have to talk in your room.

She said while licking her lips seductively.

I've got a feeling I'll lose me chastity if I agree.

Kiyotaka: You won't do anything to me right?

Ichika: No promises senpai~~~.

She was horny alright, but I'm saving this for my future girlfriend.

Kiyotaka: *Sighs* Fine...but I'll kick you out if you try anything on me.

Ichika: Awwww.... Okay senpai~ I understand.

She said looking down dejectedly. She was clearly planning something. Sorry Amasawa but my T-rex is a privilage not everyone gets. 

Hornykouji: 'Fck you'

Kiyotaka: ' Shut up you horny bastard.'

Kiyotaka: Anyway that matter aside let's continue our date.

Ichika: What do you wan't to do senpai?

Hmm. I don't know, should we watch a movie or get dinner, but it was a little early for that, and I don't think there are good Screenings right now. The only logical solution is ice cream. Ice cream is always okay no matter the circumstances.

Kiyotaka: How bout' ice cream?

When she heard this her face beamed up.

Ichika: OOH! I always wanted to taste ice cream! Let's go senpai~ I wan't some.

She said in a childlike manner.

Her expressions don't seem faked. It seems she really did wan't to eat ice cream. The chances of the words she said earlier becoming true are increasing. This brings up another question, How many are they?

I haven't checked her OAA rating yet, but her Physical capabalities seems to be excellent, and I can tell earlier that she was holding back by a fair amount. She's also a Class-A student or so I heard, that could also suggest her Academic Abilities are somewhat also in the same category, but her personality doesn't really fit someone who came from the Whiteroom, there are many contradictory things about her.

The number of Whiteroom enforcers are unknown to me. If Amaswasa was really the Whiteroom student, and she was the only one this would have been easy, but I doubt Tsukihiro would only send one. I need to be atleast ready for one or two more of them.

Peaceful life-chan I miss you...

2.3k words lezgooo!

This chapter may be shorter than the others so far, but I'm making this into three parts, the next one will be the final chapter for this mini arc.

After I post the next chapter I'll be taking a little break from this fic cause I'm a bit behind with my studies, well not behind per se, but apparently were going to be taking a big test, and they said it would be more important than a mid term exam would, so I'll be using most of time to study or something. I don' wanna be like Yamauchi.


I'll be finishing this mini arc first tho.

I also have a few drafts on my reaction fic so I'll probably post them soon.

Thanks for reading.



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