I Hear You

By Only_4_LisKooK

58.9K 2.8K 704

For her, love is as hard to come by as if it were made in Heaven. For him, love is asking oneself whether he... More



860 50 2
By Only_4_LisKooK

"Quick-witted lily"'s statement was a fish bait, it provoked other people's view. After few days, there was a lot of rumors regarding Lisa. It's from different internet users.

"Lisa, I remember you. You like to dress yourself as gorgeous dressed lady. You would walk while tidied up your hair. You would attract other men's gaze."

"A quick info, she had ever had vague relationship with many men. Outside the school, she also had boyfriends. They would bring motorcycles and waited for her at the school's gate, they even smoked."

"She also had broken a relationship of bookworm couple."

"There was once a fighting between men for her. Other schoolmates urged her to come to mediate the fight. She just said coldly, "what is the relation with me?", hehe.... I wouldn't forget it forever."

"I never interacted with her. I just heard that she had a very abnormal hobby. She would dissect frogs, oppressed rabbits. One time her schoolmate found a dead rabbit inside her school bag."

"She was quite arrogant, there's only few girls like her."

"I could bet ten thousand cucumber that relationship between Lisa and Jungkook wouldn't last for a long time. She could pretend for a short time, but couldn't be for forever. Wait until Jungkook realizes it that it would be a break up."

"It is said that Lisa's is really capable in that area, it is said by drunk her ex-boyfriend. Every men that ever tasted wouldn't be able to leave her so Jungkook would be wrapped around her tightly."

"Jungkook is her stepping stone. Wait until she could find the better one, 99% she would leave him."


It's all full of irresponsible statement, it's all completely false.

At first, Lisa didn't think too much about it, but she realized a lot of people mentioned her. Her comment section was full of rude remarks.

It's not just ruining her reputation for shooting the trailer, but it also refreshened about her high school days. It reminded her of Susan.

It's possible to be Susan's doing.

The start of senior high school, Lisa noticed that unexpected she was placed together with Susan in one class. Her heart was full of complains. But she still comforted herself, everyone would be concentrated in achieving great marks, they wouldn't make a childish action.

She didn't expect that Susan wouldn't think that way.

That time Susan got a low mark, she just gave up, she completely didn't have a heart to study, she just wanted to torture Lisa, and defeated her. At the beginning other female students found it strange, how could these two who were classmates before, were so hostile with each other? For this Susan just explained helplessly: "It's probably because of my ugly appearance, in the past Lisa is the most beautiful. Beautiful girl would only make friend with the beautiful one. She never talks with me."

That time clearly Susan showed a clear hostility, but it was seen as a humble act in front of the other female students. After that a lot of female students started to show respect to Lisa from a distance.

As for the bookworm couple, it was really unrelated to her. That couple was the female and male students from senior level. The woman called Hyeri, and the man called Shuzo. They were best students in the thirteen school. All of people approved their relationship.

This couple suddenly broke up, but no one knew what was the reason.

Just in time before their break up, it was the winter break, Senior Shuzo brought twenty popular males and females junior to social practice activity. Lisa was appointed as the leader of one of the subgroup. Every time the activities ended, Senior Shuzo would stay with four leaders to meet that made a lot of opportunities to interact. One day it was the birthday of Senior Shuzo, Lisa and other three leaders went to a bakery to buy cake to surprise him. Senior Shuzk was moved emotionally, he treated everyone to eat in the restaurant. After the dinner, three of them went home with their bike. Senior Shuzk sent Lisa to the bus stop.

They chatted a long the way. Just in time, Susan passed by when she saw it, she took photo of them. She sent it to the group, she said that it was a lover's rendezvous.

Senior Shuzo is a plain and honest man. Except being with Senior Hyeri, he never walked with any other women, because of this many of them, they thought they were having a romantic time. It was Lisa's active persuasion that he would do it.

Very quickly, all of these people tried to verify it to Senior Shuzo, asked her whether she celebrated the birthday of Senior Shuzo. Senior Hyeri answered: "I didn't celebrate with him. That day he attended the social practice activity, he returned late at night. I gave him a call, and wished him happy birthday."

Then before the end of the year, this couple broke up, it was unclear reason of the break up. Because of this many people believed Susan's made-up rumor.

Susan said that Lisa liked Senior Shuzo because it's clearly they had toilet in the first floor, but Lisa would go to the third floor for restroom, she should wish to see Senior Shuzo secretly. She joined the winter vacation social activity for getting closer to Senior Shuzo. Susan mentioned that Lisa also had secretly laughed for Senior Hyeri's appearance, she thought she was the prettiest one....

For this Lisa fought Susan, she even hit her. As the result it alarmed the family head, they both forced to apologize to each other.

Yet this matter was unfinished. There is no fact said about this matter. For their break up, Senior Hyeri just remained silent and read her book. And Senior Shuzk harshly said that it was unrelated to Lisa. However, everyone still thought it was related to Lisa.

Lisa's explanation was useless. Actually during the way to the bus stop, she was asking for advice how to choose the degree for the university.

It was also until the graduation, Lisa still couldn't get rid of that rumor. Susan said: "Actually I'm quite pity of Lisa, she wasted a lot of her time to pursue Senior Shuzo, but she still couldn't get it. Perhaps she never examined herself, how could she be compared to the intelligent Senior Hyeri. She thought with her appearance, she could successful. She is really a naive one."

Lisa complained about it to her father, Jisung. He has his own life philosophy: "If your mood was influenced by those hideous mess, then it is the real loss okay? Lali, later on you would always encounter those kind of things. My advice to you is since you already clarified, it's other people problem whether they believe or not. Time would prove you innocent."

She listened to his advice, and just focused on her study. A lot of female students didn't like her so she just has Jisoo and other female students as her friend.

About the matter where two boys were fighting, was really unrelated to her. It's an imaginary one.

Thought over again about those high school memories made Lisa to feel depressed for a while. Then not like usual, she didn't call Jisoo, she called Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked.

"I'm reading book."

"O, are you online?"

"No, what happened?"

Lisa was silent, then her voice turned bitter: "Some people are talking about me."

The phone was silent for two second, then he asked: "What are they talking about?"

"Various kinds of thing. Anyway it's all false." Lisa said, "Don't you believe it."


"Yes?" Her heart was really in a complex state. She didn't afraid everyone would misunderstood her, but she afraid that he would.

"You think I would believe that irrelevant thing? Since little, I even didn't believe anything my parents said."


"I just believe thing that I see." He added, "Also the feeling from interaction."

".........." Why should he add that sentences.

"You want me to believe anything, you could just say it directly."

Lisa's heart was almost exploded, she was so happy. His meaning is really clear, he believes her, believes her unconditionally.

This one call could successfully relieve her strained mood. It is not rescue her from gloominess, it even made it brighter.

She had a good sleep that night.

The next morning, she ate breakfast. The time she logged in to WeiBo, she saw almost thousand people mentioned her (@).

She looked at it, unexpectedly "Lali's Kookie" posted a photo of her sleeping face.

It was a photo of her sleeping on the lobby. She didn't expect him to secretly took it.

This is the photo where she was leaning on his chest, and sleep soundly.

He was not only posted it but also wrote something.

"Her sleeping figure is really charming."


The most surprising one, he interacted with online friends. He responded their question about the reason: "Because she has no resistance."


His appearance was successfully attracted public's attention. Everyone seemed to forget the scandals and gossips. It's the first time for the public to see his action, they wished to interact with him.

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