The Big Three

By miaelise37

77.9K 2.3K 1.7K

Peter Parker, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter ended up in the same awful orphanage. What happens when Peter is... More

The Big Three
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

2.8K 112 37
By miaelise37

Peter's POV
It was my turn to go to the store today, Percy took the last three trips. "Oatmeal, sugar, coffee," I mumbled my mantra for the day.

That's all I needed; I wasn't repeating it to remind myself, I was repeating it to remind Joseph, who's chubby fingers were grabbing at everything in reach.

"No Jo, for the last time we didn't come here for snacks, just oat-"

"Oatmeal, sugar and coffee," Joseph cut in. "I know, but fruit roll-ups are my favorite, I swear I'll never ask for anything ever again, ever."

How am I supposed to say no? All of the kids at his school had super packed lunch boxes, he had been bugging me all week asking for something to trade with his friends. I stared at the ceiling for a second. If I grab an extra hour at work I can make up the money.

Looking back down at Jo I finally spoke. "I'll settle for you not asking for anything else for tonight, but you have to pinky promise."

He linked his pinky with mine and put the snacks in the basket.

He held up his end of the deal and was a model kid for the rest of the trip. We got to the register, I pulled every last nickel from my pocket, opened the box handed Joseph a roll-up, and walked home.

We entered the threshold of the house I heard nothing but yelling; just my luck.

"Joseph, go upstairs now." I said sternly.

Following the noise to the kitchen I found the Housemother yelling at a six year old, a SIX year old.

Knowing how quickly these things could escalate, and not knowing what else to do I reached into the plastic bag pulled out a fruit roll-up and chucked it at her head. I felt satisfaction for about an eighth of a second before she whipped her head around and stared me down. I looked at the kid behind her then pointed my eyes towards the stairs. He took the hint and scrambled away.

"Peter, what the hell was that?" She yelled.

"A fruit roll up," I mumbled back.

I could feel the rage rolling off of her, every sense in my body was screaming at me to take off. I couldn't listen, instead I thought about the kids upstairs and their safety. My body heals fast- faster now, way quicker then the others. Kicks dont hurt quite as bad, I can take it, they can't.

Once more my senses tell me to duck, instead I force myself to stand still when the punch lands on my cheek. I heard I a loud pop, at first I thought it was my cheekbone, but then I heard a groan of pain and it wasn't my own.

"My thumb," she yelped.  "You broke my thumb you dumbass."

You'd think with the amount of practice she's had throwing punches she'd know not to tuck her thumb.

"Get out of here you prick, we'll deal with you tomorrow! Gary! Take me to the hospital," she cried out.

Taking the chance, I threw myself upstairs, ran to the boys room and closed the door. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to catch my breath as the pain in my cheek registered. I opened my eyes to a dozen boys staring at me.

Percy was the one who finally spoke up. "What just happened?" I relayed the story of the last five minutes. "Woah, you'd think after all the practice she's had beating kids she'd know how to throw a punch."

I barked out a laugh. "I thought the same thing Perce. I for one am exhausted, and it's a school night you're all supposed to be asleep right now."

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight Pete." Said Percy.

After a lot of hugs and good nights, I finally laid down in bed. I closed my eyes, the words "we'll deal with you tomorrow" was pasted to the forefront of my mind. I tried not to dwell on that statement, but how could I not? I don't think I really fell asleep that night.


I was at school the next morning, when I heard "Peter Parker, please report to the counselors office."

Ned looked over at me. "dude, you never get in trouble, what's that's about?"

"I don't know," I replied, but I guess I was about to find out.

I knocked on the oak door, and heard the counselor call me in. She motioned with her long wrinkled hands to the chair in front of her.
I greeted her and sat down.

"Peter, you've been one of midtown high's most promising students," she said smiling softly. "And today that was finally recognized."

"What do you mean?" I replied. Recognized by who?- did they pull me out of class just to praise my achievements?

"You've been asked by Stark Industries, to accept a paid internship with them. Starting tomorrow." She finished.

What the-

"Tomorrow," I repeated.

"Yes, tomorrow. You'll need to get permission from your pare- guardians. Have this permission slip signed and returned to me in the morning. You can report to Stark Tower after school tomorrow." She had a wide smile on her face.

I used my fingers to push on the already fading bruise on my cheek while I thought it out. If I really emphasize the paid part of the internship maybe they'll let me do it; maybe they'll sign the slip.

"Okay thank you so much Mrs. Dubois, I'll let you know by the morning."

"Wait Peter," she said scribbling on a piece of paper. "Here give this to your teacher so they know why you were late."

I walked out the door when it finally hit me, Stark Industries wants me to Intern there. Stark industries wants ME to intern there! I have to find Ned!

I speed walk to my English class and sat next to Ned. I repeated everything my Counselor said back to him.

"Stark Industries!" Ned stage whispered.

"Shhh!" I replied

"Sorry, Stark Industries? That's like a really big deal Peter; maybe you'll meet Tony Stark!" He exclaimed.

"Shhh!" I replied again. "I don't think so Ned, it's a really big building."

"Just remember me when you're a famous scientist or something."

Okay, I'm going to walk through those doors get the crap beaten out of me for breaking the housemothers thumb yesterday, and then convince them to sign the slip. That's not too hard, right?

This is your future Peter; this internship could change your life. Just grab the knob and turn it.

I turned back to the kids standing on the porch.

"I need you all to stay out here and finish your homework." I ordered. "Please don't argue just do it."

And with that, I turned the knob and walked inside. Only to be met with a solid push to the ground.

"You broke her thumb! You better cover the thousand dollar medical bill, and then some." I heard it before I felt it- the searing pain. He kicked me square in the nose; I think it's broken.

I screamed loud. And he raised his foot to kick me again. "Wait! Wait!" I cried, "I can do it! I can pay the bill, just let me explain."

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