Fight ME

By Tootsie_200

1.5K 3 0

She was lost after her mother was put in the hospital. Howie never knew he had a daughter and now that he kne... More

Hot Mess
Little Black Dress
Sunday Funday
Just A Kiss
Let Down
Jerk Mode
Never Smile Again
Happy New Year
I Want You
Shitty Day
Warm Night
Friends and Enemies
Fight Night
Knock Out
Two Weeks
Good Friend
The Plan
Little Locket
The Win
Stay Awake
Still Standing

All Yours

51 0 0
By Tootsie_200

A few days had gone by and Christmas Eve was only days away. Nick with moans and groans had gotten into routine with Maxine. They ran early in the morning, went to the gym to practice and came back home for lunch. She would head out to see her mother and he would continue with practice out in his yard.

He was working hard to get back in shape, but the drinking hadn't really stopped. That night he had come home falling over himself, promising that it was only for holiday celebration, Bonnie right behind him.

Maxine had let him crawl up the stairs and reluctantly let Bonnie stay with him. A part of her was angry at the fact that Bonnie would do anything; including, letting him drink the night away, as long as he would be with her. Then again, things weren't going to change from one day to the next.

The next morning Maxine didn't bother trying to wake up Nick. She knew he'd be hung-over and it was easier for Turbo to eat him alive, than for him to wake up. She bent over to catch her breath and stared out at the ocean. The waves were crashing angrily onto the shore and the sky was darker than usual.

"I think it's going to rain today. Just great...come on boy!" She spoke to Turbo and they continued their jog. She'd been eyeing the motel nearby and wondered if they were hiring. She quickly tied the dog to a pole and promised him that she wouldn't take long. He barked.

"Hello!" A young guy turned to smile at her. He was wearing a beige polo shirt with 'Tiki Motel' on its pocket. He was easy on the eyes and made Maxine blush slightly.

"Hi. I live down the shore and was wondering if you guys are hiring?"

He rummaged through a drawer and took out an application. "Here you go. You might be in luck, our midday front clerk just quit."

"Oh. That's great...sorry...I mean...for me." They both laughed.

"Actually, I've seen you jogging out there before. You're pretty fit." Maxine just smiled. "I'm Derek, the morning clerk. Hey if you want I can pass by and pick up the app where you live, I'll be out and about anyway."

Maxine was stuck and didn't know what to do or say. It wasn't often that she had interaction with people her age, or guys. Plus how would Nick react to a stranger coming to his house. 


He must have noticed her uneasiness, "How about I get your number and I'll call you when I'm  there?"

She smiled, "That sounds great. I have a roommate and he's not to keen on having company."

"Cool. Hey you should come with me to this beach party tonight...It will be pretty fun." He smiled, making Maxine blush.

She nodded her head. "Ok. I live in the ocean blue house with the Fight Me flag on the side."

Derek chuckled, "Aaaah you are roommates with the fighter. I know to behave then." They both laughed. She gave him a wave and headed outside to meet up with her Turbo.


"Yo!" Nick greeted her out of breath. He was shirtless today and she couldn't tear her eyes away from his sweaty pecs.

"Hi." She piped.

"Whatcha you got there?" He snatched the paper out of her hand and looked it over. Then let out a bark of a laugh. "You are gonna work at The Tiki?"

She tried snatching it back from him, but he raised his hand high. "Maybe. Give it back..." She jumped up to try and get it, but he raised his hand higher. "Nick, you are so childish sometimes."

"Oh wow! You got a number at the top of the paper."

"What? I didn't know that...bring that back over here."

He ran off onto the sand and sprinted off toward the house. She quickly untied Turbo and they both rushed off to reach Nick. Which didn't take them long. He was already resting by the bathrooms, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you going to throw up again?"

"I don't think so. So, who is this Derek guy who left his number at the top of your application?"

He handed over the application and continued to catch his breath. "He works there. He's really cute, even invited me out tonight."

"No shit!" Nick felt a jab at his guts when he heard her talk so cheerfully about the guy. He didn't even know why it bothered him. She was entitled to go out with whoever she wanted; she was old enough to make her own decisions. What if Howie didn't like it? What if something happened? He would get blamed for it.

"Cool." Was all he could say.

Maxine smiled, "Are you jealous?"

"Fuck no, why would I be? You're a big girl." He splashed water on his face. "Fuck I still have a headache. Anyways, Bonnie is coming over tonight."

"Good for you. I'm surprised she even bothers after you called her a skank the other night."

"Actually, I was talking about the dog. Haven't I said no ugly Turbo in the house?"

Turbo growled.

"She's going to kill me!" Maxine whimpered, remembering when she'd slammed the door in her face.

Bonnie got on Maxine's last nerve, although she knew the woman was harmless and only seemed to be madly in love with Nick. Always clinging onto him and following his every move like a love sick puppy. Then again, she couldn't blame the poor woman, as big of an asshole Nick was, there was something about him that lured women to him.

They started walking back to the house in silence. Henry, the driver, had left to spend the holidays with his family and somehow Nick had no cars in his house.

"Why don't you have any cars?"

"What do I need a car for? I have a driver." Nick shrugged. "Well, does a motorcycle count as a car?"

"Kinda. Does it run?"

Nick stopped and took hold of Maxine's arm. "Does this have a purpose?"

She bit down on her lip and looked down at the sand. "I just...with the driver gone I don't have a ride to see my mother. I can go on the bus, but I would look awkward with a tree..."

He laughed a little and placed a hand on her shoulders. "You could have just asked me."

"I didn't want to bother you. I thought maybe you'd be busy."

"Not busy. I'm all yours today." Nick smiled.

Maxine blushed. "Thanks!" The twosome started walking again.

"So, how big is this tree?"


Maxine hopped off the bike and removed her helmet. She took the tree out of a small compartment in the back of Nick's motorcycle and she held it close to her chest. Nick got off and followed her inside the hospital. He'd been in the emergency room a few times before, fractured hand, arm...broken rib, stitches. The joys of being a fighter, yet, he was blessed to have his face pretty much undamaged.

"I can wait for you out in the lobby." They stopped in the corridor. Nick noticed that Maxine was looking a bit disoriented. "Max? Is everything alright?"

"I'm...I'm just...I wish I could walk into her room and see her sitting up and smiling at me. Instead, I'm going to find her in the exact same spot, with her hands to her side and her eyes closed. I'm terrified that she will never wake up!"

She swiped at a tear running down her cheek. Nick wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, women weren't exactly crying when they were around him. He cleared his throat and made an attempt to say something.


She smiled, "Come on. You can come with me and meet my mother."

Nick didn't even mind being in the room. He could hear Maxine talking to her mother and the mini Christmas tree lit up and played 'Jingle Bells' in the corner. It made him wish he'd had a close connection to either one or both of his parents. Instead he'd left home at age fourteen and started his own life away from their fighting and a crowded house. It was hell.

The visit was quick and they were back on the bike headed home. The sky was dark and it had started to drizzle. There was a bit of traffic, but Nick weaved his way between cars getting them home quickly. Just as they entered his driveway the bike shut down.

"Shit!" He mumbled and he told Maxine she could make a run for it. It had started to pour and they were getting soaked. He smiled as he felt Maxine's hand brush against his chest when she got off the bike.

"No. It's only rain." She said, waiting for Nick to get off the bike.

He hopped off and dragged the bike by the handlebars, while walking next to Maxine. They finally reached the front and Nick just let the bike go. He took her hand and they both ran towards the front door, where they stood out of breath while Nick rummaged through his pockets for the keys.

"Thank you!" She spoke softly. "She's going to get better. I have faith."

Nick continued to pat himself down and groaned when he realized the keys were still in the bikes ignition. "I left them in the ignition."

"I'll get them." She volunteered and ran off without waiting for his response. She sloshed her way to the bike and bent down to pull out the key from the ignition. When she turned back around she bumped into Nick.

"I have to do this." He said.

"Do wha—" Her eyes instantly closed as she felt Nick's lips press against hers. His hands took hold of the sides of her face and he deepened the kiss. Maxine responded, opening her mouth slightly and curling her fingers on the ends of his jacket.

Unfortunately, Maxine's moment of bliss didn't last long. Nick suddenly pulled away, "Fuck...oh fuck..." He snatched the keys from her hand and stormed off towards the house.

Meanwhile Maxine stood speechless in the rain. What the hell had just happened?

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