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By raizldc

43K 1K 3.7K

"Why do we have to pretend when all of this can be real, Eda?" they whispered in her ear, Raine's hot breath... More

π€π”π“π‡πŽπ‘'𝐒 ππŽπ“π„
Reunion Call
Never Not
Distracting Distractions
Exceptional Morning
Oh, dear sister.
Two Suns.
Paths discovered, hearts broken.
Your kisses.
One Leaves, One Stays
Ignorance is Bliss
My Steady.
The Road to a Thousand Tomorrows.
Update! (Announcement)

Her Rainstorm, Their Calamity.

2.6K 70 260
By raizldc

"Not to personally call out on anything in particular but..." Darius waits for Raine to sit down at their table after finishing a few songs. Steve had already arrived at the scene and he was now taking the lead on the stage by singing a customer's request upfront with a song titled...


"Damn. I don't know if you guys noticed but the songs Raine sang were all about break-ups."

"Don't even go there." Raine sighed, fixing their green hair with one hand while slumping their back on the seat and helping themself with a glass of water to quench their thirst.

"Besides, I can't sing anything else other than the lyrics they gave me." they finished explaining, accidentally gulping a large amount of water down their throat that almost made them choke.

It hasn't even been forty minutes and yet, I almost died.

Raine lets out a few sets of coughs to clear their throat, slamming their fist slightly on their chest.

That was a nightmare. First of all, they hated the fact that they had to sing songs that slapped Raine a hundred more times in their damn face. Second, it felt like they were balancing on a string, hoping that they wouldn't sing out the wrong lyric while trying their hardest to maintain a proper posture without shaking their knees nervously as if they were performing around the cold icebergs of Antarctica.

Luckily after about five break-up songs that they had to sing with their soul, they finally passed the torch to Steve who seems to be enjoying doing a cover of a ridiculous song some teenagers have been singing these days from eleven years ago.

Damn, I love my life.

"You were amazing, Raine."

Odalia, Aldaor, and Darius gave Eda a questioning look but the ginger-haired adult didn't mind, giving the exhausted singer a sweet smile. Raine saw that smile and swore that their heart's rhythm pattern had changed rapidly.


"It's nothing really." a lop-sided smile formed on their lips while scratching the side of their neck shyly. Did it take one compliment for blood to rush up immediately to Raine's cheeks?

It's probably nothing, they thought hastily and shook those thoughts away, hoping that nothing was the case.


10:15 PM

The hours passed by quickly like a blur. The conversations they all had were just like before they were innocent and naive teenagers. Every moment Raine had in between the talks and cheers they and their friends had left them feeling quite nostalgic.

Countless hours had passed and they just realized that they were the only ones left standing. In other words, like the proper person that they are, Raine is still sober despite being forced to have a few shots that would turn out to be a problem if they got drunk in the process. Because going home in a drunk state was never a good idea and it's a risky one to even do so. Besides, smart and yet pure little Raine knows their limits and boundaries. Alcohol was one of them when needed.

Thankfully for them, it wasn't the case. Their head didn't feel hazy enough to get crazily affected by the alcohol and they could surely still walk straight once they were all ready to leave. Unfortunately for the stubborn ones (specifically Odalia and Darius), it has been an hour since the two had passed out, snoring loudly with their heads resting on the table from the number of drinks they had and how full their stomachs are.

It was a hell of a crazy night. Mostly because of these two who were arguing for hours by disagreeing with everything that the other has to say. The fact that they even brought up and called each other out on how they should be properly raising their kids was painful to watch.

Darius called Odalia out for pushing her youngest too much because of the number of expectations she'd always put on her daughter's shoulders while Odalia called him out for not giving his full attention to his son, Gavin, and that he's a workaholic who's only married to his work and pride. The exact reason why his wife had filed for a divorce in the first place. Ouch.

Luckily, these two were already drunk at that time because if they were both sober? It would've been a huge problem to keep them both from ripping their heads off and starting a wrestling match. The number of risks Raine had to surpass tonight with their old classmates was something else. If anything, it's a miracle that they haven't gotten themself in trouble yet with the staff. Thank goodness for that, then.

"Oh, these two had it good, alright."

And alas, it clicked. Realization slapped them again once in the face for forgetting that they weren't the only ones who are responsibly sober tonight. A pale hand made its way to Darius' and Odalia's hair, messing and ruffling it up as a way to check if they were both either passed out unconsciously in the meantime or if they were already dead in the process. As morbid as that sounds, the chances of it happening were likely possible by a small percentage.

"I'm just going to call someone, real quick. After I come back, we'll be leaving. I'll be in the comfort room." Alador, who's another sober survivor stood up and excused himself from the two, and sauntered his way to the restroom to handle his business.

Jazz music filled the whole room and there were only a few people left in this place now. Raine doubts that there will be any more new customers coming since dinner time has already long gone passed, but looking outside the large glass window beside them had shown how busy New York can be even during the late nights.

The city lights were still as bright as ever while the night sky was coated with stars scattered all over the horizon. Vehicles, as well as taxis that are still running all over the place, passing through every building to God, knows where proved the fact that New York never sleeps.

And sitting here along with the woman from their past, Raine also starts to think that they might not be able to sleep much sooner as well.

"Ah, the city's beautiful during the nights, huh?" green-orbed eyes landed on a beautiful image. Pointy chin with a sharp jaw resting on her palm while facing the scenery Raine was just looking at seconds ago.

Eda was a painting.

A painting that's worth a million dollars to spend on. The city's lights reflected on her yellow eyes, making them sparkle, the tip of her nose was still pointy as ever, the noticeable pointy perfection of her eyeliner, the sharp line of her jaw, the texture of her wild yet orange pony-tailed hair that seemed so soft to touch with your fingers, and the way her lips parted in pure curiosity...

"Yeah," says Raine, deep down knowing to themselves that they were complimenting about two different things respectively.

Eda proceeded to look at them this time, a soft smile spreading across her lips. "So..." her eyes wandered over the two passed-out adults beside them. Darius was beside Raine and Odalia was beside Eda. Both unconscious.

"Since nobody is calling out on each other regarding their family issues..." she tapped her yellow nails on the table, waiting for Raine to get the idea of what she wanted to do while waiting for the other Blight to finish up his toilet business.

A giggle escaped out of Raine's mouth from the cooing tone of Eda's voice, quickly adjusting a short strand of their green hair behind their ear while looking down shyly.

"Do you wanna..." Eda pursed her lips, trying to gesture the next word with her hand for feeling too pathetic to say it out loud.

"Talk? Sure. I'd love that." They smiled, looking up again into her eyes, fiddling their thumbs awkwardly from under the table as Eda also starts to clutch the large coat on her lap with her fingers. Raine bit the inside of their cheek while Eda tries to maintain her composure and not panic like some lovesick high school girl that's about to squeal in front of her crush.

"I didn't expect to know that you moved here to New York a year ago." they started the conversation, already getting into something more specific that caused Eda to silently gulp the lump in her throat. This question already..?

"Oh uh, yeah. Me neither," she muttered, not knowing if it was loud enough for Raine to hear or not. But what she just said made her mentally slap herself for being pathetic.

Really? Me neither?

What the hell was that response?!

"I mean! Things just...change over time, you know?" Eda quickly followed up a save, already feeling her face flushing in embarrassment which made Raine reciprocate the reaction too. Oh great. Now they're both pathetic blushing messes.

"Not for you, though. You haven't aged a day, Eda." a fist was placed on their lips to let out a fake cough, clearing Raine's throat in the process.

That compliment made her heart flutter badly, causing the Clawthorne to blurt out unnecessary words while waving her hands in front in a shy manner. "Oh, nonsense! You don't know what you're talking about, Raine! I...think you need to repair your glasses on that one."

"Ahaha, oh come onnnn. What happened to the star captain of Hexside's soccer team who loved receiving compliments and praises back in the day?"

"Now you're just sugarcoating things."

Heartfelt and genuine laughs filled the air from the usual banter, showing them both that no matter how old they will turn out to be, it's still the same Eda and Raine. No matter what timeline they're in, the way that they'll talk to each other, and the way that they'll laugh together will never change. It will still be the same dynamic.

Even after their book had already got put to a close two years ago.

"God, you're improving these days, it's incredible!" the proudness on the adult woman's face was clear and obvious, making Raine happy to know that Eda noticed their simple success.

"How is it that the young violinist from before who needed an ice pack to calm their nerves down before a performance also be the same person who's singing songs in front of customers in a restaurant? If anyone's not impressed with that development then shame on them, this is a world-class improvement, right here."

Raine would usually brush the compliment off while getting too embarrassed to fully accept the praise because of how low they see their self-worth in their talent. But because of Eda's infectious attitude of feeling a bit of pride and self-assurance, they took the opportunity to look confident and hold their head up high to let her know how far they've come and where she'll surely find pure delight from it.

"I'm just that good.", Raine cooed the flex, placing their palms behind the back of their head to be more convincing.

"Oh really now?" Eda saw the smug smile on their face, catching her off-guard with the sudden sass in their attitude. Raine smiled more that can't help but make their ex-partner scoff and shake their head at it all. In a good way of course.

"Alright alright, I see what you're trying to say." her hands indicated a surrendering gesture. "You've been living the life as an unproblematic New Yorker this whole time and you're showing a mediocre high school teacher how good it is to have a bit of freedom. I get it."

Oh yeah.

She's a teacher now.

Now that was something Raine didn't expect to get out of Eda a few hours ago when she first brought it up in one of their conversations with Odalia. They didn't know how she managed to get the job since it's quite difficult to get hired around this area but thankfully, Eda found luck at the perfect time. They felt relieved of course. Relieved that Eda managed to find herself a sustainable job ever since she moved.

"But in all seriousness..." a long pale index finger pointed in their direction, making the musician more attentive than ever to what she was now going to say. "It's amazing to know that you're doing well in here, Raine. You got a workshop of your own now, you teach kids, and you're singing in front of an audience now. That's a lot. You do deserve everything that you have accomplished. New York brought out the best in you."

Eda's way of saying her words were too genuine to be true. And Raine felt that. They knew how proud she is of them and for some reason, they just couldn't put their finger on knowing why something just felt off about it. Everything she stated was true. Having their establishment where they could share and teach their skills to the younger generation was a big success on their part as well as improving on working with their stage fright by the amount of exposure they gained from doing gigs was Raine's major fulfillment and they couldn't ask for anything more.

But despite all that, something just felt off. Not in the financial sense because Raine's budget isn't at risk since they can still manage to do these two major services almost every day.

It was something more personal.

Even with all that, it's just...isn't enough.

It doesn't feel enough.

It's like, despite having many achievements for the past few years, something just feels missing. It's always the emptiness that they feel every time the morning light shines through their eyelids, forcing them to wake up and start the day to do the usual routine, making it feel repetitive that sometimes leads Raine into experiencing burnout. But what are they even doing this for? Who are they even doing this for?

Luckily, Raine already figured out the answer to that question: they do this for themself.

But that's where another unanswered question pops out in the scene.

Why do I keep reaching out for something that I don't even know?

Hell, even the question itself was already damn confusing.

"It's not as great as you think, you know..?" Raine forced a smile once that question made its way to bother their head again. A question that they kept pushing away but always manages its way to come back and antagonize them. "I guess, even with how great New York is, I thought starting my life here would satisfy everything for me.", they played with the glass, watching the water circulate upon following their hand movement.

"It turns out, it didn't. There's still something missing that I can't pinpoint. Everything that I have and achieved now is just...there. It's all worth it, don't get me wrong but...ugh, I don't know really." an exasperated sigh escaped from Raine's lips, finding themself blabbering about a problem that's supposed to be only in their business. They muttered a silent curse for letting Eda listen to their absurd ranting.

"Maybe I'm just a hard person to please. As if I was a worth-pleasing person in the first place, anyways."

What a way to start a decent conversation with your ex, Raine, they thought bitterly. Not saying anything else for making the situation uncomfortable and awkward for the both of them that it already really is. God, she must be thinking that I'm such a-

"Nah, Rainstorm." Eda interrupted their thoughts, legs crossed from under the table with pale knuckles resting on each side of her cheek. Her eyes briefly looked up to the ceiling, Raine feeling a bit of ease from the calmness of her expression even with the discernible sharp facial features she possesses.

"Just because you still feel like something's missing despite many of your accomplishments doesn't make you a hard-to-please person. Because to be honest, all of us deserve to receive more than what we could give. It's never too much to get a lot of things in the way while finding the real deal. And besides, is it really bad to ask or need something that you think would make you happy?"

They stared at each other with Eda not minding if Raine's just going to let the question float around the air. What mattered is that she said the right things that they needed to hear to realize the path that her Rainstorm wanted to go. And she exactly did just that.

"Because there are some things that you can only find out in the storm. And every second is worth spending on finding it."

Every second with you is worth spending on too, Eda thought discreetly, trying not to let that sentence out as much as she badly wanted to. It just wasn't the right time. Not yet, at least.

Raine was currently tongue-tied right now. It's like the only thing they're able to do at this meaningful moment was to look at her with all they got. Those wise words were already enough to pave a path that they have been struggling on making. A clear path that they now can explore thanks to their former partner.

"Ah sorry. Whatever I said probably didn't make sense."

"No no! Eda! Sorry I was..." a gleeful look lit upon their face. "That was inspiring. To be honest, much more inspiring than Darius' cliché speeches he had ever told me." the musician reassured her, giving her a nod of approval as a silent way to let her know that she helped them on this one.

They haven't solved it yet but there's already a path that's now ready to be explored.

"That means a lot. I'm glad that you managed to hear my problems out despite-"

"Oh, shush, Rainstorm. I'm glad I helped. The reunion was a bit...insane. But of course, talking to you even and being able to help for just a moment became the highlight of my evening."

Both of the adults' cheeks had already hurt from smiling too much. But Eda and Raine just couldn't help it. It was a moment that's worth smiling for.

"Didn't know Lord Calamity was also a good listener.", Raine teased, biting their lower lip once they saw the priceless expression on Eda's face from hearing a nickname that she hadn't heard for ages.

"Oh my God, please say that again."

"Hm?", Raine played along, trying to sound clueless to push Eda's patience off the edge.

"Call me Calamity again.", Eda was pleading, eyes widened like a baby asking for her mom to buy her some candy.

Thirty and Flirty? Pfft. More like Thirty and Cutie.

"Whatever you say, Lord Calamity." within a quick minute, it already felt like they were young, adventurous, and yet cheesy teenagers again who used to roleplay. Raine playfully bows their head down to show the respect which made Eda widely grin as her teenage pride started rising again.

"God, my Lord Calamity days was such an amazing era."

"It sure is." Raine agreed, dropping down the quick act while letting out another sigh that's been caused by another strike of nostalgia.

You loved it when I call you that, after all...

It was when they were still around fifteen at that time. The age when Raine made up that ridiculous yet fitting nickname for her. Because during their youth, everyone knows that Eda was always trouble. She was a delinquent, a rule-breaker, and an agent of chaos...

She was the cause of all the graffiti on one of the lockers, the food fights during lunchtime, the pranks that a random student would experience...it was all her. A real-life walking calamity.

The disaster was always by her side since their teenage years back in the small state of Connecticut. But for Raine, she was more than just a walking disaster. So much more.

Edalyn Clawthorne was the lovely apocalypse that they ever needed, the free spirit that showed them that there's more than just impressing people by being on the stage, and a wild girl who deeply cares for her loved ones very very much.

The way Eda expresses her love and care would usually feel like a never-ending feeling of cloud nine. Because she's never ashamed to do absolutely anything and everything to make you feel that you're worth it. That you're worth more than all the money that's left in the world.

It sounded too good to be true but that's how Raine had felt for ten long years in their relationship with her. It was a happy and healthy relationship. Heck, they barely even fight and would just argue about small things and then just move on from it while Eda would request to just cuddle on the couch with her head resting on Raine's chest under the crook of their neck.

It was almost going to be the right one. She was going to be the right one. It was almost meant to be. But even with all the sweetness and fun enjoyable moments that weighed more than the negatives in those ten years...

It all ended. When one damn thing suffocated their relationship that made things change in just an instant.

Dreadfully suffocating it until they couldn't handle it anymore.

Until Raine couldn't breathe anymore.

And then it just happened. All those ten years were nothing but a phase. A phase that Raine hoped they could hold onto longer until it slowly started breaking them piece by piece. They had to leave before it was too late.

Here they are now years later.

"Can I ask you something, Eda?"

"Yeah?" the woman urged for them to continue, fingers brushing the strands of her orange hair that rests around her shoulder.

"What was the reason why you moved here to New York?"

Both of them instantly felt the quick change in the atmosphere as Eda was already placed in the hot seat.

"I mean...you remember how you preferred to stay home when..." they pursed their lips as they started to realize that they were connecting memories to the present question.

"When I offered that I mean...you know. Start a life here." Raine scratched their neck, feeling the tension in the air rise from Eda's silence.

Eda was never good at answering tough questions. Because whenever she does, someone gets hurt by it. Tough questions sometimes required truths that are hard to say, even ones that she wished she didn't want to admit to herself. Usually with tough questions, if Eda was still the same person that she was two years ago now?

She'd lie.

And if she couldn't lie her way out of it, she'd hide it until nobody notices it anymore and just forgets it.

Eda hated lying. But it was a habit that started ever since that insecurity, that flaw, and that problem started affecting her life. She'd only wanted to protect someone she desperately loved, only to push them all away from her in the process. In the end, she failed to protect them and succeeded in hurting them. A price that she didn't know she has to pay.

She hurt Raine. Her beloved Rainstorm. All because of the lies that she had to say and the hiding that she had to do. But around this time, now she knew how dire the consequences are from the results of her actions during her sad past. If lying caused her to lose Raine the first time, then she sure as hell know that she wouldn't be doing it again.

So it was time, to say the truth. Even if it's also a way of saying goodbye.

"It's because-"

"Alright." as if the timing was painfully perfect, Alador had already come back while putting his phone in the inside of his right pocket.

Eda had to suppress her inner frustration by clenching her fist hard from the wrong timing of it all, biting the inside of her cheek in annoyance knowing that she could've at least answered Raine's question on time.

They deserved the truth but it's like some godly being out there in the universe didn't want her to. She didn't have the time to be a toy for fate's games.

"You're back." Raine stood up from their place, seemingly brushing off the question they just asked while Eda mimicked the exact action as well while swiftly putting on the large coat to rest on her shoulders. The Blight nodded, observing the two passed-out acquaintances who were still peacefully unconscious on their table. His eyes then landed on both Raine and Eda before asking the needed question.

"So, who's going to carry Darius?"


It turns out, that both Eda and Raine had to work together to put the prideful unconscious man inside Alador's car. Thankfully, their strength was helpful enough to carry his heavy arms around their shoulders. Alador on the other hand, like the good husband, that he is, carried his wife bridal style the same way that he did on his wedding day, placing her neatly on the passenger seat. And within just a couple of minutes, they successfully placed these two unconscious brats inside the vehicle, ready to be sent home.

"You coming?" the brown-haired, poorly-postured adult inquired the green-haired musician.

"No, thanks. My place is just nearby so I better get going. Don't worry about it." Alador nodded understandably, shaking Raine's hand as a way to say goodbye to their former classmate, a part of him hoping that they could see them again soon despite the busy schedule.

"Well...this is it, huh?" an elbow nudged Eda's rib slightly, causing her to lightly chuckle at it. Eda looked at their eyes once more, beautiful shades of green once again taking her breath away under the starry night sky and city lights. "Yeah.", was all that she could ever muster, slowly opening her arms just in case they wanted a hug before they go at least.

"I don't know if we'll see each other anytime soon but if we don't, then I'm glad we did now." Raine noticed the welcoming gesture of Eda's opened arms and gladly went in with it, wrapping their arms all around her neck while resting their chin on her shoulder.

They both hoped that this isn't the last time that they'll meet. For two long years after things went wrong, they had seen each other again. Crossed paths that started with a warm hug that's too good if it also turned out to be the last one.

Alador decided two leave the two alone and opened the door of their car, signaling Eda from behind Raine's back that he'll wait for her after they were done with the moment.

Eventually, they had to let go. Two souls that have to be a part of each other now. Raine looked down, their shoes silently tapping the pavement of the sidewalk while Eda crossed her arms to wait for something else that they were about to do.

"Goodbye, Eda."

Her heart felt a painful twinge, almost making her show the wince on her face that was caused by such simple yet bittersweet words. This is it.

Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you want to say goodbye? she asked herself if only she could smack the cowardice out of her system.

No. I don't.

N-Not yet.

If I'm going to say goodbye, they at least deserve to know the truth.

But the timing was never perfect. Not for Edalyn Clawthorne. Time was always a foe. Not a friend. She hated time more than her entire being. She despised how time takes all of the opportunities and second chances that she could've done instead to make up for her mistakes. And most of all, she loathed the fact that it was time itself the reason why goodbyes existed in the first place.

And at this current moment, that was exactly what the clock is making her do.

A deep inhale of cold breeze went through her nose, gaining the strength to once let go again.

"Goodbye, Raine."

And with a nod of silent permission, the singer turned their heel around in the opposite direction, not hesitating to walk on their way back to the place where Raine probably called it home. She leaned her back by Alador's vehicle, the pain in her heart increasing as Raine took more steps that created a distance.

Then another, and another, and a few more other steps that made it hard for Eda to watch for wanting to reach out and badly tell them to stay. But the woman knew that it wasn't the time to wish for something that selfish. She had already let them go once, then she shouldn't be struggling to let go for the second time.

This was supposed to be easy.

Raine was getting farther and farther, their figure getting smaller and smaller in the distance from Eda's eyesight. A part of her silently prayed that they'd turn around and run back to her, no matter how impossible the request sounded.

And with that, the Clawthorne woman lets her fingers rub her eyes for a brief moment before turning around as well, holding the handle of the car door to let herself settle in by the backseat beside the sleeping businessman.

But fate pulled some strings.

Before she was able to get inside, her heart skipped a beat when someone yelled. Eda looked to where the voice was coming from, and she was surprised, shocked even, that Raine turned back and started sprinting in her direction as if their life depended on it.

"Wait!" they were a panting mess, their running slowly transitioning into a slow walk as sweaty palms resting on their knees while trying to catch some air. Edalyn was confused, hesitating on whether or not she should place her hand to rub their back to help them regain the energy. "Woah. Raine why did you-"

"When will I see you again?" it was a question that Eda thought they'd never ask in a million years. Her eyes widened in surprise while her hand rests on her chest, checking and feeling how fast her heart was jumping.

They did not just ask that.

"I uhm..." Raine bit their lip shyly, covering their face in pure embarrassment for wanting to do something at the last minute. "Can I give you my number..?"


"I- no- well, you see I just...", they panicked, their stage fright still being there to the only person they could only manage to complete a performance. Raine quickly searched for their phone, letting their palms feel every pocket of their jeans to know where it is.

Finally, they pulled it out and opened the lock screen to go to their contacts. Eda did the same thing, pulling out her device to make Raine feel that everything they were doing right now is okay. It's all comfortable.

They were going to give her their number. Raine freakin' Whispers. The love of her life, her first love, her greatest love, is also paving a path for Eda to go through.

"This is my way of saying thank you for earlier and I just thought that maybe if you're also trying to figure out things or if you just wanted company or someone to talk to then, I just wanted to let you know that I might be available for it..." Raine finished, showing the number on their phone while looking away pathetically as they mumbled the last few words of their sentence that Eda found herself feeling soft in.

She gave them a sweet smile of reassurance, fingers typing and copying the digits that were right in front of her.

She's got her Rainstorm's number.

They gave their calamity their number.

New paths had formed that night, and both are going to start walking down through them as they keep moving forward.

"Can I call you soon..?"

Yes, please.

"Of course! If you only want to that is...I don't- want to make you feel any pressure from doing so."

Eda lets out that wonderful cute snort that Raine's ears always loved to hear. It was like music. A cute trait of her personality that's a bit better than the sound of their violin. With every opportunity that they got, they loved to hear her laugh. Every. Single. Time.

"I think we better get going. It's getting late." there was an unknown reason for doing it but courage was higher than ever when Raine had the guts to tuck in a loose orange strand of hair behind Eda's ear. And her flabbergasted expression was already a dead giveaway of what their bold gesture had caused.


It was a miracle that she didn't fall to the ground and faint at that surreal moment but it felt like a dream. A stolen glimpse from a fantasy that made millions of butterflies flutter inside her stomach endlessly.

"I'm so sorry I need to get out of here before I do anything more stupid okay goodbye!" it turns out that Raine's stage fright was still there and always will be, as both legs started to sprint like the wind to the opposite direction to escape from any more possible confrontation.

They were now out of sight, leaving Eda cluelessly and yet, hopelessly falling in love again with her ex-lover.

They were her storm and always will be. But will Raine still consider her to be their calamity?

Questions and possibilities were now saved for later as Eda went inside the car, now driving away to where the night will take her. All that matters now, is that Raine's still here.

And they were already a good enough reason to not say goodbye just yet.

There's still time, Eda thought, cupping her face with her cold palms because of the night breeze. She smiled once more, currently feeling that she was the happiest woman to have ever lived.

There's still time.

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