One Step At a Time

נכתב על ידי Idontknowwhattoname4

504K 8.4K 1.3K

Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... עוד

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 8: Eye Contact
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 18: Pretty Boy
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 31: Something is Wrong
Chapter 32: I need her
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 15: Cooties

11K 230 39
נכתב על ידי Idontknowwhattoname4

Song: Hard Times by Paramore

"Chin up a little more." Arina demands as the model poses in her 3rd outfit.

I continue to take hundreds of pictures as Thea, the model, changes poses over and over again.

"Beautiful." I tell her as she poses, she is sitting on the white backdrop that covers the floor. Her legs are spread out in front of her spread in a triangle. Her left arm is situated behind her, the other lays on the floor between her legs.

Thea is wearing long sage green colored pants with wide legs. She wears a tight cream colored long sleeve, that crosses across her chest. The shirt ties in the back and dips between her breasts. The shoes are cream colored chunky sneaker, gold snakes are printed on the side.

She has gold layered necklaces on, a few gold bracelets and two dainty rings on. She has large thin gold hoops on, and a gold snake wrapping around the top part of her right ear.

Her hair is beautiful, It is chestnut brown and reaches just below her shoulders. It is extremely curly and has a ton of volume.

"Tilt your head to the side and close your eyes for a brief moment." Arina tells her.

She does just that and I can already tell the photos are going to be beautiful. After a moment she opens her eyes and tilts her head down and looks up at the camera.

This is her 3rd and final outfit change of the day. It is almost 5 in the afternoon and I've been here since 11.

The first outfit was an elegant sheer black dress that draped around her. There was so much fabric to it, but it pooled around her when she sat down and that created incredible photos.

I had stood above her on a small ladder and took photos from above. She looked up and the dress was spilled all around her.

The second outfit was my favorite look. She wore a  short and strapless dress. It had a bunch of neon colors on it, swirled together to make a pattern.

She wore a headband, that tied in the back of her head. The extra part of the bow goes over her shoulders. Her hair was straightened and reached midway on her stomach. She wore tall glossy white gogo boots that reached her knees.

The best photo was of her bent slightly over, with her hands on her knees and head tilted. Her hair all went to one side and she stared at the camera.

"Alright everyone that is a wrap!" Arina calls out to everyone.

I pull my camera away from my eye and stand up from my crouched position on the floor. My legs ache from squatting and standing in uncomfortable positions for the past 6 hours.

Of course we got a break for lunch, and I got to sit down and look over the photos with Arina in between outfit changes.

I make my way over to my camera bag as everyone around me starts to clean up their stuff.

I put the lens cover on my camera and place it in my bag. I bring my bag back over to where my camera stand is and start folding that and packing it away.

"Arabelle." A soft voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see Thea. "Hi Thea."

"I just wanted to thank you for today. I loved working with you, and from what Arina told me the photos are amazing."

"It was wonderful to work with you today. You are a beautiful model and very easy to work with." I tell her, "I can't tell you how many times I've worked with rude models."

"Oh yes." She laughs, a small smile on her face. "I've worked with a few rude models myself."

"Arabelle, thank you so much for today." Arina interrupts Thea and I.

She walks over to the two of us and pulls me into a hug. I look over her shoulder as I hug her and see Thea being called over by the stylist. Thea looks at me and waves, I smile at her and wave back as she walks away.

Arina pulls away from the hug and places her hands on my shoulders. "You know darling, you are incredibly beautiful." She says to me, "have you ever considered modeling?"

The question shocks me, that was not what I was expecting her to ask me. But I must say it does boost my confidence a little bit.

"I have never really though about it." She takes her hands of my shoulders and I bend down to grab my camera bag.

"But of course you are such a talented photographer." She explains in her sharp Russian accent as we begin to walk over to the sitting area where all my stuff is. "And I am so happy that I chose you to take the pictures today. You are great with the model and take brilliant pictures."

"It was lovely working with you." I tell her, putting my coat on and grabbing my bags and umbrella. "I will send these pictures right to you, since you said you had your own editor. And I should have them to you by Monday night." I pull my hair out of my coat.

"Sounds good. I will definitely keep in touch with you and let you know the next time I need a photographer. I will also have your check to you by tomorrow."

"Great." I can't help the large smile that makes it's way onto my face, "Thank you again." And with that I am out the door and heading towards the elevator.


The rain continues to pour outside. It's been storming all day, not an inch of sunlight has been seen.

I've been home for around an hour and a half. I've changed into black sweatpants and a blue cropped tank top. I put my hair in two Dutch braids, and took off all my makeup.

Normally on Sundays I relax, sometimes I watch old Seahawks football games that I have taped. I sit and yell at the t.v like the players can hear me and I like to think my yelling helps them win. All the games I have taped are games that they win.

Tonight I decided to invite the girls and the guys over. Milo, Roman, Kai, and Luca are all coming.

We are going to order a pizza and watch one of the football games I have taped. I have a bunch of snacks out for when they get here, and drinks in the fridge.

I run around as I clean my already clean apartment. They are coming at 6:15 and will be here soon.

And I'm so fucking stressed.

I've never had guys over before. I mean maybe once in high school but even then, guys didn't talk to me. And then I made the bad decision of dating him, and the only guys that I hung out with were his disgusting friends.

I cleaned my whole room, knowing that the girls might stay the night, and who knows maybe the guys will too. But they can sleep on the couch.

I walk over to my couch and fluff one of the decorative pillows on it for the tenth time.

I have music playing on my t.v like I always do. It's on shuffle, playing songs from my favorites playlist.

I make my way into the kitchen and look over all the snacks. I have chips and multiple dips on a platter, and several other kinds of chips in separate bowls. I have some cookies and brownies out that I made yesterday but didn't eat.

That should be good.

I hear my doorbell ring and rush over to the door. I look through the peep hole and see the girls patiently waiting.

"Hey guys." I greet as I open the door.

"Hey Belle."

"Hey babe."

"Hey bitch."

I open the door wider for them to enter and close the door behind me.

"I'm so excited!" Mavis exclaims as the three of them walk into the kitchen.

"Are you exited to see Milo?" I tease as I follow the three of them.

"Are you excited to see Roman?" She teases me back.

I laugh as I walk over to the fridge and grab their usuals. As I'm handing them their drinks there is a knock at the door.

"Their hereee!" Mavis sings, pushing me towards my door. "The host should open the door for them."

I narrow my eyes at her and take a deep breath before opening the door.

I'm immediately met with 4 incredibly good looking men all standing their smiling at me.

"Belle I missed you." Milo pulls me into a bone crushing hug. A loud laugh escapes me as I hug him back.

"Okay, okay." I hear Romans deep husky voice say. "Your going to suffocate her." He places his hand on Milos shoulder and pushes him off me. I see Luca smirking at him from the corner of my eye.

"I missed you too." I smile, "come on in." I open the door for them before locking it behind me.

"Nice place." Roman says, "it's very, you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

The other guys have already made their way into the kitchen and I can hear them talking to the other girls.

"I mean, it's exactly what I was expecting. It's very warm and cozy, I really like it." He tilts his head down a little and smirks at me before walking into the kitchen.

God he is so hot.

He is dressed in grey sweatpants and a black t shirt that fits him just right because of his muscles. He has rings on his fingers and a silver chain around his neck. His hair is messy and slightly wet, I'm assuming he took a shower before he came.

As he walks past me into the kitchen I can smell his cologne.

Good lord this man even smells incredible. I think to myself.

"Alright I got it." I call out to them as I finally find the football game.

The 7 of them all walk out with  snacks and drinks in their hands. Milo and Mavis jump over the couch, successfully spilling nothing, and place their drinks on the coffee table.

The two of them curl up on the end of the couch. Practically on top of each other. Eloise and Eden sit in the corner of the L shaped couch. Eloise in between Edens legs.

Kai and Luca sit in the two comfy chairs next to the couch, and Roman sits in the middle.

I press play and the game begins. I walk over to the couch and sit next to Roman. I wouldn't mind cuddling up against him, but for now I stay where I am and don't touch him.

I pull a blanket down from where it was hanging over the couch and lay it over the two of us.

"Here." Roman hands me my drink that I left in the kitchen.


Ten minutes into the game Roman put his arm over the back of the couch behind me, his hand on my shoulder. He pulled me flush against him, but acted like he did nothing.

As the game continues to play we all yell at the t.v. Luca and Milo were throwing popcorn at the screen.

"Come on!" I yell as one of the players fumbles the ball.

"Pizza!" Roman calls out over all the yelling. I didn't even notice he got up to answer the door for the pizza man.

"I hope you didn't use your own money." I tell him, pausing the game.

"I most certainly did." I narrow my eyes at him but don't argue any further.

The 8 of us each grab a plate and the box before sitting back down.

Good thing I ordered three pizzas because these guys can eat. They ate two whole pizzas by themselves, and the girls and I finished the other.

When the game is over we continue to talk and eat more snacks.

"You guys can just stay the night." I tell them when I notice how badly it's storming outside. "I don't want any of you out in this weather."

"The couch should fit 4 of us, considering the size of you guys." Mavis states.

"Are you calling us fat." Kai gasps, placing his hand over his heart. Luca pouts next to him pretending to be hurt.

"Yes." Mavis says with a completely serious face.

Milo, Mavis, Eloise, and Eden all share the couch. All of them cuddle up together. I gave Luca and Kai my extra comforter, pillows, and blankets and they settled in on the big fluffy rug on my floor. I felt bad, but they couldn't sleep comfortably on the two other chairs in my living room.

"Are you sure it's okay that I sleep with you?" Roman asks as I unmake my bed.

"It's perfectly fine." I tell him as I pull the comforter down. "It's big enough for the two of us."

I glance up at him as I slide under the covers. He's shirtless, wearing only his grey sweatpants. Tattoos litter his upper body, and his hair is a mess. His skin is beautifully tanned, and he's got rock hard abs and incredible arm muscles.

I could drool at the sight.

I gave them all extra toothbrushes, that they can keep here. So we are all ready for bed. I can hear a few of them mumbling downstairs, but I'm pretty sure most of them are asleep.

Roman sighs as he slides under the covers next to me.

"See it's not that bad." I tease him, turning off my lamp, leaving us in complete darkness.

"I don't know. I don't want to get cooties." He jokes, laying down on his back.

"I should be the one worried about cooties."

"I promise I don't have any." He laughs under his breath.

"Goodnight Ro." I sigh, turning on my side facing away from him.

"Goodnight Beautiful."

The last thing I feel before drifting off is his arm wrapping around me and pulling me into his chest.


Here's a little visual of how I picture the layout of her apartment

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