harry potter imagines

By maraudersmap123

44.5K 593 37

I currently only have stories about Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Theodore, Cedric, and Draco however I am o... More

Unexpected comfort (Sirius Black)
Regret (James Potter)
"I'll see you again one day my love" (Remus Lupin)
Disowned (James Potter)
Liar (Remus Lupin)
Get you the moon (Sirius Black)
The Collateral Damage (Remus Lupin)
About Damn Time (James Potter)
The Way You Want (James Potter)
Fears (Sirius Black)
The Way I Loved You (Sirius Black)
Illicit affair (Sirius Black)
This Little Town (James Potter)
Sad Beautiful Tragic (Remus Lupin)
Trouble (Theodore Nott)
Tis' the Damn Season (Regulus Black)
Peace (Cedric Diggory)
The Arrangement (Draco Malfoy)
Us, Forever (Draco Malfoy)

Grey (Sirius Black)

1.5K 19 2
By maraudersmap123

summery - Beauxbatons comes to Hogwarts to participate in the triwizard tournament in the year 77/78. During this time Sirius Black meets his soulmate but they are separated by war. Reunited years later in 1982 at a wedding they begin what they started when they were only teenagers.


Soulmate AU whereby soulmates can see each other phycological scars through a coloured 'aura' around the person.

warnings - very slight mentions of sex. Lots of time skips. I won't be writing in a French accent as I am very Scottish and have no idea how the French accent effects words so I'm just writing it the way I usually would and you can imagine the French accent lol.

word count - 6,121

reading time - 29 mins 32 seconds


Hogwarts was everything the group of 6th year beauxbaton students had expected and more. The large castle was just as homely and charming as they had hoped and they found themselves quickly feeling at home among the students, particularly the Ravenclaws. The students from Hogwarts overall seemed much more welcoming towards the French student than they did towards those that came from durmstrang, y/n put it down to the social climate and assumed it wasn't the best time to be from a school that so heavily and openly encouraged dark magic.

None the less within only a month y/n had gotten used to her life at Hogwarts and was enjoying the experience, especially considering she didn't have to really worry about the tournament as she wasn't competing.

"I like it here, the people are nice" Genevieve Blanchett, Y/ns best friend said as they made their way over to the lake. It was quite cold as autumn was in full swing however they had dressed appropriately and decided to leave the carriages to sit down by the lake, giving them some peace.

"They are nice, it's crazy that this could have been my school had my parents not chosen otherwise" y/n replied, laying down the small blanket that they had brought with them so they could sit without messing up their skirts.

Y/ns parents had both gone to Hogwarts and met there. they considered for awhile sending their daughter to Hogwarts also but due to them living in France at the time they decided against it.

"But then you would never have met me" She laughed, her accent thick.

"You know that is a good point Gen" Laughing also. They finally sat down and y/n pulled out her book from her back. It was a muggle book she had found at her local book shop when she had been home through the summer, 'wuthering heights' she hadn't gotten too far yet but she could safely say she was enjoying it.

"Would it be alright if we sat with you" Came an unfamiliar voice after the pair had been sat for around half an hour. Genevieve busy trying to finish an essay that was due in the next few weeks and Y/n reading her book. She looked up and found a beautiful red headed girl stood beside an equally pretty brunette, both smiling at them. They both sported red ties, telling the pair of visitors that they were from griffindor house, the brave.

"Of course" Y/n replied with a smile. "What are your names?"

"I'm Lily Evans, this is Marlene McKinnon. We seen you sitting here and thought we'd come over and introduce ourselves. The tournaments purpose is to make friends after all" The ginger girl, Lily, told them earning a smile from both girls, motioning them to sit which they did.

"I'm Y/n L/n, and this is Genevieve Blanchett" she said, the two hogwarst students nodded their head in acknowledgement.

"withering heights, I love that book" she exclaimed before asking where Y/n was and what she thought of the book so far.

Before y/n had the time to answer the question she spied something very odd over Lilys shoulder. A group of 4 boys where quickly approaching them, which wouldn't have been too odd had one of them not had a faint aura of dark grey surrounding him. She had never seen anything like it and had been stunned speechless. She had never heard of people who glowed colours and she had definitely never seen it before. She was too shocked to notice that he had stopped in his tracks when he seen her, his friends carrying on without him and not even noticing he had been left behind.

"Hello my love" a tall brunette with messy hair said while staring at lily. Y/n was still staring at the boy who was stood alone a few steps away from her, unable to tear her eyes away from him.

"Hello James" Lily said in a bored voice.

"Sirius what are you doing" James, as Lilly called him, yelled over at the boy who was stood alone. Sirius was an odd name, y/n thought as he seemed to snap out of his trance and run over to them, his eyes never once leaving her.

Genevieve cleared her throat from beside her and she finally looked away from the tall black haired boy and towards the three girls around her who were all watching the pair with confused looks. She coughed quietly before staring up at the boys infant of her, putting on a smile and trying to push aside the confusion she was feeling

"Hello, I'm Y/n" She introduced and the tallest of the boys smiled back at her.

"Remus" He mumbled, reaching out and shaking her hand "This is Peter" He continued, motioning to the smaller boy in the back who gave her a lopsided smile.

"And this is Sirius, I don't know what's gotten into him he's usually much more talkative" Remus finished and Y/n let herself look back at the odd boy with the grey around him.

"Nice to meet you" He spoke quietly. His voice was deep but he had a kindness about his tone that she hadn't expected from the look of him.

"I'm Genevieve. It's been lovely meeting you all, hopefully we become friends however we have to get back to the carriages soon or they will start to wonder where we have gone" She said kindly, smiling at the group of Hogwarts students, though especially at Remus.

"We could walk you back" Remus offered though the suggestion was rejected politely by Genevieve who blushed at the boys kindness but ensured that it wasn't necessary. Y/n smiled at the exchange before she rose to her feet, the rest of the girls following suit and y/n reaching down to pick up the blanket and folding it under her arm.

"We'll see you at dinner ye" Lily asked the pair and they nodded, ensuring that they would look for them in the hall later in the evening.


With the next day came the news of the yule ball, a dance that was held during every triwizard tournament on Christmas Eve. Of course they still had over a month to prepare for the dance, it only being the beginning of November. Y/n had written home as soon as she was able to and had asked her mum to send her a dress as soon as possibly.

In the mean time she decided she would research the odd boy that was Sirius Black. When she had learnt his full name she had recognised it immediately and recalled a conversation she had heard a few christmases ago between her parents and their friends. She suspected however that Sirius wasn't like the rest of his family, he certainly didn't come across as evil and twisted as the people her parents had been talking about.

But due to this past knowledge she knew that he wasn't some magic creature that glowed, he was a normal person who to everyone else just looked like an extremely attractive teenager. It didn't take her long to realise that nobody else could see the grey that surrounded him.

And so she spent every second grey she had free in the library browsing as many books as she could about glowing men. She obviously never found anything but none the less she didn't stop trying. Based off his reaction to her she assumed that to him perhaps she looked odd also in some way. She wasn't sure in what way and it's not like she could ask him but she was almost certain he didn't view her as normal either.

Eventually after what felt like 100s of books she found one that seemed to explain what was happening, though the girl struggled massively to believe it. The book stated that when two people are destined to one another they have a connection that nobody else can see, this connection shows as an aura around said person which is coloured based on the individuals emotions.

The only things that indicated that this wasn't what she had with Sirius Black was that it was in a book of myths, 'soulmate folklore and myths' to be more specific. But maybe it was real and so few people experienced it that it was believed to be a myth. She had never heard of it before but this seemed to be a perfect description of what was happening.

She flipped to the next page which held a table that explained what each colour meant.

Red: Anger or lust.

Blue: Calmness.

Yellow: Happiness.

Green: Disappointment.

Purple: Excitement.

Grey: Regular sadness or stoicism

Black: Coldness or depression.

Pink: Love

White: Neutral happiness or contentment.

She felt her heart sink when she read the description of grey and black, especially when she recalled just how dark the grey colour was surrounding him. She suspected it was almost black.

She decided to check the book out and when she turned out of the library the next thing she knew she was bumping full force into somebody, pulling back quickly and leaning down to pick up the book that had fallen from her hands. She straightened herself up and brushed her hands down her blue robes, ridding it off any creases.

She started apologising to the mystery person but when she finally looked up at them her voice died in her throat.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" She whispered, staring at the boy in front of her. She noticed that his bubble of colour had gotten even darker.

"That's no problem, are you alright?" He asked, breaking their eye contact to look down at the book held in her arms. "Looks older than us, what's it about"

"Oh just a bunch of rubbish to be honest" She answered quickly, not wanting to give him any indication at what she was really looking into "and I'm fine, it was just a bump"

"Maybe I'll read it when you're done, find out about some rubbish" He grinned and she returned the smile.

"Are you heading back to the carriages" asked the boy, motioning with his hand to the large entrance doors in front of them.

"I am ye"

"I'll walk you back"

"Oh no that's alright, it's cold out and you'll have to walk back" she assured him quickly.

"I insist, and we always have warming charms"

A comfortable chatter filled the air around them as they began their walk to the carriages at the far end of the grounds. She found herself very at ease with him and there was no moment of awkwardness once they had began to talk. They discussed lots, from friends to school work to the dance. Finally after around 10 minutes of walking they reached the carriages, coming to a stop near the doors.

"It was nice talking to you, hopefully I see you again soon" He said looking down at his hands.

"I'm sure you will" She smiled before rising to her tip toes and leaving a gentle kiss on her cheek, only lingering for a few seconds before turning away and entering the carriages without looking back.


The yule ball had approached faster than y/n had anticipated and before she realised how close it was she was stood in front of the mirror adjusting her dark blue floor length dress in the mirror.

Her date was one of her friends from beauxbatons, she had hoped deep down that Sirius would ask her but he never did. Over the months that had past since she had met the boy she had done more and more research into the aura soulmate theory and had come to the conclusion that Sirius was her soulmate. whether they were friendship soulmates or more she didn't quite know yet. But she still liked it.

She finally decided that she was ready to go and made her way out of the dorm room, finding her date. Louis was stood beside the fire and looked over at her when she entered, smiling at her.

"You look lovely, maybe Mr Mysterious like steal you away from me" He said referencing Sirius, walking towards her and linking her arm through his.

"I doubt it, but maybe" She joked back with a grin. They quickly made their way out of the carriages and as they stepped out the door into the cold winter air they spied Remus, who had after week of persuasion and hyping up plucked up the courage to ask out Genevieve.

"You can go in Remus, she won't be long she was just finishing up" Y/n smiled at the boy who was clearly feeling out of place.

"Alright thank you, I'll see you later" He responded quickly, leaving to enter the carriages and leaving the pair to descend to the castle.

The great hall was decorated beautifully with snow falling from the celling but disappearing before it could reach the students below, there was live music at the front of the hall and the whole room was decorated in white.

Making their way to the drink table they picked up some of the punch from the bowl and made their way over to one of the tables. as they sat down she spied the marauders sat at a table on the opposite side of the hall, Sirius' eyes trained firmly on her. She smiled over at him and he returned it without hesitation.

They had talked only a few times over the months since she had bumped into him and they got on well but they didn't seem to cross paths all to often, or at least very rarely when they were alone. she had quickly realised that he didn't have a good relationship with his family when they bumped into his brother in the year below them who he talked with very bluntly.

"You know, you could have always asked him out" Louis said with a chuckle as he watched the two staring at each other.

"It was too late to ask, besides he's probably already got a date. And you could have asked Millie from Ravenclaw that you've been crushing on but you never" She rebutted, the French boy blushing in response.

"Do you want to dance" He asked when the song changed and she nodded happily, getting up and making her way over to the dance floor. Within a few minuets the song had changed again to a much slower one and couples started the slow dance together. The pair looked at each other awkwardly, knowing that their feelings never went past anything platonic and a slow dance would be awkward.

They were spared from the awkward situation when she heard someone clearing their throat behind her, she seen Louis grinning cheekily at whoever it was behind her and based on his reaction she knew who it was before she even looked.

Slowly turning around she was met with a pair of dark eyes which belonged to a boy who was still surrounded by a dark bubble of grey which hadn't changed shade in months.

"Sirius?' She asked in confusion to which he simply outstretched his hand towards her.

"Would you like to dance with me" He asked her politely, watching her with anticipation. She was at a loss for words and Sirius furrowed his brows at the lack of words.

"She would love to" Louis spoke for her, and she quickly nodded her head, clearing her throat and accepting the offer.

The tall boy took her hand in his gently and pulled her into the crowd, keeping his eyes on hers. When they reached the centre of the dance floor he wrapped his arms around her waist, hers reaching up around his neck.

"You look beautiful" He whispered and she smiled up at him. For someone who was so confident with everyone else he lost all his charisma when it came to her. He was so shy he wondered if something must be wrong with him.

"You're not too bad yourself" She giggled and he laughed in response.

They fell silent for a few moment and y/n could have sworn they were in a room alone for everything and everyone other than him had disappeared.

"I read that book you borrowed from the library a few months back" He told her quietly. Tucking a hair behind her shoulder, his fingers gently brushed over her skin.

"And what did it tell" He only just heard her, her voice being so quiet.

"It told me that you are my soulmate and that you are always either happy or excited" He said with a smile "what did it tell you?" He returned

"It told me that you're my soulmate and that you are always sad" She replied with a frown

"Now that's a lot to get into love, maybe we'll talk about it another day"

"Are you happy right now?" She asked him, breaking their eye contact and resting her head against his chest.

"Happier than I've been in years" he answered, continuing the sway gently to the music, her wrapped firmly in his arms.

It was at this moment that Y/n noticed that the colour around her soulmate had in fact turned into a far lighter grey. It was now closer to white than it was black and she smiled at the change.

The pairs relationship only grew in the remanding months of the school year. They fell in love everyday and he told her about why his colour was grey. Before long their relationship had turned physical and they were rarely apart. She spent more nights in his bed than she did in her own and she couldn't say she regretted a moment of it, even despite the future they had in front of them though they didn't know it at the time.

When the school year came to a close the unofficial couple kissed goodbye alongside their friends who had formed a group after the relationship between James and Lily turned official. As did Remus and Genevieves. Sirius and Y/n were the only two not officially together. But they believed their connect was stronger, stronger than the need for titles.

"I'll see you soon ye" He asked her, his hand cupping her face.

"I'm sure you will" She answered quickly, she believed it too.

He leaned down quickly and pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling away when the headmistress called for the beauxbaton students to board the carriages.

"I love you" He breathed, finally pulling away fully and smiling sadly at her.

"I love you too" She said firmly, before turning around and leaving the beautiful school which was Hogwarts and the even more beautiful boy who was Sirius Black.


4 years later

The Wizarding War had taken its grip on the magical world almost as soon as Y/n and the marauders left school. Y/n being from a very magical family had known who Voldemort was for years, he had been at school with her father and after he began gaining power in 1970 her dad had worried that he would come knocking, wanting more followers and looking to his old school mates and acquaintances to fill these spots in his ranks.

Her father, having been in Slytherin house during his school days, fell into this category and it had caused a great deal of stress on him, ultimately resulting in his choice to sent his daughter to a school in a different country to avoid any possible cross over.

It was in late 1978 - only months after Y/n graduated - that the war got bad, the government had become corrupt and the monster had his ropes in every aspect of Wizarding society all across the world, almost one in four people you talked to were a follower of his.

It wasn't long after this power was achieved that Voldemort's followers came to their door and met with her father, trying to recruit him due to his impressive auror performance over the years.

Her father had pretended to agree and let the men out of the house, telling them he would appear at the Black family home in a matter of days to speak to 'Tom', as he called him. However as soon as they left bags where packed and the family of three went into hiding for over four years, never staying in one place for longer than a month at a time.

She had only stayed in touch with Genevieve though she hadn't met her in just short of 3 years. She heard bits and pieces about Lily, Marlene, Alice and the boys from Gen. They were all fighting in the war against Voldemort and by 1981 they were all also in hiding. She would always look for him in the papers and would sit up every evening to listen to the death toll and names listed, listening out for any recognisable names but especially his.

She had missed him direly through the war and had constantly worried about what he was doing and if he was safe.

The end of the war came suddenly on halloween night in 1981, with a couple in south east England being murdered and their one year old son somehow surviving the killing curse. Something happened that night that resulted in his survival and the disappearance of Voldemort, nobody knew what but there was too much happiness for people to really care that much at the time being.

Y/n returned to her family home with her parents and quickly contacted Genevieve to meet for a coffee the following day. Genevieve had managed to keep her relationship with Remus Lupin going through the war and by mid 1980, at only 20 years old, they had welcomed their first child. Y/n was informed through a letter that she was the god mother of their daughter Hope Y/n Lupin. She was yet to meet the child but was to meet her soon.

Genevieve told her during their coffee that her and Remus had been waiting for the end of the war to get married and now that it had finally ended they had booked the event for three weeks time, wanting to be married sooner rather than later.

"I want you to be my maid of honour" She smiled, holding her coffee mug between her hands.

"I would love to" Y/n replied excitedly.

"We've all missed you, you know" Genevieve said sadly

"I've missed you all too, so much" They fell silent for a few moments before Y/n finally asked the question she had been wondering.

"How is he" She asked, fiddling with her hands as to avoid eye contact.

"I'm honestly not sure. None of us have seen him in nearly a year. He writes occasionally to keep us updated on his general location and any updates on his life and we return the owl with a letter of our own though we never know where the owl goes, just that he gets it" Genevieve responded with a pensive tone to her voice.

"He missed you the most, Remus said it was noticeable within weeks of you going into hiding" she continued "He was constantly worried something had happened to you and I think my presence just worsened it because we are such good friends"

"I'm sure he'll come to the wedding, he wouldn't miss it" Y/n replied, trying her best to brush it off. She would be lying if she said she hadn't worried about him everyday but this wasn't information she was going to share. The news that he had gone on the run for as long as he had only worried her more and a part of her didn't want to know the colour of his aura for she knew it would be bad.

"Remus wrote him a letter, he wants him and James to be his best man instead of just one. We haven't heard back yet but he knows the date and location"


The wedding was beautiful in every way. It was small and was held in a church in Remus' hometown, followed by a reception that was attended by 50 people. Sirius hadn't yet shown but y/n believed he would.

Her dress was a beautiful blue colour, similar to that of their school robes all those years ago. She had shed a tear at the vows and her beautiful little godchild had followed her around all day, having not long learnt to walk.

When the reception came y/n found her seat at the front table two seats away from the happily married couple. Lily was sat on her right and James next to his wife, the two had a son named harry a few months after Remus and Genevieve had Hope and the little boy, named Harry, was running about cheerfully on the dance floor with the little girl.

The couple fell in to easy conversation with their old friend with lots of hugs and laughs being exchanged. After awhile she heard someone clear their voice behind her and she turned to look at the tall man who looked much like he did when she last seen him.

"May I sit here" He asked awkwardly, looking down at the name tag that clearly said 'Sirius Black' next to her own name tag, meaning he was to sit to her left.

"Of course" She answered in shook.

"It's good to see you again mate, is this you back" James asked quickly, standing up and hugging his best friend.

"I do hope so" He answered with a halfhearted smile. Lily followed suit in hugging him and giving him a reassuring smile. It was clear to Y/n that though she had missed whatever had gone down Sirius' hadn't left for good reason and it seemed everyone had been worried for him.

He had already sat down by the time she snapped back to reality and could hug him and so she chose instead to just look at him, it had been so long she could barely even comprehend that he was in front of her even though she had expected him.

"How have you been" He asked her gently, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh all right, it's better now we can live our lives normally again. Or at least as normal as we can given everything we've been through" She answered, staring down the table and noticing all the eyes on the pair. Remus looked thrilled to have his friend back.

She wished she hadn't noticed it but it didn't take her long to realise that the aura around him had gone from the light grey it was when she last seen him to jet black. It made her heart drop and she wanted to help but she suspected hers was no longer the yellow it had been when they were at school.

Seeing the next generation running around them as they fell into easy chatter made her wonder what would have happened if there was no war, if her and Sirius had been allowed to pursue their relationship in a natural way. Would they have been married by now like Lily and James? Would they have children? a house? She wondered many things because she knew these were all things she wanted with him.

The first dance began and the beautiful newlyweds took to the dance floor. The slow dance that had played at the yule ball in their 7th year began to play and a tear came to most of the halls eye and Louis who had been stood in the crowd watching them dance grinned over at her, remembering the yule ball.

"Would you like to dance with me" Sirius asked her shyly as other couples started to take the floor as well which she simply nodded her head to.

They found themselves in a similar position to that of the yule ball, his arms around her waist and hers around his neck.

"I've missed you so much" She whispered against his shoulder, her heels making her taller than usual.

"I missed you too, more than anything" He told her, kissing her head gently.

"What colour am I" She asked him quietly, they had decided when they figured out what the colours meant that it would be best to keep it to themselves, not wanting to complicate things.

"Black" he responded sadly "You used to always be yellow, no matter what"

"I used to see the beauty in this world, now I see the truth" she said quietly "I guess that effects my colours"

"For awhile there was little beauty in this country, that's not how it is anymore. One day soon you'll be yellow again" he promised her and she smiled halfheartedly at him.

"And one day you won't be black or grey anymore. I'm hoping for yellow or white"

"I suspect pink" he told her, leaning down and capturing her lips between his own, moving his lips against hers.


7 years later

Marriage hadn't at all been what Y/n and Sirius Black had expected, they had heard stories from their married friends that the first 2 years were the most difficult, Remus and Genevieve had even come close to divorce in their second year, but the Blacks never found this to be the truth for them. They found that their relationship became rocky in the year after they had their first son, Charlie.

They hadn't planned to have children so soon, having been married for 4 years but both still very much struggling with the aftermath of the war that had ended 7 years ago. They knew they wanted children but they also knew that mentally they weren't ready to look after another person, not when they were as vulnerable as they were already.

Therefore when she found out she was pregnant she felt an automatic pang of dread, however to her surprise Sirius had taken it well. He had assured her that though it wasn't planned they could manage and would do the best they could.

The difficulty came when Charlie had been born. Sirius had struggled with the transition into fatherhood and had even at times left their family home for weeks at a time. This caused huge stress on Y/n, feeling as though she had been left to do everything on her own.

She started to resent her husband for not caring or trying enough when all she done was try. They would sleep in different beds when he was home and he barely seen their son for the first 6 months. It was when she kicked him out and forced him to buy his own flat that he realised what he had done, showing up at the house a few months later begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Y/n, i'll do better, I promise i'll do better" He begged her, stood on the door step being drenched by the rain. When she had opened the door and seen him she attempted to shut the door on him, but he blocked it with his foot and asked her to hear him out.

"You had plenty of time to do better Sirius, it's not just me I have to lookout for it's my son" She snapped, once again trying to shut the door but stopping when he continued talking.

"Our son, he's our son and I love him and I want to be here, I want to do this with you" He said quickly, taking a step forward to be slightly covered from the rain.

"I want to fix things with you Y/n, I need you" he told her and she just nodded her head.

"We'll see" She said bluntly.

She wanted to take him back so badly. She thought about him every day and wanted nothing more than the fairytale lives that her friends were living in their marriages, not being on the brink of divorce and raising their children alone. But she couldn't trust him like she used to. She had a perfect image of him in her head and he tore it down and replaced it with someone she couldn't trust.

"Can I see him" He asked sadly, doubting he would ever get his wife back with her response.

"He's asleep"

"I'll be quick"

"You know where the nursery is" She responded, stepping to the side and letting him in the house. It was odd seeing him back in the home they had bought together though only she now occupied. He had always looked at home in the place, for the first viewing he looked at ease and fit in to the homely environment perfectly, somehow despite everything that happened he still did.

She followed behind him up to the nursery and watched him enter the room quietly. She leaned against the door frame and watched him look down at Charlie, who was three weeks of turning 1.

Charlie started to wake and when his eyes opened he quickly caught sight of his father and woke up quickly.

"Daddy!" He exclaimed standing up in the crib and reaching his arms up to his dad, making grabbing hands.

"Hi buddy" Sirius whispered, picking him up and kissing the top of his head, Charlie giggling and grinning.

"Where did you go" Charlies voice was far quieter than it had been initially and Y/n guessed that he was copying his dad.

"I went away for awhile, but I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere again" Sirius promised which got a large grin from Charlie.

"How about you go back to sleep and i'll see you later ye, it's late and mummy wants to go to sleep" Charlies face dropped at this, it clear to Sirius that he thought he wouldn't see his dad in ages again

"I'll be here when you wake up bud, I promise" At that he put him back in his crib and told him a story in attempt to get him back to sleep, at last he heard Charlie's breathing evening out and he turned to leave the room, finding his wife stood at the door watching. She stepped back again letting him out and she shut the door as gently as she could.

"What time does he wake up at usually" Sirius asked. It was now that Y/n finally took notice of the colour surrounding the man infant of her. He was green which was a new colour for him, it meant he was disappointed. Whether he was disappointed in himself or in not getting her back she didn't know, however she suspected it was the first as she could see regret clear in his features as he witnessed the life he had ruined.

"around 6AM, though sometimes later" She answer. He nodded and quickly told her that he would be here at half 5.

"Don't bother" She whispered as she began to walk away from him towards the spare bedroom and their old shared bedroom. He looked shocked and saddened at her words and went to protest when she continued on. "Its late, you can stay the night. You know where the spear bedroom is"

"Thank you, Thank you so much" He exclaimed

"If you genuinely want to be a part of this family again Sirius, and you truly love us, I will give you another chance. It will take time and it will take a lot for me to trust you again. But all I want is what's best of Charlie and he clearly needs you as well" She said, running him speechless.

"As well?" he asked after a few moments of silence

"Don't do that, you know I needed you and you failed. Merlin knows why I'm giving you the chance to hurt me again but I guess that's what I'm doing. Where are you staying" she asked him, opening the door to the spare bedroom and letting him in.

"James'" Sirius answered simply.

"I thought you got a flat" she asked him.

"I did, but I couldn't stay there on my own, it was to lonely knowing had a family and lived alone" he told her simply.

"You can stay here. I still have the divorce papers Sirius and I swear I will sign them. If you don't step up your game I will sign them, no matter how much I don't want to"

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Sirius" she answered "Please just don't make it so difficult for me to do so"

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Just like what you see on TikTok only it's here. Everything I write is original even though some of the writing may look plagiarized, it's not. repea...
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This is siriusly-not-over-remus and whompingwillovvs RP copied here to make it easier to read from the begining. Okay so I've copied these over...
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~June 17, 2021- Present~ Hello! This is my first time writing Y/n so please be nice lol. With that said some things, you should know if you don't alr...
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Imagine, reactions, prefrences about our favorite Hogwarts Boys i write about the following characters -Remus Lupin -Sirius Black -Regulus Black -Jam...