
Von Muse-Dono

385 0 0

Instead of Momonga, it was Ryoko who was transmigrated to the New World with Nazarick. Watch as she attempts... Mehr

Game Over. Try Again?
A Weeping Heart
Haunting Memories
Into The Rabbit Hole
Team Isekai

A Death Worth Dying For

64 0 0
Von Muse-Dono

Albedo finds me sprawled out on the moist grass, sides aching and trying to gasp lungfuls of air.

Distantly, I can recognize that this fit is probably more due to nerves than actual amusement, but I still can't seem to gather my wits long enough to reassure her that I am not, in fact, dying.

Do I feel like I'm dying? Maybe.

Still not actually dying.

'Though, now that I'm thinking it, maybe I have died.' Certainly, it would be more realistic than for me to be isekai'd like in some kind of anime-

Others are still called, Lupu and the furry-like Head Maid (-the fact that both healers have dog characteristics sends me further into peels of laughter, for whatever reason-) being front and centre, and although I try to wave both their reaching hands and concerns away, somehow I'm still herded back into the Tomb and escorted up to my room.

By the time that I'm being seated on my bed I've calmed down somewhat, phantom pains on my cheeks from grinning so much. A warm drink mixed with a potion is put in my hands, to which I drink under their insistence, but I put my foot down when it comes apparent that Albedo intends to tuck me into bed.

"Oh, no, no, no, no-" I chuckle, pushing off my bed. "There is no way I'm sleeping now of all times," I tell everyone firmly, wicked, wicked ideas springing to mind.

"But, My Lady-" Albedo protests.

I lock eyes with her, and the rest of her argument seems to die on her tongue. Taking a single step back, she sweeps an arm in front of her as she inclines her head.

"As you wish, Lady RyokoTheSassy21. What do you desire? How may we help you? Simply tell us, and it shall be so!"

I hold up a finger. "First of all, you can stop calling me by my username. Just Ryoko is fine. That goes for all of you." A sudden, strong urge to to ruffle Albedo's head raises up, but I push it back down.

She straightens, looking resolute. "Understood, Lady Ryoko!"

I open my mouth, but then close it, sighing. That's not what I meant, but something about the determined glint in her eye tells me this is not a fight I'm going to win.

Truthfully, I don't know why Albedo and everyone is acting the way they are, but at this point the only thing I can do is roll with the punches.

(Either that, or faint or something.)

"Okay, right," I continue. "Albedo? Can you get all of the floor Guardians here -oh! And Damien!" The possibility of getting to meet my own NPC, Damien Crawford in the flesh and blood, causes my heart to race and a wide smile to bloom, stretching my already sore cheeks.

She hesitates, just for a split second. "Forgive my insolence, but do you mean to include Gargantua as well?"

"Ah." Right, that one isn't an NPC created by one of the guild members, but a bonus. Not to mention the sheer size of him -I highly doubt he'd be able to leave his own floor! "No, no, um, just the others, okay?"

"I shall do so without delay, Lady Ryoko. Then, please excuse me." Albedo leaves without further adieu, leaving me with the others.

An awkward, expectant silence befalls us, dimming the giddiness somewhat. I clear my throat, another uneasy chuckle bubbling up. "You guys can leave -do what you usually do, thanks."

They bow at the waist as one, Sebas stepping up as their spokesperson:

"As you command, my Lady."

They filter out, closing my door gently behind them.

As I wait for Albedo and the other Guardians, I marvel over my new found control for my thick tail and leathery wings. You'd think, these being extra limbs, it would be difficult to command them as easy as the others. Except...It isn't. Aside from becoming aware of new muscles, curling my tail and stretching my wings isn't much different than moving an arm or leg.

Well, I say that, and then being reminded that its not too similar as my tails begin wagging without meaning to and knocking against one of the wooden bedposts.

The loud, piercing crack! startles me, and I whip around to find the one post splintered, broken almost in two as the bed groans and dips.

'D-Did I do that?'

I hardly think I hit it that hard!

I test out the sharpness of my claws by shredding a pillow, mouth twisting in displeasure as I consequently pick out the stuffing and bits of cloth stuck under them. Furthermore, I can smell the cleaner on by bedding as clear as if I were pressing my nose into it, the old, dried paint in the decorative paintings on the wall, and the flowers several feet away on the dresser. It's all so clear and strong!

I also try a few minor spells -nothing major, a simple [Fire Ball] that hovers over my palm, a few flaps of my wings to fly an inch off the ground before falling back down.

Curiously, I seem to be able to instinctively tell what my stats are. I want to let loose and see what a more powerful spell does -so that I can compare what losing MP might feel like- but just as I'm pondering that, Albedo knocks on the door.

"Lady Ryoko? I have gathered everyone as you commanded, may we please be allowed entry?"

"Oh, um, yeah!" I close my fist, the small blue flame sputtering out as I turn to face the door. "Come on in!"

The sight of everyone -as unworldly, terrific as it is- pooling together causes instant regret over not requesting a different meeting place than my room. The room isn't small by any means, truly is does resemble a Nobles', with a gigantic bed, enough space for a heavy dresser floor to ceiling, and a sitting area, but as everyone gathers in front of me...

Especially Cocytus! The blue Vermin Lord takes up the vast majority of the space, forcing everyone else to squeeze together to make room. The man can't even stand up straight, and his armer still scraps against the ceiling even as he kneels!

I'm about to suggest that we should move back into the hallway when Shalltear weasels past Cocytus and Demiurge, stalking right up to me with stars in her crimson hues, her delicate hands clasped in front of her chest.

"Lady RyokoTheSassy21, you are utterly radiant this evening!" she breathes, leaning uncomfortably close. "Oh, that's not to say you aren't radiant everyday, but you are most stunning today especially! I am most honoured to be given the privilege to bask in your Supreme presence-"

"Shalltear, I do believe that you are burdening Lady RyokoTheSassy21," Demiurge speaks up with clear disapproval in his deep, smooth voice, the sound of that voice doing a funny little thing to my tummy. Behind him, his tail flickers side to side with subtle aggression.

Shalltear pouts at him, taking another step closer so that she's just shy of pressing against me. "Nonsense, Demiurge, I am simply appreciating Lady RyokoTheSassy21's unparalleled, exquisite beauty!"

'The top of her head barely reaches my shoulder...'

I clear my throat, using my claws to gently hold her off, but she only leans further into the touch, a bright blush blooming on her otherwise pale cheeks, gazing up at me under her lashes shyly. "My Lady?" she wonders.

The image of her creator, Peroroncino, springs to mind, as so does his unfiltered chanting of girl love.

"Um, thank you, Shalltear, you're pretty adorable yourself-" I pause, noticing how her face continues to redden, and for a second I think she's going to pass simply swooning and straight up faint. "-But I think you need you take a step back. Please."

Her crushed expression makes me want to squirm, but thankfully she backs down and joins the others with only a quiet apology.

Right, well, that happened.

"Forgive my rudeness, my Lady, but please allow us to Vow our Fidelity," Albedo requests humbly.

'What.' I blink, wondering not for the first time where the hell this train is heading, and how on earth I can get my hands on the destination map. But, well, it isn't like I had any sort of plan. I just really wanted to meet everyone in the flesh, so why the hell not?

I glance over to Cocytus's other side, where my NPC stands. I didn't notice until now because of Cocytus's massive built, and I'm sure because of Damien's own character/power traits I gave him, but now...Now I can't look away.

I believe I gave him the same height as my own avatar, and with a yummy amount of muscles on his bones. The deep red headwrap covers the tiny, slithering green snakes that marks his Medusa race. A matching cloth also hides away his serpent eyes, leaving behind the impression that he might be blind. His skin is dark, and the cloak he wears is an even darker black as it pools around his feet. I can only spot the hilts of his double swords behind him, but under that cloak should be bottles of poisons in his pockets and a dagger strapped to each thigh, and even more knives are hidden in the soles of his shoes.

I remember the day I first created his profile, and then later gathered enough cystrals to make him for real. I wanted a Master Spy/Ninja, and originally went to make him a doppelgänger, but then Momonga made his own NPC first and I didn't want others to think I was copying him. Plus, there was already Narberal Gamma, and three powerful doppelgängers seemed a bit much.

So after some consideration I decided on Medusa instead, giggling to myself as I pictured him creeping into the night, turning his victims and targets alike into stone as he slipped into the shadows. I drove myself to great lengths to power him up, and to date, as far as I'm aware I've been able to get him to a general level of 90.

His speed and agility are his biggest stats, second only to his sheer attack power. Admittedly his defences are rather lacking in comparison, but I never really worried about that as I reasoned his speed and ninja skills were defence enough. Why stress when he's built to take out his enemies before they even realize the target on their backs?

I recall that I was in my on-again, off-again yandere phase when I wrote his personalty. His charisma/acting skills is supposed to rival his speed and attack points. When going undercover he presents himself as a friend to all, charming smile, eyes that dance with mischief. To his colleagues he is a stoic, no nonsense professional that generally keeps to himself and his underlings unless needed otherwise.

But under all that...The hair on the back of my neck rises, and I become acutely aware of the weight of his unwavering attention on me, despite the veil over his eyes.

Because under all that is a dark, bloodthirsty, manipulative yandere utterly obsessed with me.

Suddenly I'm not so keen on meeting him anymore...

"My Lady?" Albedo's soft voice snatches me away from my quickly spiralling thoughts, and I become aware that I haven't actually answered her question yet. And in my silence everyone has grown increasingly nervous -everyone, that is, except for Damien, who remains as patient and quietly watchful as when he first entered.

Somehow that only makes me more uneasy.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Um, yeah, go ahead." 'Wow, can I ever sound lamer than that?' I'm still mentally berating myself when they begin;

"The Guardian of the first, second, and third floor, Shalltear Bloodfallen. I bow before the Supreme One."

"The. Guardian. Of. The. Fourth. Floor. Cocytus. I. Bow. Before. The. Supreme. One."

"The Guardian of the sixth floor, Aura Bella Fiora-"

"A-Also the Guardian of the sixth floor, Mare Bella Fiora-"

"-We bow before the Supreme One."

"The Guardian of the seventh floor, Demiurge. I bow before the Supreme One."

"The Guardian of the eighth floor, Victim. I bow before the Supreme One."

"The Captain of the Nerium Oleander, and your personal creation, Damien Crawford. I bow before my Supreme One." The low, silky way he emphasizes the word "personal" along with the smirk sends a chilled shiver down my spine, and a part of me is glad that I can't see those dangerous eyes of his.

"The leader of all the Guardians, Albedo. I bow before the Supreme One."

One by one, they kneel with a hand on their heart as they stare up at me, raw and unashamed with their admiration, aside from Cocytus who was forced to his knees since entering my room and Victim who flies, both of whom have no facial expressions to speak of.

My own words are caught in my throat, leaving me floundering for a good moment before I can muster up a better response. (They're all so serious!) "Thank you," I finally manage. "I'm pleased to hear it." 'What else can I say? Is anything else needed?'

Seems not, for they all beam in return, as if I just given them the greatest blessing of them all.

"Your thanks is wasted upon us," Albedo demurs. "We have all pledged ourselves t-to you-" her voice cracks near the end, though she does her best to mask it "-Lady Ryoko, though you may find us lacking, we vow to work hard and live up to the expectations of the Supreme Beings who created us. This, we vow."

"This we vow!" the others echo after her loudly, proudly.

"Please bestow your orders upon us, Supreme One," Albedo finishes.

Suddenly thrust into an even further uncomfortable position, my mind scrambles to find something to satisfy them. 'What can I -that's it!' "Damien."

"Yes, my Lady?" he responds instantly. I dare say even eagerly.

"I need you to look around outside and tell me what you find. How far the surrounding settlements are, who lives there, stuff like that."

"It would be my pleasure," he purrs, and I can imagine his golden hues narrowing into slits to pair off with that devilish smirk of his. "Would I be allowed to take a few of my underlings with me?"

When I was making him, I also worked to convince Momonga that it was worth the gold to buy several Hanzos to make a mini-spy army. Though the level 80 Hanzos started off a lot stronger than Damien, I had put in sweat and blood for several months to grind him past that as a proper superior. In the end, I had to do some solo adventuring and quests to come up with the money (Momonga and I's deal) and was able to buy twenty of them, all for Damien.

"Of course," I answer easily. "Take as many as you want."

It's not like we have anyone requiring a spy network for, after all. Truth be told Damien and his little army of Hanzos were more decoration than an actual force for Nazarick, which is why I had to earn the gold myself to begin with.

"My sincerest thanks, my Lady."

He stays there for minute, waiting, until I clue in and dismiss him. With one last lingering look and bow towards me, he gracefully slips out of the room, as quiet as a mouse.

I turn to the others, fists on my hips. 'Well, that takes care of him, at least. Now what else should I do...?' "Eh, well, first of all, I'd like everyone to stand please. And just refer to me as Ryoko -no need for that long-winded nonsense. And spread the word about that, too. Mmm...Albedo, what's the current status of Nazarick?"

"My Lady. Everyone, aside from the servants you see before you are preforming their assigned tasks dutifully and smoothly. Currently, there has been zero attempts of infiltration by outside forces and the security for the Great Tomb of Nazarick is regular."

"Right, well, until Damien can gather more information about our new surroundings, I think it would be best to up the security as much as possible. Demiurge, you're the defence leader, yeah?"

"You are as correct as always, my Lady. It is a position that I have long been entrusted by Lord Ulbert," he answers proudly. Behind him, I spot his wagging tail not unlike a dog's.

It makes me smile, and I resist the urge to point it out to the demon. Still, I have to stay on topic. "Okay. I want you and Albedo to work together to rise the security then. In the meantime I have a few...Experiments I need to do. Aura, Mare, do you mind if I steal the sixth's floor arena for a while?"

"Of course not! You are one of the Supreme Beings -you could never be a bother! My bother and I would be honoured to host one such as you!" Aura beams, mismatching eyes sparkling. "If I may so ask, what kind of experiments are you thinking of, my Lady?"

"Just some magic and swordsmanship...On that note, I'll probably need a sparing partner..."

My eyes automatically drift towards Demiurge, but seeing as I just gave him a different order, that isn't possible at the moment. He tilts his head curiously, smile widening.

"Although far inferior to your might, please allow Mare and I to help you in this regard!"

"A-um..!" Besides Aura, Mare awkwardly tugs on his skirt as he avoids my eyes. Clearly, he doesn't quite feel the same as his sister.

Something I agree on -no matter how strong they're supposed to be, I find myself reluctant to fight children. I purse my lips. "Ah, I don't think that would be a good idea..."

Aura wilts on the spot, and a silver of guilt worms in my chest. 'Damn it!'

"Then. If. Not. Aura. And. Mare. Will. I. Suffice. Lady. Ryoko?" Cocytus asks politely, steam blowing out of his giant pinchers.

Shalltear giggles, as if what Cocytus just uttered was adorable. "My, my, Cocytus, do you truly believe that you alone would be enough to fulfil Lady Ryoko's needs?"

Cocytus bows his head in shame, but Shalltear doesn't wait for him to answer. She turns back to me, curtsying. "My Lady, as the strongest Guardian for hand-to-hand combat and possessing a variety of talents, I do believe that I would be the most useful for a match, however pitiful as it may compare to your undeniable brilliance."

"How about you both come with me? We can take turns," I offer weakly.

Shalltear pouts for a moment, but concedes nonetheless.

"I. Will. Do. My. Best. To. Serve. You. At. My. Utmost. Capabilities. Lady. Ryoko."

"Aaah, Lady Ryoko, if it isn't too much of a burden..." Mare begins shyly, biting his bottom lip. "Would it be alright if my sister and I were allowed to watch your battle?"

"Sure," I reply simply. "So long as you guys stay on the bleachers, I don't have a problem. It's your guys's floor, right?"

"Lady Ryoko, forgive my interruption, but do you have any task for me...?" Victim speaks up hopefully.

"Er, not at the moment. I would appreciate if you continued to guard the eighth floor like you usually do, though."

Although the pink...Thing doesn't outwardly react, its disappointment is clear within its dejected tone. "As you command, my Lady."

I clap my hands together. "Alright then! I believe everyone has their orders, yeah? Well, let's head out!" I gleefully declare.

Several hours later, I come to more than one understanding.

The first one is that, unlike in the game, my HP and MP taking hits actually wears on me physically when they pass the halfway mark. MP specifically can leave me breathless for if I cast a spell requiring ridiculous amounts of magic, such as my [Dragon Lord; Summoning!] where I have a pick of either two adolescent earth dragons, or one mature one.

On a similar note, however, when I use [Gluttony] to eat my species' element -unfortunately in this case, it being dirt, metals, or other things found underground- quickly replenishes my HP and MP, a total cheat skill that's saved my reckless behind on several occasions in the past. (Though, I could go without actually tasting the earth now...)

In fact, I doubt I'd be able to confidently stand against Shalltear without it -Peroroncino wasn't kidding when he said she packed a hell of a punch, and that gear and weapons of hers is nearly as unfair as my [Gluttony]!

The biggest misfortune of all, though, is the fact that [Fly] doesn't work. Like, at all. It seems that now that I can actually consciously move the wings on my back, I have to properly use them if I want to fly. Something that I'll have to rectify as soon as possible. It makes me glad that I wasn't fighting Demiurge...For him to try to take the battle in the air, and for me to be literally grounded would be so embarrassing!

As for swordsmanship...Well, both Cocytus, Shalltear, and their monstrous gives me new appreciation for my own. Without a doubt they'd easily be able to snap me like a twig if I didn't have a dragon's muscles to back me up, or if my thick scales couldn't take the brunt of their abuse. Still, they hardly gave me enough openings to use [Gluttony] as I would have preferred, and I greatly regret taking them both on right after the other when at the end of it, my legs and arms screaming at me. I have to use my sword as support to remain standing!

Other than that, most of my skills and spells seems to work just fine. I held back from using some of my more widespread and devastating magic, not wanting to totally bring the sixth floor down, yet...

With my chest heaving, blood sitting at the back of my throat from the intense, back-to-back workout, I can only grimace as I take in the state of the arena. None of us had left the boundary from what I can faintly recall, but that didn't protect the stone walls and bleachers from taking the brunt of dodged attacks. One spot in particular has crumpled into a giant pile of broken rumble. Similarly, the grounds possess several new craters of varying sizes, not to mention evidence of my [Earth Bend].

A part of me wonders what the result would be if we didn't stop at disarming only, or if Shalltear and Cocytus fought me together...I shudder, never wanting to find out.

"That was amazing, Lady Ryoko!" Aura gushes, staring up at me as if hung the very stars. She all but dances on the spot, and I envy her energy. "To be able to witness such a magnificent display-!"

"In. Deed." Cocytus agrees. "To. Battle. Against. A. Supreme. Being. Is. A. Great. Honour. That. I. Will. Forever. Hold. Dear."

'Yes, they seem to be quite obsessed with "honour",' I muse wryly. "Thanks, you weren't bad yourself...Shalltear, are you alright there?"

She's still in her full armer, laying spread-eagle on the ground a few feet away, and looking up to the false sky not saying a word.

I lean on my sword some more, trying to peer at her expression. I realize that it -well, the wide grin on her face stops my concern fast. It reminds me of those sexual, orgasmic expression used in henti...

She giggles creepily to herself, and I decide to leave her as is.

"Hey, Shalltear, Lady Ryoko-"

"Shush, it's fine," I hastily cut Aura off, who frowns.

"But, to ignore a Supreme One-"

"It's fine," I stress.

"A-Ah, Lady Ryoko...!" Mare ducks his head, but nonetheless steps forward while fiddling with his wooden staff.

"Yes?" I prompt.

"Um, if it isn't too much trouble, could I please heal you..?" he quietly requests, flushing a cute pink.

I can't help but coo, reaching out to ruffle the small's boy blonde head. His blush turns a bright, firetruck red, which only makes me want to tease him further. "Sure, I'd love for you to heal me," I grin. "Thanks a bunch, Mare."

"I-I-I-!" Overwhelmed, he can barely get out a single syllable, frozen stiff under my touch.

I remove my hand, which seems to help as Mare gradually calms down enough to gather his wits. 'Wow, to react like this...They must be severely touch-starved.' Which, in retrospect, makes sense...Still, the thought pains my heart. I resolve to show more physical affection in the future.

Besides him, Aura sulks, inching a little closer to me with large, imploring eyes. The question doesn't need to vocalized, and I ruffle Aura's own soft locks. She closes her eyes and leans into the touch gratefully, all but purring.

"Do you guys want a hug?" I find myself asking, and Aura's eyes snap open, both of the twins gasping.

"I-If it isn't too much trouble-!"

My smile turns soft, and I lay my sword down so that I can couch and pull them into my embrace. Even crouching, however, they have to stretch themselves to place their chins on my shoulders. I could too easily sweep them off their feet with no effort on my part, and their trembling hands on my back makes me hold them tighter. They all but become goo in my arms.

'They're so tiny!'

The moment is ruined when my stomach growls. Loudly.

I laugh, pulling back slightly so that I can look at the twins' faces. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. Do you guys want to eat with me?"

They nods so much I fear their head rolling off heir narrow shoulders.

Chuckling, I ignore my aching calfs and stand, taking Aura and Mare with me as I place them on a hip each, holding them like I would a toddler.

"M-My Lady-!"

For a second, I think Mare is going to faint right there and then. I pause, considering him. "If you want me to put you down-"


The sharp and sudden refusal shouted so close causes me to wince, and Mare shrinks both under his own guilt and his sister's withering glare. He clutches the collar of my armer tighter, mumbling; "Please don't. I-I'm okay."

"Okay then," I nod, heaving them up as I begin walking. "Cocytus, would you mind grabbing my sword for me?"

Cocytus inclines his head. "It. Would. Be. My. Pleasure."

'Yep, definitely obsessed with honour.'

"What. Should. Be. Done. With. Shall. Tear?" he wonders.

I eye the vampire, who is still lost in her own (guaranteed to be perverted) world. "Leave her be," I say. "Aura, do you know how to get to the kitchens from here?"

"Of course!"

"Great, lead the way then."


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