Embers in the Dark

By TheShantyBanshee

1.2K 75 83

Sequel to "When We Were Younger". Three years have past since Cahira was taken from Arthur and Lilly. Lilly... More

More Secrets
God's Day
Do We Have An Accord?
Even More Secrets
The Black Wolf
The Big Secret
The Hunting Game
The Bath
The Lucky Watch
Sword Swallowing
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 1
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 2
Devil Knows
The Griffin
All Hallow's Eve: Part 1
All Hallow's Eve: Part 2
The Cleansing
A Cracked Soul
The Ferryman
Hoist the Colours
The Cauldron of The Dagda
Pieces of Information
I Have No Words
We Be Three Poor Brothers
The Goddess of Death, War and Hunting
Utter Madness
The Three Wives
Hey Brother
Bad Timing
The Griffin God
A Business Meeting
Rumor Has It
Is This How It Ends?
Operation Clean Slate
The Final Round
Still Lovin' You
The Rebel Army
Heads and Necks
Ménage à Quatre
The Kelpie
Arthur's Harem
It's About To Go Down
Macha the Holy

All Night Long

23 1 3
By TheShantyBanshee

This chapter has been rated M for sexual content.


As the door locked in place, Lilly snickered along with Arthur as she clung to him.

"Oh, they're gonna be so mad when they find out!" she laughed.

Arthur laughed before kissing her. "I don't care about that right now," he said before putting her down. "How did you even do that?"

"The...projection thing?"

"Yeah!" Arthur asked as he grasped her face. "It was so..." he paused before kissing her heatedly. "I missed you so much, Lilly!"

"I missed you too," Lilly laughed into his mouth before looking at him. "Oh, take that silly disguise off. I wantah see me Arthur."

Arthur chuckled then clicked the black bead, Robert's form disappearing to reveal Lilly's husband. "Hello, Lillian," he said with a soft smile.

"There he is," she giggled, brushing her fingertips along his face as she breathed in his natural scent of pine trees. "There's me husband. Ya havena aged a day."

"That's because you ain't been around to give me any gray hairs or worry wrinkles," Arthur teased before snatching one of her fingers in his teeth.

A sharp breath escaped Lilly before she growled, baring her teeth as she pulled Arthur closer. "I canna decide if I wantah fuck ya like a sex crazed beast or a lovesick puppy."

Arthur chuckled deeply before grasping her red locks. "I've already decided that for you, mo stór."

His lips crashed on hers before he turned them around and practically smashed her body into the wall, then he ripped her shirt to shreds. Arthur gazed down at her chest and let out a low, deep laugh before grasping her breasts and kissing them. Lilly bit her lower lip and leaned her head back as she felt his mouth and tongue trail over her sensitive nipples.

"Oh, Arthur..." she mewled softly. Arthur growled and yanked on her pants before ripping them off completely. Cloth tore as it came off and Lilly giggled maniacally. "Bithiúnach, ya really are-"

Lilly stopped talking when Arthur lifted her body up, put her legs over his shoulders and dove into her womanhood with his face. Her whole body was tense yet relaxed at the same time as she felt his tongue play with her folds.

"Mmm," Arthur groaned out in desperation. "You taste so good."

Lilly gripped his hair in her hands as she gasped loudly. "Oh Gods, Arthur!" she yelled with a loud, inhumane growl.

Arthur looked up at her and barked with laughter. "Jesus, woman!"

"Don't stop!" she shrieked. Arthur went back to eating her out and her whole body began to tremble with pleasure. "Oh shit, I'm gonna-"

"You ain't comin' yet," Arthur said with a smile before lowering her down. "No no no," he chuckled. "No, you're gonna come all over my cock, mo bhean chéile." [my wife.]

Lilly caressed his face while gazing into his eyes lovingly. "Call me that again, mo fhear céile," she cooed gently. [my husband.]

Arthur began undressing himself. "Mo bean chéile," he whispered against her lips. [My wife.]

That sent Lilly over the edge. She grabbed his shirt and ripped it off before taking his gun belt and yanking it off, tossing it across the room. Lilly then grabbed him by the pants and ripped those off too.

"Cock, now!" she growled. Arthur kicked off their boots before they embraced each other again. Arthur's arms curled around Lilly as she tried to climb on him. He balanced her against the wall, raised her up by her rump and shoved himself into her. They both cried out in desperation and pleasure as Lilly dragged her nails along his back. "OH GOD, YES!"

"Oh fuck!" Arthur shouted, his eyes shut and his body shaking. "Oh Jesus!"

He immediately began slamming into her slow but deep, making her body jerk over and over. Lilly clung to him as tightly as she could but it still wasn't enough. She yanked the back of his hair and practically inhaled his mouth with her own. Arthur went harder as they kissed each other hungrily.

"Teastaíonn níos mó uaim, Arthur," Lilly begged as she kissed him still. "Tabhair níos mó dom." [I need more, Arthur. Give me more.]

Arthur started giving it all that he had in the speed and force of his thrusts.


Vu, Lugh and Sean were all standing in the upstairs hallway listening in on what was happening. Sean was a mixture between amused and mortified, Vu was intrigued and shocked, and Lugh was taking notes.

"Keep talkin', mo chuisle!" Lilly begged. "I need more, please! Make me come!"

"You ain't never gonna leave me again, woman! I won't fuckin' let you! Not when my cock is back where it belongs!" they heard Arthur shout in a fit of passion.

All the men raised their eyebrows and their jaws dropped as they heard Lilly groan out intensely before whimpering, her voice shaking as she talked.

"Yer cock ain't never leavin' me cunt, I reckon," she moaned loudly.

Sean groaned while Vu suppressed a high pitched giggle. Lugh cleared his throat, still taking notes. "Those are some good lines," he chuckled.

Suddenly the bedroom wall cracked a little and the men backed up a bit. It cracked more as loud, fast banging was heard from inside the bedroom.

"Arthur!" Lilly laughed. "This is new, what are ya doin'?"

"I'm gonna fuck you into oblivion!" Arthur screamed heatedly.

"Oh shit!" Sean guffawed.

Brigid and Tora came running up behind them. "What the hell is going on?" Tora asked.

"Um..." Lugh said while looking at her. "They're, um...making up."

The wall broke and Lilly and Arthur fell through to the floor. They both burst out laughing but went right back to having sex and kissing. Everyone else just stood there and gaped as the newly reunited couple continued to shag in the hallway, their bodies both glowing a pinkish hue.

"Uh, why are they glowing?" Sean asked.

Lugh and Brigid both started laughing as they looked at each other. "I knew it!" Lugh shouted.

Vu, Tora and Sean looked at Lugh. "Knew what?" Sean inquired.

"Princess Lillian is a demigod of sex," Brigid exclaimed happily.

Arthur and Lilly started getting vocal again, moaning out loudly as if they were starving for each other.

"Shouldn't we give them some privacy?" Tora asked in a hushed voice.

"Oh, they're off in their own world right now," Lugh chuckled. "They don't even know we're here. But," he sighed as he looked at the two lovers still going at it. "I suppose it is inappropriate to watch."

Brigid hummed before examining her bracelet. "Lugh? Is my bracelet only at its most basic function?"

"No, I specified everything solely for you, Your Majesty," Lugh replied. "But if it is not up to snuff, you can always modify the beads and their magical properties."

Brigid eyed Lugh. "I have questions as to why you went ahead and did that, but which one is assigned for, um...field research?"

Lugh pointed at a white and red swirled bead while smiling at her. "That one, my queen. Why?"

"I just want to check something." Brigid pressed the bead and a magic screen fizzled into view above her wrist. She aimed her fist at the couple and began examining them. Her eyes went over the writing that displayed over Lilly and Arthur's silhouettes. "Aha, as I suspected," Brigid sighed. "It's no wonder they're so crazy about each other."

Lugh looked at the screen with fascination as he stroked his chin. "Interesting," he remarked. "Yes, no wonder indeed."

"Care tah clue us in?" Sean barked impatiently.

Brigid rolled her eyes. "Relax, Mr. MacGuire. It's nothing bad."

"What is it?" Vu asked.

"They're twin flames," Brigid replied casually, sighing as she shut the bead off. "Gods, if only I could have something like..." she stopped when she looked at Lugh for a couple seconds then cleared her throat and looked away. "Nevermind. Let's go, everyone."

Brigid turned and walked down the hallway. "We canna just leave 'em like that!" Sean yelled.

"They'll be alright, they just need to...get it out of their system first," Brigid explained. "And they can only do that by, well, wearing themselves out. If they're still going at it in the morning, then we'll intervene."

The others looked at each other, looked at Lilly and Arthur who were oblivious to anything around them, then sighed and followed Brigid down the stairs.


Everything felt clear yet hazy at the same time. It was a strange feeling for Lilly, but it also felt incredible. All her senses were heightened and just a simple touch from Arthur made her crumble over and over again. She'd been without her husband and the sexual maniac that he was for far too long. But when the sun finally came up the next morning, Arthur and Lilly were both spent. They were collapsed on the bed and entangled with each other, drenched in sweat and trying to catch their breath.

"That...was..." Lilly began but her mouth was too dry to continue talking.

"...I...know..." Arthur breathed out heavily. "How...many...times...did we...have sex?"

"I...lost count," she groaned before trying to roll off Arthur. "Jesus Christ..."

"Where...you...goin'?" Arthur asked weakly.

"Bath. Gotta...cool off..." she said before giving a half assed attempt at getting out of bed.

Arthur reached for her, trying to grab her, but he only managed to smack Lilly's ass lightly with the back of his hand. "No...don't...go..."

Lilly flopped back down on the bed before turning her head to look at him. "Then...come...with me..."

Arthur chuckled lightly. "We already...came...together...I dunno...how many times..."

"How many...times did we...climax?"

"I...lost count..."

Lilly snorted with laughter before rolling onto her back. "C'mon...help me...get a bath...ready..."

Arthur groaned before lifting his arm and fiddling with his bracelet. "No...come back here...I'll get Lugh...or somebody..."

"But we canna...let them in...on the prank..."

Arthur laughed. "I'm pretty sure...they know...from how loud...we must've been..."

Lilly lifted her head and looked around at the room. "Um..." The bedroom was in total disarray. There was a huge hole in the wall by the door, things were flung everywhere, and a lot of the furniture was broken. "How drunk...were we last night?"

"I dunno..." Arthur replied. "Contact Lugh," he said to the bracelet.

Lilly groaned and looked back over at her husband as an image showed up above his bracelet. "So..." Lugh said with a clearing of his throat. "...from all the noises ya two made all night, I'm assuming it was fun, at least?"

Lilly giggled before crawling over to Arthur and resting her head on his chest as she looked up at Lugh. "Apologies for the...the noise, Lugh."

Lugh chortled and shook his head. "It's alright, Mrs. Morgan. Ya both obviously had some catching up to do."

"Yes but...why is the...room destroyed?" Lilly asked, still trying to catch her breath.


Lilly sighed and slowly sat up before adjusting the bead to look about the room, including the giant hole in the wall. "Did we...do all that?" she asked.

Lugh snorted before apparently falling over. "Oh, heavens above!" he cackled.

Brigid came into frame and she smirked as Lilly turned the bead back around. "Ah, so you finally wore yourselves out. Excellent. How do you feel?"

"We can't...move much," Arthur replied. "Lilly wants a...a bath drawn up, but-"

"Ooooh! We'll be right up!" Brigid said before ending the call.

"Shit," Lilly grumbled, trying to find the bed sheet. "Help me find the...oh, fuck it," she groaned before laying back down. "I'm too tired..."

A chortle came out of Arthur before he turned over to wrap Lilly up in his arms from behind, kissing her shoulder a couple times. "Ta grá agam duit," he whispered tiredly. [I am in love with you.]

Lilly smiled and shut her eyes. "Ta grá agam duit," she said back. [I am in love with you.]

"Mmm," he mumbled, kissing her shoulder once more. "We got a lot to talk about..."

"Yes, we do," she said, groaning as she flipped over to face Arthur. "But right now, I just wanna...enjoy this."

Arthur grinned before pecking her lips softly. "Me too."

Just then, Brigid and Lugh walked in through the hole in the wall, both looking around the room in shock at how much of a mess it was. "By the Gods," Brigid muttered.

Lugh broke out laughing and held his gut before leaning against the wall. "Ya both crack me up!" he laughed.

Brigid growled and smacked Lugh on the arm. "This is not funny! This is not how a prince and princess should behave!"

Lugh continued laughing as he pointed at Arthur and Lilly. "But she's a sex goddess! This is in her nature, ya canna fault her fer that!"

Lilly looked over her shoulder at Lugh, as did Arthur. "What?!" they both shouted in surprise.

Brigid sighed and shook her head. "Lugh, go get a bath ready. I'll take care of this mess. Vu!"

Vu peeked his head in through the side of the hole with a smirk. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

As Lugh went walking to the bathroom, Brigid looked at Vu. "The Morgans need to eat. Get Tora and Sean to bring up food, please. A lot of it."

Vu grinned. "Of course." He looked at Lilly with a mischevious grin. "You really rode the horse last night, huh?"

Lilly snorted and covered her mouth as she cackled maniacally. "Shut up, Vu!"

"Or did horse ride you?" Vu asked with a wiggling of his eyebrows.

Arthur chuckled while Lilly continued to laugh. "Both," he replied while slapping Lilly's ass.

"Arthur!" she laughed while throwing her head back. "Yer bein' naughty!"

Arthur chortled before slowly wrapping her up in his arms with a pained groan. "Yeah, but you like it when I'm naughty," he said.

As the couple started kissing again, Brigid rolled her eyes as Vu left with a giggle. She held out her hands and soon pieces of the wall came up and fixed itself. Brigid turned and started repairing the furniture and picking things up with her mind, but then she stopped when she got near the bed.

"Lillian?" Brigid said.

"Hmm?" Lilly asked, turning her head to look at Brigid. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

Brigid picked up the bed sheet and threw it over Arthur's and Lilly's lower half, then she sat on the bed and leaned over, staring at Lilly's back.

"You have so many scars," she said in awe. "Why do you keep them?"

Lilly arched a brow. "Keep them?"

"Yes," Brigid blinked. "You mean nobody ever told you that you can heal them yourself?"

"No," Lilly said with a sigh. "But...they're just scars, really. And Arthur likes 'em."

Arthur nodded. "I kinda do, actually, but whatever Lilly wants to do with how she looks is her decision."

Brigid tilted her head to one side. "Arthur, you are a very different breed of a man."

Arthur chuckled lightly. "Don't I know it..."

"There, um...there is one scar I would like to get rid of, though," Lilly said almost timidly.

She moved onto her back and covered up her chest before pointing at a long, horizontal scar with burn marks on it. Arthur looked at it with a frown before looking into Lilly's eyes.

"Oh, Lillian," he said with a sigh. "I am..." he shut his eyes before putting his forehead on her shoulder. "I should've...I...I should've protected you and the baby."

Lilly lifted his head with a serious look on her face. "Dunna start that self-loathin' guilt bullshit, ya hear me?

"But I-"

Lilly pointed a finger in his face with a glare. "But nothin'. It was not yer fault. It was Carman's, Dubh's, Corvin's and their stupid god's fault. And they will pay dearly fer Cahira and everythin' else they took from us."

Arthur frowned. "But we haven't been able to find them or The Morrigan."

Lilly sighed and dropped her hand. "I know, but...gosh, I wouldna even know where tah start."

"We're going to start searching in Greece again," Brigid interrupted. "Carman is Greek, so she must've asked for help from one of them."

"Can't we ask the Greek gods if they've heard anything?"

Brigid frowned softly. "That's a bit...um, well, you see," she began. "A lot of us aren't exactly on good terms with the other immortals of the world, so there are...rules that must be followed. The fact that I'm here is a violation of the so-called "peace treaty" all the gods formed many, many years ago, but these are extreme circumstances and we don't have time to lollygag."

"Extreme circumstances?" Lilly asked with a confused look.

"You are a member of the royal family of Tír na nÓg. Aside from being the acting queen, my duty is to protect the royal family. And you, Princess Lillian, are on the verge of a soul's death. No one saw that coming. Not even your mother." Brigid gripped Lilly's hand in hers. "So now I am getting involved directly, not just because you're a princess, but because I'll be damned if I allow anyone in my family to die like that!"

Lilly gawked up at Brigid, as did Arthur. "Your Majesty," Arthur started. "You have a whole kingdom to run, and that's why I never asked you to get involved. I only asked for Lugh and Cernunnos to stay and help me with...all this."

"Yes, well, that was before I knew Lilly was a demigod and a princess," Brigid sighed before holding a finger to Lilly's stomach. "This is going to tickle a little bit," she said as white light filled her finger.

Lilly snickered and jerked a little. "Sorry," she said quietly.

Brigid chuckled and shook her head as her finger dragged gently across the scar left over from Cahira being snatched from Lilly's womb. Light trailed behind like a path and it slowly flowed through the scar, making it shrink and disappear. Lilly gasped as she watched new, fresh skin take the scar's place.

"Oh, that's bloody brilliant," she laughed.

Lugh came walking up to them with a grin. "Yer bath awaits, Earl and Countess of Moycullen."

Arthur and Lilly looked at each other with big, silly grins. "I could get used to being served by gods, you know," Arthur teased.

Lilly snorted and grasped his face. "I've missed your wit, Arthur."

Arthur smiled before brushing a strand of damp hair from her mildly wet face. "And I've missed every morning with your beautiful eyes looking at me when you wake up."

Lilly's heart got full as tears filled her eyes. "Oh fuck, Arthur," she sniffed. "Now ya gone and made me feel emotional," she chuckled while wiping her eyes.

Arthur kissed her forehead before nuzzling his nose with hers, his hand palming her cheek. "I'm sorry, honey. I just...we just fucked all night and we, uh, we didn't really get to say much to each other, did we? And I want to enjoy this time with you, but now I'm really starting to think about all this, and I-"

Lilly put a finger to his lips. "We can talk in the bath, okay?"

Arthur nodded with a deep breath. "Okay." He looked at Lugh and Brigid. "Um...this is gonna be awkward as hell, but we're, uh, too exhausted to get up and walk..."

Brigid smirked a little before standing up and holding out her hands. Arthur and Lilly floated off the bed and they both laughed. Lilly clung to the bed sheet, as did Arthur, as they were magically carried to the bathroom. Brigid placed Arthur into the copper tub first, the water cool and bubbly. Lilly was put in after, facing Arthur on the other side of the tub.

"Wow," Lilly giggled. "So soothing..."

Arthur chuckled and leaned back with his arms laying in the sides. "This feels great. Thank you, Lugh and Brigid."

"Yes, thank you," Lilly said while looking at the two gods. "Is this a special god brew or something?"

"Kind of," Brigid said. "We use salt from the beaches in Tír na nÓg for relaxation and healing purposes."

Lilly arched a brow. "Salt? You have beaches made of salt?"

"No no no, it's sand. We extract the salt from the sand and use it in our bath waters."

Lilly turned back around with wide eyes. "That sounds like a very tedious job. How do you even do that?"

Before Brigid could say any more, Sean came in with a tray full of food. "Arthur, deirfiúr," he said.

"Deartháir," Lilly greeted.

Arthur smirked before looking at Lilly. "Come sit with me, woman," he said.

Lilly grinned before slowly moving through the tub, turning around and leaning her back against Arthur's chest. "Oh yeah, that's much better," she sighed happily.

Arthur encircled his arms around Lilly and kissed her temple. "Ar mhaith leat mé a bheathú duit?" he asked as Sean set the big tray in front of them. [Do you want me to feed you?]

Lilly smirked. "Ya spoil me, Mr. Morgan."

Arthur chuckled as he reached for a grape. "Well, I reckon if you're in charge of the feedin', then you'll just get food in the bath, mo banbh bheaga." [my little piglet.]

Lilly growled a little in irritation, her eyes narrowing. "That better not become a bedroom thing, ya perverted bastard."

Arthur barked with laughter, as did the others. "Sassy little thing, ain't ya?"

"Would ya have me any other way?" Lilly asked, turning her head towards him.

Arthur smiled before eating half of a grape. "Nope," he said before putting the other half near her mouth. "Open." Lilly opened her mouth and Arthur popped the rest of the grape in. "Good girl."

Lilly chewed on the grape and giggled. "Only for you, mo chuisle," she said as she relaxed against Arthur.

Arthur kissed her cheek before grabbing more food. "Well, I suppose we better let you two relax and catch up," Brigid said. "A few hours should do it."

Arthur nodded as he gave Lilly a piece of food to nibble on. "Thanks, folks. Really I..." he sighed happily before holding Lilly again. "Thank you."

Brigid, Lugh and Sean left the bathroom with smiles before shutting the door.

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