Love in thirds

By Nelleke9

13.5K 380 970

Falling in love is different for everybody. Some fall in love the moment their eyes meet, others don't real... More

Authors Note
1.2 Carlos & Marie
1.3 Daniel & Nell
2.1 Charles & Sofia
2.2 Carlos & Marie
2.3 Daniel & Nell
3.1 Charles & Sofia
3.2 Carlos & Marie
3.3 Daniel & Nell
4.1 Charles & Sofia
4.2 Carlos & Marie
4.3 Daniel & Nell
5.1 Charles & Sofia
5.2 Carlos & Marie
5.3 Daniel & Nell
6.1 Charles & Sofia
6.2 Carlos & Marie
6.3 Daniel & Nell
7.1 Charles & Sofia
7.2 Carlos & Marie
7.3 Daniel & Nell
8.1 Charles & Sofia
8.2 Carlos & Marie
8.3 Daniel & Nell
9.1 Charles & Sofia
9.2 Carlos & Marie
9.3 Daniel & Nell
10.1 Charles & Sofia
10.2 Carlos & Marie
10.3 Daniel & Nell
11.1 Charles & Sofia
11.2 Carlos & Marie
11.3 Daniel & Nell
12.1 Charles & Sofia
12.2 Carlos & Marie
12.3 Daniel & Nell
13.1 Charles & Sofia
13.2 Carlos & Marie
13.3 Daniel & Nell
14.1 Daniel & Nell
14.2 Charles & Sofia
14.3 Carlos & Marie
Authors note

1.1 Charles & Sofia

1.2K 9 3
By Nelleke9

Today is a horribly hectic day. Sometimes those days are fun, but today is not one of those days. It's raining and your colleagues are annoyed. To make things even worse it seems like everything that was done and ready for the race weekend had to be done all over again. Someone fucked up the rooms, and even though that's normally not really your job, everyone expects you to fix it, because catering and parking places were also not done properly. You sigh, shifting in your chair to get into a better position, these chairs are no joke. 'Only 4 hours to fix this mess, I should get myself a coffee.' You murmur.

It's 7:30PM when you're finally on your way home. You stayed an hour and a half extra and managed to get the Ferrari team the right rooms. The catering and parking space issues were solved as well, as far as you know. At this point it's hard to care about that. All you want is to be home, out of your clothes and into your PJ's. But first to the grocery store. You planned on doing that today, because you thought it would be the most relaxed day of this week. Thinking that everything was all finished and good to go for race week. 'That didn't quite go as planned, but just a quick run through the store and I'm on my way home again' you think to yourself.

After you've done the groceries, came home and changed into a comfortable outfit you get ready to make some pasta. While you're cutting up the veggies, your phone rings. "Hey Sof! How was work today?" your best friend and co-worker Lisa asks. "Wait, I'll put you on facetime, I'm making dinner right now." you say while placing your phone on the pile of cookbooks. Most evenings are spend facetiming with Lisa, especially when one of you had a day off. It's easier to go into work when you know what has happened the day before. After explaining what happened and how you had to rearrange all the booking for the rooms, you chat about Lisa's day. She tells you that she found some cute hairclip in Ferrari red that you should wear. "It would look so pretty with your hair colour! You should totally wear it when the team comes tomorrow, I bet they would appreciate that effort" she says excited. You smile and nod, "alright, I will wear it. Doubt they would notice it though! It's always so hectic when they come in with all their stuff. They're probably with their mind elsewhere, preparing for the race and whatnot. But I will wear it! I can at least show my support right!"

After dinner and your chat with Lisa you spend some time reading, but when it's 10PM you can't help but feel incredibly sleepy. You're quite excited but nervous about tomorrow, it has been a while since you've last had such a big group of people coming to stay in the hotel. Not only that is nerve wrecking, but the fact that you will see Charles again is making you flustered by only thinking about it.

The last time you saw him was during the race week last year, when you were in your last phase of being trained for the receptionist job. The woman who was teaching you all the ins and outs had left you to fend for yourself, knowing you had already spent 5 days next to her. She figured you could handle some hours alone, while she went to another department to help. It all went smoothly, until you came face to face with the entire Ferrari team. You completely forgot that they would arrive today, otherwise you definitely would've begged your co-worker to stay. When you look up, you look straight into the eyes of Charles Leclerc. 'Okay this is not the right time to blush like an idiot! Be professional Sof come on!' you chant inside your head.

While you're trying to stay calm and hand out all the key cards, you barely realise that your hands are a bit shaky. "Are you okay?" a voice you'd recognize everywhere asks. Trying to look as composed as possible (is that even possible?) while answering you say, "yeah, just a bit nervous! This is my first time helping such a huge group of people, I just don't want to mess up anything!"

Luckily your co-workers had everything laid out, so it's almost impossible that something will go wrong. After handing out the key cards and explaining the times that breakfast and dinner are served, the team heads towards the elevators to put their stuff in the rooms. "You were a natural, I think everyone got the right key cards and information, thank you..." he looks at your hotel badge "Sofia."

You blush while looking into his brown eyes, "thank you for saying that Mr. Leclerc"

"You can call me Charles! I'm not that old yet" he jokes. His Monégasque accent is doing things to you, and you're trying to keep yourself from freaking out. He smiles, which makes his dimples appear, and jogs towards the elevator. Only Carlos was still waiting for him, with a knowing grin on his face.

Every time he would be in the lobby, and you were there, he would come up to say hello or ask how you were doing. He commented a few times how pretty you looked, and you could only blush like an idiot. You had a tiny bit of hope inside of you that he would maybe ask you out for a drink or something, but that didn't happen. It always seemed like he wanted to chat more, but he never did. What he did do was leave you a little present, at least you think it was from him. They had left when you were off from work, so you couldn't really say goodbye to him. When you came to work the next day, there was a Ferrari team shirt laying on your desk, with a hurriedly written "Sofia <3" on it. That shirt was now a frequently used chill/sleep shirt and you were wondering if he was the one that gave it to you. Your co-worker at the time had his last day that day, and never told anyone what had happened. 'If he did, maybe he would say something about it' you think to yourself.

After imagining all possible scenarios, you make your way to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. After making sure your alarm is set, you snuggle into the sheets and let sleep wash over you.

After getting ready, you ate your breakfast and made your way to the hotel. Lisa was already waiting for you with the Ferrari red hairclip. She put it in your hair for you and you started your day after chatting with her. You knew the team would arrive around 11AM, so around 10:30 you made sure that everything really was covered, and that you had all the key cards so you wouldn't mess anything up. You were really nervous now, fiddling with the ring on your finger, thinking about the possibility of Charles remembering you and gifting you the T-shirt. Just a bit after 11, the team started arriving. You made sure you had everything close when everyone came to collect their key cards. Just like the previous year you gave information about breakfast and dinner, and which floor they had to go up to. You hadn't seen Charles yet, what disappointed you a little bit. The team members thanked you and all made their way towards the elevator. You were left alone with the key card for Charles and the realisation hit you that when he would arrive, you guys would be alone!

While waiting for him to arrive you helped Lisa with doing some overbooking work, which was murdering your brain, but you're a good friend and you needed to be doing something to take your mind away from the thoughts of seeing Charles. Around 11:30 someone cleared their throat, what made you look up, straight into his beautiful eyes. "Hello Sofia" he said with a huge smile on his face, "I'm very happy to see that you are still working here!" You feel like your head is on fire, but you don't really care. He remembered!! And he's smiling! Your face lights up, and he immediately takes note that you're also happy to be seeing him. "Hi Charles, so good to see you again!" when you give him the key card, he takes a hold of your hand. You look up at him with a questioning look, while blushing like crazy. "I would like to ask you something, and if I don't do it now, I might never do it..." he looks kind of unsure of himself, but continues hesitantly, "would you maybe like to go out for dinner with me, tonight?" You start nodding and excitedly say that you'd love to. It seems like Charles' smile only got bigger after that. He takes the key card and leaves after you guys decided at what time he will pick you up from home.

The remaining hours of the workday are killing you, especially after you told Lisa. She didn't want to shut up about what you should wear or what you had to do with your hair. You at least decided to keep the red clip in your hair, thinking of pairing it with a cream-coloured dress that you loved. When you were finally allowed to leave, you sprinted home to get ready and change. Your mind could barely comprehend that you were actually going on a date with Charles! You were so excited! Right on time your doorbell rings, so you take one last look at your hair, making sure the red of the clip is visible, and open the door.

"Hi!" you say nervous but excited, seeing Charles beam at you from your doorstep. "You look so beautiful, I love the hairclip you're wearing, red looks good on you" he says while raking his eyes over your body. You can't help but feel your cheeks go even more red than they already were. Since he is so shamelessly checking you out, you figure you could do the same. His hair is styled, but still looks a bit messy, you kind of want to run your fingers through it. He's wearing a white button up, with the top buttons undone and black jeans. He reaches for your hand and together you get in the car. "Where are we going?" you ask curiously. He blushes and says "I might have asked your co-worker friend Lisa where you would like to eat, so we're going to the pasta place you love. Unless you would rather eat somewhere else! I don't mind really". You place your hand on his knee to reassure him and tell him that you would love to eat at your favourite pasta place. You chat about what you did the remaining hours at work, and he tells you about the preparations he has been doing.

The date has been going really well so far, you've exchanged hilarious stories, talked about your families, but also about your favourite foods when you were kids and the best shows to watch on Netflix. It felt like you had known each other for years, and it made you so happy. Charles had put his chair closer to you halfway through the date, saying he couldn't hear you well enough with how loud the other customers were. The moment he sat closer to you, his hand was on your hand immediately, and a while later on your thigh. You both hadn't had a lot of alcohol, one glass of red wine only, but you swear you felt a little drunk from being so close to him and touching him. After he paid, you wanted to pay your part but he wasn't having any of it, you walked back towards the car. It was a little past 9PM by now, but you really didn't want tonight to end. While he was driving you back home, you were wrecking your brain on how to get him to come inside. His hand was mindlessly caressing your hand, and it was driving you crazy. Suddenly you remembered the shirt he gave you last year, so without thinking any longer you asked him "by the way, were you the one who left that shirt on my desk after the race last year?"

Charles chuckles before nodding, "I wanted to write my number on the card, but I didn't know when you'd be working again, so I didn't just want to leave it out there."

You feel relieved by his answer, you turn your head towards him and smile, "that was a really nice surprise to come back to!" he looks at you with a slow smile and asks, "do you still have it?"

"Yes! Of course, I can show you if you want? Maybe we can have a cup of tea before you have to get back?"

Charles smiles at you and nods, squeezing your thigh. That action alone makes a million butterflies erupt in your stomach, and the thoughts of his hand on your body are not making this any better.

After going inside, you both take of your shoes and hang your jackets. Charles is looking around your apartment, looking at photos of you, your family, your travels, and your beloved dog who is at Lisa's now. She insisted on you having the apartment fully for yourself, you didn't think that was needed, but you're quite thankful for her at this moment. As you walk back with two cups of tea, you see Charles seated on your sofa, looking relaxed and attractive as hell with his rolled-up sleeves. He smiles at you and motions for you to sit next to him. You place the mugs on the table and sit close to him, with him immediately putting his arm around you.

"I really liked this evening; I feel like I've known you for longer than I actually do" he says while looking you in the eyes. You nod, unable to say anything because of the intensity in his eyes. His hand that was resting on your shoulder slowly makes his way towards your neck, and your breath hitches when he softly trails his finger over your jaw.

"I really want to kiss you right now..." he whispers. "Please do..."

The next thing you feel are soft lips on yours, and you release a breath you didn't know you were holding. His other hand cradles your cheek, and you whimper from the contact. Your lips are moving together, and you feel his tongue at the seam of your lips. You open up and let your tongues explore each other's mouths. He pulls back, taking a deep breath, and smiles that lazy smile at you.

"I can't believe I waited so long to do that; I've been wanting to kiss you since I first talked to you a year ago!" you giggle before pressing your lips to his again. His hand moves to your waist, and you can't help but grab his shirt to steady yourself. Your head is clouded and the only thing that matters right now are his fingertips that caress your body.

You move your hands over his firm chest, and he moans softly. You pull back breathlessly and move to sit on his lap. His hands immediately caress your thighs, up to your bum and towards your back. He pulls your head down so he can kiss you again and slips his tongue in your mouth. Your hands move towards the buttons of his shirt, and you slowly start to unbutton them, in case he doesn't want you to do that. He grunts when pulling away, and hastily unbuttons his shirt.

"You can touch me, please" before kissing down your neck and collarbone. You moan softly in his ear while feeling his abdomen. His hands find the zipper of your dress, and he looks at you with lust and love filled eyes. "Can I please take off your dress?"

You smile and nod. While he zips it down, you press soft kisses in his neck.

"Baby please, I can't focus like this" he says, making you chuckle. You move off his lap and let the dress fall from your shoulders. Charles moans when he sees you in just your lingerie, so you silently thank the heavens for having this in you closet. Just when you want to take your place on his lap, he stands up and wraps his arms around you to have you close. You can feel his arousal against your thigh, and you let out a moan.

"Let's make us more comfortable in your bed, okay?" he whispers in your ear. You nod and take his hand in yours, walking to your bedroom.

You sit down on the mattress, looking up at Charles. He groans, "you're so beautiful, I can't believe I'm here with you, I'm so lucky"

You smile while letting your hands wander down his chest towards the button of his jeans. His breathing gets more ragged when you palm him through his jeans, and he lets out a sigh of relief when you unbutton and unzip them. While he steps out of his jeans, you take your hairclip out. Charles softly pushes you to lay down, your hair laying around your head. He hovers over you and kisses you, while his hands wander from your waist to your breasts, softly squeezing them and touching your nipples through the fabric. You moan and arch your back, which gives Charles the opportunity to reach back and open your bra. He slides it off your body, and his lips follow with a trail of kisses. He softly sucks on your nipple, making you whimper. His kisses keep going lower and lower until he reaches the top of your panties.

"Can I take thi-"

"Yes! Please"

He slides your panties down and opens your legs for him so he can lay between them. He presses kisses on your calves and moves upwards, teasing you with not kissing you where you want it. "Charles..." you moan, "please don't tease me"

He chuckles and presses a soft kiss on your bundle of nerves. You whimper his name, to which he moans lowly. He licks between your folds, making you a squirming mess underneath him. His strong hands keep you in place, while he licks and sucks. Before you know it, you feel your body tightening. Charles feels it too, and easily slips in two fingers. You come while moaning his name. Charles keeps going until you pull at his hair, wanting to kiss him and have him close. "That good?" he whispers while kissing you lovingly. "Hmm, yeah" you say, moving your hands down to move your hand into his boxers. He moans and lets his head rest in your neck while you stroke him. "Fuck baby, do you want to go all the way?" instead of answering you pull his boxers down, to which he moves them down his legs fully. You take in the beautiful man in front of you and can't imagine that you're here with him.

"Do you want me to wear protection?" he asks, looking around for his wallet. You grab his arm and make him hover over you while shaking your head. "I'm on the pill and I trust you, do you trust me too?" he nods, while aligning himself with your entrance. He intertwines your hands while he pushes in, kissing you while moaning softly. "You feel so good..." you can't answer anything other than a hum, loving the feeling of him inside you and his body on top of yours. His hands caress you everywhere while he keeps hitting the right spot over and over. Your hands are holding onto his biceps, while he keeps kissing and nibbling at your neck, collarbone, and earlobe. He changes the position by shifting your legs a little higher, and you wrap them around his waist. This way you can feel everything of him, and you can't contain your moans. Charles kisses you while he feels you struggling with keeping your orgasm at bay. "Come for me mon amour" he whispers in your ear. The nickname does it for you, and you release with a loud moan while burying your face in his neck. Not long after your orgasm, he spills inside you, trying to keep himself from dropping on top of you. He rolls off you and pulls you in his arms, kissing you softly.

"That was amazing, I've never felt like that before" he chuckles softly. You smile while looking him in the eyes, he presses a soft kiss on your lips. "Me neither"

After a few more minutes laying down in the afterglow, he gets up and goes to the bathroom to bring a washing cloth to clean your thighs. "Would you like to stay the night?" you ask softly. He smiles and nods. You give him a pair of boxers that you use as shorts sometimes and put on clean underwear yourself. Together you crawl under the covers and into each other's arms, hoping for more repeats of this night.

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