Embers in the Dark

By TheShantyBanshee

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Sequel to "When We Were Younger". Three years have past since Cahira was taken from Arthur and Lilly. Lilly... More

More Secrets
God's Day
Do We Have An Accord?
Even More Secrets
The Black Wolf
The Big Secret
The Hunting Game
All Night Long
The Bath
The Lucky Watch
Sword Swallowing
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 1
The Wolf and the Jackal: Part 2
Devil Knows
The Griffin
All Hallow's Eve: Part 1
All Hallow's Eve: Part 2
The Cleansing
A Cracked Soul
The Ferryman
Hoist the Colours
The Cauldron of The Dagda
Pieces of Information
I Have No Words
We Be Three Poor Brothers
The Goddess of Death, War and Hunting
Utter Madness
The Three Wives
Hey Brother
Bad Timing
The Griffin God
A Business Meeting
Rumor Has It
Is This How It Ends?
Operation Clean Slate
The Final Round
Still Lovin' You
The Rebel Army
Heads and Necks
Ménage à Quatre
The Kelpie
Arthur's Harem
It's About To Go Down
Macha the Holy


23 2 3
By TheShantyBanshee

Song is, "Wrecked" by Imagine Dragons.

I decided to use this song as a trial for possible other songs that will be popping up in future chapters.  So, if you would be so kind as to let me know in the comments if I wrote the song part properly it if it's total rubbish or anything in between, please do so.  It would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for reading!


After a while, most of the food was gone and everyone was just sitting around exchanging stories.  Robert had broken out some expensive alcohol and of course, the real party began after that.  As everyone reorganized into the living room and took various seats, Lilly managed to plop down on the couch in between Sean and Leonard.

"Fellers," she said with a bottle of whiskey in her hand.  "How's it goin'?"

"Fine, Lilly," Sean said.  "And yerself, deirfiúr?"  [sister?]

"I'm great, deartháir," she replied after taking a sip of whiskey.  "I feel greater than I have in a very long time."  [brother]

As she passed the whiskey to Sean and he took a drink, Leo turned to Lilly.  "So, what happened when Vu found you?"

Lilly arched a brow at Leo and scoffed in amusement.  "Curious little boy, ain't ya?" she asked with a wink.

Leonard blushed a little and lowered his gaze.  "Yes, ma'am."

Lilly snorted before grabbing the whiskey and handing it to Leo.  "Drink."

Leonard took a chug and hissed.  "Mmm, good stuff."

"Ya should try vodka.  That stuff'll really knock yer noggin bolts loose," Lilly explained.  "And it's great fer dreamless sleep."

"So I've heard," Mr. Hughes said before giving her more whiskey.  "So...what happened with Vu?"

Lilly took a big drink for this story.  After she swallowed and set the bottle down, she leaned forward.  "I kinda got run out of Cambodia."


Robert was sitting across the way, only half listening to anything that Brigid, Vu and Tora were saying around him.  He was more focused on Lilly.  As he watched her interactions with Sean and Mr. Hughes, barely hearing anything they were saying, Robert leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees before grabbing a drink of bourbon.

Lilly was talking about something excitedly and waving her hands about with a giant smile.  Sean and Leo looked quite immersed in whatever she was talking about.  It made him smile to see her back to her old self.  It made him smile even more that she was back in his life, albeit under a trick.  Still, Lilly was his again.  He got what he set out to do.  His plan was still in motion but it already worked.

He succeeded.  For once in his life, he came up with a plan that actually worked.  Robert obviously couldn't take all the credit, but he was the lead of this operation.  This was all his plan and it was going better than he could have hoped.

"Robert?" Brigid called to him.

"Mmm?" Robert said as he straightened his back and glimpsed at the queen.  "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts," he explained with a chuckle.

Brigid eyed Lilly before smirking and glancing at Robert.  "You really missed her, huh?"

Robert nodded before taking a drink.  "Very much so, yes."

Brigid sipped her whiskey and relaxed back in her chair.  "Mmm, say what ya will about humans, you lot make damn fine alcohol."

Robert wheezed out a chuckle.  "You feeling alright there, Your Majesty?"

"Oh yes.  I don't usually drink."

"Huh?!" Robert and Vu both exclaimed as they stood up.

"What the hell do you mean you don't usually drink?" Robert asked.

This question got Leo, Sean and Lilly's attention and they turned their heads to look at the scene as it unfolded.

"I am the current acting Queen to the throne of Tír na nÓg," Brigid hissed as she stood slowly from her chair.  "But I am a temporary replacement for the Phantom Queen.  Adair is the true heir to the throne, not me!" she started to yell.  "But someone has to take up the mantle because Adair chose to live her life among mortals!  So I have to lead a moral example and not drink like a blasted savage!"

Brigid growled heavily, her eyes glowing white as she clenched her fists.  Everyone took a step back from her but Lilly quickly approached and put her hands on Brigid's fists.

"Your Majesty?" Lilly asked softly.

Brigid's eyes flared a little before going back to their regular color.  "My apologies," she whispered with a gasp.  "I do not do that often."

Lilly sighed and pat Brigid on the shoulder.  "Are you okay?"

Brigid nodded and shut her eyes.  "Yes.  Again, my apologies."

Lilly frowned before wrapping Brigid up in a hug.  This seemed to startle Brigid but she eventually wrapped her arms around the younger woman.  Robert cocked his head to the side as he stared at the two.  This wasn't a particularly new trait that Lilly possessed, but it always fascinated him how she could be so kind and sweet to people that she wasn't very fond of.  In the right circumstances, at least.

It truly filled him with pride.

"There," Lilly said with a grin.  "Better?"

Brigid nodded and straightened herself, pretending to brush something off her clothes.  "Yes.  Thank you, cousin."

"Sorry, what?" Lilly asked in disbelief.

Brigid froze.  "Oh.  Yes, that," she said while clearing her throat.  "Um, you know that I'm a bastard, yes?"


"Well, my mother...is Nemain.  Your aunt."

Robert's eyebrows raised up.  Well, that was an interesting piece of information.

"That...uh..." Lilly turned her head to the side as she looked deep in thought.  "Huh," she half chuckled before looking at Brigid.  "Well, shit," she laughed.  "Family keeps poppin' up everywhere!  But...how did...I mean...The Morrigan is a triple goddess.  My aunts are just aspects of her, aren't they?"

"No.  They're their own people, just like Adair was her own.  It's why The Morrigan chose you as Adair's vessel.  Only gods and their descendants can carry another soul around in their bodies."

Lilly blinked before taking a step back.  "Wait a minute...she chose me?"

Brigid chuckled and shook her head.  "No, no.  She obviously wanted another child, but you were a...necessity.  My father was no longer fit to provide another heir, so I conclude that your mother had to take drastic measures."

Lilly nodded.  "Hmm, okay...you know, I did meet your father once.  It was in one of my dreams, of course, but-"

"Um," Brigid interrupted.  "Actually..."

Mr. Hughes stood up with a clearing of his throat.  "Erm, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, Mr. Hughes?" she said.

He pulled a magic bracelet from his pocket before walking up to her.  "Your wrist, please."

As Brigid held out her wrist, Leo slid the beads on and grinned.  "There, now you can tell Lilly whatever you want."

Brigid examined the bracelet and smirked as she caressed the beads with her fingertips.  "Hmm...is this what Lugh came up with from the designs I provided for him?" she asked.

"Yes," Leonard replied.  "Your invention was superb, but Lugh needed to make it more...portable and user friendly.  And now that you're wearing one, certain...outside forces can't lurk and listen where they don't belong."

Lilly squinted her eyes at everyone.  "Um...what?"

Leonard put a hand on Lilly's shoulder.  "Things have gotten...complicated while you've been gone, Lilly.  But we're not going to get into that right now."


For a moment, Lilly wanted to scream and shout at Leo for keeping secrets, but then she decided against it.  She'd already learned a lot today about so many things.  But right now, she just wanted to show them all something special. More specifically, she wanted to show Arthur something special.

"Alright," she said, walking over to the piano.  "Let's hold off on all the big revelations for the moment.  I want to sing."

Leo chuckled.  "Okay, sure.  Whatever you want, Lilly.  What song would you like to sing?"

Lilly smirked.  "Oh, none of you know it.  It's a song I've had stuck in my head for a long, long time."  As she sat down and put her fingers on the keys, she giggled.  "This is the song I sang in Spain.  But prepare yourselves, because it's...very different."

Lilly got comfortable in her seat, cleared her throat and started playing the piano.


Robert watched as his wife began playing something that was upbeat and quick.  He assumed the song would be happy until she started singing.

Days pass by and my eyes stay dry, and I think that I'm okay
'Til I find myself in conversation, fading away
The way you smile, the way you walk
The time you took to teach me all that you had taught
Tell me, how am I supposed to move on?

Suddenly a magical projection of Lilly appeared behind her with a frown and the two began to harmonize.  Everyone stood up and gaped at Lilly and her other self.

These days I'm becoming everything that I hate
Wishing you were around but now it's too late
My mind is a place that I can't escape your ghost

The projection of Lilly walked to the center of the area they were in.

Sometimes I wish that I could wish it all away
One more rainy day without you

Robert swallowed hard as he gazed at his wife's magic, mesmerized by the beauty of it.

Sometimes I wish that I could see you one more day
One more rainy day

The projection shifted into that of Lilly in Irish warrior's garb with a long black and red loincloth and a black strapless leather corset with a red wolf embroidered on the front, and both their voices raised in volume and intensity as the projection began to cry.

Oh, I'm a wreck without you here

As he continued watching Lilly's warrior crying, he barely noticed the tears streaming down his own face.

Yeah, I'm a wreck since you've been gone
I've tried to put this all behind me
I think I was wrecked all along
Yeah, I'm a wreck

The projection disappeared and only one voice was heard again as Lilly continued to sing and play the piano.

They say that the time will heal it, the pain will go away
But everything, it reminds me of you and it comes in waves
Way you laugh when your shoulders shook
The time you took to teach me all that you had taught
Tell me, how am I supposed to move on?

The projection appeared again as Lilly in her wolf form, the colors changing between red and black.

These days I'm becoming everything that I hate
Wishing you were around but now it's too late
My mind is a place that I can't escape your ghost

The singing wolf turned into Lilly as a child in shorts that were too small and a gray jacket that was too big, the same outfit she was wearing when her and Arthur first met.

Sometimes I wish that I could wish it all away
One more rainy day without you
Sometimes I wish that I could see you one more day
One more rainy day

The projection switched to Lilly's warrior once more and turned to look at Robert with agony and pain in her eyes, their voices synchronizing and getting loud again.

Oh, I'm a wreck without you here
Yeah, I'm a wreck since you've been gone

Robert approached Lilly's projection slowly as he watched her movements of pure despair, listening to all the pain she had put into the song.

I've tried to put this all behind me
I think I was wrecked all along

The projection changed to three Lilly's.  The warrior, the wolf, and the redheaded child all began singing.

These days when I'm on the brink of the edge
Remember the words that you said
Remember the life you led
You'd say, "Oh, suck it all up, don't get stuck in the mud
Thinkin' of things that you should have done"
I'll see you again, my loved one

The music started blasting from the piano and light filled the room as white wings appeared on both Lilly and her projections, making Robert take a step back.  Lilly's warrior projection faced him and reached her hand to him.

I'll see you again, my loved one
Yeah, I'm a wreck

The projection palmed her face with both hands, weeping as she sang.

I'll see you again, my loved one

It was at this moment that Lilly's projection, with tears streaming down her face, got to her knees in front of Robert and grabbed her hair as she looked up at him.  The two voices harmonized loudly once more.

Yeah, I'm a wreck without you here
Yeah, I'm a wreck since you've been gone

Robert fell to his knees as he wept quietly and stared into her eyes. 

I've tried to put this all behind me
I think I was wrecked all along
Yeah, I'm a wreck

Her projections stood and started singing again while Robert covered his face as he cried.

Sometimes I wish that I could wish it all away but I can't
One more rainy day without you
Sometimes I wish that I could see you one more day but I can't
One more rainy day

As the song ended, Lilly's projections, including her own wings, blinked out of existence and she sighed before looking over her shoulder. 


"How was..." she started before turning to look at everyone.  "...that?"  She looked around in confusion as she saw everyone in tears.  Robert especially looked quite distraught and overwhelmed.  "Um, are you all okay?"

"Oh, Lilly," Sean sobbed.  "That was the most beautiful thing I ever saw!"

Lilly stood from the piano, wondering just what the fuck was wrong with everyone.  She'd sang for most of these people before but they never broke down crying before.  Come to think of it, this exact same thing had happened in Spain when Lilly sang this song to a large crowd.  Was she that gifted with the piano as well as her voice?

She spent weeks learning how to play that one song on the piano, the song that had been stuck in her head for some time after Arthur's death.  Not that she ever performed it for people, of course.  No, back then, that song was much too personal for her to share with anyone.

But then one night in Madrid, Lilly said the hell with it and decided to share it with people.  And considering the events that had led up to that point, Lilly was still just a god damn wreck without her Arthur, but after that night, she felt like she could handle the situation a bit better.

Oh, was it because Arthur started crying?  Did he know it was about him and his death, or was he relating it to the current situation of her and him being apart?  Was it both?  Well, Lilly needed to start asking questions.

She rubbed her face with one hand and sighed.  "Alright...I know it's a sad song, but Jesus, fellers!" she scolded with a laugh.  "Y'all need to get a damn grip!"

Brigid sniffled as she pulled out a handkerchief.  "But it was so beautiful," she cried.

"And heartbreaking," Leo wept.

"And...it was so you," Robert whined as he cried.

Something odd was definitely going on here.  "Uh...okay?" Lilly said.  "Was I...did I sound different?  Did it sound more magical somehow?"

"Yes, but it was so much more than that!" Tora wept.  "We saw your pain!"

Lilly blinked a few times before scrunching up her face.  "Watashi no itami o dono yō ni mimashita ka?" she asked loudly.  [How did you see my pain?]

Tora wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.  "I don't even know how to describe it.  I've never seen anything like it in my life!  And I've seen a lot!"

Vu went and put Lilly into a big bear hug.  "You have beautiful soul, Lilly!  Tortured, but beautiful!"

Everyone else came up to her except Robert, who was still overwhelmed by what he'd just seen, obviously.  Lilly took note of that as everyone started talking to her excitedly but she put a palm up to silence everyone.

"Hold up a minute," she grunted before brushing past people to kneel in front of a hysterically upset Robert.  "Robert, mo ch...ahem, I mean, uh, darlin'?"

As Robert lifted his face, Lilly could tell he was struggling very hard to hold things together.  Suddenly she realized what she'd just done to the poor man's emotions and chastised herself for being so inconsiderate and stupid.  Lilly pulled her to him and held him tightly.  As much as she wanted to keep this prank going, Arthur had to know that she...sort of knew what was going on.  Hopefully he wouldn't spoil it for everybody else, though.

"Alright, you win..." she whispered very, very quietly in his ear.  "...bithiúnach."

Lilly felt Arthur's grip around her tighten before he pulled back to look at her with a look of total shock.  She quickly put a finger to his lips and shushed him while wiggling her eyebrows and smiling deviously.  The different range of emotions that displayed on Robert's face made Lilly burst out laughing before kissing him softly.

"Oh Robert, ya bloody kill me!" she cackled before standing up and holding out her hand to him.  "Get up and let's go have a quick chat in private, hmm?"

Robert gave Lilly a very annoyed but very sexual alpha gaze before grasping her arm.  It actually put her off her guard so when he went to stand up, he ended up pulling her on top of him.  Robert wheezed out a laugh as he hugged her.

"What the hell did you just do?" he laughed.

Lilly buried her face into his chest while jerking with laughter.  "I don't know," she giggled hysterically.  "I guess I'm just drunk."

"Yeah," Robert chuckled.  "We're all drunk," he sighed before relaxing on his back.

Lilly took a deep breath in, relieved that the crisis had been averted.  Now, onto other things.

"Now," she said as she sat up and faced the rest of the group.  "I know ya lot obviously experienced something while I was singin', that's plain tah see.  But would ya folks tell me exactly what it is that happened?"

Brigid took a step forward.  "What we saw wasn't just music, but a story.  Lillian, you literally poured out parts of your soul to us while you sang.  They came out as projections of you as a warrior, as your wolf, and as your inner child."

Lilly blinked before standing up quickly.  "Huh?!" she said loudly, perking her head in Brigid's direction.  "I...projected me soul?  Like...pictures?"

"Moving pictures!" Vu exclaimed happily.  "I never see anyone do that!  How you learn?"

"I dunna know!" Lilly shouted angrily.  "I didn't even know I was...oh..." she suddenly gasped before puckering in her lips.  "Oh dear...that explains Cambodia..."

Robert sat up behind her before yanking her into his lap.  "Darlin'," he whispered gruffly.  "We're going to talk about that, and many other things, but first, you did say we should uh, chat in private."

Lilly's face blanched.  Oh shit.  She leaned up against him to look up at his face with an innocent smile.  "As long as ya promise tah behave, Mr. Lewis," she cooed softly.

Robert arched a brow and chortled as he gazed down at her before narrowing his eyes.  "Not a fucking chance in hell, woman."

Lilly giggled and stroked his chin.  "That's not what I meant, but...okay."

Robert smiled before helping Lilly up.  He looked at everyone, cleared his throat and grabbed Lilly's hand.  "Well, uh, Lillian and I have some things to discuss, so..." he looked at her then back at the group.  "We're just going to go upstairs to the bedroom."

Leonard narrowed his eyes and shook his head.  "Robert, you-"

"Oh calm down, Mr. Hughes," Lilly giggled.  "If I wantah have sex with him, I can bloody well do it!"

"Lillian, no!" Sean yelled.  "I forbid it!"

Lilly scoffed.  "I'm a demigod and a product of unfaithfulness!  So I can damn well do what's in me fuckin' nature if I damn well wantah!"

"But Lilly!  You and Arthur are-"

"On the outs, apparently," she shrugged.  "He brought this on himself, god dammit! If Arthur wants me tah be god damn happy, then so be it!"  Lilly growled loudly before pulling Robert into a deep, passionate kiss.  "Bedroom, NOW!" she shouted.

Robert jerked a little before laughing.  "Yes, ma'am!" he said before lifting her up and running to the stairs, Lilly wrapping her arms and legs around him.

They both laughed hysterically as Robert quickly raced to the top and went walking down the hall.  Lilly grasped his face and kissed him desperately, making him stop in his tracks before pushing her body into the wall. 

"Can we even make it to the bedroom?" she asked heatedly.

Robert nodded while still kissing her.  "Mmhmm."

He gripped her tightly in his arms before walking quickly to the bedroom doors.  He messed with the handle a little before gripping it and yanking the door open.  Robert went inside, shut the door and locked it.

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