A Demon King's Guide On How t...

De DrLightsaber

17K 878 549

THIS IS FANFICTION. Please go check out the original work 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint '. This is a story a... Mais

Living together
Getting Closer
Getting Closer (2)


2.4K 127 56
De DrLightsaber

Warning: This chapter may contain spoilers. 

A few hours prior, Yoo Jonghyuk had left the house and had left Kim Dokja alone. The Demon King had wanted to take a nap, so he did. He headed to the bedroom and flopped onto the bed. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

However, as he woke up, he realized that he wasn't in their bedchamber anymore, but in an unknown place. He found himself in a small foul-smelling shack, which must be infested by mold. To his right was a small window, as he looked through it, he saw a large and brilliantly blue lake that seemed to divide itself in multiple small streams along the way, a forest and the outline of a castle that was oddly familiar.

Before him stood two unsightly demons, a tall skeletal one and an overweight one, who looked as if deeply immersed in conversation. He then noticed that his hands were tied behind his back. While the hero was away, they must have had some uninvited guests. Did he get kidnapped again? If so, then the castle in the distance must be the one he was trapped in for the last few weeks. Then, did it mean that there was a way for his confinement to finally end? He'd already tried to escape from there on multiple occasions, however he had never succeeded. Should he attempt to escape from his kidnappers (he was the Demon King, the final boss of this story, so beating up these two mobs should be like a walk in the park) or should he wait for the hero to find him? The latter didn't seem like a good idea, it could perhaps give him an idea on his identity as the Demon King and that would be his end. The realisation made his heart have a fearful pang.

" Author-nim, why must you do this to me?'' contemplated the Demon King.

Shut up Kim Dokja. Stop breaking the fourth wall. The reason I'm doing this to you is because I'm running out of fluff scene ideas. As he was about to give a piece of his mind to the writer, a voice interrupted their discussion.

" Look, he's awake.''observed the fat fiend.

" Indeed.'' confirmed the emaciated one.

Why were they talking as if he wasn't there? Putting that aside, he needed to act fast, he needed to go back to the castle before the hero did. He easily snapped the ropes tying his hands together with brute strength (wow, turns out being a demon king does have its perks) and charged towards his kidnappers. For the first time since starting to live with Yoo Jonghyuk, he made his wings and horns appear. Startled, the demons had attempted to dispose of him. Rather unsuccessfully. Even if Kim Dokja hadn't hit the gym in years, defeating them was child's play. After all, he had the memories of the previous Demon King who'd had years of combat experience. To dispatch the skeletal one, a punch in the gut was enough, the area of impact had been blown to smithereens and, with a pitiful whine, it had quickly started to disintegrate into ash. However the plump one didn't go down as easily. After punching it square on the jaw. It had almost managed to elbow Kim Dokja in the nose, however, thanks to adrenaline, he'd managed to avoid it and delivered one of his own on it's large stomach. After exchanging a few blows, he had finally kicked it in it's belly and it had soon become cinders.

He was disappointed that they had died so easily, he wanted to interrogate them about their motive for kidnapping him. However, now he had to figure out how to get back their chambers in the castle. He could fly directly to the Demon King's chamber, however even if it wasn't a dreadful idea at first sight, it wouldn't do. Judging by how high the sun was in the sky, quite some time had passed since Yoo Jonghyuk had left and he would be coming back soon. Besides, their chambers were at the highest of the castle's towers and even if somehow the hero didn't notice him, someone else could. That would be troublesome. He was glad that the demon mobs had disintegrated into ash, because he didn't need to worry about having to get rid of the evidence, it was already done for him.

He's best bet was to fly closer to the ground unseen, thanks to the cover that the woods provided, towards the castle. It would be risky however what else could he do? Luckily, Three Ways To Kill A Demon had quite a detailed description of the castle layout, so he was confident that he could find his way around. Kim Dokja never was much of a gambler, however, that day he took a huge risk as he unfolded his wings and flew towards the castle.

Like any kid, Kim Dokja had tried to imagine how flying would feel like, he'd never have thought the experience would feel this good.

Getting the hang of flying had been surprisingly easy. At first, he'd hopped from tree to tree and had only flown short distances (he'd read a book about eagles that mentioned that this was how they learned how to fly) and then had proceeded to longer distances.

As he gained in altitude, he could feel the breeze caressing him and urging him to fly into the horizon. He loved it. It felt like the wildest of drugs, one that he'd never get enough of.


It turns out that navigating through the castle was quite easy. Sure some mobs attacked him here and there but they didn't put up much of a fight. The hero had already killed them before as he left to go shopping, however they respawned like in a video game. Soon, he had reached the hallway in which were his chambers.

He hoped, once more, that his roommate hadn't come back yet. If he did, how would he tell him about his kidnapping? A wrong word could cost him his life. Distracted by his thoughts, he hadn't noticed the bulky demon that had sneaked to his right. He hadn't noticed it until it was too late. A sword now impaled in his heart. He sighed as he prepared himself for his meeting with the grim reaper. Except that Death never came.


Kim Dokja was pretty sure that he was supposed to be dead. No, he was now 100% convinced that he should be halfway to heaven by now, so why was he still in pain? He was breathing just fine (if you ignored the way the air burned his lungs every time he took a breath) and he was still standing. Was he secretly an Ajin? No, wrong franchise (even while impaled by a sword you still break the fourth wall? The author sighs.) Regeneration must be one of the perks that comes with being a Demon King.

The demon who stabbed Kim Dokja watched as his victim slowly took out the sword of his chest while gritting his teeth. This human was dangerous, he needed to be eliminated.

Kim Dokja had acquired a weapon. Nice, he thought as his wound quickly healed. Now with the help of this bad boy, defeating this demon would be like a walk in the park. That was when the demon pounced on him in an attempt to regain his weapon. After dodging it, he promptly decapitated it and resumed his march towards his dwelling.

As he walked, he felt himself losing energy rather quickly and he had a headache. He simply dismissed it as a simple need to rest. After all, he had bigger worries. However it was more than just that, he realized while he was standing at the entrance to his quarters (it had respawned a few hours after the hero had broken it.) He opened the imposing door quite easily (huh, must be because he was a Demon King) and he promptly locked it.

As he entered the throne room, Kim Dokja realized that nothing came without a price in the world (that, dear readers, is the law of equivalent exchange) as the world around him began to spin and blood dripped from his nose. He had survived a lethal blow and this was the price he had to pay. Shit. Regeneration seemed to take its toll on him. Kim Dokja used his last ounce of logic to conclude that he needed to lay down. Pronto. As he cautiously advanced towards his bedroom, his head started to burn, his breathing became heavy and he lost his balance. Feverish, he collapsed in front of the bedroom's door.


That day, Yoo Jonghyuk came home later than usual. He'd found a boutique that sells clothes that would look perfect on Kim Dokja, he was sure of it. He wanted to give him a gift. Perhaps after receiving it he would beem at him, he would headpat him or maybe, he dared to hope, give him a little smooch on the cheek. Even if didn't look the part, the hero was a hopeless romantic. When he'd arrived home, dread had filled his heart. What if Kim Dokja didn't like his gift? What if he found him creepy? Yoo Jonghyuk just wanted to have a uwu romantic relationship with Kim Dokja, nothing more (hmmm.....the author and the readers are currently doubting your statement). What if he failed? He kept questioning himself, as he entered the Demon King's quarters. Kim Dokja wasn't there. Usually, he would welcome him home, maybe he was taking a nap again. He went to see if Kim Dokja was comfortable. As he approached the bedroom, he saw Kim Dokja collapsed next to the bedchamber with fever. The hero dropped his purchases and rushed toward the one before him.


Kim Dokja's memories of that night were fragmented. He remembered being transported to the bedchamber (yes dear reader, I know what you are thinking and yes, he did get princess-carried, however he didn't know that). He simply assumed that he had been hoisted over the hero's shoulder and then yeeted onto the bed.

He remembered that someone had stayed by his side, repeatedly changing the wet towel on his forehead.

Being taken care of felt nice. For as long as he could remember he'd always been alone, nobody had taken care of him this way. Usually when he was sick, Kim Dokja would just sleep it off. The cool towel felt nice. Content, he fell asleep.


A middle school aged version of Kim Dokja, was coming back from school. Aware that he found himself in a dream, he couldn't help but wonder why he'd had to recall this particular event. His whole body was covered in various bruises with varying shades of blue. His face was particularly swollen. He could barely see through his left eye. Around him, he could see the other kids going home with their parents. He had heard them talking. Curious, he had decided to eavesdrop on their conversation beside his better judgement. They were arguing over such trivial matters. With a pang of envy in his gut, he'd wished he could have done the same with his own.


The scene around him soon changed. A child version of Kim Dokja was crouching in a corner crying. He was standing in a small dimly-lit living room. The scent of alcohol filled his nose. He knew this place.

A man towered over a woman. He held her by her hair as she begged to be released.


A wail of pain could be heard from the woman.


His surroundings changed once more. This time, the smell of rust filled his lungs. Blood.

Dokja-yah, remember what I told you?


He recalled jolting awake held in someone's loving embrace. He liked it here. It feels safe. He's constantly been on edge ever since he'd started living with the hero, because a wrong move could have gotten him killed. He wanted to stay like this forever.

Since he was young, Kim Dokja's nights were always haunted by nightmares. His trauma followed him around like a shadow. Sometimes, when he thought that he had finally gotten over it. It would torment him in his sleep. It was like a bad joke.

The hero had watched the Demon King fall asleep. In sleep, he looked so small, so breakable. That was when he'd started twitching in his sleep. Yoo Jonghyuk had no idea what to do in this kind of situation. At first, he'd wanted to wake him up, however it wouldn't help improve his roommate's condition. So he'd decided against it. His second idea was a better one. He'd decided to hold him tightly in his arms, gently rocking him while murmuring words of comfort. Kim Dokja would be calmed by his action and Yoo Jonghyuk get closer to him once he recovered. Maybe he'd let him hold his hand, snuggle amorously, shower him with kisses and even ▉▊▊ him. He was getting ahead of himself wasn't he?

It was a win-win for both parties involved.The hero felt like a bastard for thinking this way.

Yoo Jonghyuk had gently, careful not to wake Kim Dokja, sat on the back and had tenderly pulled him into his loving embrace.

Kim Dokja had trembled violently once. The reaction was quickly followed by a series of quick spasms and then by uncanny stillness. Kim Dokja had then abruptly woken up, startling the hero. He was panting heavily as he'd just had a nightmare. In his ever growing worry, the hero took the Demon King's hand. Kim Dokja's hand seemed to flawlessly fit into his. He wanted to hold it more.

It seemed to have a therapeutic effect on him. Kim Dokja dozed back to sleep with a content look on his face.


He remembered the heavenly taste of soup. It almost tasted as good as Yoo Jonghyuk's cooking. Perhaps, it was. He wished it was.

" Ah~ I wish you could cook for me forever. '' declared Kim Dokja half delirious with fever.

He answered with a nonchalant grunt.

However, the one who responded had just entered a state of panic.

Uh-huh, Kim Dokja was being cute, as always, he thought fondly.

Wait- DID HE JUST GET CONFESSED TO!? Yes! Yes, the hero wanted to cook for Kim Dokja forever, if that's what he wanted. After all, he was already his. Yoo Jonghyuk felt as if he were a puppy loyal to his master. He felt as if he belonged to Kim Dokja.

Pleased by the food, he'd purred and fallen back to sleep. Under the pressure of the hero's horny-grip, the chair next to the bed had almost broken. Sadly, the one before him would most likely forget about his proposal. (And he did) Even so, Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but give him a peck on his forehead, before he too, drifted off into dreamland.


The next morning, the sun was shining brightly. It woke Kim Dokja up. He had woken up with a monstrous headache, as if he was hungover. Eh? When did he get on the bed?, he wondered, confused. That's when it hit him.

He blushed furiously when the events of the memories of the previous night came to him. Did Yoo Jonghyuk really stay up all night taking care of him? Did he really snuggle with him? He looked around the room. He released a sigh that was a mixture of relief and disappointment, when he didn't spot the hero. As Kim Dokja was about to rise from the bed, he noticed someone else's hand intertwined with his own. It was big, scarred and full of calluses from swinging a sword. Huh? He whipped his head around to whose hand it was. He was now face-to-face with a man so handsome that even Jesus would become a simp for. With a startled cry, he'd realized it was Yoo Jonghyuk. Shit. Yep, he was definitely dead. Hopefully, he'd have time to write his will. But what did he have to give away? It wasn't like he had anything that truly belonged to him, so he doubted its usefulness. As Kim Dokja's thoughts wandered, the hero had started to arise.

" Good morning. ''

Red-faced, Kim Dokja had started going on a rant.

" Ah-hello. I'm sorry I collapsed in front of the bedroom. I was going to sleep my fever off, but I never made it there. Well, you already know that, don't you? Haha. Did you really take care of me all night? Sorry, my memories are a bit fuzzy, so I don't quite remember. If you did, you have my thanks. I apologize once again for being so useless and for compromising your good night of sleep. I'll make it up to you. From now on, I'll be the one doing all the chores around here-well, apart from cooking. If you want, I'll even let you sleep on the bed alone. I'll sleep on the throne from now on-''

He was interrupted before he could finish.

" Kim Dokja. ''

That was enough to make him shut up. Yoo Jonghyuk continued speaking.

" You are not useless.'' he said in a disapproving tone. " You are quite good at washing the dishes and mopping the floor.''

Kim Dokja wondered why the hell he liked this guy.

" And we will be continuing to sleep in the same bed.'' he finished. He looked at the one before him for a few instants, before starting to headpat Kim Dokja.

Kim Dokja's face started to burn.

Yoo Jonghyuk chuckled and hugged him tighter. They stayed like this for little more.

At this point in time, the hero had a sole desire: he wanted to stay like this forever, that wish wasn't granted, because he was once again faced with a big problem: his friend down south seemed to be acting up.


Hello everyone! Thanks for reading and sorry about the anti-climactic ending ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I promise to write more fluff scene in future updates!

Sorry for the late update! 

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