The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 14. A matter of the heart
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 17. The real Aria
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 26. The president's closest people
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 35. How far is near
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer

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(A/N) Copyright © TURTUREL, 2021.

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Twenty five years earlier

Darren Langdon, the second son of the old master Langdon of the branch family, was born under a lucky star, most would think.

Although he was a second son, and normally wouldn't inherit his family's fortune, he was still the only legitimate son of his father and naturally the only one able to succeed him.

No one would have ever considered William Monroe, who was the older brother, as qualified to become the heir, not even by a long shot. This sentiment and firm belief was also held by Darren Langdon himself.

After all, he was the one who possessed his father's last name, the one who had followed his footsteps by becoming a lawyer, and the one everyone recognized as legitimate. Not to mention, he was also one of the few qualified people to talk on equal footing with the most important people of his generation... Eliza Langdon, the daughter of the main family, and Victoria Black, the heir to the Black family's fortune.

At one point, he had even thought he could be the one to realize both families' wish by tying the knot with Victoria Black. Though this had never come about, as his father had not approved of the matter when he had vaguely implied it.

Well, it had really been a disappointment happening in his blemish free achievements, but as the heir to the branch family, he had quickly overcome such a sentiment. After all, if he were to become Victoria's husband, it would be uncertain if he could establish himself as the head of their family, especially with her strong unbending personality. Becoming the leader of the branch family, was still the better option.

Other than that fact, his life could really be said to be the best, absolutely no small or big blocks obstructing his path in life.

So then imagine his disbelief, when his father had died and his will was read.

Solemn and with a tinge of sadness shadowing his red rimmed eyes, he waited with his wife for his father's last words to be read by the lawyer. Together with them were also several other relatives including his brother, William Monroe, who for some reason had been invited to the reading of the will. A brother he was at most cordial with, keeping a public courtesy to increase even more his magnanimity and superiority in the eyes of the general crowd... well it wasn't a problem, it was the last time to see him anyway.

With him about to be announced as the new owner, he could show his kindness again. From the following day afterwards, there was no more need to.

This was his thought... so how come the name of this brother had exited the lawyer's mouth as the latter was about to announce the branch's family heir?

His shock and flabbergast then had reached an all time height, while no words were able to leave his mouth. Snapping out of his thoughts, as the other relatives congratulated the new owner, Darren Langdon had wanted to immediately contradict the will's legitimacy, when he was instantly reminded of his foolishness.

To ensure that, in the smallest chance, his brother might be the one to try and make a fuss because of the will, he had advised his father to take all the necessary steps to ensure its validity. There had even been two separate lawyers with him when he signed his will, from two separate well established lawyer firms, other than  his family's company. As such unfortunately no foul play could be suspected and contested by anyone... including himself.

So were he to affirm his disapproval, he would win nothing at all. He had really shot himself in the foot this time. The only choice left for him now was to congratulate his brother, establish a good relationship with him and think of contra measures for the future. Gritting his teeth, and with a glare towards his wife, so the woman could not voice her complaints, he also lowered himself to his brother's level and wished him all the best.

Only later, did Darren Langdon put the puzzle together as to why the will had been written like this by his father...

In fact William Monroe was the favored child of the master of the branch family, but because his father, as in Darren Langdon's grandfather, hadn't permitted him to recognize William Monroe as his child, he wasn't able to give William Monroe his family name as he had done for Darren. The master deeply regretted not being able to give his child the legitimacy he deserved, and let him keep being mocked by people. 

The problem was that his father was a child from the main line of the family so he felt it was beneath themselves to recognize a bastard child as one of their own, even if this was his own grandchild they were talking about. As long as William Monroe's grandfather was alive, his father's attempts to include him in the family were firmly blocked. 

But as soon as his own father, the great-grandfather of the branch family and younger brother of the great-grandfather of the main family, had passed away the master of the branch family had secretly planned to pass on the majority of his assets to his eldest son. This was perhaps his biggest revenge as he was not permitted to wed the love of his life, William Monroe's mother.

In a sense it could be said that, even though William Monroe was unrecognized as a legitimate child of the branch family, in essence he owned most of its assets, after the will was opened.

Darren Langdon, hadn't suspected at all his father's intentions, hadn't known this fact only until after the latter's death. Unsatisfied with his father because of the injustice of not receiving the family's inheritance, even though he owned the family's name and his brother did not, he still covered his bitter feelings towards William Monroe, and acted cordially towards him for the following years. 

He became so close to the latter, that he was entrusted by William Monroe to keep on running the companies on his behalf, as he was a school teacher and did not really have experience at all in handling them or at least the wish to do so.

Along with his naïveté, his profession had also been another reason for which Darren Langdon had not considered William Monroe as his rival for the leadership. The latter had taken a different career path than the one fit for the presidency.

In the long run his efforts were not left unrepaid, as William Monroe began to deeply trust and love his younger brother, and so had even kept hidden the fact that he was the owner of the inheritance of the branch family... leaving Darren Langdon still at the forefront of the family, as the rightful heir to the public's eye. 

With the two three relatives that had participated at the reading under his control, nobody ever suspected Darren Langdon's fake position.

When William Monroe died, Darren Langdon's leadership became even firmer and unshakable.

Unfortunately, his older brother was unaware even in death the hate Darren Langdon had held for him over the years, and had even left him as the guardian of Jillian Monroe, his only daughter, and the heiress to the companies his father had left him.

Of course, a five year old child was no problem at all. She was not even aware to whom the companies actually belonged to, as Darren continued handling them in her stead... and later in his own name. Moreover, with the guardianship documents, the transfer of the shares and money was as easy as taking a child's candy away.

Satisfied to have his inheritance returned, Darren Langdon had performed an act of mercy, and accepted Jillian Monroe inside his house.

Though to say it was indeed an act of mercy, considering that Jillian Monroe, was the sole beneficiary of William Monroe, and that particular inheritance had been sized entirely by Darren Langdon... well it was doubtful one could call it as such. The only one who would firmly believe this was only Darren Langdon himself, who had felt only he was entitled to receive the inheritance in the first place.

How would he know that this act of mercy would come to hurt him four years later, as Jillian Monroe had stolen his daughter's adoption and an even bigger inheritance than her original one. Blame his consciousness, Darren Langdon thought. He really should have left that girl in an orphanage and be done with her.

In the present time, Darren Langdon's home

Even more ironically... how would Darren Langdon know he would regret for another two times this act of mercy? More bitterly than in the past.

The first time was when the old master Langdon from the main family decided to marry the twenty years old Jillian Monroe to Zane Black, to fulfill the promise from long ago. A vow he never thought Victoria Black would ever agree to, especially since the old master Langdon had died a short while later, after this decision. It would have been even easier for the Blacks family to rescind it, without his presence. But oddly enough, the wedding was carried out a year later on the time it was set, on the dot.

And the second time... it was right at this very moment.

'Are you sure Zane is in love with the amnesiac Jillian?' Frowning in confusion Darren Langdon asked his wife, who had eagerly awaited for him to arrive home from his business trip. 

He was not even given the time to freshen up or eat. Just barely he was about to have a glass of water for his parched throat, but even for that water he was no longer in the mood for.

'As sure as I can be. Haven't you been listening to me? The facts speak for themselves, his behavior towards Jillian is pretty self-explanatory. And that sneaky snake, I don't know if she really doesn't have memories, like Aileen said. But it's quite convenient for her... this situation. She has Zane firmly backing her... You tell me, would they separate now? Would they follow through with the separation contract they already signed since they got married? I highly doubt it.' Aileen's mother, Patricia, spoke through greeted teeth.

'They will separate. Of course they will. Aren't I the one with the contract and the divorce papers?' Darren smirked pleased with himself, as though the whole situation was still under his control.

He really had the best inspiration, when he kept acting like a proper uncle to Jillian, behaving cordially and lovingly with her, just like how he acted to Jillian's father. In this way, that foolish girl had entrusted him with all her legal matters.

'So what? They can just rip the contract and be done with it. As for the divorce papers, how long would it take for them to get remarried? Then what would we have to gain from it? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Or better said we will get one thing... hate. The hate of Zane Black. And that's the last thing we need.' Patricia immediately refuted displeased, but also frightened. Dealing with Zane Black was akin to being beside a lion. One wrong move, and not a bone would be left behind.

'Not necessarily. The fact that Jillian has amnesia might just come in our favor. Once she gives birth, we'll show her the separation documents and parental relinquishing rights papers, to demonstrate Zane's "actual feelings" to her. The distorted truth won't be found out, if we succeed in making her see Zane as having deceived her from the beginning.

She won't remember she also agreed to sign the documents, and quite happily at that, so it will be easier to make her think he forced her to. With her amnesia it will be easy to make it seem he was only acting lovingly to her, because he will gain the custody of the twins with the least efforts.' 

Even without her memories, Jillian should have the same personality as before, so Darren wasn't particularly worried about how to make her believe him, or by the possibility of Zane finding it out. Because once Jillian was informed of the matters from him, she would no longer be willing to listen to Zane. Especially if it was true that she was now happy to become a mother. She would be scared he would take the children, to try and reason logically with him.

'But will she believe that? I mean she could realize he could have just taken the twins from her because of the documents. What need was for him to act nice to her?' Though Patricia trusted her husband's judgement, as he had never been wrong before, and his every action always rendered benefits from them, she still wanted to ensure that no mishap could happen.

'She was in a coma until a few months ago. It could have affected the health of her body, making it frailer and more prone to miscarriage,  and so it was needed for her mind to be kept as calm and as relaxed as possible. If you put it like that, it does make sense.' Darren erased another doubt of Patricia, with a calmness that one would show when speaking the absolute truth.

'But you know, her body might really be frail right now. I told you she fainted the last time when she went to the office...' The older woman started to say pensively. Then after thinking for only some seconds more, continued with a quieter voice, as though she was afraid someone would listen in on them.

'Won't it be better to deal with the matter right now? We might even be lucky, and her pregnancy would really be affected. I mean think about it... if our daughter will be married in, after Zane's divorce, she doesn't need Jillian's children to stand in her way.' The ruthless suggestion was spoken with a bright enlightened expression. It was an epiphany which could cause irreversible damage, yet Patricia did not show any remorse or guilty consciousness at all towards the girl she had seen growing up with her own two eyes.

'Not now, we have to tread carefully. If something happens to her now... not to mention Zane, Victoria would destroy us. Because there is only she and Zane left from their family, the children are absolutely needed to inherit the companies, so they would take revenge on anyone. Moreover, even if they do not figure it out, we could not try to marry Aileen to Zane because they would really realize it then.

 At least when Jillian gives birth, if they find out we talked to her, I can still convince them that it was my duty as her lawyer to start the procedures we had agreed on at the time that was specified in the contract. I can reason I had to confirm the steps before advancing the divorce, because after all we do not officially know that she has lost her memories. But now it would only spell disaster.' Darren advised thoughtfully.

It seemed that both he and his wife were a force to be reckoned with, when scheming and planning was made. They both spoke of causing a disaster for someone with a smile on their lips, but still knew to keep each other in check and not go far enough to be discovered.

'That's true. Well, having already children shouldn't mean they would be the ones who are guaranteed to inherit. You are living proof of that.' Patricia nodded her head, quite convinced of her opinion.

As the saying went... having a stepmother, the father also becomes a step father. As Aileen would take over the role of stepmother, Zane could be made to distance himself from his children... there were numerous ways to do so.

'I'm glad you got my point.' Darren smirked a bit, satisfied with his wife's keen insight.

He had always gotten along well with Patricia as far as these matters were concerned. The one he could not share such an understanding with was unfortunately the one who they were scheming for.

Aileen, his daughter, would never understand she had to wait. He was certain of this, and the earlier event when she had smashed the items in the other room, was a clear proof of this.

They could only cub her temper and guide her along the right path, but they could never tell her of the whole picture. If she knew of the contract... her rashness could destroy everything they worked for. Really, if only she had listened to them in the past, things would have never come to this. But her unbending nature was unfortunately unchanging at all.

Other than that day when she had cried to not be given away, Aileen had made another mistake they were paying for now.

After Jillian had gotten engaged, Darren had told her numerous times to spend more time with her cousin and possibly meet Zane in the process, during her visits. If the latter had fallen in love with his adorable daughter, then the wedding with Jillian wouldn't have happened in the first place.

But Aileen did not want to hear about it, she kept reasoning she already had someone she had fallen in love with at first glance, during a vacation. And though she did not even know the other person's name, having only briefly seen him during a friend's party, she would never marry anyone other than him. Who knew that fate would play a cruel joke on her? As she finally saw that person's face during Jillian's wedding. He was her groom, Zane Black.

'You didn't say anything about the divorce papers or the contract to Aileen, right?' Darren knew he had already agreed with his wife to not tell Aileen about it, but it was better to confirm it again.

'Yes. Don't worry. I only told her to wait and let us handle it.' Patricia quickly assured under her husband's cold gaze.

Only then, did Darren calmed down, and took the glass of water he still hadn't touched, to cool his parched throat. As he sat comfortably on the couch with his wife, the latter started to inform him of other matters that happened during his absence.

With their nerves tightened because of stress, and then relaxed as they consulted with each other, neither did Patricia, nor did Darren realize that their conversation was heard by the person they had wanted to keep it most from.

The person who was already pondering about the location of the documents... Aileen.

The Black consortium, a few days later

'This is really unusual... you asking to meet up. Have you finally figured out my importance and friendship?' Malcom chuckled, satisfied that his friend was starting to see his value, while he seated himself comfortably on the couch.

'Leave the unnecessary comments aside. I wanted to ask you something.' Zane  rose on his feet and stepped away from his desk. Then, while moving towards the opposite couch, without further ado he cut Malcom's small talk off.

'That's nice of you, you asked me how I have been, then even offered me a coffee...' Malcom sarcastically mumbled his observations, or better said grievances, as he slumped carelessly on the couch.

'Malcom, I really need your advice.' Zane's grave voice with a sad tone tinging it dispelled the light easy atmosphere. 

Visibly different from his normal usual expressionless stance, Zane's whole mood stopped Malcom's cheerfully teasing state, as the latter frowned and adopted a more serious stance.

'What happened?' He simply asked, then waited patiently for Zane to explain the problem to him. No matter how concerning a situation was in the past, or how somber he was, Zane had never been this disheartened about anything.

'It's Aria, she... for some time now, I don't know how to explain it. She has changed.' Zane's words were somewhat broken, barely managing to  have a constant flow and meaning.

Although the small woman still came to the office every day, although he still held her close in his arms as they slept, although her face was smiling just like before... in fact he could feel something was wrong with her general mood. After that first time when he found her staring blankly at a book without actually reading it, she was bit by bit becoming more depressed.

He had thought it was only a wrong impression, that maybe he was just overthinking it. But the situation repeated itself four more times. She had a vacant stare even yesterday when Pudding had wanted to play with her, it seemed she hadn't taken notice of her pet for a few moments.

Though he hadn't seen this event with his own eyes, having only heard of it from Anne, who he had instructed to keep track on everything that had to do with Aria, Zane believed it really happened. Her lost gaze and apparent stone like stance, was witnessed by him the other times after all.

'What do you mean? Is she starting to remember her past?' Malcom asked confused, as his frowned expression turned into an alarmed one.

'No. I don't think so. Otherwise she would have already not permitted for the two of us to keep sleeping in the same room, even less on the same bed. And her lovable attitude and adorable personality for the most part is still the same. But she seems lost at times, and a bit panicked at other times. I do not know how to explain her exact state, but it's like she loses enthusiasm and the sparkle in her eyes and she enters in an unresponsive state. It only happens for a minute or two, but it's enough to have me really worried.' Zane detailed more, as his heart tightened just by recollecting her face.

'Did something trigger this state? Or it just started to happen?' Malcom asked more, to try and make an accurate image of the problem inside his head. He was afraid it could be a medical problem. Did the doctors miss something when they discharged her after her coma?

'I think that Monday when she came to the office... our discussion at that time might be the cause. But I'm not sure. I wanted to talk to her about the subject again, but she didn't allow me to. Even yesterday I wanted to open up the matter again, and she evaded talking to me.' Zane stated as he placed both of his hands on his face. Then feeling hopelessness envelop over him, roughly brushed his palm against the skin, in an effort to clear the haziness and tiredness away.

'What did you talk about on Monday?' Malcom curiously inquired. Aria was truly an easygoing person, the new her was someone anyone could really get along with. Zane was proof of that, because his friend was the most difficult person to get along with.

'She asked me about the past, but I cut off her words. I didn't let her inquire what she wanted. I realized I was wrong, and the next day I wanted to apologize and I told her she could ask me, but she didn't want to anymore. She says she doesn't want to know anything of the past now.' He immediately replied, without the least bit awkwardness because of his admittance of having apologized to Aria.

'So she was curious about the past, then because you didn't allow her to ask... she closed herself off from you...' Malcom summed up Zane's words, while he was directly looking at him, in case the latter wished to correct any wrong understanding of his words. A confirmation that Zane reflexively gave, by nodding his head a bit.

To hear the same words from someone else's mouth, he really had been insensitive. He may have lied to himself and to Aria, that there was no need to know of the past, but if he thought about it from Aria's point of view... he wasn't being fair at all.

'Hmmm... To know of one's past is absolutely normal. We can't force her to know her memories, but we can't deny her the right to also. Although I don't know for certain, if your discussion with her from Monday was the cause for her melancholy or depression, or at least the start of a possible depression... it must have still played a large part in her current behavior.

Just to be certain, her cat scans are clean, right? Though hopefully it isn't this, but her state could be attributed to something happening in her brain also.' Malcom stated pensively, with his mind wondering to the different possibilities.

'Yes. Her cat scans are alright. They were checked by a large number of doctors, and because of what happened with Aria's first visit to the office, her brain and blood were tested again, when she was admitted to the hospital.' Zane's heart skipped a beat at the somber possibility Malcom was reminding him of, but as he remembered her visit to the hospital, he quickly recomposed himself.

'Then if it's only a psychological problem, it should be easier to change, if you also change your methods.'

'What do you mean?' Zane asked hopeful.

'What I mean is... if she doesn't want to talk of the past, then don't talk about it for now. It will only stress her more... your insistence with it. Ohh... right, did she specify what exactly she wanted to know of the past?' Malcom inquired more, as the answer to this question could change the method needed to take Aria out of her current state.

'She asked me what our marriage was like in the past... she asked if it was only a convenient marriage. She was confused because I keep kissing her.' Zane again admitted without an ounce of awkwardness due to his boldness.

'Hmm... so the nature of your relationship concerns her. It could be possible that she wants to determine what kind of a relationship you want to have with her. I mean like only be parents to your children, or closer together as lovers. That's not a bad thing at all. It would have been a problem if your relationship didn't enter her mind and worries.

Then you only have to show her you love her. You have to talk to her and tell her your true thoughts... that you want to have a real husband and wife relationship with her. You could even let her know that you really care about who she is right now, that you love the way she is now.

In this way, you would imply that you love her for the person she is right now, so indirectly she would know the past her was nothing compared to the new her... the woman you fell in love with.' Malcom coherently replied.

'But wouldn't she become upset if I say it like that? I mean to say the her from the past wasn't loved by me... wouldn't it hurt her?' Zane felt Malcom's answers to his problems had some truth in them, but this part sill made him doubtful.

'Psychologically speaking, most people without memories subconsciously dissociate themselves in two persons... the one from before and the present one. Didn't you also make that distinction in your head? I'm sure she is also like that.

The current Aria needs to know that she is loved by you how she is right now... then you can go from there. This would be one step. And the other... take her out more.

What I mean is... since she regained her consciousness until now, Aria has only known your presence and the servants'. You are keeping her in a crystal ball, so she could feel left out or out of place.

How about taking her to the annual ball for the anniversary of the consortium from next Saturday? It could also help because there she would get recognition as your wife, and at the same time change the everyday scenery.'

'Take her to the ball?'

'Yup. A night out with you, maybe even a dance, some good food... it could do wonders.'

Zane pondered a bit about Malcom's advice, and felt it did make sense, as such he wanted to affirm that he would do as the latter said. But the vibration from the phone in his chest pocket stopped his words.

Because he was too worried about Aria, he instructed Anne more firmly to keep him updated. So he needed to confirm first if the caller was Anne.

Unexpectedly when he checked the caller ID it really was the maid, so without waiting a second more he pressed the answer button and quickly placed the phone near his ear.

'Speak.' Zane concisely said.

Waiting for some seconds for the woman to speak, his eyes widened when the reason for the call entered his ear. A reason he had least expected to was being transmitted through the call.

'You mean my mother is at the mansion?' He urgently asked, to confirm the information.

Normally it wouldn't have been an issue as it was her home too, moreover the renovation were already over. The problem was that, in an effort to change her scenery with a fresh one, Aria was also driven back to the mansion after she came to the office for the lunch break.

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