May we meet again // Amelia S...

By ElinaShak

78.2K 2K 428

Y/N is a pediatric surgeon working in a hospital in New York. After her sister's death, she quits her job and... More

Author's note
I'm officially obsessed
Like what you see?
Pulling a Monica
A human being needs the one
The ruined date
One question left
May we meet again
Happy together
The one
I believe you
It won't be your last
It was love
Special name
It tears families apart
Our story
Author's note
Author's note

Saving a life

2.6K 83 13
By ElinaShak

TW: hospital staff, sex flashback

I woke up when the sun started shining in my eyes. I barely opened my eyes as realized how bright it was in the room. I forgot to close the curtains. I wanted to get up but felt an arm wrapped around me. That's the whole new feeling. I carefully turned my head and saw Amelia peacefully sleeping next to me. Damn it, why is this woman so hot even when she's sleeping?

I got out of her embrace making one movement at a time so I wouldn't disturb the sleeping angel and went to the bathroom. I still felt the whiskey in my mouth so I mentally made a note not to drink so often. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun before brushing my teeth and getting in the shower. I found at least 5 new hickeys on my chest and 2 on my neck thinking about how I would be tired of covering them up. While the hot water ran through my body, the memories from last night flashed through my head.


I was pushed to the wall letting out moans as she was kissing my neck and biting it not hard to hurt me but for sure leaving marks. Her right hand was rubbing my clit while her other was squeezing my breast.

Flashback ends

I shook my head stopping the flashbacks. Not now, Y/N. I finished with the shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and went back to the room.

I smiled looking at Amelia still laying in the same position as she was when I left. I sat next to her and took my phone. 9:03 am. I'm early. I checked if I had new messages. 6 texts from Callie.

Torres: Call me ASAP
Torres: I need to talk to you
Torres: It's an emergency
Torres: Damn Y/N wake up
Torres: I have news
Torres: I won't tell you if you don't call me in 10

The last text was sent at 8:55 which meant I still had 2 minutes to call her. I made my way back to the bathroom and dialed her number.

"What's up, Torres?" I said as she answered the phone.

"Arizona is flying to New York in a week," she yelled. She was really excited and I was so happy for her. They were an endgame for sure.

"I'm so happy for you, Torres," I quietly yelled, "this is amazing. You'll be a family again."

"Thank you for giving me the strength to text her," she said.

"I'm sure Sofia's gonna be over the moon," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I heard her sneaky tone. She had something in mind already I could tell.

"No reason just woke up," I said.

"Mhm," I could imagine her facial expression when she said it I swear, "is Amelia with you?"

"Kinda," I murmured and blushed. Thank god she can't see me through the phone call.

"That's great, monkey," she smiled. Well, I didn't see her either but I could tell by her tone that she did.

"I guess."

"Won't keep you any longer, go to your lover," she chuckled.

"One day I'm gonna kick your ass for real, Torres," I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Good luck with that," she laughed and we said our goodbyes.

I thought when I came back Amelia would be already awake. But I was so wrong.

I laid next to her and ran my hand over her arm. Her skin was soft and warm. I leaned closer and gave her a little kiss on the lips which made her quietly groan.

"Morning to you," I whispered.

She opened her eyes and the corners of her mouth instantly raised in a smile.

"Morning, sunshine," she pulled me closer in a kiss, "I can get used to waking up this way."

"Well, then it's your win because I'm not going anywhere this time or ever again," I mumbled and she connected our lips again.

"This is the day when I hate that I have to go to work," she groaned.

"Don't worry, I can meet you after, I have something I need to do today anyway."

"What things?"

"Tell you after," I kissed her again and got up from the bed.

We got ready and Amelia left for work. I was pretty anxious about what I had to do so I headed to that coffee shop to get an iced latte.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" I raised my eyes and saw a stunning woman. Damn.

"An iced latte please, " I said with a smile.

"Sure, " she giggled and started to make it, "you living here?"

"Yeah, I guess I do, " I shrugged.

"Maybe we can grab a coffee together some time?"

Did she just ask me out? Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you my biggest achievement.

"I'm seeing someone so no, I'm sorry, " I smiled.

"Oh, okay, I didn't know, my bad, " she said giving me go cup.

"Thank you, " I paid for the coffee and headed out with a tilted head. I'm so proud of you, Y/N.

Amelia's POV

I got to work and ran into Maggie. Of course, I did.

"Hey, you weren't at home," she said in her sly manner.

"I guess I wasn't," I smirked.

"Where were you?"

"Maggie," I groaned.

"Amelia, who is-" her pager buzzed.

"Saved by the bell," I smiled and ran away.

I was going to check my patient still thinking about the night and this morning. Oh, how perfect it all was. It just felt right.

"Dr. Shepherd," I heard yelling from behind me.

"Bailey," I stopped and turned to face her with a tight smile, "Is everything okay?"

"No, Karev is on his honeymoon, Arizona brought me the resignation letter this morning, and I have a kid who has no one good to help her."

She was pissed. Did she call me just to say it all?

"Okay, I'm not a pediatric surgeon," I said trying to escape.

"I know that," she chuckled, "I wanted to invite one from LA for that case but he's busy. I probably should text Karev and ask him to come back."

The craziest thing ran through my mind.

"I know one who might help," I mumbled. I'm not sure if she'll even agree. Amelia Frances Shepherd, what are you doing?

"Well, then call him. Or her. Whatever."

I took the phone and dialed a number.

Back to Y/N's POV

I was leaving the hotel when my phone buzzed. Amelia? We literally just said our goodbyes.

"Hey you," I said picking the call.

"Hey," she paused. I knew that tone.

"What's up? Shoot."

"So there's kinda a lack of pediatric surgeons in the hospital and a kid who needs an urgent surgery," she murmured, "I know you had something planned for today but maybe-."

"I'd love to help," I cut her off.

"Great, then call me when you get here."

"Okay," I said and hung up.

The thought of working again even for one case excited me. I took a cab and texted mother that I wouldn't make it to lunch today.

I wish the ride was longer because I was really nervous. I knew I was a good surgeon, even great you may say but... Wait, no but, how Torres taught you? You're a superstar. A superstar with a scalpel.

I tilted my head and exited the car calling Amelia.

"Hey, I'm here."

"Be right there in a minute," she said and hung up.

She met me and led me somewhere through the hallways of the hospital. I tried to remember everything because you could get lost there with ease.

"So, I'll introduce you to our chief and she'll take it from there. She may seem stern and pissed but she is a good person," Amelia stated.

"Ok-," I was saying when we stopped next to the office. 'Dr. Miranda Bailey, chief of surgery' was written on the door. FUCK HOW DID I NOT PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER?

Amelia opened the door, "Bailey, that's the surgeon I was talking about," she said as we entered the room.

"Well, hello again," Bailey chuckled looking me up and down.

"Hello," I nervously smiled, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N." Damn it damn it damn it

"So you are that great surgeon Dr. Shepherd told me about," she said sternly.

"I guess that's me," I mumbled.

"Okay then, let's go," she commanded and told me to follow her. I gave Amelia a 'help me' look and she laughed.

"Linda Davis, 14 years old, has colon cancer, sharp pains in her abdomen and vomiting, refuses to get treatment," Bailey stated, leading me to the girl's room.

"Isn't that up to her parents to decide?"

"Usually yes, but she doesn't have any, she's an orphan and the social worker who brought her here doesn't seem to care."

Those words hit differently. I couldn't explain why. That girl is probably so scared and confused. She doesn't have anyone to be here for her. I wish every child in this world had a loving family. Do I ask a lot?

We finally reached the room Linda was in. A couple of nurses were there checking her vitals and giving her painkillers to make it even possible to talk to her. And he was, the social worker sitting in a chair scrolling through his phone. My eyes landed on Linda. She was suffering and still refusing surgery. She was so pure, her black hair was braided and her eyes were dark green. She was lying in the fetal position with her arms on her stomach. And I could see that she was really uncomfortable with all people around.

"Everyone clean the room," I said loudly. The nurses and Dr. Bailey left but that social worker hadn't even moved, "I said everyone," I came closer to him and put his phone down.

"Jeez, okay," he looked at me with annoyed eyes. Son of a b...

As soon as everyone left and the door closed I pulled a chair to the bed and sat.

"Thank you," Linda whispered with a weak smile.

"Hey, Linda, my name is Y/N," I smiled back at her.

"Nice to meet you." She could barely speak from the pain.

"Can you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10?" I asked.

"I don't know, after painkillers probably 7," she murmured, "I know what you're here for. I already told the other doctor, I don't want surgery."

"Could you tell me why?"

She shook her head and a tear fell down her cheek. I knew I had to change the subject to get her trust.

"What do you do when you feel sad?"

"Listen to music, but Brian took my phone," she mumbled. I guess Brian is that social worker.

"Music helps me too," I took the phone out of my pocket, "I don't know what songs you like but we can listen to one of my playlists."

I opened Spotify and tapped the 'long night' playlist and the song 'willow' by Taylor Swift started to play.

"I love Taylor Swift," Linda said with a smile. I put my hand on her arm running my hand up and down while the music was playing.

"I'm scared," she whispered raising her eyes on me, "and no one cares."

"I know," I said, "I know you're scared and I care."

"My mother died from the surgery and I was sent to the orphanage. I don't want to die," she mumbled through tears.

"Hey, you won't die," I said, "you know why? Because the girl who loves Taylor Swift is gonna be your surgeon. Will you trust me with that?"

She laughed a little and nodded.

"I'm gonna ask the nurse to prep you for surgery, okay? I'll be with you every step, you are not alone."

"Okay," she mouthed.

They took her to the OR and I prepped myself.

"You ready?" I asked before they made an anesthesia injection.

"Mhm," she nodded and fell asleep.

"10-blade," I said and started the surgery.

The surgery went well even though it got more time than I expected. They took her back to her room and I discovered that Brian wasn't there.

I sat on the couch in her room talking to chief.

"I don't understand how," Bailey said, "but thank you."

"My pleasure, Dr. Bailey," I smiled and she left the room.

I was tired but the thought that I saved a child today warmed my heart. I already forgot what it felt like to save a life.

The door opened and Amelia walked inside, "hey."

"Hey you," I smiled, "you finished work?"

"Yeah, you want to go home?"

"I do but I don't want her to wake up alone," I looked at Linda peacefully sleeping.

"Okay," Amelia said and sat next to me.

"You know you don't have to wait with me and go have some sleep?"

"Maybe I don't want you to be here alone?"

I gave her a tired smile and laid my head on her shoulder.

"You did great today," she whispered and her phone buzzed.

"Who's this?"

"My sister, asking if I coming home."

"Are you?"

"No," she softly said and kissed my forehead.

If even a month ago someone said that I would sit next to the most wonderful woman after successfully done surgery and be happy, I would never believe it. But here I was with my head on her shoulder and her hand on my thigh. I was blessed with her and don't even try to convince me otherwise.

"I think she might know something," she whispered, "that I'm seeing someone."

"Does it bother you?"

"For the first time it's not," she chuckled and I put my hand on hers.

"Good to know," I smiled and felt how my body relaxed and I fell asleep.

If you read it that means my wi-fi started working. It was an ass the whole day.

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