Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

73.2K 5.5K 9.6K

✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

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1.2K 95 185
By Taegyaza

Kang Beomgyu time


Taehyun batted his eyelashes in complete confusion, slowly processing the situation. They are.. suddenly outside but.. the place feels foreign.

Very foreign.

He looked around, They're suddenly in an elevated flowery park. Glancing to the right, he perceived the Eiffel Tower at a distance.


Wait the Eiffel Tower?!

Last time he checked, that isn't in South Korea.

He glanced at his phone, with the time zone changing it's now like 7am. His eyes drifted back to the famous tower, the scenery from up here is really beautiful... It really is the city of love.


The silver haired looked up at him that angle not being the case for long since Beomgyu suddenly sat down on the floor, crossing his legs.

"Uh Beo-"

He stretched his arms towards him, he was cupping an open cyball that now had a diamond ring levitating above the illuminated ball.
"Veux-tu m'épouser?"
(Will you marry me?)

Jeez Beomgyu's French voice is so attractive and deep that Taehyun was turned on immediately. Putting that aside, the younger finally registered what he asked.. "WAIT WHA—"

"People apparently sit down to ask this question.. Is it that tiring to utter those words that you literally have to sit down..? But anyway I won't take no as an answer." He declared with a huff.


"Because you'll break my heart if you said no.. Épouses moi, je t'aime tellement ma baie..."
(Marry me, I like you so much my berry)

"I MEAN WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY PROPOSING TO ME?" He asked completely red faced.

Beomgyu sprung up and showed him the last page of his notebook while shielding what he doesn't want him to see as usual

"O-oh..." He uttered blushing while Beomgyu was leaning in alluringly, waiting for his response. He brought the pretty little ring out "So...?"

In all honesty, the thought of marrying Beomgyu brings butterflies to Taehyun's stomach. Because if it isn't obvious, he is in love with him. But there are a couple of things wrong with marrying each other, and why he didn't yell Yes on the spot...

They're quite young.
They're different species from different planets.
Beomgyu doesn't have an identity on Earth.
And... what's the point.. In approximately two months, the cyborg will die or lose his memories...

Beomgyu sighed "I knew it..." then made a chuckle "We don't have to do it for real, the action is enough for me.. I don't need the law to recognise our union, just my heart needs to know. I made the ring smaller for it to go around your pinky! Not the ring finger.."

Taehyun giggled "Seriously? You're so cute..." he reached up to squeeze his cheeks "Okay~ Yes I'll marry you."

"Yay!!!" He embraced the boy immediately. They shared a tender kiss before retracting themselves so that Beomgyu can slide the ring down Taehyun's pinky.

The older gently brought Taehyun's hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss on it. He gazed into his eyes after "T'es trop beau.."
(You're so handsome..)

"How do you know French anyway?!!"

Beomgyu raised his fist up "Now that I'm finally engaged to my favourite person, it's time to get married!"


Hand stationery on Taehyun's, they teleported again.



Taehyun looked around, they're still in Paris judging by the tower that's still there. He perceived that they're in an even more elevated place.

On a balcony..

Of a hotel room apparently "We're at an L word hotel! I had booked us a room in advance!" Beomgyu beamed.

'When did he get the time to prepare this?!' Taehyun wondered but he's truly flattered that Beomgyu cares like this. "Wait a love hotel?!!" Red seared all throughout his cheeks.

"Uh-huh! A short-stay hotel operated primarily for the purpose of sexual activities!!"

"I know what that is! Why're you so enthusiastic?!" He looked out of the glass window behind him that separates the balcony and the room. His eyes widened, the room is so romantic and luxurious looking.

Beomgyu's sudden monologue snapped him out of it.

"Do you take Kang Taehyun as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for po—"

Taehyun burst out a peal of laughter "Um berry it's not your job to say that. There's normally a third person"

"Ehhh? But my romantic films-"

"Make your own vows silly"

"Oh-" With a chuckle, Beomgyu gently took hold of his hands and gazed into his eyes,
"Where to start... Taeberry.. honestly when I first met you, I felt attached at first sight. I just immediately wanted to be close to you.. And I'm glad I made that move because having you in my life is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I really respect you, the most amazing and beautiful human welcomed the ignorant and deceptive alien that I used to be in their life. That deserves respect wow.

You're my comfort, my favourite existence, the only one I want to hold hands with, kiss and cuddle. You mean the most to me berry.."

"I promise to always be by your side, comfort you in times of distress, laugh with you and cry with you when I'm finally able to, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you with all my soul for as long as... I'm alive.

I will take you in my arms when you need to be held, catch you when you fall and keep you in my heart no matter how far apart we may be.
You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had. No matter what happens to me or us in the future, remember that I'll always be there..

I belong to you and I'm so grateful to the universe for binding us together. Losing you is my biggest fear.. and I recall telling you this when we played truth or dare two years ago.
I actually lost you for a year and gosh that was the absolute worst but it matured me. See.. you're always the cause of my growth even if it's indirectly."

Beomgyu affectionately hugged him in his arm to say the following "And I vow that one day.. I'll look into your eyes, and tell you the three words. With no incapability. And I'm sure that that's how I truly feel towards you.. So I'm sure that the words will come out naturally. I promise.."

He leaned his forehead against his "Kang Taehyun, thank you for existing, for making me feel alive and for being with me.."

Taehyun was crying uncontrollably like no words can express how much he appreciated everything that he said. The wedding may not be real but Beomgyu's words are MORE than real. Honestly the latter just wanted to tell Taehyun all this.

Beomgyu was controlling the immense urge to pamper his face with millions of kisses, but he needs to stay cool! "Just say you do and kiss me!!!"

"I do.." Taehyun gently cupped his cheeks and pressed his lips against his. Beomgyu laced his hands around his small waist and drew him in as they shared a passionate kiss on the balcony.

After spending some good personal time with each other in the same spot, the older muttered "I don't have a last name so I'm taking yours, I'm Kang Beomgyu!!"

Taehyun made little giggles "Whaaa..?"

"Time for our honeymoon!!" Beomgyu yelled out fist in the air.


He then did something that he couldn't have done more randomly. He retrieved an astronaut helmet from a cyball and immediately put it on Taehyun's head.


He intertwined one of their hands and placed his free hand on his teleportation belt "Next destination: the moon!"

Taehyun freed himself from the grip in panic "HONEYMOON DOESN'T MEAN ACTUALLY GOING TO THE MOON YOU IDIOT!"

"O-Oh good, I thought it'll be a shame to spend the day spreading honey on the moon instead of spending time together. So what destination do you want?"

Taehyun removed his helmet and placed it somewhere. He put his hands on Beomgyu's chest then leaned his body against his, zero space between them. He made obvious glances at the room next to them before giving Beomgyu a seductive gaze.

"Our l word bedroom? So you want to....."

Taehyun nodded.
The older decided to add "T-That's apparently an extremely common activity amongst newlyweds... uhh.." They could feel their cocks twitching in excitement.

The two never did anything especially 'dirty' since they started dating. Beomgyu wanted to take things slow since he rushed things so much when they weren't even a couple.
So the boys focused more on romantic affection which was beneficial since it really bonded them.

But something about themselves that they can't change when it comes to each-other...
Is that they're horny young adults.
At some point they individually thought of taking things further, since they're both comfortable. But they didn't know when or how to tell the other.

"You don't know what love is so... Do you want me to make love to you?" Taehyun whispered amorously.

The older could feel the fabric of his crotch area getting stretched out by a horny member. "Yes..." Beomgyu replied as if he's in a trance.

He leaned in to kiss Taehyun but the latter placed his index on his lips, keeping him away. "Let's go in first~" he said quietly advancing towards the door that leads to the room. He opened it then gestured Beomgyu to come inside.

"Two seconds.. I need to tick something" He brought his notebook and a black pen out of a cyball.

'I don't need virginity in my life! I need Taehyun!'


um... welp this is happening.


Anyway! I can't wait for chaps (Forget 31) 32 and up! my fav parts of the book. Which is the pre ending and ending arc lol.

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