
By LovefromC

19 1 0

Tied by a string and unable to let go - they were friends and a thing but never a couple, they were on and o... More



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By LovefromC

"What are you doing here?" he looked at her.
"I don't... when I got in the cab this was the address I gave" she looked at him flustered. 

Pulling her in, he pulled her lips to his with his hand wrapped around her neck. He curled his arm around her waist pulling her up into him as she wrapped her legs around him. Still reeling from their fight as he closed the door pushing her back against it, her body arched into him as her arms wrapped around his neck and ran through his hair. What felt like minutes had gone past as he pulled away, lowering her to the ground as he felt her toes touch the ground. 

She leaned her head into his chest as she recapped the night and how she had ended up here. It wasn't the first time and she doubted it would be the last. She could never escape him. 

"Life can be so cruel as she looked at the couple in the corner fighting after a girl had hit on him and he smiled back" she looked at Lexie. 
"Yours seems nicer than most" as Lexie signaled to him on the dance floor. He was surrounded by women as always as she looked over to the table a few paces away. 
"Let's dance" as she sighed to her rather responsible best friend. 

She got up pulling Lexie up as she giggled at her walking past tables and people. 
"Yoongi come dance with us" she smiled as Lexie shook her head walking away. 
"Uhhh..." as she tilted her head and smiled at him, his apprehension was cute.. 
"Don't let him have all the fun" she winked at him grabbing his hand pulling him along. 
"Ok..." he had trialed off. 

She danced with him and Lexie for a while before she caught him watching her as she smiled at him. She moved between Yoongi and Lexie as she focused on the music and sense of freedom she had after exams. She needed a night, it had been a stressful few weeks as she felt hands on her wrapping around her pulling her in. She grinded up against them as she closed her eyes. 

Suddenly she felt a hand pull her away as she trailed along behind him, his broad shoulders that made her bit her lip as he pulled her into his office. 

"Jin..." she sighed. 
"What was that?" 
"I can't dance with my friends?" 
"Not like that" she looked at him unimpressed.
"Pot... kettle" she glared at him. 
"Not Yoongi" he kept his focus on her as she walked around his desk. 
"Lexie?" as he glared at her. 

She watched him on many occasions surrounded by a bevy of women at his beck and call. The irony in this. 

"Or apparently anyone" he eyed her. 
"Are you done arguing?" he watched her carefully always when they fought, about anything and everything. 
"It's not like I am sleeping with him... or her" she watched him ball up his hand into a fist. 
"Malic?" she didn't look at him. 
"That is none of your business" she looked out the crack of the door. 
"Am I not allowed to know about your life anymore?" he glared at her, she was pushing him to his limits. 
"It's not... you just don't need to be part of every facet of my life. You have never cared before especially about my dating life" she had seemed mad at him. 
"If I choose to now?"
"Why now?" 
"Cause I asked..." 
"Just don't please" she looked at him, straight in the eyes as a tear dropped down. 
"I can't stop" she closed her eyes. 

"I need you to let me go... because I don't know how to let go of you" as he held her hand. 
"I can't.. I won't" he fought with every instinct to take her right now "it feels right when I am with you but I make you..." he waited for her reaction as silence feel over her.
"Jin..." he saw her tears well up.
"I know you are with Malic but is it the same?" as she looked down shaking her head, stifling her tears. She lowered her head, closing her eyes. 

"You need to stop appearing in front of me" her words had shocked him, as he shook his head and she paced along the desk "I cant... when I don't see you I miss. When you aren't in front of me I look for you! I don't know how to stay away from here... from you!" hearing her voice break. 
"Do you really want me to stay away from you?" she looked into his eyes shaking her head before pulling him into her, her hands snaking around his neck as she wrapped herself up in him. She could get lost in their moments, in him. 

Pulling away realizing what she had done "I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that" as she looked down taking a breath. 
"I am going to go" as he grabbed his jacket and his keys. He had never been one to walk away from her before as she watched him walk past Yoongi and Lexie, they both shot their eyes to her as she hid behind the door. 

She sat down unsure of what was going through her head, Malic was around. Why was she back here with him. Why did passion eclipse happiness, how did pain mean more than peace. They had no longer become questions as Yoongi and Lexie joined her in the office. 

"You know he doesn't let girls in here" as she looked to Yoongi, eyes wide as she saw what he was getting at. 
"Our timing has never been right" as she looked at them. 
"I think he is starting to figure it out what you have always known" as she looked out at the bodies on the dance floor. 
"Is it very hard to fight when it feels just like gravity" she didn't look to them. 
"Malic?" Lexie looked at her. 
"It would be too easy to be happy without pain" as they nodded, life hadn't always been kind. That the conflicting emotions of the four of them sometimes stood at odds with each other. 
"If that is what it takes to figure it out" Lexie looked at her. 
"I am glad your pain is over" as she grabbed her items to leave. 
"We will lock up, see you at home" Lexie patted her hand before she left. 

What about it felt so right but wrong as well. What about him made her feel peace and pain, each time she felt like she lost him there was a hole in her life. That piece by piece parts of her were taken. She knew exactly where they were and what it took to feel whole. 

"Let me dry your hair" as he pulled her inside walking to the bathroom, he pulled down his towel sitting her on the edge of the bathtub patting her hair "was it raining?" as she nodded. 
"Yoongi and Lexie will close up" as he looked at her nodding, he pulled her up as she followed behind him. 
"You need to eat" headed to the kitchen as he put a pot on the stove filling it with water. 
"I can eat at home" as he ignored her again putting ramen into the pot. 
"Jin..." he moved around the kitchen fluidly as she sat watching him, she looked down at the marble countertop as the many thoughts raced through her head and that she should leave. 

"Devyn eat" as he watched her carefully, his brown eyes that were filled with warmth as he waited for her and she stared into her bowl. He chuckled as she glanced up at him very briefly, she looked anywhere but at him as he popped her bowl into the sink. He leaned across into her as she looked up catching his eye before quickly looking away. 

He stalked around the counter smiling to himself pulling her to her feet, startling her as she looked into his eyes. They were warm and she wasn't going to fight with him tonight as he could see her questioning the many things that also never gave him peace. 

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the room closing the door behind them as she sat on the bed watching him rummage through his wardrobe. 

"Change" as he passed her his shirt, he had always liked seeing her in his clothing when she stayed. They looked oversized on her. 
"Jin" as he didn't reply to her now as she lifted her clothes over her head and he looked away when she got changed. 
"I think you should have a drawer here" he smiled to himself when she didn't respond, it was rare she was speechless. 

"Jin..." as she paused and he bit his lip, she was cute when she was taken by surprise.
"We can talk tomorrow" as he crawled into bed, she had looked at him unsure for a minute as he pulled her down on the bed wrapping his arms around her. Pressing his lips to her forehead the shock crossed her "night". 

It has taken her a minute to compose herself as she sunk into him. She had heard Yoongi come home as she laid in bed and he lay next to her. He hadn't touched her, apart from kissing her as she slowly drifted off to sleep she had felt arms tighten around her. 

He felt her warmth, he could hear her breathing next to him as she turned to tuck herself into him. He pushed her hair away from her face as her lips parted, she curled up more into him as  the moment she captured him reminded him of why he couldn't let her go. That each time he thought she would leave him she would drop everything when he called her. 

That blue satin dress with the diamond sleeved overlay at the formal they held for the school, that even when he had seen her he couldn't peel his eyes from her. She had taken Yoongi as her date, as he watched them together even back then. Her figure hugging dress, her hair half down and curled as she smiled warmly at those around her. In passing years ago she had captivated him and over the years his obsession with her grew until the first time he had kissed her, the night that sealed their fate as he pulled her in drifting off to sleep. 

She woke to the sun poking through the curtains, as she looked around. What had she done? She moved slowly as she saw the arms wrapped around her, staring into the grooves of his tee that outlined his chest. They hadn't and she wasn't... as her head went over the night and how slowly it had gone. How each moment had felt like something pulling at her, that she wouldn't have left even if she could have found the strength to. 

"Devyn" his sleep voice made her bite her lip. 
"Hmm..." as she tucked herself back in. A part of her was embarrassed, she had never stayed over on a whim and never when they hadn't been intimate. 
"Morning" as she smiled into him. 
"Morning... Jin" as she felt his chest vibrate when he laughed. 
"Come here" as he pulled her up, his lips pressing to hers and his tongue danced around hers. She held her breath and stilled under his touch. 

"Last night..." she kept her eyes closed. 
"I..." she couldn't explain what had happened. 
"I shouldn't have fought with you" as he pulled her closer to him and she relaxed. She was still sleepy and she hadn't had such a good nights sleep in a while. Perhaps it was the warmth, the comfort, the familiarity. 

"I'll only hurt you if you let me" he would never actually say what he really meant, or felt. 
"And if I never let you?" she had felt him still at her words. 
"Do you really want me to stay away?" as she ran her fingers alone the seam of his tee around his neck, she was so torn. 
"We're not friends... we aren't a couple either. Would it be so bad if we did find someone?" as he pulled her closer. 
"What you said... I miss you when I am not with you, I look for you everywhere, I hear your voice in my head" as she pulled away from him. 

She paused as she heard Yoongi and Lexi walk out giggling. 
"Let's go have breakfast" as she looked at him, gob smacked. Why had their night and morning seemed so normal, like it was their daily routine. 

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