F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 6...

By LilyHeseltineNew

455K 4.5K 941

Requests will be updated multiple times a day once again once I've tried to get all of my old stories onto th... More

A/N + Prompts From Previous 5 Books
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Requests For Book 7
237 - Alexander Albon
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387 - Antonio Giovinazzi
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355 - Carlos Sainz
474 - Carlos Sainz
191,233,461 - Charles Leclerc
346 - Charles Leclerc
409 - Charles Leclerc
474 - Charles Leclerc
485,487 - Charles Leclerc
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210 - Dan Ticktum
477 - Dan Ticktum
16,33,35 - Daniel Ricciardo
27,88 - Daniel Ricciardo
113 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
154 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
187,381,474 - Daniel Ricciardo
254 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
270 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
319 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
332 - Daniel Ricciardo (NSFW)
336 - Daniel Ricciardo
345 - Daniel Ricciardo
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22 - Dennis Hauger
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120 - Dennis Hauger
455 - Dennis Hauger (NSFW)
497 - Dennis Hauger
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473 - George Russell
Lost Without You - George Russell
40 - Jack Doohan
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15 - Lance Stroll
176 - Lance Stroll
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Drivers' Dinner - Lance Stroll
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491 - Lando Norris
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129 - Mick Schumacher
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57,94,105 - Oscar Piastri
62 - Oscar Piastri (NSFW)
86,89,110 - Oscar Piastri
92,101 - Oscar Piastri
97,114 - Oscar Piastri
109,235 - Oscar Piastri
134 - Oscar Piastri
164,201 - Oscar Piastri
179,181 - Oscar Piastri
255,265 - Oscar Piastri
287,315 - Oscar Piastri
295 - Oscar Piastri
337 - Oscar Piastri
381 - Oscar Piastri
414 - Oscar Piastri
448 - Oscar Piastri
482 - Oscar Piastri
1,167,227,268 - Pierre Gasly
7,26,31,49 - Pierre Gasly (NSFW)
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336 - Pierre Gasly
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Inseperable - Pierre Gasly
232 - Richard Verschoor
244 - Richard Verschoor
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123,127,228 - Robert Shwartzman
143 - Robert Shwartzman
294 - Robert Shwartzman
Third Time Lucky - Robert Shwartzman
84,120,121 - Theo Pourchaire (NSFW)
93 - Valtteri Bottas
43 - Victor Martins
Please Move to Book 7

13 - Robert Shwartzman

2K 18 6
By LilyHeseltineNew

Requested by aleepiastri_


The way Robert comes across in this one shot isn't how I believe he would be in real life.

13: "Do you even want this to work? To me, it feels like you're not even trying!"

In the past, you ignored those around you whenever they would tell you that it was a bad idea to already be thinking about getting married and having children at such a young age and that it would take you a little while longer to find the one. You were convinced that yourself and your boyfriend, Robert would spend the rest of your lives together, however, you had recently realised that something was missing from your relationship, that being compromise, which you believed that every successful relationship needed. Now that you had been together for what was approaching two years and the honeymoon phase was well and truly behind you, you realised that everything you did was what Robert wanted, this including the fact that the two of you lived in Russia and you didn't get much opportunity to spend with your family because Robert insisted that you accompany him on all race weekends.

On this particular morning, you had been thinking long and hard whilst Robert was at the gym, thinking about how he should be more willing for you to split your time between Russia and your home to allow you to both spend time with your loved ones, it feeling like it took an age for him to arrive back home because you had decided that you were finally going to confront him about it.

"Hey, babe, can we talk?" You asked with nervousness once Robert had entered the living room and sat beside you on the sofa after he had his shower and got changed into his comfies.

"Of course, what's wrong?" Asked Robert with concern, the small smile which he had greeted you with then vanishing from his lips.

You paused for a moment as you thought about how Robert would always be calm at the start of a conversation, making you feel as if it was going to be a rational one and that he would finally be willing to compromise, but would then fly off the handle as he always would, you internally begging that he had finally learned his lesson after apologising about his behaviour countless times.

"Well, when we first spoke about moving in together, you always said that it would be me who moves in with you and you moving to my home country was out of the question," You began, trying your best to hide your nerves because you had a very good idea that this conversation wouldn't end very well. "I believe that all successful relationships need compromise, which I don't think ours does has because you should be more willing to split your time between the two places because that'll mean that we can both spend time with our families. You aren't even willing to compromise with the smaller things such as where we'll go on a date night."

Fury then filled Robert's eyes, his face screwing up as he looked at you as if what you were saying was insane.

"I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this, I don't see what your problem is when you were more than willing to move to Russia. You always seem happy with my ideas," Robert snapped, believing that you just wanted drama between the two of you.

It was because the two of you had been in so many situations like this which ended badly that you had already lost your temper and didn't want to put up with it any longer.

"Don't you think that's because I know what you're like and I want to keep you happy?" You yelled as you rose to your feet, clenching your hands into fists and being ready to leave your living room. "Do you even want this to work? To me, it feels like you're not even trying! It's seemed like for a while now that you don't take my feelings about things into consideration. Maybe everyone was right, maybe I was getting ahead of myself when I thought that I'd already found the guy who I was going to settle down with."

One thing which you had never done during one of your arguments was hint that you may be thinking about leaving and it was because of that, that a switch seemed to flick in Robert's head, making him realised how unfair he could sometimes be.

"I know it's not enough anymore, but I really am sorry about the way I can be, Y/N," Robert replied with sadness as he took one of your hands in his and tightly clung to it. "I promise I'll start to not just take my own feelings into consideration. I promise I'll start to make you so much more happier, but please don't leave me. I have no idea what I'd do without you."

Part of you didn't want to forgive Robert so quickly and believe what he was telling you, but you only did this because you were reminded of his sweet, caring side because things between you weren't all bad and you knew that he would begin to work even harder on making sure that you seen more of his better side.

"I'm going to give you one more chance and I'm leaving if you repeat this mistake again," you replied firmly, causing Robert to vigorously nod his head with appreciation.

"How about we go and stay with your family for the last two weeks of the break?" Robert suggested, causing a wide smile to spread across your lips because of how he was already trying to change his ways. "How about instead of always staying here, we alternate where we stay after a race weekend when I'm not in Italy?"

"That's what I've always wanted," you replied happily as you flung your arms tightly around Robert's neck.

He then pulled you as closely to him as he was able and you would remember this day from a long time to come because it really was the day where Robert changed his ways and became far more open to suggestions that you would make.

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