What's Better Than E?

By miracle-06

19K 1.8K 3K

A Dialogue Story Laurel Blair, a nineteen year old animation student in college, aspires to become a comic wr... More

■What's Better Than E?■
■00 - Code Red■
■01 - Oola, The Hopping Ghost■
■02 - Yes Or No■
■03 - Princess Charming■
■04 - Happy? Or Still Shnappy?■
■05 - Bob is More Beguiling■
■07 - I Hate You■
■08 - Crush On H For Hugo■
■09 - 'Tis The Damn Season■
■10 - Bob The Builder■
■11 - Mrs. Sushi?■
■12 - "Civil Human"■
■13 - Stinky Blob Of Bob■
■14 - I'm A Both Person■
■15 - What's Wrong, Pixie?■
■16 - I Am Your First Reader■
■17 - Mama Bear Or Mama Blair■
■18 - Pixie Blair■
■19 - Thanos■
■20 - Are You Mad?■
■21 - Jelly Jelly For You, Lily■
■22 - Epitome Of Petty■
■23 - I Am Sorry■
■24 - Meow-I Missoi Meour■
■25 - Stop Spamming Me■
■26 - Who's The Bob?■
■27 - Tit For Tat■
■28 - I Am Worried, Okay?■
■29 - Who Am I Kidding?■
■30 - Can I Call You?■
■31 - My Name... It's Evan■
■32 - She's A Freaking Queen■
■33 - Skipping Down 16th Avenue■
■34 - Lau, You Lau Me■
■35 - Goddamn King Kong■
■36 - I Make Puns■
■37 - You're Cute, Bob■
■38 - Green Like Shrek Oof-■
■39 - Apology Accepted■
■40 - What's Brb?■
■41 - A Smart Cookie■
■42 - You Called Me Evan!■
■43 - I Am Right Here■
■44 - Feeling Hopeless■
■45 - What Was I Supposed To Do?■
■46 - Please...■
■47 - Tell Me, Laurel■
■48 - Baby Pootato■
■49 - Hey... Ethan■
■50 - It Was Not A "Thought"■
■51 - Who's He?■
■52 - The Biggest Breakthrough■
■53 - Why Are You So Bitter?■
■54 - Not Again, Please■
■55 - Surprise■
■56 - I Owe You Three Apologies■
■57 - You Are My Crush■
■58 - What Did I Do Now?■
■59 - Will You Be My Bobfriend?■
■60 - You're Cruel, Author■
■61 - Special Chapter ~ When Oola Meets Chloe■
■New Book!!!!!■

■06 - Cooler Than My Cool-ish Cat■

342 35 37
By miracle-06

Monday ~ 9:11 am


Hola, mi Oola!

Seriously tho, Oola is like such a cute character even if it's just a ghost

Or maybe it must be the fact that I couldn't even read about Oola, the hopping ghost more than a line which was also just his… name?

Not that it's a bad thing. At least, I got his name

Why do I feel like I am talking to myself?

Babe? Babe? Babeeeeeeeeeeeee??????

If you don't reply then… then… then I





geez, stop with the dramatics already.

i am in the class right now.

and stop talking about Oola, the hopping ghost, okay?


You a high school student?

And why should I stop? O_0


in college, doofus. i am a second year animation and VFX student. what about you?

and you should stop because…

it is making me smile so big and i am in a class and if my professor catches me, my phone's gonna be confiscated, you Bob!


Okay, okay, okay!

So many surprises in your entire message, like whoa!

Like first of all, animation major? Damn you're cooler than my cool-ish cat and her name's Cool.

Second, YOU asked ME a question? Me? I am still in disbelief bahahahahahahaha. I mean you never ask me questions about me. Anywho, all you need to know is that I do something better than study ;)

And lastly, I MADE YOU SMILE?????

Now THAT'S what I'd call an achievement, ladies and gentlemen


i knew you'd react like this. sigh.

and better than studying???? please don't tell me that you're a 75 year old man who is into weird things.


Oh, puh-lease! I am 20 and no, I don't do weird things -_-


oh, thank God ajdjjshsbwhwjsjfnfnrkeskskfbjrs


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did your fingers just get drunk all of a sudden?

Because it hot damn feels like that lmao




Seems like I got your phone confiscated, after all

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