By superpink24

524K 11.5K 3K

𝐄𝐂𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘; Selene Ray was always just the best friend to Lily Evans to James Potter. The bespectacled bo... More

00 - prologue.
01: mr flirts alot potter.
02 - source of comfort
03 - potion partners
04 - celebrations
05 - snogging air
06 - unexpected ravenclaw
00 - update
07 - talk
08 - confusion at its finest
09 - hogsmeade
10 - friends and questions
11 - kiss, kiss, kiss
12 - dorcas
13 - the potter manor
14 - new years day
15 - amortentia
16 - ignore
17 one step forward, three steps back
act two
19: meaningful
20: expecto patronum
21 - seriously fallen
22 - call it what you want
23 - aha!
24 - the marauders
25: all too well
26 - marlene is hot and awesome org.
27 - I like you.
28 - i think he knows
29 - I want you.
30 - we must be soulmates
31 - euphemia potter
32 - summer of '77
33 - clean
34- fix this before i come back.
35 - she can have a little fun
36: it's always been you.
37- it's time to go.
cutout scene - extra scene.
extra scene - party!
new james fic!

18 - i like daisies

10.5K 206 50
By superpink24


SELENE WAS ABOUT TO HEAD out for her very much dreaded detention with Slughorn. She was annoyed to say the least. It was weird, the professors didn't normally give out detentions for whispering in class, normally just reminders. She was also annoyed with James, the stupid look on his face, like he was confused. Everyone saw him chase after Lily again. A part of her felt bad for him, was she being too hard? They were never fully committed to one another. He just kissed her for... what? Fun. She sounded stupid in her opinion.

You don't go around playing with someone's feelings just for fun. He initiated it, not her. Now Selene just needed to move on and find herself.

She wanted to find out what was going on with herself. Lately she had been seeing into peoples minds. At least she thought that was what was going on. Maybe she was crazy. If she uttered a word of it to anyone, she would no doubt earn herself a one way ticket to St Mungos.

It all started on New year's day. She definitely heard Marlene's thoughts. She knew for a fact that Marlene hadn't actually spoke because her lips didn't move. There was no way that her best friend had taken up ventriloquism without telling Selene so.

Nonetheless she chose to push those crazy thoughts aside. Selene was smart she knew that if what she discovered was true, what it meant for her.

A natural legilimens.

Certainly there was no way in hell this could be true. Selene was just Selene. A normal witch who was going to school to learn. Not a mind creeper. It didn't even run in her family from what she had knowledge of.

Yes, it was definitely that.


"Welcome, Welcome" Slughorn waved Selene in. She walked into the room shooting the professor a quick smile before turning in to see him. James sitting there with his stupid smirk plastered upon his face. Selene pursed her lips before hesitantly taking a seat as far away from James as humanly possible. Which of course only annoyed him further, which of course brought immense pleasure to Selene. You could tell by the satisfied smirk placed upon her face.

"Tonight you guys will be hand cleaning the floors, the first years spilt potions on it today. You may leave when you have finished." Slughorn announced to the two.

Before he made his way out of the room he stopped to look at the Gryffindor's, "No magic, and absolutely no talking."

Selene groaned while picking up a muggle sponge and soap to start scrubbing. She got down on her hands and knees to start when she heard a laugh. She looked up to see James looking into what appeared to be a broken piece of glass, laughing and whispering into it. She rolled her eyes, not even wanting to know what the man was up to. And continued her scrubbing.

"Ray is actually cleaning?" She heard a voice that she only assumed came from the obviously enchanted piece of glass.

The girl continued to clean the floors. (which were nasty) When she saw a pair of feet appear in front of her, "No way, I never thought i would see this, Prongs!"

She now could identify that the voice came from Sirius Black by the use of name; Prongs. Sirius Black was teasing her. She knew it was him because Peter was too shy to talk like that to anyone much less the female species, he normally followed around Remus, Sirius, and James. Looking like a loss puppy and mesmerized by everything James did. Every once and a while bringing in witty comments to add to the conversation, he liked to just stay quiet and listen in. And finally, Remus just had more respect for her. He was definitely her favorite. He was a warm and kind soul, who she held book club with. No doubt Remus Lupin was her favorite marauder, he was one of her best friends for heavens sake! Though he may be the most calm and collected marauder, don't let that fool you. He is just as mischievous as the rest of his friends.

She rolled her eyes for what seemed like the fifth time that evening at his words. "We need a snapshot of this, this is gold." Sirius continued,

"Shut up, Black" Selene scoffed, "Or I will shut your mouth for you." she finished with a fake smile.

Sirius squealed "Ohhh!" he started, "Now, I am not interested because Prongs has already claimed you but if he hadn't we would of had a beautiful relationship."

Selene got up from the floor and rolled her eyes, again. "First of all, Slughorn said no talking. So don't talk to me." She continued on, "Second of all, Potter doesn't get to claim me because he is obsessed with his dear Lily-Flower so he should really stay loyal and not mess with peoples minds before he gets slapped, again."

"Selene, I don't know what you are on about," James groaned, "Evans did not hit me."

"And I never messed with you. It was all real to me until you abruptly ignored my whole entire existence."

"What do you mean?" She queried, "You sang 'My Funny Valentine' to Lily at breakfast on Valentine's day and then she got offended that you started things with me and then did that to her and slapped you right across your face."

"And... You smelled some scent along with Lily in your Amortentia. Marlene wrote what everyone in class smelt." Nosy Mckinnon She heard once again. Merlin she is going completely mental.

James made a dramatic face and sat down in the chair in front of her, "I never sang to Lily on Valentine's day. So we will need to figure that one out."

Selene pulled a confused face.

"And I smelled you in my love potion, and only you. The reason i smelled Lily is because she is your best friend and you guys are close so sometimes you smell like her."

Selene made an 'O' with her mouth in realization, "Oh merlin, James." She started walking back and fourth. "I am so sorry I should of just talked to you and not assumed."


THE DREADED DETENTION had ended, it was on a good note as well. Except that James refused to pick up what Selene liked to call the 'forbidden substance' because, in all honesty they had no idea what it was. All they knew was that it was gross and that Selene was going to have to woman up and pick it up, not without dramatic gagging and squeals, of course. While James laughed, of course.

They had come to a decision that they were going to start over, as friends.

Right now they were going to figure out who used Polyjuice potion to sing to Lily. Selene had no idea who would be crazy enough to do so. But, she had known James for years so she believed him.

So now, Selene was walking back to the Gryffindor common room. She loved Hogwarts. Sometimes she thought she took advantage of it and never truly admired the castle's beauty.

It was not the stereotypical boarding school. The walls bared thousands of talking portraits. At night, the school had a soft humming as a sign of the calm of night. It was quite comforting.

Don't even get Selene started on the grounds of Hogwarts. They were absolutely alluring. The grass somehow was always a perfect shade of green, even when layers of snow laid upon it. Her favorite part of the grounds were a tie between the greenhouse that was placed beyond the vegetable patch. It had everything. Her favorite being the mandrakes, she thought they were pretty cute, though a fully grown one's cry could kill you.

Her other favorite was the famous Forbidden Forest. The same forest that Dumbledore mentioned at every welcoming feast that under no circumstance were you to enter the woodlands. It was filled with every mystical creature you could think of. From unicorns to centaurs.

Selene's personal favorite being thestrals. They are horse like creatures with a ghostly appearance. They were frowned upon by some wizards and witches for their bad omens. Selene could see them. She wasn't sure how she could. She had never seen anyone die

All she knew was that she could.

The brunette must of not of been looking at where she was going. Her body collided against another body. Selene gasped in surprise and looked up to see who she had collided with. "I-I'm so sorry," The girl gasped out, her voice held a tone of nervousness. "No, no you're good!" Selene replied, backing up a few steps to get a better look at the mystery girl. "I was lost in my thoughts and must of bumped into you."

"What were you thinking of?"

Selene smiled and looked up at the ceiling, as if admiring the castle more. Her eyes held a small twinkle in admiration. "How beautiful Hogwarts is." she breathed out. "It really is," the girl smiled, "I was so mesmerized by it when I first arrived back in first year, my brothers always told me about it. They never did it any true justice, though."

Upon further inspection the girl had long dark brown hair, it would appear that she has curtain bangs that were clipped back with dragon fly clips. She was wearing a pale lavender dress with petite daisy patterns scattered all over the fabric.

"I don't think anyone could truly do Hogwarts justice." Selene replied, "I really like your dress, it's beautiful."

"Why thank you!" She smiled, looking down at her body, "I actually made it."

Selene's eyes widened in surprise, "So you're like very talented then, I am assuming?"

She laughed, now looking up to meet Selene's eyes, "I do try. My mom owns a boutique where she makes all original pieces, she taught me how to make my own things at a young age."

"Well it looks very beautiful on you." Selene complimented, "And, your name is?"

"Daisy Ixora."

She tilted her head to the side a bit, "You have not one but two kinds of flowers in your name."

Daisy laughed, "Yes, my name consists of two types of flowers."

Selene smiled, "Well, I like daisies."

"Everyone seems to." Daisy replied, looking down at her wrist watch, again it was decorated with two dragonflies that seemed to be dancing in the sky, "It's late, where are you headed to?"

"Gryffindor Common Room."

"Same but different house." The long haired girl responded, nodding her head slightly.

Selene noticed that with her dress there was a pearl necklace with a badger pendent with yellow and black on the rims of it. "Hufflepuff?"

"Yes, how'd you know?"

Selene pointed to her necklace, "I have been admiring your whole look and i noticed the badger with Hufflepuff colors."

"Ugh," Daisy gasped, "I love you. You have a sense of fashion."

Selene scoffed, "Please! I can barley dress myself without my friends help. You have like this cool outfit that I could never pull off, I mean the dragonfly clips are everything."

"They are my favorite thing ever! At home there is this little garden with tons of them just flying around." She started, with a small smile on her face, "I actually made these clips as well, if you want we could meet up some time and I can teach you?"

Selene gasped and put her hand to her heart with a smile on her face, "I would be honored."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled back, "Look, I've got to go. My friends are expecting me back and they will send out a search party if I am not back in my common room in the next five minutes."

"Same with mine." She said, "It was really nice to meet you!"

"You too!" Daisy responded, nodding her head slightly. "I believe I have Transfiguration with Gryffindor, so I will approach you to get a date for out dragonfly clips!"

Selene started to walk away with a small nod and smile.


IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING and Selene was sat with Marlene and Remus at the Gryffindor table for lunch. "So," Marlene started, with a devilish smile on her face, "It seems that you and James are playing nice again." Selene shot her a look as to say Really?. "It seems like you are correct." Remus added with a knowing look. "Shut up." Selene said, covering her face with her hands, "It was a simple misunderstanding!" Marlene's smile only widened, "I need to thank you." Selene raised her head from her hands to look across the table at the blonde, "For?" Marlene looked over at the Ravenclaw table, "You set me up."

Selene matched where Marlene's gaze stopped, Dorcas Meadows. "I don't know what you are talking about." She replied simply, taking a bite of her food, "Oh I think you do." Marlene said, "You told Dorcas to go for me."

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't we will never know." Selene shrugged, "But, I cannot help my curiosity. Is something maybe going on there?" She leaned over to whisper in Remus' ear, "I totally set her up."

"No shit."

Selene crinkled her nose and leaned back to her seat.

"She might of asked to hangout and I might of said yes."

Selene squealed, "Yes! I really like Dorcas she has been a family friend for a while. We may of gone to a dinner together over the holidays and I might of encouraged it."

Remus smirked, "That would of been very awkward if Marlene had rejected her." Selene shook her head and crossed her arms, "Please, I know Marlene's type like the back of my hand. I have gone through years of Mar informing me on all the pretty people."

Marlene laughed. Selene couldn't help but join in on her laugh. It was very contagious, Marlene had a bark like laughter that you just couldn't help but join in on.

Lily came running into the great hall, and approached the trio. "Rem, Sel, I found the perfect book for us to start. It's called Charlottes Web. It's a muggle book and it was one of my favorites growing up."

Selene and Remus shared a look, they had read that book in the first few months of the book club. Lily was obsessed with it. Nonetheless they both nodded in agreement.

Anything to keep their favorite red head happy.


SELENE SAT IN HER DORM. It was about seven in the evening. She had just gotten back from hanging out with the Marauders. Her cue to leave was when Sirius and James thought it was a smart idea to see who could hang out of the window the longest. How that was going to work? Selene didn't know and quite frankly had absolutely no pleasure in staying to find out. She assumed that Remus would talk them out of it.

Lily, Alice, and Marlene were all off to the Library. (To Marlene's dismay) . So Selene had some time alone before they came back to do their monthly all nighter. It was a tradition in the girls dorm to pull an all nighter at least once a month. Lily did not approve of this but always found herself joining in on the fun. She found herself writing a letter to Euphemia Potter. The two bonded over their shared love of poetry. Who knew Euphemia to be a poetry nerd?

Over her spat with James they started to write back and fourth more. She wasn't going to let a quarrel affect her finding a person who she could share her favorite poems she had read.

The two woman send poetry back and fourth to each other with their thoughts attached to it. In other words they annotate poems and send them back and fourth.

Selene had just sent off her screech owl. When the the door flew open, with what she assumed to be her friends back from the library but when she turned around she said Aiden Kane. Ew.

"What the merlin?" She said in a confused tone, "You need to leave."

"Not until you hear me out." He responded blocking the doorway. "Why are you back to hanging out with Potter?"

"Why do you care?" She said dryly. Selene was so not interested in this conversation.

"Because, I had to Polyjuice into him to show you he was still into the ginger."

Selene's eyes widened, of course it was him. "Are you crazy?! That had nothing to do with you. You need to leave, now."

"No, don't you get it?" Aiden asked, "I am trying to show you I love you by showing you that you shouldn't date anyone but me."

Selene almost laughed. She had to swallow it from erupting out of her mouth. How crazy is this dude? "I will literally tell on you to Minnie."

His eyes widened and he shook his head frantically and darted out of the room.

Selene pursed her lips and shook her head in disbelief of what had just went down. They hadn't dated for very long and they had been broken up since fourth year. What spiked his sudden interest now?


"SO HE JUST ADMITTED TO PRETENDING TO BE JAMES?" Alice said, with a horror stricken face. The girls had come back and now the Gryffindor Bunch were sat in the middle of the dorm. Selene had just told them what had happened with Aiden. "Yes, he said he did because he apparently loves me." Marlene made a gagging gesture and Lily looked absolutely horrified. "Then what did you say?" Alice asked, biting into a chocolate frog, "Also how did he even get up to the dorm? Boys physically cannot."

"I threatened to snitch to Mcgonagall." Selene said smugly. Marlene dramatically high fived Selene in approving. "And I don't know how he did, and to be completely honest I don't want to know."

"I slapped your ex." Lily whispered, she looked like she had just seen a ghost, her eyes were wide and her face had visibly paled. She was horrified. "Yes you most certainly did, Lils! And it was the best thing I have ever seen." Marlene said, her face was very bright and she was smiling like a mad woman. "Hey!" Selene gasped, "What about when I hexed those Slytherins?"

"Second best." Marlene replied simply. Selene gasped even more dramatically, "You wound me Mckinnon." She said putting her hand to her heart and fake crying.

"Sorry to interrupt your cry sesh." Lily spoke up, "But what are you going to tell Potter?"

Selene opened her mouth and then closed it. "I am going to tell Remus and he can tell James." She said proudly.

Lily shook her head in disapproval, her face a deadpan.

note: thank you thank you thank you for 1.6k reads. I love you all so much.

ALSO thank you guys for voting and commenting I love reading all of your thoughts.

can you tell I am a swiftie? also early update this week with an extra long chapter to thank you all!

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