To and From

Galing kay blackberries999

27.3K 457 58

not mine got it from Higit pa

Chapter 1: A Single Moment
Chapter 2: KorrAsami
Chapter 3: In Perfect Harmony
Chapter 4: How She Loves
Chapter 5: Rhythm of Love
Chapter 6: The Maid of Honor?
Chapter 7: The Betrothal
Chapter 8: The Joyful Nightmare
Chapter 9: Old Name, New Life
Chapter 10: Something New
Chapter 11: The Pre-Wedding
Chapter 12: Rather Be
Chapter 13: The Luckiest Girl
Chapter 14: Dancing in the Moonlight
Chapter 15: A Window To The Past
Chapter 17: She's A Rebel
Chapter 18: Reflection
Chapter 19: The Wife's Avatar
Chapter 20: Mirrors
Chapter 21: Peace

Chapter 16: The Baby

890 18 1
Galing kay blackberries999

Asami had never been happier. Ever since she had first laid eyes on Korra on that fateful day back at the gala, she had been entranced by her beauty and her confident personality. There was just something so indescribably enchanting about her energy.

It was the same energy she saw now as they packed at the Sato Estate for their honeymoon. Where were they going? Up. It didn't really matter to either of them, as long as they were together.

Let's see. Asami thought. I've almost got everything I need. She looked at her pack, which was bulging and almost impossible to close. She had packed a lot of extra clothes, her make-up, some sleeping bags, a compass, water bottles, and more stuff she had forgotten about already. Can't be too prepared.

"Korra?" Asami exclaimed in confusion, looking at Korra's thinly packed bag across their bed where Korra had just thrown in a change of clothes and a toothbrush. "Is that all you're bringing?"

"Wellto be honest, it's all I need." Korra smiled, as she shrugged apologetically. "Wow! Look at your bag!" Korra jumped on the bed using air bending and sat cross-legged in between their two bags. Asami's open bag got caught in the whirlwind, and various articles of clothing and camping miscellaneous flew out. "Oops. Sorry."

Asami laughed. "It's no big deal. We can just pack it again. Here, help me." Asami started picking up her make-up kit.

"Sure, no problem." Korra started gathering the lost items. "A compass? Asami, why would we need a compass for?

Asami shrugged. "I don't know." She sat down on the bed, watching Korra as she fiddled with it. "I don't even know to bring. It's kind of scary, yet exciting at the same time, you know, not knowing."

Korra sat down next to her. "I know what you mean." She eased her hand into Asami's where it fit perfectly like it always did. "But we'll be fine." Korra smiled eagerly, her bright blue eyes lighting up. "I'll be with you every step of the way." She kissed Asami on the cheek.

Asami smiled. "Come here, you." She moved closer to Korra and wrapped her arms around Korra's firm back.

From outside, they heard the sound of the screeching of tires and the "Yikes!" of a man's voice.

They met each others eyes. "We're not expecting anyone are we?" Asami said.

Korra shook her head.

Asami ran to their bedroom window where she saw Bolin jumping out of a dented sato-mobile in front. "It's Bolin." Bolin waved at her, as she waved back, a forced smile plastered on her face.

"Oh no. What does he want?" Korra flopped on the bed, her arms spread eagled outwards as she sighed.

"He's got someone with him." Asami watched as Bolin hoisted a young child out of the back and slung him onto his shoulders. The little boy laughed joyously.

"Who is it?"

"I think it's Rohan!" Asami exclaimed. "But why's he bringing him here?"

"I guess we'll find out."

They met Bolin at the front door, hand in hand.

"Hey guys!" He said happily. "MeetRohan! My youngest cousin and the littlest of the airbender kids! Rohan say hi."

"Hello!" The boy exclaimed loudly from atop Bolin's shoulders.

"Hi there. I'm Korra." Korra said, friendly.

"Hi." Asami said.

"Rohan." Bolin said, holding the boy. "This is Korra and Asami. They're gonna be looking after you today.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what?" Korra began, until Asami cut her off.

"Uh, that sounds nice. Hey, Bolin do you think I could talk to you for a minute?" Asami asked, trying not to offend either of them.

"Sure." Bolin marched after Asami, Rohan still on his shoulders.


"Oh, right." He reached up and set Rohan on the marble floor. "Now, Rohan, I'm going to leave you with Korra for a little while. Show her what you can do." He winked at the small child whose eyes lit up as he grinned impishly.

Asami looked at Korra with a worried look, but felt better as Korra flashed her a thumbs-up and a wide smile.

Asami led Bolin to the kitchen and she walked to the window, staring at the blue sky as Bolin rambled about Rohan.

"Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen? I remember when he was just a teeny-tot and I was changing his diapers. Iooh." Bolin stopped when he saw Asami's steely gaze and her crossed arms. "What's the matter? Okay, I know I should have told you guys, but I had nowhere else to go! I saw him, okay! And I thought that it would be good practice foryou knowwhen, I mean if, Opal and I were toumhahaAre you mad?" The innocent earth bender trailed off as his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

"Okay, I think I get it now." Asami said, her finger on her chin in her usual "thinking" position. "That's pretty sweet, Bolin." She smiled. "There's just one thing I don't get. Why'd you bring Rohan here?"

Bolin stammered through his words, very un-Bolin like. "Iuhkinda thought that you guys could help me? It's a lot harder than I thought it would be."

Help him? How can we help him? Asami thought, staring at Bolin, who was uncharacteristically shy before her.

"Bolin, I'd like to help, but me and Korra were just about to leave for our honeymoon. And besides, neither of us have had kids before. I don't really know if" Asami was cut off by the sound of the crackling of the radio. She always had one in every room in case of emergencies.

"Asami? Asami, are you there?" Tenzin's worried voice came across the static. "It's Rohan. He's missing. I don't know where he's gone."

Asami faced Bolin incredulously. "No. Bolin. Don't tell me you didn't tell them?"

Bolin backed away slowly, drawing his finger across his throat. "I'm NOT here." He whispered furiously, as if Tenzin could hear him.

"I have to tell him Bolin. He and Pema are probably worried sick."

Bolin sighed and hung his head in defeat. "I know."

As Asami told Tenzin exactly where Rohan was, his worry shifted to anger at Bolin for his foolishness, but quickly shifted to content.

"I just wanted to know where he was. Thank you Asami." Tenzin sounded better, and he sighed in relief. "Is Bolin there?"

Asami looked at Bolin who quickly shook his head and waved his hands in front of himself defensively.

"He was here. But I told him that he should take Rohan home."

"Thank you again, Asami. I appreciate it. I'll deal with Bolin later." Tenzin left the radio and Bolin let out a deep breathe.

Asami put the radio aside and turned to face Bolin again. He had thrust himself to his knees and was dramatically kneeling before her. "Thank you, Miss Sato! I love you so much for doing that for me! Anything you want, it shall be yours1" He theatrically pointed at Asami with his head bowed.

Asami smiled. Same old Bolin. He never changed. "Thanks Bolin, but I'm good. And I'm with Korra right now anyway." It felt good to say that.

"Speaking of Korra, they've been REALLY quiet." Bolin said, still on his knees.

"YeahThat is weird." Korra, what are you doing? Asami thought.

A deafening crash! echoed in the wide walls of the Sato estate and they heard Rohan's cries of laughter.

"Bolin? What exactly did you tell Rohan to do?" Asami began.

"Oh, you know, that neat little air bubble trick all the airbender kids do. He finally learned how to do it. I was so proud of him." Bolin said, casually standing up. His face turned to a look of worry and confusion. "I shouldn't have told him to do that right?"

Ugh. Asami couldn't believe it. Bolin had brought one of the airbender kids and told him to essentially destroy everything.

"Are you mad now?"

Oh, I'm getting there. Asami thought as she swiftly walked back to the living room where they had left Korra with Rohan.

What she saw left her speechless. While Rohan was zooming around on his air sphere, knocking various household items to the ground. Korra was on one to! In shock, she realized Korra was trying to catch the little kid, but he took it as a game, accelerating every time Korra got close enough to grab him.

"Rohan." Bolin said, as one might speak to a dog. "Bad boy! Stop!" That didn't do anything.

"Rohan! Stop it!" Asami shouted.

Korra hopped off her air sphere and gracefully landed in front of the two. "That won't work. I tried that already."

"What are we supposed to do then?" Asami watched as Rohan rode the air sphere up the walls of the mansion, then atop the ceiling, then back down again.

"Wow, nice air time kid!" Bolin yelled.

Rohan laughed again. "This is fun!"

Korra punched Bolin's shoulder who recoiled in pain. "Ow! Why'd you do that for?"

"Don't encourage him!"

"He's a kid! Let him have fun." Bolin said, rubbing his arm.

"Well, he can have fun someplace else, like not our house!" Asami said, cross her arms again.

"Wait, I have an idea. I'll be right back. Keep an eye on him!" Korra ran off.

"Maybe, he'll just get bored?" Bolin offered unhelpfully.

Asami shook her head.

Korra came back, holding a giant cake. "Hey, Rohan! Look what I've got!"

The kid stopped his constant zooming and halted. "Oooohh cake!" He ran to where Korra was and jumped for it. Korra held it just out of his reach.

"No." Korra commanded. "You need to eat it in the kitchen because you destroyed the table. Over there." Korra pointed. "And no more air bending in the house. You got that?"

Rohan nodded, but his eyes were still fixated on the cake.

"Hey." Korra said firmly, but not unkindly. "Look at me." Rohan's eyes snapped to Korra's at her stern tone. "You understand me Rohan?"

"Yes, Korra." Rohan nodded apologetically.

"Good. Now go on, pig out." She gave the cake to Rohan, which was nearly the size of the small child as he ran off to eat it.

Asami and Bolin had seen the whole thing.

Asami was amazed. Korra had handled it flawlessly. Not only had Rohan listened to her, but she had also stopped him from airbending. Korra was amazing with kids.

Bolin was amazed to. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape. "You gave himthe whole cake? Wait, Rohan! I want some!" He hurriedly stumbled after the little boy. "Rohan!"

They were alone now.

Asami walked closer to Korra who was licking vanilla frosting of her fingertips.

"That was incredible Korra! How did you know that would work?"

Korra shrugged casually. "He's a kid. Kid's love sweet things. And this cake was pretty sweet."

"It looks pretty good." Asami said, staring at Korra's fingers as she continued to put them in her mouth. It was strangely attractive.

"Do youwant some?" Korra said suggestively. "Come here."

Asami reached for Korra's fingers, which were slender and powerful. She delicately licked the frosting off Korra's fingertips, never taking her eyes off Korra's.

"Good?" Korra asked softly.

"Good cake." Asami said, matter of factly when she was done. Inside, she was burning. She wanted her. She drew Korra close to her and deeply kissed her, feeling her lips loosen and her tongue against hers. Her hands gleefully caressed Korra's shoulders and sides, taking in the strength and beauty of her figure.

"Let's get Bolin and the kid out of here!" Korra said, gasping between breaths.

Hand in hand, they raced to the kitchen where they saw the two of them sleeping, their heads on the table, the cake all but gone, save for a few crumbs.

"You know, he's actually kind of cute when he's sleeping." Asami grudgingly said. "I wouldn't mind having a kid or two of our own one day." She couldn't believe she was saying that. How would that even work? She supposed they could adopt.

"Whoa, first things first, Mrs. Sato." Korra looked at her. God, she was beautiful. "We still have a honeymoon."

Asami grinned. "How could I forget? I've got the most incredible girl in the universe for a wife." She kissed Korra. When would she get tired of kissing Korra? Probably never.

"But before that." Asami said. "We need someone to clean up this mess."

Korra sighed. "But they looked so cute."

"Do you want to do the honors?"

Korra shook her head. "Together."

They both grabbed two pots.


Asami nodded, moving over Bolin's head while Korra positioned herself over Rohan.

"One." Asami said.

"Two." Korra continued.


Bolin and Rohan woke up screaming with the clanging of pots still ringing in their ears.

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