I Hear You

By Only_4_LisKooK

58.9K 2.8K 704

For her, love is as hard to come by as if it were made in Heaven. For him, love is asking oneself whether he... More



994 63 18
By Only_4_LisKooK

Susan shook her head with disbelief: "Jungkook, why do you accept that kind of arrangement? Sister Myung listened it personally then you admitted that you just know Lisa, you even don't that her ear is her most sensitive part. How could you be in relationship for half years?"

"She heard it wrongly." Jungkook'seyes turned cold suddenly, "I don't expect that not only her makeup skill is lacking, even her hearing skill is also."

Susan: "......."

Jungkook went away the plastic on his bag, he didn't even turn his head to see her.

Susan stayed there.

The sun started to be calmed down, a cold wind brushed her face. She closed her eyes and started to calm herself and breath.

Jungkook was lying, there should be a reason why he protected Lisa, and she didn't know it.

Lisa Manoban, how could she be.

Susan recalled something in the past. The first time she started to dislike Lisa because she had a crush for representative of mathematic student. That time Lisa had some difficulties in mathematic and asked for his help. The mathematic student explained it to her, they were laughing so happily that time. It made Susan to be jealous.

"Lisa is quite pretty, even her voice is so sweet."

Slowly, she heard how those boys praised her.

Indeed men are people who regard appearance and just paid attention to the beautiful one.

Every day in the morning she would look at the mirror and looked at how small her eyes, nose, and thick lips, sometimes when she was emotional, she would pound the mirror.

She hates those women that could attract men's attention effortlessly.

During the autumn outing, all the girls changed their clothes from the oldish uniform to a pretty clothes and some had a light makeup on. Susan also did it. Before the outing, she prepared herself. She went to the department store to buy clothes. She took her time seriously to style her hair and makeup. She felt herself to be more beautiful than usual.

She didn't expect when they gathered, she noticed that Lisa wore the same windbreaker jacket as her.

"Lisa, your cloth is beautiful, where did you buy it?"

"It's really suit you. If I am as skinny as you, then I would dare to wear it."

Susan heard it, then asked herself why should she wear this.

Yet she had no more time to change it, all the women around Lisa noticed her and compared them.

"Susan? You and Lisa simply like older-younger sister! Come here, let me take you guys photo."

She came over awkwardly, Lisa already showed her bright smile, the smile that perceived to be provoking for Susan. She didn't want to look at her, she just stood by her side silently and took the photo.

From the start until the beginning of the outing, countless people complemented themas older-younger sister. A lot of people seemed to show their satire smile.

She endured it patiently, until she was crying at home. She wouldn't open the bedroom's door for her mother.

She took off the clothes, and cut it to pieces.

She really hates herself to be so ugly, also hates Lisa. How could she wear the same one as hers? It let her to be sad.

During the study, she is very young and inexperienced, she couldn't hide her hostility and just showed her hate for her. She started to make sarcastic comment toward Lisa, provoking, arguing, she even said bad words behind her back.

From junior to senior high school, that six years she never win against Lisa, she couldn't accept it.

When they were getting into university, they stayed in different cities. She underwent two times of plastic surgery to make this beautiful face. Occasionally she would hear bad news about Lisa. She thought finally she would get retribution for what she did.

Who could guess that Lisa could know Jungkook, she even didn't dare to lust after him. Lisa could publicly sit down beside him with his acknowledgement. She is protected by him and has admiration from a lot of netizens. She really jealous of her.

That kind of hate started to appear inside her again, she couldn't easily let Lisa to win. She wanted to expose her lies.

Lisa didn't know that Susan noticed clues about them, because Jungkook chose to not let her know and be overcautious.

For this matter, he could handle it.

"Tomorrow I would cook for you." He sent her a message, to show his seriousness when he promised something.

"Where would it be?"

"Come to my place?"

"Your place? Is it convenient?"

"If it's inconvenient, then let me come to your place."

..... wouldn't it be the same?

But he has a car, indeed it was more convenient for him to come to her place. Lisa agreed to be in her little place.

For welcoming her one hundred ninety meters "boyfriend" to come to her house as guest, Lisa tidied her house urgently.

She wiped the kitchen counter and tableware layer by layer cleanly. She also wiped the dining room and living room. She tidied up the old newspaper and weekly publication and sold it out. She watered her small plants in the balcony. She even wiped all the bathroom and didn't even let one root of hair left. She sprayed an aromatic scent.

After the cleaning, the whole room turned to be very spacious. He shouldn't be too cramped inside her little house.

It was obvious, her expectation is too much.

Next day in the afternoon, Jungkook came over with ingredients. He examined her house: "This little house, even the air is felt crowded."

He said it then placed down his things, and directly went to the balcony. He opened the window.

"It would be too hot." Lisa used her hands to cover her forehead: "Today it is thirty nine degrees."

"Basking in the sun would kill the germs, it would be good for your body."

"Moreover." Jungkook took the gyokuro plant, "This one is not one that easy to be exposed to a scorching sun."

He examined her plant shelves. It was a bit mixed and disorder also lack of aesthetic perception.

He asked: "Have you ever considered to plant some vegetables or fruits? Like little tomatoes, it is easy to grow. You even could eat it."

Mentioning little tomatoes, Lisa immediately remembered her blushing red ears.

If she didn't remember wrongly, he mocked it to be the same as little red tomatoes.

Now to mention it.... is it unconscious act?

He didn't give her any time to progress with her strange mental connection, he glanced and said relaxedly: "Now I will go to the kitchen to cook for you."

"Okay, the kitchen is over here."

"Do you need to say it, this small house, it is clear where the kitchen would be."


Jungkook brought herself of the ingredient. The high grade of pork chop, fresh carrot, fragrant mushroom, onion, ginger, garlic, cooking oil, rock cand, and every thing -- he was well-prepared.

"Do you need my help?"

"Help me to find an apron, and tie it for me." He said.

"Just like that?" Lisa tried to confirm. She didn't need to wash veggies or anything?


Lisa took an apron from the cupboard, a big size black apron. It was the prize that she got from the supermarket. Because it was too big, so she couldn't wear it.
Luckily today she could use it for Jungkook.

He wore it, and Lisa helped him to tie it up. She looked at him.
"Are you done?"

"Hmm. Almost." She noticed although he is tall, but he is skinny, he is well-shaped.

Hearing how she tied it, it was a light and rustling noise. He couldn't help to think about the sound of white mouse in the labroratory, who hiding in its bathtub to dig sand.

It's also mini.
"Okay." Lisa retreated, "Then I would not disturb you again."
She remembered during cooking, he didn't like for someone to disturb him.

Lisa sat on the chair to wait for the food. She surveyed around the living room. Strangely she noticed that usual she didn't feel her house to be small, she thought it to be quite spacious but how could the moment Jungkook said that it was too cramped?

It seemed like a giant entered a dwarf world.

Because since she was little, Hana didn't allow her daughter to invite male classmates to come and be the guest. Lisa never invited opposite sex to coexist in a room.
Jungkook is her first one to get inside and occupy her kitchen.

Indeed if Hana knew this, she definitely would scold her for not being cautious. She always said that how could a woman easily let opposite sex to enter the room, do you know it would be dangerous?

Dangerous.... would it be?

Lisa heard the stir-fry voice, she glanced at the kitchen door.
Jungkook was stir-frying, he stood straightly. With a glance, she concluded that he came here, only for cooking for her, and didn't have any intentions for coffee or anything.

Except shooting the trailer that day, the day he kissed her ears, he seemed to be very gentleman, he wouldn't take advantage of her.
He is trustworthy.

Lisa thought it that way.

Waiting until the pork chop to be ready, and rice to be done. Jungkook washed his hands, and yelled for Lisa to help to untie the apron.

The time he turned his body, he lowered his head. Very naturally he pinched her ear lightly: "Don't you forget your promise."

"I remember, just sing a song for you right. What song do you want to hear?"

"Whatever, just sing the one that could me feel comfortable."

"....." why did she hear his words to be ambiguous.

Jungkook extended and passed the Lisa's shoulder, he pushed close the kitchen cupboard.

Once again Lisa was looped in the middle, she raised her head and he lowered his head, they were face to face.

It was somewhat subtle.

"What is it?" He asked, "Why do you raise your head so high, don't you feel your neck to be in pain?"

"It's okay." Lisa reminded: "Let's go out to wait."

Jungkook took his hands back: "Okay, the kitchen is too small, a lot of things couldn't be done to heart's content."

Lisa was startled, unexpectedly trembled with fear: "What do you mean?"

"Before when I washed the tomatoes, cut the pork chop, stir-fry, it's not really convenient."

Jungkook glanced at her, "Don't tell me you don't think about this?"

Then they both waited in the living room, they sat side by side on the sofa because dislike the square table to be too small, then he couldn't extend his legs.

Jungkook's pork chop is really delicious, the sauce is his special blend, it has a bit sweet taste and well-cooked rice. Lisa kept on praising him when she ate: "Your cooking is very good."

Lisa smiled, and took a tissue to wipe her lips. She looked at him, " Jungkook, I notice that sometimes when you talk, your words are very interesting."

"Is it more interesting that Jinyoung?" He responded to her gaze.

"I don't know about it because I am not close to him, how should I answer you?"

"That day when you guys chatted under the tree, you guys were acting as there were nobody else present for seven minutes."

"You also record the time?" Lisa bit her spoon, and noticed that he is too detailed, it is very interesting: "Okay, let me tell you a secret."

"Say it."

"That time we chatted about Jisoo. From his words, I could know that he is caring toward Jisoo."

"It's very normal, he uses his position to get close to his female subordinate. This matter of "rabbit eats the grass on the den side", it's not enough to stamp on Jinyoung's moral bottom line."

"....." once again Lusa silently realized his poisonous tongue. He threw Jinyoung from the cloud to the bottom.

"Jisoo really adores him, she even..... has a crush on him." Lisa said it, then immediately reminded him, "This matter, I only tell you alone. Don't you tell to anyone."

"It is a normal sentence." He continued: "Its effectiveness is really low."

Lisa was speechless.

He placed down his plate and chopsticks, and looked at her: "But the truth that you say make people to be feel it is outrageous, I unexpectedly know someone who has a crush on Jinyoung."

"For you..... Chief Song perhaps is not a man, but for Jisoo, he is a god."

He muttered to himself irresolutely for a while: "Then why doesn't she just tell him directly?"

"This, because I......." Lisa hesitated.

"Because of you?" His tone lowered down, and hid the violent tone: "Lisa, you have crush on him?"

If she dare to nod, he would immediately leave this little room.

"How could it be?" Lisa immediately emphasized her innocent, "You think it too much, I just say it because I feel Jisoo is considering about the gains and losses to confess. She afraid that her confession would be a failure and make her lose her job. I want to help her but I also know that it's better to do it by yourself, if someone helps, it would be probably become a mess."

Jungkook's eyes turned calmer, his heart started to be relieved.
Lisa still wanted a lot of things about this matter.

Because Jungkook already got a satisfying answer, he didn't want to continue the topic that was unrelated to them: "Hurry up and finish it, after done, you should sing for me."

Indeed he is very energetic.

Lisa switched on her computer, and looked at her private storage of songs.
"Do you have anything special that you want to hear?"

"You could sing what I want to hear?"

"I can but don't it be too complete unknown, if only I ever heard it once I could sing it."

"Okay, I remember a song that my mother likes to hear. It's called "Missing You Everyday."

Unexpectedly he chose this song, doesn't he know that song is too corny?

This song is about being in love and inseparable, it is a song to tell one's most inner feeling of love.

For Lisa to sing this in the KTV would be no problem, but to sing it here in front of him, she felt a bit very strange.

He took his glass and drank the tea. Then looked at her once again, his gaze let her to be unable to escape: "Deal, I want to hear this."

"Don't you want to change to another song?"

"This song should be known by majority, including you."

"But this song, appear to be a song for lover with intimate relationship."

"I know. In the past, my mother sang this song everyday for my father." He said it like it was inevitable and right, "Now, it is your turn to sing it to me."


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