Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker S...

By Kaylakuy

247K 8.1K 2K

Bella Wayne, better known as Bruce Wayne's daughter, has seen her share of crime in Gotham, working at the lo... More

Editing! (Just A Heads Up)
💎Bella Wayne (Character Profile)💎
🔥Gotham City🔥
🔥Masked Vigilante 🔥
🔥Serious Joker🔥
🔥Agent of Chaos🔥
🔥Crazed City🔥
🔥Everything Burns🔥
🔥Let's Put A Smile On That Face🔥
🔥Boating Fun🔥
🔥Madness As We Know It🔥
🔥Arkham Asylum🔥
🔥The Clowns View (Extras) 🔥
🔥The Beautiful Miss Wayne🔥
🔥Narrow Way (Memories)🔥
🔥Leaving Gotham (Extras)🔥
🔥Little Monsters (Memories)🔥
🔥Mask (Extras)🔥
🔥First Time In A Long Time (Extras)🔥
🔥Familiar Feeling (Extras)🔥
🔥Unexpected Call (Extras)🔥
🔥Mr. Pennyworth (Memories)🔥
🔥Mr. Wayne (Memories)🔥
🔥Scars (Extras)🔥
🔥Coming Back Home🔥
🔥Finding Jack🔥
Explaining Bella


11K 366 171
By Kaylakuy

"Stay out of the way! All of you! I don't want anything for his mob lawyer to use do you understand?" We just arrived at the police station  and I'm already not feeling right about it. The only good thing at the moment is that Jim is alive and well. And then I see Jack, just sitting there calmly, tapping his fingers on his knee. He looks at me once I come into view, giving me a little grin. I give a little wave, making sure no one sees. I'm happy to see him to be honest.

"Back from the dead?" The mayor gave Jim a little smile, shaking his hand. Exactly what I was thinking. I was so stressed out about Jim. I honestly had thought he was dead. And i felt terrible. I wanted to tell someone what i knew. But i didn't. And i felt like a horrible person for it.

"Couldn't risk my family's safety." I smiled at Jim. He's a good man. Like I said before, his family is his life. He loves them dearly. And the mayor smiled with an understanding smile, then turned his gaze towards Jack.

"Who do we got?" Jim shook his head, sighing in annoyance. He couldn't figure him out either. That's the hardest part for me.

"Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knifes and lent. No name. No other aleis." I just stared at Jack while they talked. I knew his first name. But the hell if I was ever telling anyone it. But that's all I have. He hasn't told me much about himself really. He's honestly just as much of a mystery to me as he is to them. But he had to have come from somewhere. He has to have a family of some sort. At one point anyway.

The mayor simply sighed, know everyone had a long night ahead.He looked as if he wanted to shake Jack and get answers. I did also. Not that he'd tell us anyhow.

"Go home Gordon, that clown will keep till morning. Go get some rest. You're gonna need it. Tomorrow you take the big job." Jim gave him a confused look. And honestly, so did i. What was he talking about? I'm pretty sure he's had a really big job lately already.

"You don't have any say in the matter, commissioner Gordon." Everyone started to clap. I just looked at the mayor with a shocked face. And then grinned. Jim deserves this. He's put so much on the line and has done a damn good job of protecting this city the best that he possibly can.

 I clapped along with everyone, grinning at Jim. He was still in shock. I just laughed at the look on his face. Everyone turned around, seeing Jack clapping. I held back a laugh. He noticed, giving me a little smirk.


Jim went on home like the mayor advised. But I decided to hang around for a while. Mainly just to keep an eye on Jack. Some of these cops I don't trust. And I'm hoping to eventually get to talk to him without having people snooping around. But we'll see.

A couple of cops came up behind me, putting a man into the cell. He looked pretty sick. And they clearly didn't care.

"I don't feel good..." He looked like he was going to throw up. And i did not want to be around for that one. What the hell happened to this guy?

"You're a cop killer. You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck." Damn... So that's what. And the cops wouldn't stop giving him menacing looks. They wanted to tear him apart. But the guy suddenly started going wild on the bars, pulling and tugging like they'd give.

"Please!!" The cops went into full guard mode with their guns pointed out to scare the man back, getting pissed.

"Step away from the bars!" The guy shook his head in pain. He was doubled over. His face was pale white. I think this guy might just die himself.

"My insides hurt." I walked up to the cell, the men giving me a look. Yes I know, they don't want me near the cell because they're afraid something might happen. I'm tougher than I look fellas. Don't worry.

"Your insides hurt?" The man looked up at me, with a pained look in his eyes, surprised i was even talking with him. He must know who i am.

"Yes! Please help me!" I looked over at Jack, to see him looking at me, then turn his head the other way. Does he know something I don't? Ramirez came over to the cell, stopping upon seeing me.

"Bella, we're taking Joker into the interrogation room. We'll need you to move just in case." I heard Jack giggle in the cell in humor. I eyed him with a look so he wouldn't even think about saying a word. He simply laughed some more.

"You can head into the room with the others." I gave one more look at Jack, then walked off.


About 20 minutes later, they called Jim to come down. Jack hadn't said anything yet. So they figured maybe Jim could get something out of him. Once he got here, he went into the room with Joker. Now I'm a little nervous.

"Evening... Commissioner" Jim was livid. And i could tell. He stormed into the room with the same passion he always has when he's on the job.

"Harvey Dent never made it home." What?? Why didn't anyone tell me this?? So where's Rachel? Please don't let anything happen to her. If something did..... And Jack seemed so proud of himself.

"Of course not." Jim clenched his hands together in anger and annoyance. He was going to get the truth somehow. And i hope he does because i don't want to see something happen to Harvey. I don't hardly know him yet. But he is good guy. And Rachel loves him dearly. Which also may get her killed. And i can't handle that thought.

"What have you done with him?" Jack simply looked from Jim to his cuffed hands, annoyance flashing on his face. Just for show of course. But in his eyes, i could tell he was hiding the answer to a sick joke of his.

"Meee? I was right here. Who did you leave him with? 'Your' people? Assuming of course they still are your people, and not Maroni's. Does it depress you commissioner? To know... just how.. alone you really are. Does it make you feel responsible for Harvey Dents current predicament?" I just stood there, not being able to say anything. I want to scream at him so bad. I want to yell why. But i'm in no position to even say anything considering how much I've let happen without saying  a word to anyone. I don't want to lose Jack. And i know I've only known him a short time now. But he's shown me a side of myself that i can't let go. Me. Truly me. Not just Bruce Wayne's daughter.

"Where is he?" Jack looked humored a tad. But kept the serious look on his face. He wasn't going to break. He loved the show he was putting on. And we all were his stars.

"What's the time?" What?? What does that have to do with where Harvey is? Even Jim looked mad at the question.

"What difference does that make?" Jack simply chuckled, knowing what anger we was getting from Jim. And eating it up.

"Welll... Depending on the time, he may be in one spot or several." My eyes widened. What had he done.....? I couldn't move at this point. My hands were shaking. My breathing was rapid and my heart was beating so fast. And Jim simply sighed. He had enough.

"If we're gonna play games, I'm gonna need a cup of coffee." Jim unlocked the handcuffs on Jack, standing up to leave. Really? Just like that? This isn't normal for Jim. He doesn't give up.

"Aaah, the good cop bad cop routine?" Jim seemed to be hiding something. Some secret he was ready to pull out of his sleeve. And he couldn't help but send Joker a little look.

"Not exactly." I watched as Jim came into the room, when his eyes landed on me, giving me a smile. Then the lights came on in the interrogation room. I held my breath. It was dad. He suddenly slammed Jack's head down on the table, causing me to gasp. What the hell is going on?? But it sure didn't bother Jack one bit. Like nothing had even happened.

"Never start with the head the victim gets all fuzzy. He can't feel the next..." Dad smashed his hand in a fit of rage, ready to body slam Jack as many times as it took to get answers. And in that case, we will be here all night.

"See?" Dad looked him dead in the eyes, giving him a challenging look. As Batman, dad won't back down. He never does.

"You wanted me, here I am." Jim came up behind me, everyone was focused on this. I just hope something bad don't happen. Because dad knows i'm here. And i'll rush in there if needed. Even Jim won't be able to stop me.

"I wanted to see what you'd do. And you didn't disappoint. You let five people die. Then.. you let Dent take you're place. Even to a guy like me that's cold." Dad shook his head in frustration from Jack's words. He didn't let Harvey do anything! Harvey is a grown man who made his own rash decisions. He didn't tell Harvey to say any of that.

"Where's Dent?" He slammed Jack harder on the table, causing a slight muffled chuckle to escape Jack's mouth. He could do this all night.

"Those mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were. But I know the truth, there's no going back. You've changed things. Forever." To me, for the good. But to others.... not so much. The mob is just worried because they know Batman is a huge threat for them. They should be worried. Because he can take them all down in a heartbeat without thinking twice.

"Then why did you want to kill me?" Jack started laughing hysterically, giving a amused face. He loved toying with Batman. It was his new hobby.

"I don't want to kill you... what would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No no... No. No you.... you complete me." Dad sent him a look of disbelief. Joker has had so many opportunities to kill Batman. And he hasn't. Because he won't. He loves having Batman around for the fun. But Dad was not enjoying this at all.

"You're garbage who kills for money" Jack looked so humored he could just bust at this point. He didn't care about that anymore. He was all about driving Batman mad. And so far, he's succeeding.

"Don't talk like one of them you're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them you're just a freak... like me. They need you right now, but when they don't. They'll cast you out." He's got a point. These people only look at him as the good guy when they are in danger. But when one little thing happens, they will just brand him a freak.

"See their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be, I'll show you, when the chips are down, these uh these civilized people.. they'll eat each other. See I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curb." Dad jumped out of his seat, pulling Joker across the table. My eyes widened. Oh no. He's done with the games.

"Where's Dent?" Jack couldn't help but smile. He wants to break dad. He want's him to go crazy and do something he normally wouldn't.

"Have all these rules and you think they'll save you." He flung him up against the wall, causing me to flinch. I looked back at Jim, indicating that someone should do something. But he just looked at me, then back to the room like it was no big deal. What if it goes too far??

"He's in control." Oh you don't know him like I do Jim. He'll lose it. Believe me. And i don't want to see that happen to my dad.

"I have one rule." And it's not to kill anyone. Dad doesn't believe in that ever being the answer. And I've always admired him for that. But Jack wanted him to break that rule. He wants Batman to suffer.

"Then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth." Dad shook his head, his angry eyes never leaving Jack's face.

"Which is?" Jack please don't.....

"The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules. And tonight you're gonna break your one rule." Dad eyed him with a very serious look. He was going over the edge and i couldn't handle it anymore.

"I'm considering it." Oh no. If someone won't do something, then I will because he will hurt him.

"Well there's only minutes left so you're gonna have to play my little game if you want to save one of them." I just stood there looking at everyone. They didn't know what to do. So if they won't do anything, i will.

"You know for a while there, I thought you really were Wayne....The way you threw yourself after her. You're supposed to protect Bella..... right?" Dad threw Jack onto the table, making me jump. Screw these people. I'm going to get that damn door open. I started to rush for the door, just as I saw dad going to block it with a chair. I ran faster, Jim following right behind. But we reached it too late.

I started banging on the door, beating it with my fists. I was really worried now. He could hurt Jack and I couldn't be in there to stop him. Suddenly, i heard dad start yelling, hearing his fist connecting with Jack and I lost it. I started pushing my whole body against the door, not caring about the pain.

"Don't worry! I'm going to tell you where they are. Both of them. And that's the point. You'll have to choose. He's at.. 2005050 second street, and she's uh, on avenue x." Rachel and Harvey. Oh no. Please no one else. Then dad came busting out the door, slowing his pace a bit once he saw me, sending me a look, then continued walking. He didn't want me here and never did. But with what's happening, i'm worried about losing the people i love. Especially dad.

"Which one you going after?" Dad looked determinted. He wasn't leaving Rachel to die. He was going to do whatever he could. And i hope he does because i don't want to lose her either.

"Rachel!" Jim ran to the others, getting the plan in action.

"We're getting Dent!" I just watched as everyone left in a hurry. This is utter chaos. And it's not going to end well. I ducked into the room with Jack while no one was looking, closing the door behind me. He looked up at me from the floor, looking shocked, then grinned.

"You're still here doll? I figured you'd leave by now." I sighed, grinning a little. I wanted to.

"You don't know me very well then. I figured something like this was going to happen, so I stayed. I wanted to be sure you're okay." He gave a little smirk. And honestly, i don't know why i care so much for a monster. But i do.

"Aaaah... Were we worried beautiful?" I sighed, then slowly walked to him. I lowered to the ground next to him, turning my head to look at him.

"This is chaos Jack..." He laughed. That laugh I swear. Most people hate it. Me, I love it. But not when people i love are being involved in it.

"That's the point Bell. You see... I'm showing these people what this world is really like. Everyone turning on everyone. It's only a matter of time before it all goes to ruins. And it's so easy to make these people squeal." I looked at the ground. He has a point really. Everyone turns on each other at the the tinniest bit of trouble, not caring what happens.

"I know. That's why I've never understood this city. It's full of two faced people." He looked up at me, grinning. He patted my leg.

"Well, I'd like my phone call." I threw my head back, laughing.

"At a time like this?" He smirked. He has something planned. Go figure.

"Is something going to blow up? I feel like something's going to blow up." He laughed at the look on my face, causing me to giggle.

"You know me too well doll." I looked up at him.

"Not really...He just stared at me, getting my point. Then looked down, a serious look on his face.

"Let's get that phone call. Then we'll talk after." I gave a little smile.

"Deal." He grinned, kissing my cheek, causing me to blush. He just laughed.

"Oooooh, you love it when I kiss you." I smacked his arm, causing him to snicker, when I felt paint littered on my cheek, a normal thing it would seem anymore.

So the plan was to hold me with a piece of glass to my face, to get his phone call. Yup, I know what you're thinking. I probably am thinking the same thing. But, what can you do? I guess it's an affective way to get stuff done. He put the glass shard up to me, whispering in my ear.

"You okay Bell?" I sighed.

"Yup. Just don't get cut happy." He giggled. He then took off running, holding me to him with the the glass pointed at my face. The men saw us, yelling at him to stop.

"Take it easy! Take it easy!"

"Drop the weapon now!" I gave a look of fright. I could be an actress. Jack started shaking.

"What?? Sorry??"

"What do you want?!" He looked at everyone.

"I just want my phone call." They looked at him funny. I swear if I wasn't having to act scared, I'd be rolling on the floor about now, laughing. He pushed me closer to him, making me squeal. He has a firm body.... Okay focus Bella!

Jack held out his hand, gesturing to the guy for his phone. He threw the phone to him and Jack dialed a number. Who is he calling? Then an explosion happened. Jack pushed my face into his chest, dropping the glass onto the floor.

I knew that was going to happen. Called it! But damn.... I slowly brought my head up, looking around. Well, this place looks horrible. Jack gently turned my head towards him, looking me in the eyes.

"You okay doll?" I blew out a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

"Yes. I think." He grinned. I slowly backed away from him, looking him over.

"Damn Jack. More warning next time.." He just laughed.

"We need to grab uh.... friend, from his cell." Now I'm confused. Who is it? We walked over to a lone cell, Jack grabbing the keys on the way, jiggling them.

"Hello there." It was Lau. Oh great. The man dad and Mr Fox met with before. No thank you. After letting him out, we fled the building, jumping into a police car. And to my surprise, Roco was in the drivers seat, grinning.

"Bella! What a pleasant surprise."

"Likewise Roco. It's good to see you again." He grinned, then took off. Jack looked at me, giving me a smile, then rolled down the window, hanging out like a dog. I just laughed.

But then I started to think. What happened with Rachel and Harvey? Are they okay? Did someone die? I was afraid to find that out. But I needed to.

Roco drove the car to a abandoned building, pulling into the alleyway just beside it. I jumped out of the car, walking to the other side.

"I've got to go. I need to find out what happened." Jack sighed.

"You really have to go?" He pouted at me, causing me to giggle. He stared at me, the corners of his mouth slowly going up into a grin.

"Until next time beautiful." He gently grabbed my hand, bringing it to his mouth, giving it a gentle kiss. My breathing hitched. He laughed.

"See ya Bell." He walked off. I watched as he did. This man is making me have feelings I've never had before. I just watched him blow up the police station for crying out loud, and stayed. And now someone else could be dead. Someone I care about.

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