Tony's New Assistant- Being E...

By Mwadeh2o

1.9K 25 5

Y/n age 21 fresh out of college was having trouble finding a job until one night she was out with a friend an... More

Looking for a job
Night out pt. 2
Getting to know each other
First Day
Date Night
I Have Proof
In Love?
In love? pt.2
I love you too
The Past
Be Mine
I need feedback
Let me help you with that-smut
It Gets Better
Where do we sign
Welcome Home
Welcome home pt. 2
Let's do it-smut
Not So Happy Anniversary
Not So Happy Anniversary pt. 2
Forever and Always
All Good Things Must End
Planning and recovery
Rehearsal Dinner
Rehearsal Dinner pt.2
Cold Feet
Getting Ready -Y/n's perspective
Getting Ready-Tony's perspective
I do
Picture time
Wedding Photos
Wedding Photos Part 2
Wedding Photos pt.3
Wedding Cakes and Toppers
Party Time-smut
Wedding Night-smut
Wedding Gift
No longer a family of four
I'm scared
Family workout
New book
It's Time
He can't hurt us anymore
Happily ever after

Night Out

139 3 0
By Mwadeh2o

A/N: Sorry once again I have been trying to come up with a schedule because trying to do school and this is alot.

As soon as we got home Lily ran to my closet to pull out an outfit for me to wear and one for her. Most of the designs I have for clubbing weren't really supporting of feminism in most eyes but I think that women should be able to wear whatever they want and not be judged. So you might say that I went with a lot of skin showing with these designs. Not all of them are like that but lily said I should have an option for those girls who do want to show off skin. After about 15 mins of searching Lily came out of my closet with two outfits one on each arm. "The black is for you green for me" she said with a smile. The outfit she picked for me was a black two piece set with a cut up each side of the skirt connected with what looks like thick strips of silver string attached with buttons. You can't blame me I have been doing fashion design for years sometimes you forget what you made. It had a matching off the shoulder long sleeve top. I think I'll pair it with heeled thigh high boots and a natural glam makeup look. "It's only 4:00 o'clock I don't think we have to get ready now do we" I complain as I remove the heels I was already wearing rubbing my feet. "Yes we do it's happy hour at five and lady's get in free from 5 to 6." She said pulling me towards the bathroom room. "Ok ok at least let me see what you picked for yourself to wear." I say while rolling me eyes and letting out a small chuckle. "Ok great look." She picked out one of my personal favorites not only because it took me just a day in a half to make but because it was hot,sexy,and comfortable. She also pulled out some cute matching green heels to wear with it. "I was guessing maybe you carry all our money since I'm probably going to end up the most drunk I mean I'm still going to carry a purse just incase a cute guy gives me his number." She said. "Ok fine I think I have a cute bag to go with my outfit." I replied with a chuckle. I actually had the perfect bag.

Y/n's outfit

Lily's outfit

*Her makeup is the same as in the picture*

We were finally ready to go it took us exactly one hour to be ready. "Great it's 5 o'clock we are ready in enough time that's a first you are known for being late." She said. I gave her a glare before grabbing the keys and opening the door for her. "Just go." I chuckle while rolling my eyes. "I mean you can lie we both look hot thanks to you." She says as we walk down the halls of our apartment building. "Your welcome I tried my best." I say with a smile we both chuckle. When we get outside we hail a cab and head to the club. "What's this club called anyways." I ask. "It's called X" she replies. "That's it" I ask confused. All she does is nod.

Tony's pov

*Two weeks ago*

I had just arrived home early from the compound to surprise pepper I told F.R.I.D.A.Y not to tell her I was home.

As soon as I opened the door I could hear muffled noises from upstairs. Maybe she was watching tv as I got closer to our door I heard moaning coming from our bedroom. It sounded like another man was in there with her so she clearly wasn't masturbating. I walked up to the door heart pounding at the thought of what I'm about to see. But then anger and rage builds up inside me and I bust though the door. To see my girlfriend and enemy Michael Anderson in my bed. Pepper gasped as she looked up and saw me standing in the doorway she scrambled to get up only to trip over the sheets. Michael rushing to put his pants on. "WHAT THE FUCK PEPPER! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I scream out with nothing but rage and anger. "Tony i-I can explain!" She scrambled with her words. "Ok then explain." "Ok then explain!" My voice lowering in the slightest bit. She just stands there trying to come up with some excuse. I break the silence and say "How could you and with Anderson!?" "Tony I'm so so so sorry." She says with tear filled eyes. "Anderson out of my house now." I say sternly. "What was that Stark." He says in a taunting tone. "OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU! now do you hear me." I say tilting my head to the side pulling a Wanda. Michael rushes out the door and to his car that was parked up the street so I wouldn't notice. "Tony please for give me." Pepper begged. "An entire year" I said. "What?" "I WASTED AN ENTIRE YEAR ON YOU! I had my doubts about you but no I pushed them to the side because I believed you would never do that to me. And you know what I should have trusted my gut." " Tony I-I'm sorry." "NO DON'T I'M SORRY ME CAUSE SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT!" I scream out with tears in my eyes. "You can leave!" I say though my teeth. "W-what?" Pepper stuttered with tears falling down her cheek."GET OUT! And you are no longer co-owner of Stark industries."

"So your going to leave me with out a home and a job" Pepper sobs. "Go run along with your little Anderson he clearly likes you!" "YOU KNOW WHAT TONY!" Pepper screams no longer having tears running down her face. "WHAT WHAT PEPPER WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE TO SAY!" "AT LEAST HE HAS TIME FOR ME!" "OH REALLY I GIVE YOU AS MUCH ATTENTION AS I POSSIBLY CAN NOBODY IS FUCKING PERFECT PEPPER!" "Fine you know what I will leave" she says as she puts her clothes back on. "Good! You can keep everything I surly don't need it so you can go ahead and sell it you'll need the money! F.R.I.D.A.Y pack up all of miss pots belongings." "Right away Mr.stark" "Call that boyfriend of yours and tell him to come collect his trash." I say as I walk out the room.

*Present day earlier in the day*
Nat's pov

"Great job today everyone especially you Stark" cap praised. "Yeah thanks Cap." Tony said. "How about we go to that diner we went to after our very first mission" I suggest hoping it would brighten up Starks mood since he was the one to start the tradition of going to get shawarma from that one diner on 65th st. "I can't go I am taking vision to an amusement park" Wanda said as she flew away with vision following. Everyone except the other five of the original six avengers. As soon as we got there we were welcomed with happy faces since Tony helped with them rebuild their diner and helped gain them business they were very greatful for the group of super heroes. After leaving the diner on the way back to the compound "How about we go out and party tonight" Thor suggested "Sure I mean I need to get over this whole Pepper thing anyways." Tony perked up and stated. "Well If Stark is going I'm going to" I say. Everyone else agrees and we get back to the compound and asked everyone if they'd like to go everyone except Vision agreed to go. We asked why he didn't want to go and obviously his reply would be that he can't drink nor can he drive. So we said goodbye to vision and Tony had happy drive the limo to this club called X.

Y/n pov

We finally get to the club. Let's just say Lily wasn't lying when she said it would be packed.The line went from 91st to 97th st. Lily said she knew a guy to get us in before everyone else. "Hey Mitch hows it going." Lily says as we walk up to the door. " I'm good I'm good." the bouncer replies. "Wait you guys know each other." I ask confused at how she knows him. "Let's just say his brother is a jerk." "yeah sorry about Kyle lil." he says apologetically. "It's okay." Lily says with a smile. "Anyways you girls can go right on inside, and let me know if you need anything tell them that you are on Ryan's tab I already showed them your picture Lily so you shouldn't have a problem." he says. We walk in and the place is packed. We walk up to the bar and there was a server waiting for us. After she brought use to our table. It was in one of the corners some of the hardest tables to get. She said the best table was reserved for someone. But I didn't want to think of it to much I was here to have fun with my best friend.We order our drinks. I got a fruity drink it was much stronger than I thought it would be.Lily got some fire shots she got two one for me.

What you get

What Lily got

"Come on just drink it." Lily slurred already drunk. She is a huge lightweight. Or that was one strong drink. "Okay okay i'll take the shot." "yessss" she cheered. I let out a small chuckle before blowing out the fire and taking the shot it burned going down but it wasn't really that bad. About a good half an hour later Lily was really drunk and dancing with some guy in the crowd. She stumbled over to our table to tell me something. It was hard to understand her slurred speech over the loud music but all I heard was guy,checking ,out, and there. I gave her a confused look so she repeated her self, this time building up enough strength to sober up a bit to sound clearer. "THAT GUY OVER THERE IS CHECKING YOU OUT!"

She was right there was a guy staring at me. He looked familiar but I can't really remember where from. He had dark brown hair and a goatee. He was wearing a black suit paired with matching shoes. He was talking to some guy. He had on a blueish suit it really didn't look right on him I think he would look a lot better in black. I don't know why but I feel like everyone would look good in black you just have to know how to style it. Also it my be the lighting. But I couldn't care less about what he wears it's what he wants to wear. I guess they must've saw me because the one in the blue suit pointed at me and said something in the other guys ear. I quickly looked away and back at my friend who saw the whole thing and started laughing at me. "Shut up!" I said rolling my eyes.

A/N I'm going to try and write on the side in class and have it posted by tonight.

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