Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar L...

By hylianwolfblood

99K 4.5K 2K

Please go check out Part 1 before reading!! ^_^ Now that you have your wolf, how will you tame him when you'... More

The Wolf's Reign
Casting Shadows
(Christmas Special) A Very Merry Law-fully Good Christmas!
The Truth


1.8K 78 50
By hylianwolfblood

Law squeezing your thigh made you jolt and he was quick to pull his hand back. You'd never seen him look as flustered as he did right then, pink dusting his cheeks and ears.

"Ah, sorry, (f/n)-ya," he stammered.

You only stared at him with a smirk of your own, internally laughing at how shy he got when it came to certain things about you.

It was quite bold of him, you thought, but you didn't scold him.

When Law parked at the complex, you reached over to pat his head, gently combing his hair.

"You say that as if it wasn't something I liked," you purred.

You heard him give an inquisitive "oh?" before you stepped out of the car, followed by a chuckle as you both met at the stairs to your apartment.

Law's eyes were trained on yours even as you tugged him closer for a kiss. You melted under the warmth of his lips, humming softly when those tattooed fingers trailed down your sides. A hesitant hand hovered over your thigh.

"It's okay," you assured through a whisper, "but, let's go upstairs."

He nodded.

Entering your apartment, you immediately noticed the sad, taped up, broken lamp on your side table.

"You weren't kidding," you laughed quietly.

"There was an attempt to save it," Law defended, closing the door behind him and coming to your side.

"Poor thing didn't stand a chance," you said, scooping up the lamp and setting it near the trash can in the kitchen.

"Nothing really can," Law stood confidently, even as you sauntered back over to him.

"Nothing really can what, hm?"

"Stand a chance against me."

"I've proven that wrong before," you sneered and spidered your fingers in front of him before he could ask 'how'.

It was adorable the way he swallowed and grumbled at just the thought of how you could destroy him in seconds with that method.

"Ah, aside from...that," he hissed and cupped your hands in his, quickly quelling any ideas you had.

"Yes, of course, my big, strong wolf," you snickered.

Arching a brow, Law firmed his grip on your hands and stepped forward, those golden eyes forcing you to look into them without a word. Law had always been so alluring, but... this felt different.

The air shifted from levity to sincerity when he kissed you. Closing your eyes, you leaned into his lips, feeling the soft flex of his fingers over your hands. Gently, he pushed you back you until you felt the edge of the bed hit your bottom.

"Law," you murmured through a breath between kisses.

With care, he pressed you against the bed, your back comfortably against the sheets.

Kissing you down, Law's other hand held your face, thumbing your cheek until his fingers glided down your neck.

Warm, gentle, and firm, Law enveloped you with his affection like a blanket.

He kissed you more, his hold on your hands never wavering. A part of you wanted to touch him, to feel him, but you let him play with you as he wished. He wasn't going to hurt you. You trusted him.

Before you knew it, he was nuzzling you, mumbling words you couldn't understand against your neck.

"Mmmn, (f/n)-ya," his voice was lower than usual, the thrum of his deep tone smoothed over like melted chocolate.

The vibration of his lips and his stubble brushing on your skin tickled and you couldn't help but giggle softly.


"Mmm...mine," he drawled, his hands tightening around you, almost like a boa constricting its meal.

He was extra lovey that night, showing hints of what else he might be capable of. You couldn't shake the feeling of how unconventional it seemed, since he gave no warning at all, definitely weren't complaining.

And as if that wasn't unexpected enough, a new sensation tingled crossed your skin.

Teeth grazed over your shoulder bone, your breath hitching at the realization.

Law was biting you.

His fingers delved past the collar of your shirt to make room. It was new. But it didn't hurt.

This...felt nice.

Titillating, even.

Law's purring mixed with your soft moans drowned out any nerves you had. He was enjoying this as much as you were, if not more.

With your bedside lamp gone, you could only rely on the moonlight peering through the window to see. It was bright and highlighted the muscles on Law's shoulder that flexed each time he bit down on you, tensing and shifting as he drew lower to your collarbone.

His other hand had smoothed over to your back, as if to keep you steady the further he went.

Soon, though, Law's biting gradually faded to slow nibbles like a puppy teething on its comfort toy.

It was only then that you realized Law was slowly falling asleep on top of you, whether he knew that or not. Even when he was sleepy, Law's priority seemed to be your comfort.

Without warning, you felt Law suddenly shift into his wolf form, and now you were trapped beneath the fluffy behemoth.

This is fine.



You groaned and covered your head with the sheets at the sound of someone calling you. The knocking on the door unfortunately couldn't be drowned out.

"Lawwwww," you whined through a sleepy moan.

A weight lifted from the bed, Law coming to the rescue by getting the door for you.

"Oh. Hi, Law!" You heard Amanda. "Can I-"

"She's still sleeping," Law interrupted bluntly and shut the door on Amanda's face.

You tried to hold back a chuckle at that.

"Rude!" Amanda cried out as she opened the door and invited herself in.

Or at least she tried to until Law blocked her by leaning in the doorway, arms crossed.

"(F/n)!" Amanda whined, "Collect your boyfriend before I...I..." her attempt at sounding threatening was failing. You couldn't imagine what kind of glare Law was giving her to leave her stumbling over her words like that. "Just come here!"

"Okay, okay, just a second!" you called back.

Sitting up, you groaned at the sore feeling on your shoulder. Rubbing your hand over the skin, your eyes bulged.

Oh god.

Flying into the bathroom, you leaned over to the mirror and gawked at the marks Law imprinted on you the night before. They were peppered down your neck and collarbone. There was no time to put makeup on to try and hide that from Amanda.

Thinking quickly, you rushed to your closet and threw on one of Law's hoodies you had stashed in there.

"Come on in," you called to Amanda.

She stuck her tongue out at Law when she passed him, and you swore you could hear a faint growl rumbling in his throat. Or maybe it was his stomach.

"A hoodie in September? You feeling okay, (f/n)?" Amanda chuckled and pressed the back of her hand to your forehead.

You pushed the collar of the hoodie around your neck, hoping it was still covering the marks.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just got cold this morning..." you answered, though you were perfectly fine wearing hoodies year round - especially Law's hoodie.

It was hard to tell if she believed that, but her shrugging put you temporarily at ease.

Behind her Law silently gestured to the bathroom as if to say he was going to shower, and you nodded.

"So what brings you over so early?" you asked, not meaning for it to sound as though this were inconveniencing you - which it was.

"Well, remember what I said about...what I saw?" her voice lowered, clearly not meant for Law to hear even after he shut the door to the bathroom.

Your chest started to tighten. "You mean the..."

"Yeah, the wolves! I think I know a way to prove whether I really saw them or not! It's just been wracking my brain ever since, y'know?"

"I guess I understa- wait, prove?" your heart sank.

Amanda nodded way too quickly. "All we have to do is get the camera footage from the club!"

You gulped and desperately tried to look invested even though your stomach was coiling in on itself.

If she sees the wolves, sees people transform into wolves, what would she do? What if Law was in that footage...would she expose him? Amanda, despite being happy-go-lucky and air headed at times, was not easy to read when it came to her reactions.

"By the way," she continued, her brows furrowing a little, "now that I think about it, weren't you up on the patio, too? Did you see anything at all?"

Freezing up, you felt a lump clog your throat.

"Well, did you?"



As if on cue and saving you from answering, a loud cacophony of crashing and splashing came from the bathroom. You and Amanda both jumped up.

"Law?!" You called, immediately heading to the bathroom door.

"Clumsy, is he?" Amanda chuckled, clearly not as worried as you were.

Turning the handle, it was unlocked.

"Stay here," you told Amanda who sat on your bed, "I'll go see what the heck happened."

Carefully, you opened the door just wide enough for you to slip through and closed it behind you.

Your jaw dropped.

"Law, what in the..."

Somehow, Law had managed to bring down the shower curtains into the tub which mutilated your organized shampoo bottles and broke your shower caddy.


He wasn't answering.

There was a lump under the curtains and without thinking, you rushed over to help, worry starting to tighten your chest.

Ripping through the two layers of fabric, you dug your way through only to be met with a snout.

A snout?!

"Law!" You whisper-yelled.

Staring up at you was wolf Law, looking just as confused as you were, as much as a wolf could look, anyway.

"Everything okay in there?" Amanda called from the other side.

The door handle jiggled and you lunged to close it, but you slipped on the puddles of water.

"I'm coming in!"


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