Plus Ultra! (Male reader x Bo...

By Xhira956

139K 3K 3.9K

Your dream, was always to become the best hero in the world. To save people, to bring them hope, to help when... More

Y/N Info.
Chapter 1. A humble begining
Chapter 3. The Entrance Exam.
Chapter 4. First Day.
Chapter 6. Aftermath.
Chapter 7. Explosive nut πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 8. The hangout.
Chapter 9. The fight is on.
Chapter 10. An eye for an eye
Chapter 11. Trouble in Mid of the Night.
Chapter 12. Song of fire and ice.
Chapter 13. Shopping time!
Power's reminder.
Chapter 14. The Festival begins.
Chapter 15. Y/N VS Shoto
Chapter 16 Team fights.
Chapter 17. Gravitational love.
Chapter 18. Ice V.S. Explosions
Chapter 19. The semi-finals.
Chapter 20. Against all Odds.
Chapter 21. Winner's reward πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 22. Remember. πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 23. BY FIRE, BY TRAINED.
Chapter 24. To those who fight further.
Chapter 25. The Grand Couturier
Chapter 26 U.A Hero Exam.
Chapter 27. A moment of rest πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 28. The campment.
Chapter 29. The revelation.
Chapter 30. Pure Evil.
Chapter 31. The new Symbol of Hope.
Chapter 32. Notice me, Y/N
Chapter 33. Halloween.
Chapter 34. Lady Satsuki's needs
Chapter 35. Needs fullfilled πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 36. Decay.
SIDE CHAPTER. U.A's first attack.
Chapter 37. Infiltration.
Chapter 38. Not only heatπŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
Chapter 39. My people.
Chapter 40. Interruption.
Chapter 41. The enemy of my enemy...πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹
FINAL BATTLE. Force your way.
ENDING 1. Vengance.
ENDING 2. True hero.

Chapter 5. Heroes against villains

4.5K 113 176
By Xhira956


After an interesting day of getting dragged around by Shoto buying me those games I wanted and visiting Momo's house for the first time, I could finally get ready for the next day.

Why? Because All Might was gonna teach us tomorrow, and he is our Hero Class teacher! He will teach us various things about our quirks and how to be a proper hero! So, of course I want to be ready!

So, I slept like a baby, placing an alarm this time, had dinner and went to sleep.

When I woke up, I had a proper breakfast, and went towards the school. On my way, I crossed paths with Shoto. She instantly clunged to me, with that expressioness look on her face. She hugged my arm and walked with me.

Shoto:"Hey there, boyfriend."

Oh, yeah, I forgot a little detail. She, and Momo are now my girlfriends too. I don't have a problem, but, knowing we are making an harem, the rest of the female population on our class has been... very... close to me lately.

Y/N:"Hey! Sleep well?"

Shoto:"Yes. I've dreamed about you."

Y/N:"Oh? And what was the dream about?"

Shoto:"I rather not talk about it."

Y/N:"O-okay... well, your ready for today? I expect something awesome coming from All Might."

Shoto:"I guess. As long as I can train with you, I'm happy."

Y/N:"I don't mind at all having you as a partner!"


We finally arrived to the school. I can sense someone glaring daggers at me. Please, not a fight...

Katsuki:"Not even one day, and you already prefer her?"

Okay, let's keep walking... if Shoto continues to grab me, I'll drag her towards our class, and Katsuki will follow us...

What does that solve? Nothing, but I could sit on a chair. It will be more comfortable for me.

Shoto:"Who wouldn't?"

Katsuki:"Anyone with a brain?"

Shoto:"Says the one that lets her boyfriend have an harem for food."

Katsuki:"H-hey! You're on!"

I proceed to run, dragging Shoto with me. Katsuki runs behind us, shouting vulgarities at Shoto.

Timeskip brought to us by Shoto, stealing Y/N, angering a multitude of girls.

When we reached class, everything was for the worse. Not only Momo was there, joining the disscussion, but Mineta and Denki too, who decided to place me as public enemy number 1 for getting a harem.

So... yeah...

Shoto:"I saw him first today. I'm not giving him to none of you."

Katsuki:"Bitch, I was the one to let you get him! So, off of his lap, half'n half!"

Momo:"I-I want him too! We all agreed on sharing him!'

Shoto:"Now is my turn then."

Denki:"You deserve the worst, Y/N!"

Mineta:"Why won't you teach me?!"

Y/N:"Someone, save me!"

Suddenly, a rocky hand grabs me, and yanks me towards the owner. It was Eijira.

Eijira:"Hey, let the poor guy alone. He needs to breath too..."

Katsuki:"Hey, return him shitty hair!"


The door is opened suddenly by All Might.

All Might:"I'm walking through the door like a completely normal person!"

Y/N:"...why would you say that though?"

Eijira:"Yeah, that's... weird..."

All Might:"A-anyways, get on your seats, kiddos, the class is about to start."

I went to my seat, not before thanking Eijira for the save. Momo and Katsuki properly said hello to me, and went to their seats.

Shoto grabbed her table and chair and sat next to me, hugging my arm.

All Might:"All right, today, we are going to begin hero training. For that..."

He suddenly gets briefcases with numbers on them. Wait, don't tell me...

All Might:"We got your hero suits!"

Everyone cheered. We all wanted to see our suits alredy.

All Might:"So, take your suits, dress up, and meet me on the battle center! Move it kiddos, we have things to do today!"

We all grabbed our suits, and went to the changing rooms.

I opened the case and dressed up. Damm, I like it.

My father bussiness made it. He works for a company named REVOCS.

Tokoyami:"I like your style, Y/N."

I turned around to see Tokoyami, one of Ojiro's friends, behind me. He is a nice guy. A little bit edgy, but he is cool.

Ojiro:"Yeah dude, it's cool!"

Denki:"Damm, not only an harem, but a cooler suit than us..."

Mineta:"It's so unfair!"

Koji Koda gave me a thumbs up. He is not much of a talker.

Sato:"Yeah, it suits you!... pun non intended."

Iida:"I like your fashion sense, Y/N. It totally fits you!"

Aoyama:"But, is it as fabolous as me?"

The boys:"Who are you again?"

Y/N:"Anyways, why don't we go and meet All might and the girls? I'm ready for some action!"

The boys:"Yeah!"

We all marched together, as a group. I'm... liking this.

After a while, we reached All Might. Some of the girls were still changing.

I can see Eijira there, a little embarassed by the her suit. It shows... a lot of clevage.

Denki:"Damm, Eijira, I like your suit!"


Mineta:"Yes! It shows your perfect body!"

Eijira hides her body as much as she cans, and blushes. The two boys had blood on his noses. I punched their heads, knocking them out cold.

Upon seeing me, Eijira widens her eyes, and looks somewhere else.

Eijira:"I-I like your suit... it fits you."

Y/N:"I like yours too. It's perfect for your quirk. It gives some protection, but lets you use your quirk without trouble, right?"

She looks at me, surprised, and smiled.

Eijira:"Y-yeah! That was the point of the suit! And it looks manly!"

Y/N:"Yes it does!"

She looks more confident now, smirking.

Eijira:"Yeah, now, I'm ready!"

Suddenly, the girls come from their changing room. Their hero's suit are... interesting...

Izuku:"D-Damm, it's too tight..."

Katsuki:"It suits me!"

Momo:"M-maybe I should get something else... I'm a little cold..."

Y/N:"Hey there!"

The girls looks at me, and blush. Except Shoto, who just runs at me and tackles me, hugging me.

Shoto:"You are very handsome on that. You should wear it more often."


Katsuki:"Hey, cheater."

I look at her. She was making a sexy pose while smirking.

Katsuki:"How do I look?~"

Y/N:"S-Sexy... a lot..."

Momo and Izuki look between themselves. Izuki blushes, but Momo makes another sexy pose.

Momo:"What about me?~"

Y/N:"Y-yeah, a lot- can we stop doing this and start blowing things up?!"

Katsuki:"Yeah, I agree, let's break some skulls!"

Y/N:"That's not what I meant..."

Shoto lets me get on my feet. We all marched towards All Might.

All Might:"I see we are all here! Good! Let's explain what are we going to do here! First, get into teams of two, look for a partner!"

Eijira:"Dibs on Y/N!"

I look at her and run at her. If she says dibs, I have to go with her. The rules are the rules.

The girls didn't like it, but they complied.

All Might:"Good! I see you are all ready! Okay, hear me out. This will be simple. One of you will act as Villains, and another group must act as Heroes! The heroes will win if they restrain both Villains or capture the bomb! The villains if they stop the Heroes, or is a time out!"

Y/N:"Seems simple."

Eijira:"Yeah, we can win this!"

All Might:"Let's see who the first two teams will fight first!"

Some type of machine starts to spin. Katsuki and Iida against Izuki and Ochako. Not good.

All Might:"Katsuki Bakugou and Tenya Iida will be the Villains for this match!"

Eijira:"Y/N! Let's see the match!"

Y/N:"Actually, we should talk about the strategy."

Eijira tilts her head.

Y/N:"Follow me."

I went inside a room, where Eijira and I could be alone.

Y/N:"Good. Let's talk about our quirks first. I can copy others quirks. Which means, I could copy yours, as long as I understand it, and doesn't affect my body too much. Currently, I have Night Vision, Bakugou's explosions and Enhanced Stamina."

Eijira:"That's sooo coool! Mine is simple!" She then hardened her body, looking more like rock "I can make my body be surrounded by rock armour! It's pretty strong! Oh, Maybe you could copy it!"

Y/N:"How does it work?"

Eijira:"Hmmm... by what a doctor said, I can make part of my blood enter a "solid state", and morph that solidified blood into rocks. That's why if I use it too often, I get dizzy."

Something inside me changes. I try to focus on what she said. Suddenly, she gasps.

Eijira:"You copied it! That's so cool!"

Y/N:"Yeah... but it's so heavy!"

Eijira:"Well, you need to get used to it. Don't worry, I'll help you! Try to sit, and stay in that form. It doesn't matter how much time you are like that, the problem comes when trying to regenerate parts of the broken armour, or to activate it again."

Y/N:"I see. So, we could say, the quirk is not "activated" right now."

Eijira:"Exactly! You activate the quirk to remove or apply the armour! Not to make the armour stay!"

That's really good. Because I can use her armour while using Katsuki's quirk without getting too tired.

Eijira:"Try to move while we talk about strategies."

I move around the room, doing laps, little jumps... whatever exercise I can do that doesn't hurt me.

Y/N:"Okay. First, let's not talk about Katsuki, Iida, Izuki or Ochako."


Y/N:"They will fight in 2 minutes or so. They won't fight again."

Eijira:"Oh. Fair point."

Y/N:"But, we will fight the others. First, let's say it now. Hanta Sero, Hagakure or Ojiro aren't much of a threat."

Eijira:"Hagakure's invisibility could be annoying, but doesn't have any combat quirk to face us. Ojiro can't fight us on our armour. But, why Sero?"

Y/N:"I've seen what he can do on the tests Aizawa made. He wasn't able to lift things that weight a lot, like your armour."

Eijira:"I see. What about the others?"

Y/N:"The most powerful or threatening to us are Shoto, Tokoyami and Shoji."

Eijira:"Wait, I can understand Shoto. Her ice is powerful, and if she uses her fire even more. Tokoyami gets stronger on darkness I've heard. We are on a building, so, that's bad. But, Shoji? Why?"

Y/N:"Shoji can spot us easily if he uses his eyes and ears. He could tell our position to someone strong like Shoto or Tokoyami, and ambush us."

Eijira:"How can we avoid that?"

Y/N:"We have to be stealthy if we fight him."

Eijira:"What about the others?"

Y/N:"Tsuyu and Mineta could ambush us easily. We can't split up against them. Jiro could spot us too, that one is gonna be hard."

Eijira:"What about Denki and Sato?"

Y/N:"Electricity is useless against rock, so... Sato's strength could be a problem for me, since I can't properly move. You would have to fight him."

Eijira:"Got it!"

Y/N:"Mina's acid can be dangerous, specially since I didn't saw how she uses it, so, we should be careful. Lastly, our big threat. Momo."

Eijira:"Why Momo?"

Y/N:"Because not only she is intelligent, but, her quirk could be dangerous. She can create whatever she cans to hurt us, so, we should be extra carefull."

Suddenly, the comms around the battle center are opened.


We both exit and go towards the rest. We can see Izuki pretty fucked up, and Katsuki with a gloom look.

I wanted to go and help her, but...

All Might:"Our new fighters will be Y/N L/N and Eijira Kirishima against Momo Yaoyarozu and Minoru Mineta!"

We look at them. Momo looked at me seriously, and went towards me.

Momo:"When you face me there, I want you to look at me as your enemy, not your girlfiend."

Y/N:"Then I want you to do the same."

She gaves me her hand.

Momo:"I will."

She shakes it, and enters the building. They will fight as the villains.

Eijira:"That was so manly!"

I chuckled. I were infront of the building, waiting. They had 5 minutes to prepare their defenses.

Eijira:"So, you have a plan?"

Y/N:"Yes. Momo will try to maximize Mineta's quirk, and keep a trick up her sleeve to eliminate you."

Eijira:"Me? Why?"

Y/N:"Because they don't have the firepower to properly eliminate or restrain you. Mineta's balls could stop us, so, she will prepare ambushes, hoping for the best. She will use her fighting skills against me, and her quirk just for you."

Eijira:"Okay, so, what do we do?"

Y/N:"Do you like blowing things up?"

Eijira:"A lot."

Y/N:"You are gonna enjoy this then."

2 minutes remaining. Okay, I have a plan. Instead of going through one of the many hallways, we will make our own way by blowing the building. Eijira will cover me, in case Mineta attacks me.

From there, we'll beat Momo, and capture the bomb.

Eijira:"Got it! I'll be easy!"

Y/N:"Remember, nothing goes always the way you want. Get ready for surprises, Momo is too clever."


All Might:"Time's up! Heroes, go in!"

Eijira:"Let's do this!"

We enter the building. We go slow, checking the corners for Mineta. We made a turn and we see a dark corridor. I signaled Eijira to wait.

I used my night vision. Mineta was there, standing still, looking at us. Something's wrong. He is not that stupid to just stay there. Heh, nice try.

Y/N:*Whispering* "Eijira, get on my back."

She nodded and climed my back. I used my explosions to blow the roof above Mineta. He widen his eyes, and dodge. There were some of his balls on his hands, he threw them at the rocks falling on him, avoiding death. I used my explosions to get in second floor through the hole I made.

Mineta:"You could have killed me!"

Y/N:"You are okay though... quick, towards Momo!"

Eijira got her feet on the ground and started running.

Mineta:"Not so fast!"

He jumped through the hole, and threw his balls at us.


Something he didn't realised is... he is inside a room with only one exit. I blew the door, rubble getting on the door. Mineta has to go make it to the stairs now if he wants to help Momo.

Eijira:"Nice! A 2 against 1 now!"

Y/N:"Yes. Hey, Eijira, take this."

I give her an earpiece.

Y/N:"Once you've located Momo, talk to me. Let's split up now, Mineta will retreat towards Momo. Is too risky for him to try and find us."


She goes up some stairs. I went my own way, trying to find a room where Momo and Mineta could be.

Eijira:"Y/N, I found them. They are on a room, similar to those presidentials rooms, if you know what I mean."

Y/N:"Can you see them? Where's Mineta?"

I enter the room below them, and prepare an explosion.

Eijira:"He is panting, in the upper left corner."

Y/N:"Okay, once I explode him, get Momo."


I position myself where Eijira said, and blew the roof. Mineta falls through the hole, surprised. I took the chance to kick him on the head really hard, knocking him out.

I climb up the hole. Momo was dodging Eijira's attacks, but had her back facing me. I got my handcuffs. Eijira saw me, and feinted a punch, throwing a kick. She passed Momo towards me.

Y/N:"Caught ya!"

Momo:"I have you now!"

She then creates a cannon, and fires.

Momo:"Eijira, you are strong, but not fast enough to get me. I can protect the bomb, while dodging your attacks. We won!"

Eijira:"Umm, are you sure about that?"

She smiled, and pointed at me. Momo turned around to see me reinforced. I blocked Momo's cannonball.

Y/N:"Nice try."

Momo sighed.

Momo:"There's nothing I can do now. Nice job guys."

Eijira smiled, and handcuffs Momo.

Eijira:"You are really fast, Momo! You must teach me how to be as fast as you!"

All Might:"Y/N L/N and Eijira Kirishima wins! Minoru Mineta and Momo Yaoyarozu are incapacitated!"

Eijira runs to me and hugs me, happy.

Eijira:"We make an amazing team! We are the best!"

I ruffled her hair, and smiled.

Heh, our first victory...

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