You Interest Me \\L x F!Reader

By entriico

326K 11.7K 12.9K

"Would you mind if I asked for your assistance?" She looked up from the ground to meet his eyes that were alr... More

1: Pandas In A Candy Shop
2: Sweet Coincidences And Home Sweet Home
3: Ever Met A Candy Man That Hates Sour Candy?
4: Reaper of Death? Is that You?
5: Confess Your Sins To The Detective And You Shall Be Free
7: Ironically, Death Is Not An Option
8: Apple For Your Thoughts?
9: Mother Dearest That Was Sent From Hell
10: Realizations And Sugar Rushes
11: They're The Yagami's, Apparently
12: Nice Guys Get Shot
13: Watari's Loyal Helper
14: Solving Crime and Looking Good While Doing So
15: It's Not Home If Matsuda's Stupidity Is Not There
16: It's The 31st Of October, Can We Prepare For Christmas Now?
17: Cuffs and Kicks, It All Makes Her Sick
18: Welcome Home, My Precious Child
19: Date Nights, Romance and Murder
20: Forgive Thy Enemy, But Only After They Have Been Hanged
21: Walk With Hope And You'll Never walk Alone Again
22: Memories In Your Photograph
23: If Ghosts Aren't Real, Then What The Hell Is This?
24: Do You Believe in Eternal Happiness?
25: The Harboured Tales of Grief And Fear
26: That's Our Mello Alright
27: Terrifying Situations And Terrifying Phone Calls
28: Don't Stand Too Close The Heart, Plastic Melts
29: Young Kids And Stupid Mistakes
30: Whoever Said 'Communication Is Key', Fucking Lied
31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain
32: Party Time and Past Times
33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"
34: He's Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good
35: Anxiety Is A Reminder Of What You Have Done Wrong
36: The Greatest Detective's Hardest Case Yet
37: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
38: Leave No Stone Unturned. They're Gonna Get You
39: She's A Human With An Independent Will. Freedom? Not So Much
40: Welcome To The Club, Pal
EPILOGUE: A Fairytale Prince Wears A Crown, Ours Wear Jeans

6: KIRA (Japanese); Meaning: Biggest Pain In The Ass

12.4K 423 601
By entriico

"I told you not to do it and you did it anyway."

"Because you were the one who told me not to do it, that's why I did it."

"Real mature Y/n."

"Ha! This is rich coming from you Lightbulb."

"You wouldn't know maturity if it came up and slapped you."

"Someone is about be slapped right now and it sure as hell ain't me."

The rest of the task force listened to the two bicker because Y/n ate the last oreo.

Light scoffed, "Do you think I'm phased by that?"

"Let's find out."

She was preparing her hand to slap the idiot and Light turned to his head to the side so Y/n wouldn't have any trouble in doing so

Matsuda gripped her wrists in an attempt to stop her.

"I don't think violence is the answer Y/n."

The aggravated girl sighed, "Fine."

"Ha." Light smirked.

"Ryuzaki." Y/n called in a annoyed tone. He looked up from his laptop instantly.

"Really?" Light scoffed once again, "You're going to tell on me?"

"Do you have a fucking mute button?"

Light rolled his eyes and walked away from her, she turned to L with a smile, somewhat calmed after Light left, " I have to go now."

"Why?" he tilted his head.

Y/n laughed, " Because my mother is crazy." she twirled piece of his hair on her finger then ruffled it, "I'll see you later."

"Have a good night Y/n."

"Goodnight L." she gathered her things, " Goodnight everyone." she said louder, addressing the rest of the task force.

Everyone waved her off.

Once reaching home Y/n was exhausted. She flopped on her bed and laid there for a couple minutes before putting on Sakura TV.

She loved to watch and make fun of how fake they were.

Y/n decided on on changing her oversized shirt to a vest and slipped on a pair of shorts when she heard something about the staff being hostages and Kira wanting a tape played.

Kira proved himself by killing people who were live on television.

This isn't like Kira at all she thought.

Then she saw a familiar face trying to get in. Is that Ukita?

Then he fell to the floor. Y/n audibly gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

Officers who stepped in also died.

The news crew who were broadcasting the entire thing stepped away in fear of being killed

"How did he know their names? It makes no sense!" The anxious girl thought out loud, "I have to stop this."

They can't get me if he can't see my face can he?

Y/n grabbed the jacket that was given to her by the detective and pulled up the hood. Taking her wallet and phone, putting it into its pocket.

She snuck out the window, running to Sakura TV station.

Once near the vicinity, she pulled her hood more down as her heart pounded.

She slipped through the back and noticed a van in the wall.

What the hell? There's no way I'm not dreaming this

She stepped over rubble and ran inside. With the hood being so far down she bumped into someone.

Y/n was cautious in looking up and sighed a breath a of relief when it was Mr. Yagami.

Hesitant in lowering her guard, she pulled her hood off anyway.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, you are supposed to be in the hospital,"

"I couldn't stand by and watch this." He said

" Me either, let's go get those tapes Mr. Yagami."

He gave a firm nod to the girl. He pulled out his gun and held it at his side as they hurriedly walked, trying to find where they were playing the tapes.

Once they found the room, Mr. Yagami pointed his gun and yelled, "Alright! I am Chief of the NPA and this is a detective on the Kira investigation. Give us the tapes now!"

It was a bit weird having Mr. Yagami refer to her as detective but she liked it.

"We have orders from Kira!" Hitoshi Demegawa said in a panic, she assumed he ran things around here, " We'll die if-'

The girl clenched her teeth as her patience was wearing thin, " Listen!" Y/n snatched Mr. Yagami's gun and pressed the *barrel to Demegawa's forehead, *cocking the gun.

"Y/n !" Mr. Yagami cried in shock.

" You either die by Kira or die by me, choose wisely."

"Alright alright!" he says on the verge of tears.

Once the tapes were in Y/n's possession she handed the gun back to its owner.

"I am going to call Ryuzaki."

She nodded.

When Mr. Yagami does so, she heard L's voice very faint over the phone.

"Y/n is also here."

She cringed, she hoped he wouldn't have mentioned that small detail. He handed her the phone.

Crap, he wants to talk to me

The girl exhaled harshly and brought the phone up to her ear.

"Hey pandas. It's been a while. How are you?"

"What are you doing?" He asked a bit sternly, referring to what was she doing there with a man who also shouldn't have been there.

"Talking to you silly."

Even when he was clearly upset with her she found a way to make him hold back a smile.

"Listen to me carefully, in exactly 5 minutes I want you both to walk out the front entrance. I trust you will take care of Mr. Yagami."

"Yes sir."

" I will deal with you when you return."

Once their conversation ended she muttered, "Crap."

Y/n did as L instructed and he did not disappoint. There were police officers who wore masks and had shields to protect them from Kira.

There was a car waiting for the two.

Mr. Yagami went for the driver's seat and Y/n went for the passenger's. There was no way she was driving. She hadn't driven since the accident.

They both took the time to dwell in the silence and enjoy the ride.

Soon enough the hotel came into view. They both entered together.

Everyone except Light was there.

"Chief! Y/N!" Matsuda beamed.

"I'm glad you both are okay." Aizawa interjected.

"Come on chief." Y/n led him to the sofa to let him rest.

She cleared her throat, " We managed to get the tapes." she said while putting them on the coffee table.

L was quiet which bothered her

He was in the corner, head buried in the laptop.

"Great job, we would be able to do so much with these!" Matsuda smiles.

"Indeed, both your efforts are greatly appreciated, it won't go to waste," L assures then looks at her, "Y/n, could you please wait in my room. I will be with you shortly."

Feeling too tired to say anything she just nodded.

Once she was in his room, she took off her jacket and laid down

She longed for a shower. She did run for about 6 minutes in a jacket.

In time L entered, closing the door gently. Y/n grunted as she sat up. She watched as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"What were you thinking Y/n? That was extremely dangerous." His monotone soft but strict.

"I lived didn't I?"

"That is not the point, you go into dangerous situations and do not think twice about what could happen to you."

"You are right. I didn't think about myself because I was thinking about the innocent lives Kira was taking.," her voice got harsher, "For Christ's sake L, we even lost one of our people today."

"What happened to Ukita was tragic but why do you think that happened? He was not calm and collected making rational decisions. He moved without a plan."

Y/n stood to her feet, " You say I'm not an idiot and then treat me like one. Did you really think I wouldn't realize something was wrong the second those officers died?"

He wished she would just understand that her safety is just as important as everyone else's. She is quick in doing anything even if it could cost her life.

"The last thing I want is to make you feel like you are an idiot. I just want you to think before you act because if you do not that is how you die."

She stepped closer to him and looked up at him whilst he looked down, "What would you have preferred for me to do then L? Hm?"

"Just how we got you and Mr. Yagami out, we could have had you go in- simple."

Y/n was upset he made a valid point.

"We don't have the time for all of that, L."

"I will make the time when it involves your safety, do you understand me?"

Y/n sighed

"L, I'm tired." she said in a whisper almost, "I'm going home."

"It is almost one in the morning, you are not going to get a car."

She shuffled out the bedroom, having the detective follow after her.

Everyone had already left.

" I'll take the train."

"Y/n, just stay the night."

She stopped and turned to face him, he was closer than she thought.

"Are you sure you are okay with that?"

"Of course, I will take the couch."

"No, this is your hotel room, I'll take the couch."

"Y/n." he said sternly

"Ryuzaki." she said in the same manner as him, " You're lucky I don't know your real name, I'd over use it in situations like this to get my way."

He steps closer, " Your way, huh?"

"Yes," she stood her ground.

"You are not sleeping on that couch, it' is too small."

"So you won't let me sleep on the couch and then you insinuate I'm fat."

" You are putting words in my mouth. I meant it will be uncomfortable for you."

They both stood their ground, a few inches away from each other. To be fair, they did both find it fun.

"Hate to break it to you pandas but I live in discomfort."

His eyebrows knitted together, showing his confusion

"Somehow, somewhere what I just said made sense and it still stands as an argument."

They stared at each other

"Hm, why is that?"

"Because I said so."

"Yeah?" L cleared his throat, looking Y/n up and down, making her shift. He had just realized this was the first time he saw her out of oversized clothing, He smiled at that reaction.

"Y/n?" he called softly.


She felt her knees grow weak with the way he said her name.

"We will share the bed, is that alright?"

"Mhm," she nodded and bit her bottom lip, looking into his dark eyes. The detective's lips parted a bit as he stared in awe.

Y/n breath hitched, " I should really shower though." she snapped out of it, stepping back.

"Yes of course."

L left the room to give her privacy. Once she showered she felt so much better. Y/n entered the bedroom and saw clothes laid out for her.

She couldn't wear her old clothes for obvious reasons.

It was one his sweaters, it looked like the same one he had on at the moment. He probably had a ton of these.

She put it on and wore her old shorts. It was oversized on her which was great since that's what she mostly wore.

She exhaled heavily before going into the living room where L was. He was going over some files.

"I'm gonna go to bed."

He immediately averted his attention the girl in one of his shirts and nodded.

"Goodnight Y/n." he smiled.

"I don't really want you going to bed late, it's already 2 A.M."

He was obviously tired, he was always tired but was too stubborn to admit it.

"Can you come now?"

"I do not think so Y/n, I have all this work I want to go over."

She walked over to him, gently grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?"

"You brought this on yourself, I asked nicely first."

When she set him on the bed, he just sat there and did not lay down as a small protest.

"Am I going to have to tuck you in?" Y/n laughed, "I will if it will make you sleep."

He always felt appreciated with her, he never felt that once before.

She pushed his shoulders back for him to lay back.

The lights were taken off and she laid next to him. Y/n took the covers and threw it over the both of them.

It was pretty freezing out, more than usual actually.

"Goodnight, L."

"Thank you, Y/n. You didn't have to."

"You're right, I wanted to. Get some rest, okay?"

" Goodnight, Y/n."

"Night Night."

She shifted comfortably on the bed, the covers over her shoulders. L saw her sleeping figure next to him, never had he felt this much comfort.

His mind started to wander.

What would he had done if he had never met her? He knew the answer.

He would have been miserable, just as he has been almost his entire life.

The metal tube through which a projectile or shot charge is fired.

*cocking the gun
Cocking a gun will get it to the point where pulling the trigger will fire the gun.

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