The Club

Da Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... Altro

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four


7 1 0
Da Spirit_5758

I sat there stun.
Not only is Hansen is actually Tynan, but he's also Mr. Dubuik's son!
No! That's not possible. I didn't get that feeling of power from him; he felt semi-normal. I didn't get the cold aura like I do with Grimshaw, Hector, and even Finn. So how can Tynan be Mr. Dubuik's son? It makes little sense, and all of this makes my head spin trying to figure it out. I grab onto my head, as this is getting too confusing and too complicated. I would've known he was dangerous. I would've felt it, but I didn't. I don't get it. I can't comprehend any of this. Why didn't I feel that power radiating off of him? Does Stacy and Paula know about him? Were they just keeping it a secret from me about who he really is? I can't believe this, can't believe any of this!
I glanced at the two club members, as they were still quiet. I noticed they had fear still written across their faces, and they looked worried. I've never seen them look so worried and scared. I jump a mile high when a phone went off. Grimshaw moves to take his expensive iPhone out of his pocket, before checking the caller ID. I heard him let out a groan of annoyance before he stands up and walks out of the room before answering the call. I'm getting a bad feeling about this. I thought, like everything with Tynan and now with this phone call. I'm not even sure what time it is now, but it's going to get dark soon. I don't feel like walking in the dark, especially around this school that wields black magic.
Grimshaw then storms back into the room, and he looks pissed off now. Who was on the other line? Do I even want to know? Probably not. It's best if I don't ask, and honestly, I just want to head back to my dorm room. I want to forget about this day. I wish I could forget this entire year.
"Who was that?" Hector spoke up, asking Grimshaw after the long silence.
"Kedron." Grimshaw hisses.
"Your brother?" Hector asks shock but looked troubled again.
"Yes." Grimshaw hisses again, not sounding happy.
"What did he want?" Hector asks, sounding afraid to ask.
"He heard about everything, about Dubuik coming here, and now he's coming here as well." Grimshaw growls.
I widen my eyes as after he said that something clicked because didn't that big scary monster thing tell us that somebody else was coming too? Was it Grimshaw's brother? Is that who else is coming here? If so, how much longer do we have until this war comes? I'm not ready to face Mr. Dubuik yet, and luckily I know he's not coming until the opening of my play. I'm not ready for all of this to happen.
"He's coming? Why?" Hector asks, sounding alarmed.
"He's the other person who's supposed to come. Isn't he?" I ask before Grimshaw could answer.
"What?" Grimshaw asks, turning towards me.
"That demon. That monster said that there's supposed to be another person coming here. It's your brother." I tell them as they stare at me in shock.
"Is that true, Grim? Is that what he said?" Hector asks, standing up.
"It's true, but we don't know if it's Kedron." Grimshaw says, crossing his arms.
I shook my head at him as he was the only other person besides Mr. Dubuik who's coming. He has to be the one. I feel like all of this happening too fast, and honestly, I don't want it to. I'm not ready to die yet. What am I supposed to do if everyone comes and I'm not prepared? I will die, that's what. I thought, letting out a sigh. I need to prepare myself and stop hanging out with these guys so much. I mean, I'm not doing it on purpose. It just keeps happening, but it needs to stop. I need to train myself in self defense or something. I need to protect myself and need to stop getting so scared about everything. I'm tired of letting these dark users terrify me. I need to stand my ground and protect myself and my blood. I have to make sure that nobody takes it. I'll start training myself this weekend, it's almost the weekend and I can't wait!
Tomorrow will be Friday, which is also the day the drama club finds out who gets what part of the play. I hope I don't get any part, then I can focus more on trying to protect myself. I guess I should've picked a simpler club to join. I thought, realizing my mistake. It's too late to go back now, but it's still not too late to stick to my original plan! I will get out of this school, and I will get out of this town. I will move back to Alabama and never have to see this town or school filled with dark users ever again! I can do it. Nothing can go wrong. What's the worse that can happen, anyway?

It's the next morning, and I'm sitting in my first class but I couldn't help but glance over at Stacy. I can't keep wondering if she knew about Hansen being Tynan and that he was Mr. Dubuik's son all along. Stacy had to know, because they were friends. It will just be another one of those weird coincidences. Of course, though, I was wrong about Grimshaw being the son of Mr. Dubuik. I could be wrong on this one too. How will I be able to tell, though? I can't and that's what I hate about this. I feel like people can read me and I can't even tell if people are lying or trustworthy. It's so frustrating! No matter what, though, I have to talk with Stacy.
"Class dismissed. Everyone enjoy your weekend." Our teacher, Mrs. Houston, says tiredly.
I quickly gathered my stuff before following Stacy out of the classroom. I caught up with her before stopping her in the hallway. Stacy spins around with widening eyes but calms down when she saw it was just me.
"You scared me, Lonnie." Stacy says with a smile.
"Sorry, but I need to talk with you." I tell her, trying not to scare her.
"Okay. But does it have to be now? I don't want to be late for my next class." Stacy tells me.
"It will be quick." I tell her as I pulled her towards the janitor's closet that she brought me in on Monday.
"Okay? What's going on Lonnie?" Stacy asks looking skeptical.
"How much do you know about Ty-uh, I mean Hansen?" I ask awkwardly.
"Hansen? Well, honestly, not much. He started coming to school again about a week before you did. They kicked him out for something he did in junior year. He couldn't come back until this year." Stacy explains to me, shrugging.
"That doesn't seem suspicious to you?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow.
"Lonnie, you're in a school that performs dark magic. People will get kicked out, but they will come back because of their parent's money." Stacy tells me as I've forgotten.
"Do you know anything else about him?" I ask hoping she would give me a hint that she knows who he was.
"No. Why are you so curious about him? Oh! I get it now. You like him, don't you?" Stacy asks thinking she figured it out.
"What? No! That's not it!" I yell, blushing from embarrassment.
"Yeah huh sure, Lonnie. I see that blush." Stacy says smirking as she elbows me in the side.
"No no! You got it wrong!" I groan as I covered my face.
Stacy laughs but stops when we hear the bell ring. Stacy curses as she runs out of the room, and I quickly run out as I'm late for my next class as well. Well, besides getting embarrassed, I at least know that Stacy doesn't know who Hansen is. That's good to know, at least. It means I can trust her. For now, at least. I'm still unsure about Paula, though. I will have to talk with her when I can. Hopefully she won't think I'm interested in Tynan like Stacy thought. I just want this day to end. Well no, actually want this year to end.

Well shit.
How the hell did this happen?
This makes little sense to me.
I just don't get it!
Why the hell am I the lead role!?
I didn't even try for the lead role and there's my name next to her name. This has to be some sort of mistake. I need to talk with Mr. Pilcher about this. Where is he, anyway? Maybe in his office. That makes sense, so I'll go look there. I kept glancing down at my name next to the lead role's name, as I walk towards his office. This honestly can't be happening to me. I let out a sigh when I'm outside of his office door, and when I'm about to knock on the door, it opens. Mr. Pilcher stands on the other end, staring at me with wide eyes. I took a step back awkwardly, as I didn't expect him to open the door so suddenly. I feel like that keeps happening to me a lot.
"I'm sorry Lonnie. I didn't realize you were out here." Mr. Pilcher says, apologizing.
"No, it's my fault for just standing out here. I-uh came to talk to you about the roles of the play." I tell him, hoping he won't get mad.
"Oh! Sure, come on in Lonnie!" Mr. Pilcher says waving me inside.
I walk inside before sitting in a chair that's in front of his desk. Mr. Pilcher closes his door before walking over and sitting behind his desk. He looks up at me before smiling at me but instantly frowns when I give him the paper with everyone's names and who they will play in the play. I fiddled with my thumbs as I'm nervous about what he will say and worried that he would get mad at me.
"Do you not like the part of Veranda?" Mr. Pilcher asks me.
"Its well, it's just that I didn't audition for her part. I shouldn't get her part if I didn't audition for it." I explain it to him.
"Usually yes, but um this time I had to make an exception." Mr. Pilcher tells me awkwardly.
"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.
He lets out a sigh before answering with, "You got yourself in the wrong crowed, didn't you Lonnie?"
"What?" I ask shock.
"I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to make you the lead role. Lonnie, he rules this school and now he wants you to play the lead role, it seems." Mr. Pilcher explains to me seriously.
"Are you talking about Grimshaw?" I ask, annoyed that he keeps butting into my life.
Mr. Pilcher's eyes widen at my question before shaking his head. I tilt my head to the side confused before he says, "No, not Grimshaw, although I have to say he rules this school as well."
"Then who are you talking about?" I ask, getting impatient but nervous for the answer.
Mr. Pilcher opens his mouth to answer but closes it quickly when the door swings open. I froze when I felt a strong power radiating behind me. I shivered from fear as it felt stronger than Grimshaw's power. I didn't even want to turn around, but my curiosity is telling me I have to know who this powerful person is. I slowly turn around in my chair, and my whole body froze. My eyes widen in shock and I felt like someone has slapped me in the face. I guess I should have guessed it, but he just never came to mind. He's standing there in all of his glory and has the biggest smirk on his face. I watch him as he walks in before closing the door behind him. I watch him terrified as he glances over at Mr. Pilcher, before looking back over at me.
"He's talking about me." Tynan says still smirking.

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