Till The End |✍︎︎

Galing kay _koolkats

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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... Higit pa



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Galing kay _koolkats

"I feel like a stranger to myself

And sometimes that feels dangerous

But I'll bet you'll see me

For who I truly am"


Deal?A contract? Now I don't know much about adultnappings but one thing I know is that they don't make deals with their captures.

"What do you mean deal?"he rolls his eyes and I scoff."Okay  scratch deal , think of it as a contract."What in the chicken noodle soup is this?

"Okayyy well what's in it?"I ask warily.

"You will be living here for a year and after the year is over,we will kill or let you go,depends."Riccardo shrugs.

"Depends on what?"

"Either on how I am feeling or if you have followed the rules or not."

"Rules?!Am I in school now,I am a grown ass woman and you nor anyone will give me rules or tell me what to do."I stand up and put my hands on the table while he just sits back into his chair causally.

"1)If we let you go you will not tell a soul about what you saw or heard."He begins.

This bitch just ignored me.

"2)During your stay,you will be my personal assent of sorts."

"And how much will I be getting paid if I am gonna be your PA?"I sit down slowly."Besides you being alive?"He raises a condescending  eyebrow with a mischievous grin while I roll my eyes."Of course."

I roll my eyes a lot,I should stop.

"50k per month,obviously in US dollars seeing as once you are done here, you will be back home."

WHATTTT that's like 6 months salary and that includes tips.Mrs Williams didn't pay much but it was either that or work at a strip club."Are you being serious?"

He nods his head with a prideful smile on.Guess my stay won't be so bad.

"4)When you go somewhere you tell either me,Louis,Antonio or Luther where and what time you will be back."

"Did-did you just give me a curfew kind of?"I ask, raising an eyebrow and glaring at at him ,he seems so relaxed and it is starting to piss me off."Basically.Now if you would let me cont-"

"You gave me a curfew ,I will stay here to not expose you or whatever but you will not act like my parent."

He rose an eyebrow in the from of a challenge."Oh sorry did I hit a nerve?"Riccardo asks in a sarcastic form and I am so close to punching him in his smug face but I must compose myself."You know what,fine.Are those all your rules or are you going to tell me when my bedtime is?"

I cross my arms across my chest which hurt my shoulder making me wince.Riccardo's smirk falls immediately off and something crosses his features, worry?

"Are you okay?What happened?"He stands up from his chair and comes round to me and kneels down before me so we are at eye level.

Hehe I got a man I just met on his knees for me.

"Yeah I'm finee,just jumped from the roof then drove into the sunset with the joker."He rolls his eyes and went back to his seat."I'm being serious Maeve."

My name sounds hot when he says it."Your stairs tripped me and I rolled down."

Riccardo is quiet before he starts chuckling, a boyish smile on his lips revealing a dimple."You-you tripped on air"

"Hey hey it's not funny, your stairs tripped me so I promise I will sue them."He starts laughing again and I can't  help it but I start to laugh too.His laughs die down and  hands me a pen, his mask back in place and the smile gone."Now please do sign this, failure to abide to these and you will die.We will give you a phone that will be obviously tapped and here we don't allow traitors or rats to live another second."

Damn that changed quick.I nod my head and debate on whether its worth it,I mean back home I don't have much but its not like I can even say no.I get paid, a fancy roof over my head and lets be honest, how bad can this really be?

Signing the paper quickly, a chill runs down my spine.I just signed my life away to stranger,fuck me."Yay,I'm now working for you and looks like I can't quit.So what exactly do you do,I know a bit but not much and what will I be doing?"

Riccardo eyes me up and down and looks like he is debating on whether to tell me or not, maybe it's not even that bad.Oh who am I kidding its probably hitmen society.

"Well I own many elite cousins, hotels and real estate.One of the best businessman in the country and while I do that,I am the leader of the Romano family.We run New York City and Vegas and obviously Italy."Riccardo says,a hint of pride in his voice.

Leader of what?!I was just playing when I said they look like hitmen."You can't be serious right?"I laugh nervously my eyes darting over to the portrait in front and then the papers on his desk then back up again.

"Oh I am dead serious."A int of amusement in his tone making me scowl at him.Do mafia's even exit still,I mean come on.I just sold my soul to the mafia.

"Okay,so why kill the vice mayor of the crappiest place in New York,well not crappiest but its really about to tip the point."I ask as I clear my throat.

"I don't need to tell you."Riccardo merely shrugs and I scoff,this cabrón won't tell me what landed me here."Well ,seeing as I am your personal assent,I would say it's my job to know."

Riccardo's eyes gleam in amusement and I fight the urge to punch his smug face.

 When I think he will actually tell me he says,"We have a meeting at one of our warehouses at 7pm and you must be there,breakfast is at 9am and supper at 6pm."

"Okay and can I ask one more question before I go?"I ask deciding to let it go and come back fro round two later on.

"What is it?"

"Do you have anymore siblings besides Isabella?"I ask noticing his body relax a bit from its tense posture and the amusement fade away into admirtation and a mix of sadness ,"Yes a little brother."

"What's his name?"I ask, noticing that he didn't mention the grown man next to his father and the other baby.

"Leonardo Romano,he is 9 years old."

Aww that's so cute,I think.The kids I have met are disgusting and rude."Does he stay here?"

"Yes."He nods and goes back to his papers and MacBook.I take that as my cue to leave and stand up.

"Well bye Mr Romano,great getting to know ya."I say and leave the room without a glance at the man in the chair.

I am kinda hungry now, I should order food or make food. Maybe pasta, no actually one of the family secret recipes. I can make for all of us but mostly for me because I haven't eaten in 4 days.I feel like I am forgetting something.

I freeze when I get to the kitchen and run to Riccardo's office.Don't wanna brag, but I am pretty sure I am like flash."Oh hey Maeve never thought you would still be here,wanna-"

"Not right now Louise gotta dash."I push past him and speed to his office door.Pushing them open,I take a quick breath."What about Mrs Williams, does she know that I am gone?"I basically pant out,I really need to start running.

 Noticing the silence,I look up from the floor and freeze, Riccardo is not alone.

Inside is Luther and a girl with long fawn hair ,she looks to be Bella's height.She is dressed in booty shorts and a black crop top that shows her breasts."Oh,heya guys."I wave nervously.

"Who's this bitch?"The girl seethes ,pointing to me.

"Now hold up sweety who the hell are you calling a bitch?"

"You obviously.Youre the only. one who is dressed and looks like a bitch."The audacity this chick has.

I laugh and stalk closer to her,"Oh I see, you are the cliche bitch who is intimidated by someone who is better than you."And just like that she snaps, just as she's about to slap me Riccardo grabs her wrist.

"Evangeline,this is Maeve a new member and my personal assistant.You will not harm her,is that understood."Riccardo says in a menacing voice that sends a chill down my spine and not in a good way.His eyes rage in the storm, and his face is one of disgust.

She rolls her eyes and looks away as she tries to shake off the threat.  I stick my tongue out to her. Luther starts to laugh but when Riccardo looks at him,he starts to cover up his laughs with coughs.Pretty smart.

"As I was saying before I was interuppted,"I look towards Evangeline specificaly then back to Riccardo,"What about Mrs Williams?"

"Parleremo al magazzino."Riccardo said and the pair leave the room."What do you mean?"He asks simply after the door closes.[-We will talk at the warehouse.]

"My boss."I deadpan, for someone who is so big and does background checks on people I would expect him to know who my ex-boss is.

"Oh her.We told her that you got a new job and that she shouldn't worry."He responds as he looks at me.Oh  thought it would've been like a whole thing.

"And she believed you?"A mishevous grin appears on his face as he walks closer to me.Me being the cautious person I am,I start to walk back until my back hit the wall.He follows until we are so close I can smell him, wood and musk.

"I've been told that I can be quite persuasive."He took that one step and now our faces were inches apart.I move my face a bit so theres space as his warmth and scent hug me all around.

Riccardo eyes me curiously and amused."What do you mean persuasive?"I ask, my voice higher than usual making me clear my throat.A smirk makes its way to his face.

"I persuaded you,didn't I?"He whispers and I lick my lips, the movement catching his eye.I push him away,doesnt do much but sends a message.

"Dude you in my space bubble,ever heard of personal space?"I state as I straighten up, he watches as he rounds his desk.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

"Oh I have but I was taught that knocking is for well-mannered people not leaders of mafia's."And with that I scowl at him and bang the doors behind me.Just 360 more days than it'll all be over and I'll have enough money to move and even upgrade the cafe.

My word,now I most defintaly need to eat.I begin my walk to the kitchen and take out the ingrediants for Traditional Paella.

"Hey,you do know we have people who cook right?"

I look up and see Bella standing in the doorway"Really I had no idea that the people I chased out were the cooks."I state with sarcasm dripping in my tone.When I asked if I could takeover the kitchen and told them that they should have an early day they were wary until I said Riccrado said so, then the ran.

It was a Sunday for fucks sake, they should be allowed to rest.

She rolls her eyes and comes to sit in the stools."Heard you tripped on air."I go to get the plates."How many people are we?"I asked turning to face her.

"We are 8 including you."EIGHT well at least I made a lot then."I did not trip on air for your information,it was those pendejo stairs."I sneer at those horrible steps.[stupid]

"That's what they all say Mae"Mae?No one's called me that,did-did I just make a friend.I haven't had a lot of friends,some were scared of me or just hated me or got annoyed.And I never tried to make friends, in preschool I did but high school, nah well I did have one friend but she ditched me without a word.

"Bella I will slap you."

We started talking about Bella's collage and I told her some stuff about the customers we used to get at Pinkies.I like Bella,besties?

"Oooo what's that wonderful smell."Luther,Louis,Antonio and a lady with long black hair and a beautiful floral dress enter the kitchen.She looks to be around her 40s and was shorter than me."Maeve cooked."Bella says as she turns around to face everyone.

"What,Maeve the one who tripped on air,the one who scratched me Maeve."Louis says while looking shocked.

"Louise I dare you to bring up the stair story and I swear I will make sure to choke you in your sleep."I say as I begin putting the food onto the plates and glaring at Louis.

The lady laughed while Louis pouted."It's Louis by the way."

"I know who you are Louise."I smirk and everyone laughed, everyone except Louise scowled at me and stuck his tongue out.

"I am Sofia,Riccardo's aunt."The lady gives me a big hug and I stand still.I haven't been hugged in a while,it feels weird but warm nd I wrap my arms around the lady, her lavender smell hugging me too.When we let go she gives me the kindest smile ever and we all grab our plates and head to the dinging room.

The dining room is huge, with a long table to fit 12 people.A grand chandelier hung in the room, the walls painted white with lots of art on it.

Sofia sat on the right head of the table,Louis and Luther sat opposite me ,Antonio and Bella sat on my right."I never got to ask, whose place is this for?"I ask as we all settle into our seats.

"This was my brother,Riccrado's fathers place.Riccardo has a place too up in the hills where everyone sleeps but here, this is more cozy more private."Sofia says as she grabs some salad from the middle of the table to add into her plate.

I nod my head.

"Leonardo you better come here right now."A voice booms and a little boy comes running to sit on my left.

"You aren't allowed to touch me brat,Auntie Sofia is here."The little boy says sticking his tongue out at a figure that follows close behind.

He has dark black hair,caramel skin and blue eyes.I am gonna take a guess that the little boy is Riccardo's brother and this dude is the son that Sofia mentioned.

"Boys,what are the rules."Sofia says with a forced smile but her voice shows dominace.Luther and Louis were talking about something in hush whispers while Antonio and Bella were having a deep conversation which made Bella blush and Antonio smile.

"But mama this little ratta tripped me."The boy says as he settles next to his mother.

"No I didn't Auntie Sofia,I would never do that to my favourite cousin."Leonardo says, his voice dripping in sarcasm.This kid has attitude,I like him.

"What'd I miss?"Riccardo says as he jogs to the head of the table in a suit, his white sleeves rolled up showcasing on tattoo,a rose.

"Riccy tell Sebastian to stop bulling me."

"Both of you stop and who cooked?"Riccardo says on my left and I point at myself, a prideful smile on my lips.

"Well now that everyone is here ,let's eat."Sofa says happily and we all dig in.

About half way in with soft chatter between people and the soft jazz music the little kid speaks up,"Maeve this is fucking great!I wanna learn how to cook but I don't have the time,people have a whole lot shit to do."

"Leonardo Francesco Romano,watch your language."Sofia says glaring at Leonardo and her son,Sebastian,laughs and evil laugh.

"It is really good though."Louis says almost done and Luther and Bella nods their heads,mouths too full to talk.

"Where'd you learn?"I turned to face Riccardo and realise that everyone was listening."Well..my abuela taught me and gave me all the family secret recipes.We would cook together every chance we had.She even gave me the book."

I smile at the memory and everyone kept digging in and getting seconds.Riccardo still stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

He most definitely has a staring problem.

Once we were all done,people began heading out the big brown doors."Louis,Luther and Antonio you guys go and Seb,Maeve and I will follow."

They all nodded and we headed out the door.Bella isn't coming with us,I notice and wonder why.

"Wait,Ms Maeve."Turning my head to the voice,I see Leo running to me.

Crouching down to his height , he gives me a hug."I like you,you should stay here.Earlier I heard Ric laugh and it's been a while since he actually laughed.And I know we just met and I'm asking a lot but I think if you stay you will be good for this houses lot more fun too."Leo finishes and stares up at me giving me puppy dog eyes.

In fact now that I realise it, there were 4 seats empty but the table could take more than 4 seats.And where are his parents and the other baby and other dude that I saw from the family portrait.Leo must've been a twin so where's his other half?

"That's if I don't die ."I wink at him, ignoring the many questions.H laughs in response and shakes his head,"Riccardo won't kill you Miss Maeve."And with that he skips to Bella who waves from the big living room.

For a young child Leo does tend to speak in riddles and confusing shit.

There's a black Range Rover waiting so I slide into the backseat while Seb is in the passenger seat and Riccardo in the drivers seat.

I lean my head onto the window and watch the outside while music plays.I know the song that's playing,Better by Khalid.

It starts to rain and it's beautiful with the night sky and Italian lights.I have always loved the rain,it calms me and shows that I'm not crying alone.My family and I used to dance in the rain or sometimes just lie in the rain.We used to get a bad cold the next day but we just kept doing it.

"Maeve,the meal we ate was a Spanish dish and called your grandma,abuela so are you Spanish?"I turn my focus to Seb and see that he is awaiting an answer.

"Yeah."I respond simply.

"Full spanish?"Riccardo asks and I move so I can see them both clearly."Nope,I was actually born on Jupiter than moved to Earth."

Seb laughs and Riccardo scoffs as he hides a smile.When Sebastion turns to face Riccardo he gasps."Stai sorridendo."Seb said making Riccardo's smile drop and glare at Seb.
[You are smiling]

"Giuro che seminerò la tua bocca chiusa un giorno"Riccardo reply making me look at. them, my mouth open like a fish as I try to pice in the little Italian words I know.I heard sow and mouth and shut which makes me laugh.
[I swear I will sow your mouth shut one day]

"You know Italien?"Riccardo asked."Yeah well no actually I know a little well more like middle.I learnt in high school."

Seb started laughing which made me laugh.You see people like Seb and Riccardo,when they smile it makes people smile,Seb because his is contagious and Riccardo because ,taking from what Leo said and what I have seen,he doesn't smile much making it special.

"But be serious, where you from."Sebastian asks, looking at me from the review mirror.

"Oh I think we are here."I say quickly changing the subject as we arrive at what looks to be an abandoned warehouse if it weren't for the guards at the gate.

The big black gates immediately slide open and I wave at one of the guards to which they nod and look away sheepishly.

We get out the cars and I see Antonio and Louis bickering while Luther laughs at their childishness.

"Maeve and I are gonna go and see Dr Hernadez,we are gonna be back soon.Start the meeting and inform everyone."

They all nod and Riccardo and I head in the opposite directio.We walk side by side ,my hands behind my back."Why are we going to the doctor?"I ask making him look down , then back to the direction he was facing.

"You tripped on air and most likely bruised your shoulder."Riccardo says and I nod my head in understanding.My shoulder has been killing me after the stairs. tried to kill me.

"Oh then ,thanks captain." I do a two finger salute which makes him shake his head.I look around and see men and woman throwing knifes or examining weapons and placing them in boxes.Some stared at us as we walked, many as if I was a slab of chocolate,thank you but not interested, while others looked curious.

"Hey Riccardo ,why is everyone looking at me?"I ask,I mean I know I'm new but why are they looking at me like that.

He looks around then at me then looks back at them."Aren't you supposed to be doing things or at the meeting?"His voice boomed and everyone left or carried on with what they were doing.

We get to a brown door and Riccardo opens it.Inside is a hospital bed,a couch and medical stuff.The room has the chemically smell making me wanna throw up,I hate hospital or even the smell of one.

There's a doctors who seems to be filing stuff and when he turns at the sound of the door, his eyes land on Riccardo.

"Oh Riccardo how are you?"He asks, the man is old with grey slicked back hair and wrinkles on his olive skin.But he does look friendly.When his eyes land on me, they widen in shock.




long chapter I know but anyways this is most likely how most of chapters will be like,long

Anyways hope you enjoyig so far.

Who's your favourite character?


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