Omelas [KTH] ✔

By jamsforeveryone

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"STOP IT!!"I yelled, "I'LL TRADE MY LIFE FOR HIS JUST LET HIM GO! PLEASE....let him go" My voice broke as I f... More

chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
side chapter (Jimin)

chapter 18

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By jamsforeveryone

My knees gave in making me fall back down on the ground as tears stung my eyes.

"You have never let me down Area," he chuckled "  I knew
It was you but it's all so surprising to me how you could love me more than anything in the world "

I couldn't face him.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked.

I closed my eyes as tears streams down my face making him tut.

"Don't cry Area" he said "we could finally be together, make new memories and stories! Just like you wanted, just like you wished for"

"Stop" I cried "please!"

"Just take my hand and everything will be ok, we'll both get what we want." he said, "you brought me back Area, be happy"

I shook my head "it's not true"

"Look at me"

"It's not real!!" I said "this is not real! You died!, you died"

He lifts my chin to look at him "you suffered enough, let me in"

"You erased my erased family!!!"I cried "I had brothers!... I had a mother!! I had a family!!! And you took them away!!!"

"Ah she showed you," he said and stood up "I guess she failed as a mother because you are still here. She doesn't know you like I do Area, I bet my life on this!! And they would never.."

Tears fell on the ground as I cried silently remembering every memory I had to spend with his monster than with my family.

"I was alone," I whispered"I was alone when I wasn't"

"You had my sister-"

"And she was no different from you!"I hissed and stood up "If I knew that they were alive I would NEVER-"

"Then you wouldn't do it," he said "but don't worry they'll all would die very soon, and I'm starting with Taehyung and ending with a woman you call mother"

"If you kill them then you have to kill me too, "I said "because if you dared to make your only son suffer like this then you sure as hell wouldn't care about me!! was right, you are heartless"

"Heartless?" he laughed "looking back, every moment we made, every story we told, you adored me and it was the most beautiful thing in life for you. So if I'm heartless, then so are you"

"You're a monster,"  I said.

I looked at him as he smiled at me.

"But I'm also your father," he said as every memory of us started to float in my head.

I sniffed in pain as I wanted to block it all but he made me see it all.

"Look at that smile on your face area,"  he said "the admiration,"

"Stop," I began to breathe through my mouth.

He made me remember how much I loved him and what I would do for him.

"My last days with you were my best days Area"  he whispered.

"Someday we'll make our Omelas," he said making me smile.

"With mommy and-"

"No Area," he said "just us"

"Stop" I pleaded painfully until I fell back on the ground.

"I was there for you Area," he said.

"You had no choice!"I hissed and hit the ground.

"I would do anything for you daddy" I smiled and hugged him "I'll even be a cure to your sickness, trust me, I'll save you"

"That's who you are Area, my daughter," he said making me give in "you are my little rainbow Area"

"Please" I sobbed "I'm scared and alone. Dad come back!, please, I need you just come back to me! It hurts! Everything hurts!!! I hate it! I hate myself!! Dad, please take this away!!!"

I started to cry as those memories tore my heart into pieces. All I wanted was my father.

"I'm here Area"  he whispered to me "take my hand Area and I promise the world to you,"

I screamed slightly when I remember the moment he died and how heartbreaking it was for me.

I had no one.

I was alone.

"Together we could ride on the sun,"  he said as we both sat on the mountain and looked at the sun rising "we'll tell each other stories endlessly, we'll make our own paradise"

My tears are dripping from my cheek down to the ground, I stopped crying as a smile crept on my face.

"They were real" I sniffed and smiled at the warm feeling "everything was real"

"Yes!" he said grabbing both of my shoulders as he brought me back "aren't you happy Hana? I came back for you! All of this belongs to you and me! All of this is ours! This is your Omelas! This is what I imagined just for my little rainbow....just for you, my daughter"

My tears dried on my cheeks as the wind blows around the room. I suddenly look at the bracelet on my arm as I started to feel guilty.

"Did you know,  when you died, things were hard for me as a 15-year-old?"I asked still staring at the bracelet "did you know how lonely I was back then or did you only care what would happen to you?"

"Area, you love me," he said, "it's something you can't ignore."

"I would do anything for you, "I was speaking from my heart.

"Then take my hand," he said holding his hands out.

I looked at it and then at him.

"Just like I would do anything for them, "I whispered, "I loved you when we were a normal family, I would've done anything for you  so why did you take me away, and erase my memories ?"

"They were a distraction to you," he said.

"To me? Or to you father?"I said " You were so caring and thoughtful and happy with mom and us, but now you are selfish, a liar, a betrayer and above all you are a monster," I said and it all came from my heart "Taehyung looked up to you, you made him suffer like he was never your child, FOR WHAT?!"

"I'm the only one you'd ever love. Now let me give you and every single person on this planet the life that they deserved" he said and held his hands out "take it"

Every picture of my brothers popped up. And all I could see were their smiles. I felt loved. My heart felt warm en tensed. I was never alone.

I look at him "no"

My eyes widen when his hands were wrapped around Taehyung's throat.

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