Cognitive Dissonance

By Zorro300

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Mates are supposed to be cherished and loved, but the last thing Bryce, beta of the Lakewood pack, wants is t... More

Chapter 1-Intro
Chapter 3-Capture The Flag
Chapter 4-Hangout with Jack
Chapter 5-Party Time
Chapter 6-Lily's Mate
Chapter 7-The Outlaw
Chapter 8-Recovery
Chapter 9-The Supernatural Society
Chapter 10-The Library
Chapter 11-The Meeting
Chapter 12-Mate Confusion
Chapter 13-A Suspicious Encounter
Chapter 14-Jack & Claudia
Chapter 15-The Truth

Chapter 2-Zeke

193 9 2
By Zorro300

The rest of the day went by relatively quickly, and when the bell rang, I exited the art room. After picking up my things from my locker, I head towards my sister's locker. As I approached my sister's locker, I spotted Zeke standing way too close to her.

She tried to push him away, but he quickly snatched her wrists and trapped her against the metal lockers. Zeke was this tall skinny loser with greasy black hair that sloppily fell onto his pimple-covered face.

He was a total creep and was obsessed with Lily. My fists clenched, and my eyebrow furrowed as I carefully analyzed the scene. My sister looked extremely uncomfortable. Thankfully, I could easily tune into parts of their conversation due to werewolf hearing.

"Please go away. I told you I don't like you." Lily stated calmly.

"Please, Princess, playing hard to get is way too cliche. I know you want me." Zeke smirked, displaying his crooked yellow teeth.

Lily gagged at the wretched smell of his garlic onion breath. Even from where I stood, I could smell his horrid breath, so I felt immensely bad for her having to be that close to him.

Having a werewolf sense of smell was both a blessing and a curse."No, I don't," Lily said with a lot more force this time. I know my sister can handle her own battles as the next gamma of the pack, but I saw red when Zeke tried to grope her.

Zeke was a slimy and leachy scumbag that has bothered Lily since freshman year. He even managed to keep on getting her number even though she had changed it over 5 times. I jumped on him and started pummeling him.

I hear Lily shout, "Don't, Bryce, you'll get in trouble." But I didn't care and even Issac, the most peaceful wolf ever, didn't object. Although, I knew that even if he did it wouldn't matter. After what he did all those years ago, I had trained my mind to be stronger. Issac knew better than to actively disagree with me. The last time that happened we both paid the price.

"No one harms our family!" Issac growled.

The whole Zeke situation had been going on for way too long. Then, just as I was about to land another punch on Zeke's bloody face, a hand grabbed the sleeve of my hoodie and roughly yanked me off of Zeke.

When I saw the face of the culprit, I wasn't even surprised. Jack always got involved in things that didn't concern him. "Enough," Jack growled deeply using his alpha command.

Jack had learned along time ago that I wouldn't listen to anything he says unless he uses his alpha command.

It's the one thing that no wolf can disobey unless they are mated to an alpha or are an alpha themselves. The command is what makes alpha wolves so powerful and respected and is one of the reasons why there is always an alpha to lead a packs.

Our pack is the Lakewood pack. Not very creative considering we go to Lakewood High School in Lakewood Michigan but it fits so no one ever bothered to change it.

Against my will, I went slack and stopped resisting his hold. Eventually, he let me go once he had deemed I was safe. Then Jack went and helped the stupid freak Zeke up and took him to the pack doctor.

Whenever anyone in the pack got injured, we went to the pack doctor since our rapid werewolf healing abilities would be suspicious to a human. Most of the student at school and in town were supernatural but since we also have a decent sized human population we try to be as cautious as possible.

Before leaving with Zeke, Jack made sure to glare at me and mind link that the alpha would hear of what happened. In response, I just rolled my eyes. This wasn't the first time I would be in trouble, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Over the years, I had gotten in trouble for various things, but there was always a reason behind them. I knew exactly how the whole situation was going to go.

I would get a month's worth of detention, the alpha would make me do night patrol for the next two months, and for the next six months I would help out in the daycare since they were short on staff.

This was how it always went. Zeke would spin some sob story about how he was trying to ask Lily out and portray her as a bitch trying to humiliate him and portray me as a jerk who beat him up for just talking to Lily.

Everyone would believe him because that was the only thing that made sense. When I moved here, I used to pick fights for no reason and bully kids weaker than me. I was furious at the world during that time and wanted to feel some sort of power since I had been bullied at my previous school.

I stopped when high school started, but my reputation carried over, so no one trusted anything I said anymore. Once Jack was gone, the first thing I did was check on Lily.

"Are you okay, Lil?"

"Ye-ah," she weakly smiled at me, but I could see the fear in her eyes. Lily put on a good front and came off as a badass bitch, but she was easily frightened and constantly needed comfort.

"Let's head out," I suggest putting my arm around her, protectively ushering her towards the car. Once we were seated in the car, I turned on the engine and started driving. 'The Middle' by Jimmy Eat World played through the speakers.

I didn't want to head directly back to the pack because I knew the second I returned, I would have to deal with constant yelling. So instead, I took Lily with me for ice cream. When we pulled up in front of Ben and Jerry's, Lily looked at me with a smile.

We always went to this place when one of us was sad. "You look like a raccoon," I teased when I saw her face. Her mascara was smudged around her teary red eyes. Her eyes widened as she frantically pulled out her pocket mirror from her bag.

"Shit! I can't go out in public looking like this!" Lilly groaned when she saw her reflection. Knowing just what she needed, I pulled out make-up remover wipes from one of the car's drawers. When she saw them, she grinned gratefully. "You are a lifesaver!"

"I know, I'm the best," I boasted proudly. Lily went ahead and removed all the make-up on her face because it was pretty much smeared all over. Once she was done, she faced me.

"Do I look okay?"

"You always look beautiful," I told her. Lily was very self-conscious and often needed reassurance. Lily nodded at my response and slouched back in her seat.

"Why don't good guys ever want to date me?" Lily pouted. I didn't know what to say to that. Lily deserved someone great. All the previous guys she had dated or talked to all had either cheated on her, been creepy, broken her heart or used her to become popular.

"I'm sure when you find your mate, none of this will matter."

"You think?" she asked softly.

"Yeah," I replied. "Come on, let's get out of the car and get some ice cream.

When we entered the store, the scents of chocolate and vanilla filled the air. The store was pretty much empty except for the cashier. As we got closer, I recognized the cashier as Luke. He wasn't in our pack, but he was in our grade.

While he wasn't the athletic kind of popular, he was well-known and even student council president. He was one of those people who knew everyone by name, and you couldn't help but like.

"Hey, guys!" Luke greeted cheerfully. "What can I get for you?" Lily and I both ordered our favorite flavors. Mine was half-baked, and her's was strawberry cheesecake. As Luke scooped our ice cream into bowls, he made conversation. "So, how have the first few days back been for you guys?"

Summer break had ended last weekend, and since today was Wednesday, we had been back for a few days. "Good," I replied. I wasn't very talkative around people I wasn't close with.

On the other hand, Lily was the complete opposite. She and Luke launched into a full-on conversation about some of the teachers they had since the two of them were in quite a few classes together.

Luke finally handed us the ice cream, and I quickly paid. Then, Lily and I said bye and headed outside to finish our ice cream. Once we were done, we both got in the car, and I drove us slowly back home.

The second I entered our house, my mother and father were waiting for me. They looked so disappointed that I almost wished they were mad at me instead. Anger, I could deal with dissapointment, not so much.

My parents told me that the alpha wanted to meet with me tomorrow after school. In addition to whatever punishment the alpha gives me, they told me I wouldn't be allowed to play any video games and be required to do more chores around the house.

I just replied, "okay," and headed up to my room. I was too tired to deal with anything right now, and all I wanted to do was take a nice long nap. I heard my sister protest in the background at my punishment and explain the situation to them, but I was too tired to listen in for the entire time.

I wasn't too worried, though. The only two people that always believed Lily and I were our parents. Part of the reason was that Lily and I rarely lie to our parents, and we were really close as a family.

So, I knew they would trust us and remove my punishment, but there isn't much they would be able to do without proof about the alpha's and the school's punishment.

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