The Little Devil of the 5th x...

By Kiyorisawabakinami

77.1K 1.6K 1.2K

As you guys can see hehe This takes place at the start of Y2V1 Ichika Amasawa along with 2 other White... More

Her Feelings
Expect the Unexpected
Her Freedom
D-D-Date?! Pt. II
D-D-Date!? Pt. III
Showing off
Argument(not an update)

D-D-Date!? (Revised)

10.5K 237 299
By Kiyorisawabakinami

Ayanokouji POV~

I am currently leaning on a glass pane waiting in front of a popular clothing outlet at Keyaki Mall. There were many people inside the store whom mostly were girls.

Some of them were watching me curious at why I'm here. They had eyes like the ones you would give an object or animal that was something like an irregularity. This was probably the observer effect.

The term observer effect generally refers to the possibility that an act of observation may affect the properties of what is observed. However, depending on the context and the mechanisms involved, it may indicate effects of a very different nature.

Some scientists think we already understand what consciousness is, or that it is a mere illusion. But many others feel we have not grasped where consciousness comes from at all.

Just when I was lost in my thoughts a figure that of a girl's came out of the changing room. She had red hair with twin-tails, and a very attractive physique. 

The girl was wearing a jet black strapless blouse that complemented her chest very well, a pink skirt with a beautifully tied ribbon at the front, which was only hovering over her white knees by a small amount. 

She looked at me and asked.

Ichika: Well senpai~ how is it~? Am I cute~?

When she got out of the changing room a lot of the customers and employees were watching us, they were most likely admiring her beauty or, waiting for my answer. I'd say more than half of them were looking forward to hearing my answer. 

Good thing I read an article about dates and complimenting a girl on the internet before this. 

Apparently, compliments are a double-edged sword. Use them effectively and you'll slice through meaningless chatter to create deeper connections. Use them poorly and you'll chop yourself down into a chump stump. Nobody wants that.

I read through the article in 5 minutes but the things I remember the most were.

The 4 guidelines to remember:

Be succinct. Don't ramble on about the compliment. Lay it out and then be done with it. Less is more and throwing a casual yet insightful compliment will hit hardest.

Don't exaggerate. Is she really the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? Probably not. When you bullshit, it only makes you seem dishonest and that you're trying hard to impress her. Your compliments should be believable because they are real.

Get as specific as possible. "You're beautiful." is generic. While it can work, it's not usually the best option. Listen well, be observant of her, and get creative. Tailor your compliments to her and say something she's likely never heard. Avoid any of the cheesy pre-written lines unless you want to look like a tool. The only exception is when you're being playfully sarcastic and obvious.

Use them sparingly. One, maybe two compliments max in a given interaction (first meet / date) is plenty. Throw them out too much and it feels desperate and each one loses impact. There are also situations where you won't give out any at all.

I just have to follow all of these simple steps and any woman would apparently be head over heals for the one who complimented them, but I have a feeling that it won't work on this particular girl. I don't have a choice though

Kiyotaka: I think it looks wonderful on you. The strapless jet black blouse complements your white skin beautifully, as for the pink skirt it goes very well with your blouse in terms of color combination and it contrasts your hair color and hair style which makes you cuter overall. You have a very good fashion sense Amasawa.

Crap I just said what I thought aloud.

After my speech about Amasawa's outfit. Silence... was brought upon the entire store.

3rd Person POV~

An Unexpectedly sweet and a detailed assessment came out from the lips of a handsome guy with an unbreakable pokerface. The analytical report about the clothes and fashion sense of Amasawa Ichika caused the atmosphere of the store to tensify.


Most of the who girls shopping were looking at Ayanokouji as if he were some type of prey. They were thinking to themselves 'He's Boyfriend material!'. 

And some of the girls with boyfriends shopping around the store with them were clearly jealous at how a person with a 24/7 pokerface was able to give such a compliment towards another person, whilst their boyfriends were glaring at Ayanokouji.

'That bastard!' The boyfriends who were forced to accompany their partners all thought. 

Meanwhile a group of curious people were talking amongst themselves whispering within the silence of the store. It was the Ayanokouji group and a bunch of curious classmates.

(Airi wasn't with them because she fainted a while ago ;3 )

(Whispering ='()'  :3)

Haruka: ( Kyaaa! did I hear that right!?)

Akito:( Wow, I didn't know Kiyotaka could be so sweet.)

Keisei:( I thought he was dense?)

Sudo:( It's kinda impressive how he can say that without getting embarrased.)

Haruka:( Even though Kiyopon said all that his pokerface and monotonous voice didn't even waver.)

Horikita: 'So even he can be sweet if he wants to be.'

Horikita thought while blushing.

Sudog angry noises.

Shitnohara, Karuizawa, Satou, Stalker-chan, and some girls of Class-D were blushing at the compliment Ayanokouji gave Amasawa.

Satou: (I wish I was her...)

Matsushita: ( It's okay Satou-san, I don't think anybody expected him to say that.)

Shitnohara: ( Yeah... I didn't think those type of words would come out of 'that guy's' mouth, right Karuizawa-san?)

Karuizawa:( Y-Yeah...)

After hearing Karuizawa's reluctant reply the 3 gyarus' turned their eyes towards her.

Matsushita:( Karuizawa-san?)

She narrowed her eyes indicating her suspicion. Karuizawa noticed this and straightened up.



She decided to drop it since Karuizawa was clearly uncomfortable with eyes of questioning shown towards her.

Ike:(Damn that bastard! Going on a date with Ichika-chan!)

Okitani:( Why is did she even invite him to a date!?)

Hondo:( Apparently Ichika-chan knew him, but he didnt know her?)

Miyamoto:( I don't know but I'm fcking jealous.)

The other boys:( We all are.)

Hirata:( I really don't like being sneaky like this, but even I'm curious about her relationship with Kiyotaka.)

Hiratards: (It's okay Hirata-kun we'll find out soon.)

Ayanokouji POV~

Kiyotaka:'Perhaps that was too much'

Everyone is silent. It's creepy, although I can hear whispering from the people who were stalking us. Amasawa noticed this awhile ago but she ignored them as well.

Ichika: Aw shucks senpai~, Sorya doumo.

She said with an angelic(devilish) smile.

Ichika: Then I think I'll buy this senpai~ 

I nodded

We went towards the cash register and she turned around and had her hand upside down stretched towards me. Is she asking me to pay for this? What a girl.

Ichika: Aw, senpai~ I forgot my student ID card. 

I sighed. I suspect she didn't bring it on purpose, but I can't refuse her in the middle of all these people. Everyone in the vicinity would probably kill me if I did that.

Kiyotaka: Fine~, but you're paying me back later.

I handed her my ID card, She shrugged her shoulders.

Ichika: Hehehe~ make this an enjoyable date senpai~ , and I'll pay you more than I owe you. wink,

Her beautiful figure leaned towards my ear to whisper something.

Ichika: It's my first time sen~paii so please be gentle~.

She said in a whispering tone, but I knew she mean't for the whole store to hear this. To others it might've seemed that she was serious, but I can tell she did this just to spite me.

The cashier, the other customers, and the group that were stalking us blushed when they heard her decleration.

Voices could be heard all across the shopping outlet. Some were squealing, most were talking amongst themselves, but the jealous guys overpowered all of the voices, and regrettably all of them were from my pent-up and physcologically damaged classmates.

'Shi-nee! ikemen.'

'Why is it him!?'

'I hope you go bald and die in fire you dumbass!'

That last part was said by Kei. They didn't care anymore if we 'found' them out, Satou had lifeless eyes. The Ayanokouji group was to shocked to utter a word.

Akito: 'The spring time of youth has finally come for you my friend, I'm happy.'

While Haruka and Keisei were as red as a tomato.

Hornykouji: 'Hell yeah!!! But can she handle T-rex-chan though?'(Yeah she can)

Kiyotaka: 'This little devil...'

Cashier: T-T-Thank you f-for your purchase, please c-come again.

I nodded and we made our way towards the exit, but before we got out she glanced at the group stalking us with a smug smile.

They all visibly flinched. 

Kiyotaka: So wh-

We exited the clothing outlet but before we could talk about what to do next, a girl with a short stature and lilac colored hair greeted us along with a beautiful purple-haired girl who had a disgusted expression on her face.

Sakayanagi: fufufu~ to think Ayanokouji-kun would go on a date with a kouhai on the first day of school~

But before all this lets rewind time a bit.


3rd Person POV~

The twin-tailed girl got up from the ground while patting out her uniform of dust. Everyone was talking among themselves digesting the current sequence of events, with each passing second more questions arose from their minds. All of them were watching with suspense.

 After cleaning herself up, the girl just stared at Ayanokouji...


She continued staring for more than 30 seconds and suddenly her expression changed to that of a smile. The students of Class-D were waiting for her to speak her intentions, while some were wondering how Ayanokouji was able to fight her and win. 

Ichika: Sasuga senpai~ I didn't expect anything less from you~.

After saying those words she began clapping like she was witnessing the end of a play or opera. These actions confused Ayanokouji and everyone around him, then she started talking again.

Ichika: I'm Amasawa Ichika, nice to meet you Kiyo~ Senpai~

She said while bowing slightly. Ayanokouji straightened his tie and begun talking.

Kiyotaka: Well, it seems that you know who I am, let's stop wasting time and cut to the chase. Why did you attack me?

Class-D: 'There it is! The million dollar question!!!

Amasawa then made a fist and placed it on her chin, making a 'thinking' like expression, which most of the boys in Class-D thought was adorable.

Ichika: No reason~ I just wanted to greeted my favorite senpai~ hehe.

Class-D except Koenji: Haaaa!!!???

Almost everyone was dumbfounded. How was attacking someone equivalent to a form of greeting? She just smiled in return to their reaction. The first one who spoke up was.

Karuizawa: HA!? How is that even supposed to be a greeting!?

She yelled in a very angry voice. Some were wondering why she just called Ayanokouji her favorite senpai, but deemed that this wasn't the appropriate time to ask such a question.

Satou: That's right! You could have hurt him you know!

Ichika: Eh??? Senpai~ is not hurt though~.

She retorted which made Satou and Karuizawa angrier, but before they could lash out again, Haruka spoke up in a very threatening voice.

Haruka: Why did you attack Kiyopon?! Huh?!

Ichika: Didn't I tell you? I was greeting him~

Haruka: If you wanted to greet him you could have done it normally! Why did you have to put my friend in danger with your little stunt?!

She was very angry. Ayanokouji smiled at the sight of her friend getting angry for his sake. Amasawa didn't reply which made Haruka angrier. She rushed in attempting to slap her but the hand she was going to use to attack her with was suddenly grabbed, she turned back curious at who it was that stopped her. It was Horikita, she let out a sigh and asked another million dollar question.

 Horikita: Ok, Amasawa-san we get that you wanted to greet Ayanokouji-kun, even though your way of greeting him was very extreme. So... What's your relationship with him?

Kiyotaka:' Say's the person who stabs me every single day.'

Everyone's attention was focused on Amasawa waiting for her respone. They were all curious about the beautiful kouhai that most of them forgot that Ayanokouji just threw her towards the  ground a few minutes ago.

Ichika: Eh... Didn't I tell you? He's my favorite senpai~.

Apparently this answer managed to irritate Horikita, but she held it in and was going to ask another question but before she could someone spoke up first.

Ike: Haa?! Why is he your favorite senpai?!

After that one question everyone started wondering why Ayanokouji was her 'favorite senpai'. More doubts and questions were circling around the classroom.

'He isn't even that interesting.'

'Maybe he did something for her to make 'him' her favorite.'

'Maybe he had a fanclub or something HAHAHA.'

'As if!'

The people who said those things were Ike, Hondo, and Miyamoto. Those words earned them a glare from Kei, Satou, Akito, Airi, Haruka, Keisei, and Hirata.

Ichika: First, of all I come from the same middle school as him. 

This really wasn't surprising since he already called Ayanokouji her 'favorite' senpai, so even the stupid ones could tell they were from the same middle school. Except for one.

Ike: You're from the same middle school?!

Everyone ignored him.

Ayankouji: ' Middle school? Was she talking about the Whiteroom?'

Ichika: Second, to answer your first question Hentai-senpai, of course Kiyo-senpai~ has a fanclub.


Everyone stared at Ayanokouji. The first one to speak up was.

Shitnohara: Haa?! How the hell does he have a fucking fanclub?!

Ichika: 'It was more like a cult than a fanclub though.'

Sae-sensei: Shinohara language!!!

Shitnohara shuts up while glaring at Ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka: 'What the hell did I do?'

Hearing this Haruka forgot her anger towards Amasawa and asked Ayanokouji a barrage of questions, this also goes for the other members of the Ayanokouji group.

Haruka: Huh?!! Kiyopon you have a fanclub?!

Akito: Wait, you were popular?!

Keisei: Kiyotaka how come you never told us?! 

Keisei was getting angry, but before he could explode Ayanokouji defused the bomb known as Yukimura Teruhiko.

Kiyotaka: Amasawa what are you talking about? When did I ever have a fanclub? And I doubt you went to the same middle school as I did.

He said while narrowing his eyes.

Ichika: Senpai~ I did go to the same middle school as you. Would you like me to prove it?

Ayanokouji nodded.

Ichika: Whiteroom.

She muttered under her breath, she said it quitely only enough for Ayanokouji to read her lips. Koenji also read her lips, but didn't know the meaning of the word 'Whiteroom'. His attention was now fully towards Amasawa. 

At those words Ayanokouji's eyes widened. Horikita and his classmates were surprised, this was the first time they saw Ayanokouji change his expression. 

Ichika: So... senpai~ do you believe me now?

Kiyotaka: I've got no choice but to believe you right now.

Ichika: But it's true senpai~ you really did have a fanclub.

Kiyotaka: How is that possible?

Everyone seemed to agree with his question.

Ike: Yeah! How can someone like him have a fanclub?!

Shitnohara: He is nothing but a gloomy loner!

(I hate really these two whether it be canon or fanfics.)

Haruka: Hey! Kiyopon is not a loner!

Akito: Yeah he has us!

Keisei: That's very rude towards Kiyotaka and us.

Airi: Y-Yeah K-Kiyotaka-kun is our friend.

Hirata: That was very rude Ike-kun, Shinohara-san.

Hiratards: Yeah Hirata-kun is right!!!

Satou: Their right Shinohara-san that was rude.

Kei: Yeah even I have to agree, Shinohara-san.

Shitnohara: Ughh! even you Karuizawa-san?! Why are you guys even defending him?!

Satou: While he may be quiet or doesn't have many friends. It doesn't change to fact that what you said was offensive.

Hirata: Yeah that was very offensive. I think you should apologize Shinohara-san.

Hiratards: Yeah what Hirata-kun said!!!

Ayanokouji group: That's right! Apologize to Kiyopon/Kiyotaka this instant!

Kushida: That wasn't very nice Satsuki-chan~.

She said with a saddened smile which was fake. Deep inside she was rejoicing at Ayanokouji getting badmouthed. Shinohara who couldn't handle the pressure anymore apologized along with Ike.

Kiyotaka: It's fine I'm not really hurt.

Shitnohara: Tch.

She clicked her tongue but was ignored by Ayanokouji. Suddenly a dark aura was surrounding Amasawa.

Ichika: Bitch-Senpai, I don't care if you bad mouth me or the people who admire him, but if I ever hear any insult towards senpai~ I guarantee, I will escort you and Hentai-senpai to hell myself.

She said in a very dark voice which terrified the entire class even Chabashira flinched while Koenji was not smiling anymore.

Ichika: Consider this a warning. Did I make myself clear?

Shitnohara and Ike nodded vigorously.

Ichika: Just for your information, senpai's~ fanclub was half the entire population of the student body. So If you insult senpai~ you'll not only face my wrath but also theirs.

She said with a threatening voice.



Horikita: How were you so popular Ayanokouji-kun?

Kiyotaka: I really don't know Horikita, this was the first time I heard I even had a fanclub.

Ichika: Well to answer your question Bitch-senpai~ the second. Senpai~ wasn't your generic ikeman like that guy over there.

She pointed at Hirata, while Horikita was still mad at the nickname Amasawa gave her,  Sudo and the Hiratards. were furious.

'Who do you think you are?!'

'Hirata-kun is so much better than him.'

Amasawa glared at them and shut them up.

Ichika: Ahem* He was Mature that's all, and very good physically. 

Hirata: That's true Kiyotaka-kun is very mature.

Satou: Yeah he really is.

Haruka: Yeah no matter how childish our antics are he never changes.

Akito: If you talk with him, he really gives of the mature vibe.

Keisei: Well he is mature.

Airi nodded a lot.

Some were lies and some were not. Ayanokouji still didn't really trust that she was from the Whiteroom, why would she reveal herself so early and willingly? He also took in the possibility that she was merely a diversion created by Tsukihiro.

Ayanokouji: So what is really the reason you made contact with me?

Ichika: Oh, I havent told you yet. Senpai~ I want you to go on a date with me after school hehe~. If you're wondering why, I only want to spend time with you that's all.

Everyone: EHHHHHHHH?!

Airi: D-D-D-Date?!

Kei: Wawawawawa~

Satou: .......

Ayanokouji group: ......

Jealous boys: Bastarddddd!!!

Ayanokouji: ' I don't sense any lies imbrewed within her words. This could also be a chance for me to extract information. I'll accept, but before that.'

Ayanokouji: Amasawa could you stand in the corner of the room?

Ichika: Eh? Sure senpai~,but why?

Ayanokouji: Don't ask just do it.

Amasawa walked towards the corner of the room,  Ayanokouji's back was turned away from his classmates. Then he showed her his true eyes filled with nothing but darkness.

Amasawa flinched at first but quickly regained composure.

 He made sure that Chabashira and Horikita saw it clearly since they were near the corner Amasawa was in. He deemed this a good opportunity to tell them that he was dangerous if rubbed the wrong way. The room's temperature dropped and was filled with uneasiness. 

Chabashira visibly gulped while Horikita was trembling. Before anyone could determine where the uneasiness came from the room's atmosphere returned to normal. Matsushita, Karuizawa, and Koenji knew where this pressure came from, the 2 girls gulped while Koenji had a serious expression on his face.

Matsushita: 'He really is different. That pressure was terrifying, but are they really gonna ignore that Ayanokouji fought like an expert earlier.'

Kei: 'That pressure came from Kiyotaka no doubt about it. Even though I saw that side of his already I'm still trembling. Incredible.'

Koenji:'Things are getting intersting Ayanokouji-boy fukufuku'

Ayanokouji let out a sigh.

Ayanokouji: Sure I accept.

Ichika: Okay senpai~ I'll come by later.

Seeing Amasawa run towards the door Horikita regained composure immediatley.

Horikita: Wait!!!

Amasawa turned around.

Ichika: What is it Bitch-Senpai?

A vein bulged on Horikita's forehead but held her anger in, while Sudo was cursing Amasawa.

Horikita: I want to make a deal with you.

Amasawa: A deal?

Horikita: In exchange for not reporting you to the school, I want half of your private points every month.

Amasawa and Class-D were shocked but stayed silent. Amasawa had a smug smile on her face.

Amasawa: Report me? for what?

Horikita: For attacking my fellow classmate.

Amasawa: Huh? I didn't attack senpai~ though, I was just greeting him.

Horikita: Everyone here saw it.

Amasawa: Where's the proof?

Horikita: I don't need proof we all saw it.

Amasawa: I didn't attack senpai~ right?

She said so while facing towards Ayanokouji. He nodded in response.

Amasawa: There you go Bitch-Senpai. If the 'victim doesn't make a complaint then there's nothing to report. Am I right?

Horikita should know this, since during Class-C's incident they made them withdraw their complaint so there wasn't anything that happened if there wasn't an assailiant and victim.

Ayanokouji: She just greeted me Horikita.

Ayanokouji glared at her making her shut up. He didn't face the class while doing so. She was clearly mad, and was probably planning to stab Ayanokouji later. 

Amasawa: Well then bye senpai~ 

She said while waving towards Ayanokouji, then finally leaving the classroom.

Hey guys! Author-kyun~ here and this was the reveal of their 'relationship' to the Defectives. They were all focused on their connection that they forgot about Kiyotaka fighting her hehe. 

I hope you had fun reading!


3.6k words lezgoooo!

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