Till The End |✍︎︎

By _koolkats

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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... More



2.8K 59 34
By _koolkats

"I'm a natural,I'm alright

I'm a savage,I'm an asshole,I'm a king"

Loyalty~Kendrick Lamar,Rihanna

Death.I never really thought about it actually, like I have but not the depths of it.My mother and abuelita always used to tell me that when the people I love and care about die, they watch me from the stars.

So I always looked up into the stars every single night, for closure I guess.

I slowly start to open my eyes to take in my surroundings. I am guessing that I am in Italy now.At least when I die,I will die in a beautiful city.

Looking around,I notice the plain grey room,but there is some red spots,guessing that's blood.That's very unsanitery.

Looks like I got myself in a shit situation.

I  am in the middle of the room ,seated on a metal chair.My hands are  tied behind me in a rope.My abuelita taught me how to get out if I was ever tied so I did.

Twisting my fingers and hands in weird ways,I finally get the ropes of me and rub my red wrists.

Thanks abuela.

Net I untie my ankles that were tied to the legs of the chair.I mean I could try and go out the room because my abuela also told me how to pick a lock.Weird right?

I could go out my but I am low on energy so I just sit there rubbing my wrists.And plus,I know. for a fact that someone is behind that door, guarding it like I'm some prisoner.

News flash,I'm the one who's adult napped!

I wanna do a handstand,but I am only wearing my hoodie dress with nothing under.Oooo maybe I can do hopscotch.

I find chalk on the floor and start to play hopscotch."I should make this harder."

I draw  extra extra hard ones and start to play.I stop when I hear the doorknob twist.I turn my head to the door and see 2 figures walk in first but there was another behind.

"I wonder if she's awake yet."A voice sounds but I recognise that voice,it's the blond dude from earlier."I doubt, we gave her a big usage."Another says and I recognise that one too,it's the fluffy hair guy.

"Wait you gave me what?!"I say making all their heads turn to me.

"How did you get out and is that,hopscotch?"They both fully enter and start to look around and then back at me in shock.

"It wasn't that hard,anyways I am gonna guess that this is like the torture chamber.It's giving me those vibes."I look around then decide to sit back on my chair."Boss she's...um..awake?"The blond says but more in a question type.

"What do you mean awake?"Another voice booms with a dominant voice.He has a thick Italian accent and just by his voice you can tell that that's the boss.He has that commanding voice that draws a person in, rough and edgy.

"I mean like wide awake."The guy with fluffy hair spoke.

"Hey guys this has been really fun but can I go?"I ask while standing up and walking to the door.Just as I was about to reach the door the blond guy picks me up and places me down.I know I might seem short in their eyes but I pack a nasty punch and I swear that if they touch me one more time, they are gonna meet the knuckle sandwich.

The two guys that I know ,well recogonize ,stand in front of me so I could see them perfectly but the third guy stands in the shadows,quiet.Okay Mr Mysterious.

"Okay then, can I know the name of my adultnappers?"I fold my arms across my chest."Adultnappers?"The blond guy questions looking puzzled.Actually I still gotta finish my puzzle,not gonna brag but it's like 400 pieces.

"Well I am not a kid,I am an adult so I was taken by you two by force might I add, meaning I was adultnapped."The guy with fluffy hair and blond look at each other and nod."That makes a lot of sense actually."The guy with fluffy hair says.

"I know right,soo anyways can I know your names."

The two guys look at the boss and he nods his head,just once."In that case I am Louis."The blond says sticking out his hand.I shake his hand with a smile,I like this one.

"And I am Antonio."The guy with fluffy hair states with his arms folded."So you know out of curiosity why am I here.I get that I watched you murder someone but why haven't you killed me?"

The bossman stands straight and looks to his guys.

"Out."He commands calmly and both Louis and Antonio leave without a word but Louis gives me a sympathetic smile.They lock the door and now it's just me and the big boss.

He is looking at me like he is trying to see something."I like your voice."I blurt out.

The big boss walks slowly out of the shadows with a  devilish smirk on his face.

"Do you know who I am?"He starts to stalk closer making me shrink into my seat.He is scary but most definitely good looking.

With his dark brown hair that's messy yet neat.Beautiful emerald mixed with grey eyes,sharp defined jawline and tan skin. He is most likely 6'2 or something ,most likely eats his greens.

He has a black dress suit and a chain hung around is neck, he also wore dress pants with black shiny shoes.He seems like an important person.

"I am gonna guess that you are the the boss,the capo and is the person who sent Louis and Antonio to kill the vice mayor or something."He bends down to my level and holds a smirk on his face.

"You aren't wrong but do you know me?"He stood up straight and now his smirk is wiped off and his face is emotionless."Am I supposed to know you or?"I let it hand cause I don't know this man, never seen him at the cafe or anywhere except for here,in a dungeon.

He went round and is right behind me.I don't dare to look back or move,being under his stare is both scary and attractive."I am Riccardo Romano."Hot name for a hot guy.Wait  did he just say Romano as in Romano industries.

Riccardo Romano is the owner of many casinos and hotels, he also does some real estate but there are some rumours saying he does some illegal stuff.Guess those aren't rumours.

 I heard a little about him from some customers.Apparently he is a billionaire and was also on some Calvin Klein ads and Forbes magazine.

"I see you do."I never realized but I grew stiff with his words.He pulled my arms back and put handcuffs on my wrists."Kinky Mr Romano."I turn my face to face him and wink.He glares at me as he comes close to my face, his eyes turning grey which reminds me of a thunder storm raging in a forest as the green peeks out.

Our faces inches apart and his smirk returns."What a beautiful face yet such a big mouth."His hand grazes my face and his touch is so smooth and addicting."Well this big mouth can do a lot from what I have heard."

His eyes went cold and he grips my cheeks hard."Who are you?"he spits and let go of my cheeks.He went around me and was standing in front of me now."I am Batman."

"Miss Miller I asked you a question and you are not in the position to be doing jokes."How does he know my surname?And as if he read my thoughts he spoke again.

"I know you Maeve Miller, born on the 16 of November in 1999.Currently working at a Cafe called Pinkies and lives at Chester Apartments number 55."Ummm this guy really stalking me.

"Never knew I had a fan club, want an autograph?"he rolls his eye and his face hardens.

"What we couldn't find out is where you went to school, family, which hospital you were born at and lots more.I have the best men look into you Miss Miller and they didn't find anything except for your name and date of birth,why?"

"But you know where I live and work."I take out the boby pin I always keep hidden and start to unlock these handcuffs because these are getting very uncomfortable.

"We saw your ID badge so, who are you Maeve Miller?"My name sounds so much better when he says it.Is that normal?probably not

"Like I said Mr Romano, I am Batman."He walks up to me and grabs my cheeks,examining my face."Do you think this is a joke,I could kill you right now."Riccardo says ,so calmly yet you can hear the venom and irritation coming through.

"Then why haven't you?"I ask as I tear my face from his grip.

He seems taken aback as he  runs a hand through his hair.This guy is fit, those customers weren't lying."You aren't on social media or anything.Why?"

"I don't know."I scythe lie slipping out and protecting me.

"You will be staying here until I have enough information about you,Louis will show you to your room and don't even think about calling the cops because I will shoot you before the first ring."I can't live here,what about my job and my clothes.

"What do you find so fascinating about me Mr Romano,is it my dazzling charm?"I grin at him.

"Oh sweetheart, its so much more than that."And with that he turns around and leaves me in the room, speaking something the men at the door.

My anxiety spikes at the thought of staying here.

But I guess I bought my ticket to freedom so when I get my energy back, I am gonna run so fast he won't even realise I'm gone till I make it back to USA.I finish unlocking the handcuffs and started to rub my wrists once more.

"How do you do that?"When I turn my head to the door,I see Louis standing there with a key in his hand."I am a magician."I do jazz hands and he laughs."Hey Maeve,I am going to need to blindfold you."He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck."I don't have a chose do I?"I deadpan.

He shakes his head no and I shrug.I put the blindfold on and you will never guess what he does next...

HE FUCKING INJECTED ME.Does he have a needle fetish or something.

Before I could punch him ,my eyelids flutter and I drop.


"Why did you inject her?"

"Ric said I must ,don't shoot the messenger."

"Well how many times did you inject her?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes it does Louis."

"Bella it wasn't that much..maybe 3 times..'

"3 TIMES?!"

I slowly open my eyes and see that I am in a big room and on a king sized bed with grey covers on me,but I'm in different clothes. I turn to the voices I hear and see Louis getting hit by a girl most likely 2 years younger than me.

She has long dark brown hair that reach her waist and was most likely an inch taller than me.She is wearing black biker shorts and an oversized band shirt with slides on.

Louis is wearing a green olive shirt and black jeans with white sneakers.

The girl starts to punch Louis ,well try's to but hey, A for effort right."You go girl,beat the shit out of him."I say as I sit up.

They both face me and the girl smiles while Louis has a shocked look on his face."I thought you died."Louis says, walking up to the side of the bed with the girl skipping to the other side.

"Well I could've been and if I did ,I would haunt you like no mans business."Up close ,the girl has olive green eyes mixed with brown and freckles around her olive,tan skin.

"You are really pretty."I mutter in awe to her then turn to Louis and look him up and down.He has a big smile on,what a shame."And you dear Louise is not."The girl bursts out laughing and Louis had a scowl on his face.

"I am Isabella Romano,but you can call me Bella."Ohhh so she's Riccardo's sister,I can kind of see some similarities, its the eyes and hair well mostly the hair.

"Maeve Miller pleased to make your acquaintance."She laughs and I smile.I like her.

"Ric wants to see you in his office by the way so get dressed."Louis says while getting up."Wait,how long have I been away?"

"What do you mean away?"Louis says and I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes but it just happens."I meann,how long have I been adultnapped?"

"Ohhh maybe 4 days now."He shrugs and leaves the room with Bella whisper -shouting at him for telling me.

"4 DAYSSS!"I jump off the bed and almost fall.Stomping to the bathroom,I look around at the gorgeous bathroom that is probably larger than my crappy apartment back home.

It's plain white but the cupboards are light grey with a big bathtub in the corner, and a shower in the other corner. The toilet is on the other side. I striped off my clothes and went inside the shower.

There are all these cool buttons so I press the red one and water sprays in my face. After I am done testing them all, I see speakers on the roof .I wrap myself in a small white towel and dry my hair. I hope Mrs Williams is okay.

When I leave the bathroom, on the ceiling were speakers and I see a button and an iPad and press play.Okay, okay I have a problem with buttons, I don't know it's just the thrill maybe.I type in a catchy song to lift my spirits.

Bundles 2.It plays loud which is such a vibe.I start to dance to my closet and saw that all my clothes were in with new clothes. It's a walk in closet with a round couch in the middle.

Taking some black sweatpants and black tank,I quickly put them on and sneaker.My mind wondering to my mother.

I wonder what she would say right now?I know what my abuela would say though,"Maevy por qué no las pateaste.But that boss Riccardo is tan calientes como mis nachos picantes."
[Why didn't you kick them Maevy.
As hot as my spicy nachos.]

The song carries on playing and I start to dance again and take a look at my prison  bedroom.It has cream walls,a king sized bed in the middle with 2 side tables on either side.A desk in the corner of the room with a chair and a notebook with pens on it and a huge TV.I then see a red dot in the left corner of my room.

Is-is that a camera?I smile at it and wave happily."Fuck you camera."I spit while dancing and pointing both my middle fingers up at it.

"Go bad bitch ,Go bad bitch go!"I scream and the song ends with me panting.That was fun but now I have a meeting with a stalker.I leave my room and only then did I realise that I have no idea where his office is.

On my right is a long hallway, maybe with rooms and on my left are more rooms .In front of me is a rail and on both sides are gold staircases.I decide to go down the right staircase and on my way ,I slip and roll down the rest of the stairs.

"Fucking hell."I try getting up but soon realize that I must have bruised my shoulder.I flipped the stairs off and see that both Antonio and another guy were laughing at me.

I walk up to them and realize that it was the kitchen. It's so big, with white marble counters, grey cupboards and black stools around."And what's so funny?" Antonio and the other guy stopped laughing and looked at each other then back at me.

"You tripped on air."Antonio said between chuckles."And flipped the stairs off."the other guy said laughing.

The other guy has blue hair,brown eyes and tan skin."I don't like you but I like your hair."I said pointing to t he other guy."I am Luther."

"Maeve.Do you know where I am meeting with the asshole?"I ask and Luther nods his head, his blue hair following the movement."Let me take you."

I follow Luther out the door and we go in the opposite direction. The living room is on the other side with a grey couch and biggg TV. We went past it and passed many rooms,some were closed but the others that were open were filed Ugh tables and chairs or toys.

We finally reach the office and before I could open the 2 red doors,Luther stops me."Be careful amore."And leaves me alone with questions that begin piling up.What's that about I wonder?

I open the door and see a very focused Riccardo behind a big brown table filled with papers and a mac computer.I close the doors and look around.

On the left is a bookshelf and on the right is 3 couches with a brown table in the middle and a small Tv facing them. Above Riccardo's head is a portrait of 5 people.A man and woman sanding next to each other with two kids standing in front of them. One looks like a younger version of Riccardo and the other looks like a younger version of Bella .In the woman's arms is a baby boy and in the left arm of the older man is a baby boy too. Twins I think.The mans other hand is wrapped around the woman's waist.

Riccardo looks like his father, well I am assuming it's his father and Bella looks like her father too but with her mothers freckles. The woman ,who I am also assuming is the mother ,is beautiful. In fact this entire family is beautiful.

"You can take a seat Ms Miller."Riccardo's voice brings be from the portriat and I look down at him.I take a seat and cross my legs."No need to be so formal, you can just call me Maeve."I mutter while playing with my fingers and chewing on the inside of my cheek.A habit I formed when I was a child.

He finally looks up from the papers that are clustered on his desk and places his crossed hands onto the table."It's business Miss Miller."

I look up to him to see that he is already staring at me.

"Well then,sir,please continue with your business talk."He rolls his eyes and takes out a file and 1 black pen.Riccardo holds his hands and has a smirk on.Oh that smirk,so...hot

"Lets make a deal,a contract."



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