Actions and Consequences || l...

By HelenaAzure

10.1K 720 472

For each action, there will always be a consequence. No one knows it better than Harry. Lies, deceit, tricks... More

Lets Get Started
2. RUN
7. THE PRICE OF WAR (part-1)
9. THE PRICE OF WAR (part-2)
21. FALL
22. HURT
Glossary and Author's Note


229 19 11
By HelenaAzure



POV: Louis

They didn't get to kick many butts. None to be exact. Though Liam did cut off a head.

In the beginning, Louis grew increasingly worried, that Zayn might lose his temper at one of the meetings and actually kick some pretty dangerous butts.

But Liam assured him that Zayn wouldn't.... most probably.

According to him, Zayn only unleashed his claws for people he trusted explicitly.

But here was the thing, Zayn was a highly spirited omega. And even though no one knew that he was an omega, they definitely knew from his looks and built that he was not an alpha like the other two. And he was younger. 

As a result, on many occasions, he had been dismissed or insulted. And Zayn was not the kind to sit back and be trash talked about. And Louis was afraid that one day he would simply lose control.

So, Louis was a little concerned for Zayn. Because sometimes, the dangerous butts could kick him back.

After Lysandra, he had joined his friends, going all over the country and speaking and negotiating with the lords. It was a secret mission Liam had been assigned by his father, one of the six powerful lords.

They had to move carefully, for if Lionel found out about his not-so-dead status and this growing opposition he was forming, the new king would definitely join heaven and hell to take him out once more, along with Liam and Zayn.

They travelled in disguise. And Liam alone sorted the negotiations first and only when he was sure that the lord or the chief was trustworthy, did Louis come out to play with fire. But he still wore a disguise and introduced himself as a long-lost relative of the douche bag sitting on the throne.

The blood connection was necessary, for without it, he couldn't be king and the people wouldn't vouch for him. Thankfully, convincing the lords was easy because of the glittering evidence.

The lords themselves were tricky business.

Yes, Louis did know them because of regular dealings with them when he had been a prince. But forming relations from scratch was difficult.

Moreover, lord-prince relationships were nowhere near the lord-lord relationships. In short, most of them hated each other and refused to work together. In a sick sense, they were not all that different from their crown wearing counterparts.

Liam's father was respected though, and it certainly helped a lot. Lord Payne was the Leanna of Valium. And no one wanted to get on his bad side.

Louis's meeting with Liam's father had been...interesting.

On Liam's and Zayn's reassurance, he had revealed his true identity to the man and his wife. They had immediately hugged him and welcomed him into their family, before cursing Lionel's name. Zayn had enthusiastically joined in when the cursing started. It was clear that the couple adored the pretty omega. Seeing him happy meant a lot too Louis, as generally, omegas weren't treated with the respect they deserved. But in the Payne household, reassuring hugs and kisses was the norm.

At night, when Zayn had fallen asleep, Liam had confided in him quietly. "He things the world of you, you know? Please don't break his trust."

Louis was aware that both Liam and Zayn, believed that Louis was destined to bring about a change. It showed every time he looked into their eyes. It was a heavy burden, but also kind of made him proud.

This was what his mother had taught him to do.

"I know." Louis had said decisively. "I won't."

Liam gave off the quiet kind of strength. He never once lost his temper while dealing with the frustrating squabbles of the lords. He was highly perspective and was good at harboring trust from even strangers. He was brave too, and also very protective of those in need. Ready to pull out sword if Zayn or anyone else needed him.

The Paynes had raised a real alpha.

Louis admired him. He also found a teacher and sparring partner in him. It was different from what he had learnt in the castle. Rawer and more callous. But it was certainly exciting.

Zayn followed them around. Picking up the art from the side-lines and badgering them for almost a year until they gave in and allowed him hold a sword. Louis and Liam pretty much got their butts kicked from him ever since.

A fact that made Zayn very pleased.

But they still worried for him. Liam had told him about how omegas generally didn't do good with violence and bloodshed. And Louis himself had seen Zayn freeze up in rocky situations. But he always had his brothers to stand by him. 

Though one time, all three of them came quite close to disaster.

It had been over a year since Louis was stabbed. Only a few territories were left to convince.

The three of them had been negotiating with the Lord of Yaven, a northern territory. When suddenly during the middle of the discussions, Zayn had uncharacteristically jumped up and dashed outside.

Lord Alfred was no pleased. Louis had left Liam to calm the old man down with a huge ego, only to find a trembling Zayn throwing up in the gardens. He had immediately rushed to help him sit. Growing worried about his health.

Zayn barely managed two words. "Bad Heat." Before his eyes closed and he slumped into Louis' arms. His skin sweaty and pale with pain.

From what his mother had told him , Louis knew that not all omegas experienced heat the same way. Some barely broke sweat over it whereas others had painful enough make them pass out. Zayn usually didn't have the terrible kind. But there were always exceptional cases, and it looked like Zayn was having his right now. 

Louis was not too surprised as Zayn had been under enormous physical and mental stress during the past few months with all the travelling going on. The strain was bound to catch up eventually.

Louis tenderly lifted the younger boy in his arms and went back inside to reschedule the meeting. Liam was instantly at his side, looking concerned over his brother. But Lord Alfred was positively stunned. "He is an omega? An omega was preaching me about politics!" He had an displeased frown on his face.

Louis gritted his teeth but let Liam handle it. "Yes. I, however, fail to see what the issue is? And if you don't mind, we will be leaving now to take care of Zayn. We'll talk later." Liam informed with a cold voice.

They had just turned around to get back to their temporary resident when Alfred ordered. "There is no reason to leave. We can continue with our discussions while the omega is looked after. We have plenty of rooms here and my alpha son will take very good care of him!" He finished with a smirk.

Louis froze. The vulgar intent making him feel a sick.

The only reason he hadn't yet cut out the man's tongue for even insinuating something like this was because Zayn was in his arms. But he didn't need to do it.

"What did you just say?" Liam's voice was deadly quiet. Almost a whisper like the winds of the grave.

Alfred continued, not even reading the air. "The omega is young and ripe. He will do nicely for my son. A little outspoken, but we can discipline him just fine. That pretty face is quite the trophy to own!"

Louis's grip tightened protectively on Zayn, who was shivering. Liam on the other hand, roared out. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE SUCH ASSUMPTIONS!!" He pulled out his sword and charged at the man.

The old lord was quick on his feet. He swiftly pulled out his own sword which clanged with Liam's. "He's just an omega! Why are you overreacting? It's an honor to be mated with a future lord!"

Liam didn't say anything. He let his sword speak. What followed was a quick but fierce duel. Louis was on the edge the whole time, ready to pull out his own sword if needed.

But it wasn't needed.

With quick successive attacks, Liam had the man down on his knees with his blade to his throat. "He's a person! And you will respect him as such!"

Turns out Zayn was right. Alfred was indeed a stupid old alpha. "The only thing I'll treat him with is my dick!" Alfred sneered back boldly.

The very next instant, the man was one head short of completion. The blood painted the carpet red while Liam stood over the body, panting with anger. Louis watched him silently as Liam slowly calmed down enough to realize what he had done.

"Oh shit!"

"Yeah," Louis observed grimly but without remorse. Then he looked down at Zayn.

"But he had it coming."

Though honestly, it wasn't too bad. The local people readily accepted Liam as the new lord and mostly everyone bought their story involving secret agents sent from Torrenheim to sabotage the border territory of Valium. Lionel was extremely pleased to learn of this 'conspiracy' and of how Liam risked his life in honor of his country, and readily gave the vacated position to Liam, the savior of Yaven!

Zayn was extremely surprised when he woke up from the dazed state two days later to see a Lord Liam, and wasted no time in teasing the lordship out of him. On the other hand, he was less thrilled to learn about what Alfred had suggested and withdrew a bit into himself. In their journey across the country, they had seen and experienced some pretty horrible stuff. And it was finally catching up to him.

But Louis and Liam stepped in to help him up and offer emotional support. They loved their feisty brother and didn't want to lose him over the archaic rules that governed their kingdom. But at the same time, they became even more protective over Zayn. The world was changing, but it was still a bad place for omegas. And neither of them were willing to risk his safety.

Lysandra was a circus. Lionel it's ringmaster.

Death of the previous king and the prince was tearfully mourned by monster, who had no idea ' they had passed away so suddenly, leaving me all alone in this world! But I will not let them down! I will make them proud and be the king I was born to be. I will love my people just like I loved them!"

The Payne household held a curse fest after hearing that speech. And even Zayn was impressed  by Louis' colorful vocabulary. 

News was it, the paid actors to shed the tears had put up a remarkable performance at the palace..

With Lionel firmly on throne, conditions in Valium worsened steadily. The new king adding fuel to fire. But now, they at least had hope.

Change was coming. Most of the lords had been unified under Louis and Liam.

Only one lordship remained to be taken under.

The chaotic border district right next to Carnelia.



So what did actually happen in Timora?

Omega Heat in this book is exactly like periods minus the blood. There is no lust or sex, just the 'pain' old cramps to the extreme. And helping means taking care of that person and guarding them when they can't defend themselves.

We are halfway through the ride. And now the air sweetens as a new emotion blooms. 



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