For Me,There Is Only You |18+|

By MsRecluse

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Warning: This book contains mature content. "Your scent is driving me crazy, mate. You're so ready for me," h... More

Author's Note
His Yearning
Her Despair
1.Stranger and Me.
2. True Friend.
3.Omichli Mountain
4.Not My Day.
5. Present and Past
6. A Lie, I wish I Never Told
7. Even More Messier.
8. Scary Revelations
10. The Monster
11. Making You Mine - I
12. Making you mine - II
13.Whose Fault?
14. They are crazy
15. Enlightenment
16. I should've known better
17. Forced Bond
18. Twisted Fate
19. His world
20. The Origin
21. Drawing Lines
22. You Can't Run Away From The Beast
23. Withering In Despair
24. Balance Of Nature
25. A room without a door
26. Wispwood
27. The Negotiation
28. A Tumultuous Situation
29. Helplessness
30. Survival Instinct

9. Too Overwhelming

850 26 10
By MsRecluse

I had to stay connected with my soul, especially during these times of emotional turmoil. The stress I was experiencing was taking a toll on me, and I knew I needed to find a way to cope with it.

To protect myself from the overwhelming fear and confusion, I started masking my emotions from both myself and others. It was a temporary solution, a way to hide from the magnitude of the problem at hand. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't keep hiding forever. Eventually, I would have to face this reality and talk to someone about it, or else these emotions would become self-destructive.

However, there was a problem - I had no one to talk to about this. I felt isolated and alone, with no confidant to share my burden with. It felt like I was mentally weak for not handling the situation more maturely, but the truth was that this was an extraordinary circumstance that I couldn't have prepared for.

People often say to talk to your conscious mind when dealing with troubling realities, but for me, it wasn't that simple. My mind felt clouded and confused, and I struggled to find logical thoughts among the chaos.

Everything around me felt surreal, as if the world I knew had been replaced by something dark and frightening. Even my closest friend Ashley seemed familiar yet different. It was hard to accept that my best friend, who I had known for five years, was not human. But despite her true identity, our bond remained true. She was still my best friend, and that wouldn't change.

In the midst of all this confusion and pain, I yearned to take back some control over my life and shield myself from the harsh reality that was hurting me so deeply.

"You've been awfully quiet since yesterday. What's on your mind?" Ashley noticed my distant look and questioned me, bringing me back to the present. I knew I couldn't keep delaying the confrontation with reality, but for now, it was the only option I had. I needed more time to deal with my emotions, to process everything that had happened.

"I want to go back," I murmured softly, causing Ashley to stop what she was doing with the dresses she brought here to show me for her wedding.

She stared at me with a blank expression, and her mother, who was sitting nearby, also looked at me. "Why?" Ashley asked, puzzled by my sudden desire to leave.

My mind was racing, and I wanted to scream that a human wasn't supposed to be among wolves, but I held back. "I don't feel good here," was all I managed to say, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

"But didn't the doctor say your injuries were almost healed? Your bandages are even removed now," she pointed out, concern etched on her face as she abruptly stood up and approached the bed. Ashley placed her hand on my forehead, expressing concern. "Do you have a fever?" she asked. I gazed into her grey eyes, grateful for her care, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think that she was something more than just human.

"No, it's not about the physical injuries," I replied, feeling the weight of the emotional turmoil inside me. "This place is just unfamiliar, and all I want is to go back home."

Leaving seemed like the only solution to me, an escape from this strange and unsettling environment.

Ashley, however, seemed determined to find a solution. "Is it because I'm not giving you enough time? Do you feel alone here? I'm so sorry, Neev—" she began, but I couldn't let her blame herself.

"Ashley," I interrupted gently, "tomorrow is your wedding. I know you're busy, but please try to understand my situation."

She paused, her expression softening. "No. If you don't like this place, it's okay. I'm going to Nate's pack anyway. You can stay with us," she suggested, trying to offer a solution.

"Ash, it's not about that," I sighed, feeling torn. I wanted to be there for her on her special day, but I also needed to leave this place for my own sanity. The conflicting emotions inside me were tearing me apart.

"No... I'm not letting you go. Not now because that beast—"

"Ashley!!" her mother yelled, startling us both.

That beast... the very thought sent shivers down my spine. I wasn't entirely sure what being claimed by a beast meant, but from the overheard conversations, it sounded far from pleasant.

But who was the beast brother? Alaric? Ansel? The voice inside my head seemed to know the answer, but I was hesitant to accept it.

Why would he do something like that to me?

"She has to leave," Galina stated firmly. Surprised by her unexpected stance, I glanced at her. Her pale blue eyes briefly appeared almost white, and a mysterious aura seemed to emanate from her, giving me goosebumps.

"Why?" Ashley asked her mother, her voice tinged with concern and confusion.

Galina gave me one last glance before turning to her daughter. "Because she doesn't belong here," she replied with a hint of finality in her tone.

The words struck me, confirming what I had been feeling all along. I didn't belong here, among the wolves, in this unfamiliar world. It was a painful truth, but it was also a revelation that set me free in a strange way.

The stare-down between mother and daughter lasted for a few tense seconds until Ashley broke the contact first. Glancing in my direction, she finally spoke, "You can go back tomorrow, after my wedding."

Her words surprised me, and I looked at her, unsure of what to say. Going back was what I wanted, but I didn't expect her to be so understanding and accommodating about it, especially with everything else going on.

"You mean it?" I asked, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude.

Ashley nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Of course, Neev. Your happiness and well-being matter to me. I want you to be safe and comfortable. We'll figure out a way for you to leave after the wedding."


The wedding was a breathtaking spectacle, more like a garden party basking in the warm glow of a day adorned with a clear blue sky and sweetly rising heat. The back garden was transformed into a magical space with floral installations and draped fabric gracefully used for decoration, creating an ethereal ambiance with hanging flower arrangements.

The floral-covered chuppah, serving as the altar, was a true showstopper from every angle. Adorned with lush flowers and greenery, it stood as a symbol of love and union, capturing everyone's attention.

True to her word, Ashley had reserved a seat for me in the front row. The groom, looking dapper and excited, stood at the altar, eagerly waiting for his bride. I sat there silently, absorbing every detail, trying to find solace in the beauty surrounding me.

Yet, the glances from the other guests were a stark reminder of my predicament. Some looked at me with incredulity, as if they couldn't believe a human was among them. Others sneered, while some displayed pity in their eyes.

The most chilling stares, however, came from the Alpha of the pack — Steven. His gaze held a mix of contempt and hostility, making me shiver inwardly. It was evident that he didn't approve of my presence among them, and his disapproval made me all the more uneasy.

Despite the breathtaking surroundings, I couldn't escape the reality of my situation. A human amidst a group of wolves — how romantic!!

Although my fear of them had somewhat diminished, I was emotionally numb. The experiences of the past days left me feeling detached from everything around me.

The wedding wasn't attended by a large number of people, as Ashley had informed me that the main traditional ceremony would take place at night. But I wouldn't be there to witness it. I knew I had to leave before the night fell before I would be thrust into a world I could never truly belong to.

The whole gathering fell silent in awe as the beautiful bride emerged, her hand gracefully tucked into her father's arm. Ashley, adorned in her bridal attire, walked through the floral archway, making her way toward her eagerly waiting groom. As the couple exchanged their heartfelt vows and rings, sealing their love for each other, the priest declared them man and wife. It was a moment of sheer happiness for my best friend, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of joy and bittersweet emotions.

After the ceremony, it was finally time for me to leave. Ashley called for a doctor when I mentioned feeling a slight fever in the morning. The doctor administered an injection to prevent my condition from worsening, and in consideration of the chilly weather, she handed me a thick jacket to keep me warm as I was wearing  peach dress that reached just above my knees and had spaghetti straps.

When she told me that Alaric would be my designated driver, my heart skipped a beat. I immediately declined her offer, remembering the intense encounter I had with him earlier. The memories of that night, when I saw him and his companions transform into wolves, still sent shivers down my spine. While I had come to terms with the fact that they were supernatural beings, the idea of being alone with Alaric in a car was daunting.

But now, as I stood before my new designated driver, the ladder guy himself, my fear only intensified. Despite knowing that they were wolves in human form, I hadn't witnessed their monstrous side. That part still remained hidden from me, but it didn't make the prospect any less terrifying. The presence of the ladder guy, as my designated driver made the situation even more nerve-wracking. He seemed to enjoy my discomfort, flashing a cocky smirk when he caught me staring at him.

"I wish Nate and I could drop you home," Ashley said. But I didn't want to inconvenience them on their special day.

"I'll be fine. You should care about your first night... well, it's not like this will be your first time, but still..." I teased Ashley mischievously.

She playfully slapped my forearm and pulled me into a tight, emotional hug. We held each other for a moment longer than necessary, both fighting back tears. When she finally released me, her eyes were moist, mirroring my own. Nate gave me a warm, brotherly hug and wished me to take care. I returned the sentiment, urging him to look after my best friend.

No matter how different they were, these two were my family, and I knew we would always care for each other deeply.

As we said our goodbyes, Lauren and Karen embraced me. However, when Galina held me, I felt a strange surge of energy, and her whispered words sent a chill down my spine. "This is the beginning," she said cryptically. I stumbled back, staring at her with surprise and confusion. What did she mean? Her look left me unsettled, and I couldn't shake off the feeling.

Settling into the back seat of the car, I waved goodbye to everyone. Ashley came to the window, holding my hand tightly. "I will fix everything," she promised, her eyes lingering on my neck.

Though I didn't know what she meant exactly, I believed in her words with all my heart.

Jerome, as Ashley called him, bowed to her before we departed, acknowledging her warning to take me home safely.

As we left the town behind and drove on the mountain road, I felt a slight discomfort in my chest. The familiar road brought back memories of the accident, and my mind felt heavy.

Feeling drowsy from the effects of the injection, I closed my eyes, hoping to rest during the journey home.

"Sleep, I'll drop you safely," I heard Jerome's voice as I drifted off to sleep.





A groan escaped my mouth when the car abruptly came to a halt, and my head banged against the window. Ignoring the reason for the sudden stop, I closed my eyes again, intending to continue my power nap.

Soon, the car started moving once more, but before I could drift back into slumber, I groaned again as Jerome aggressively hit the brakes, causing a screeching sound to pierce my ears. He got out of the car, leaving me puzzled as I peered open my eyes to see what was happening.

Within moments, I heard the backseat door open, and panic surged through me when I saw Alaric's menacing grey eyes staring back at me. "A-Alaric?" I stuttered, my mouth going dry.

"Hello there, little human," he grinned wickedly, his banana hair falling messily on his forehead, adding to his manic appearance.

My heart raced, and I looked outside the window, realizing that we were in the middle of a thick green canopy, far from any familiar road. I couldn't understand why Alaric was here or where Jerome had gone.

"What is the meaning of this, Alaric?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady even though my heart felt like it might burst out of my chest. My stomach turned to ice when I saw him removing his t-shirt and tossing it onto the front seat.

I tried to open the back door, but it was locked. Sliding back a little, I pressed my back against the door. "I want to taste you, little human," he said in a lust-filled voice. Taking hold of my ankle, he dragged me into the backseat. I cried out and slapped him hard across the face.

He stopped.

After a moment of stunned silence, he spoke. "You little bitch, I am going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to move a single limb." He gripped my hair. "This will be the best punishment for your monster mate!" He snarled.

Holding my hands on either side, he started brushing his lips along my cheek and jawline. Disgust ran through my body, and bile rose in my throat when his lips touched my neck. I tried to hold still, but the fear and anger overwhelmed me, and I kicked him hard in his balls. He screamed in agony, and I leapt forward to open the door. In the process, I snatched the car keys from him. His hands grabbed my ankle to drag me back, but I kicked him hard in the face.

Blood oozed out from his lips. "You will pay, you bitch!" He yelled and slapped me hard, trying to restrain me. I found a beer bottle under the seat and immediately grabbed it, smashing it on his head.

As he clutched his head in pain, I took the opportunity to get out of the car. I locked it with the key, causing a beeping sound. A lethal growl echoed all around the forest, and I ran as hard as I could.

I wasn't sure how much time it would take for him to recover. He was a werewolf and could easily break through that car door. Uncertain of which direction to go, I followed the tire marks on the muddy soil. After running for five minutes, I finally saw the highway. I stood in the middle of the road, desperately trying to stop any passing car.

But what guarantee did I have that whoever stopped would be a good person?

Well, I was about to find out. I was capable of fighting with humans, just not with supernatural beings.

The drivers of the first two cars passed by, hurling nasty comments in my direction and never stopping.

The third vehicle was a truck, and I assumed it wouldn't stop either, but to my surprise, it did. I had my doubts about going with him, but when the driver opened the door, I saw a small boy around the age of eight sitting on the passenger seat, staring at me.

"Need a lift, kid?" the truck driver asked, and the little child patted the seat, showing me where I could sit if I said yes.

My intuition told me that these people were not dangerous, so I nodded slightly and grabbed the opportunity. I sat beside the little kid as the truck was huge. Just a few meters away, I heard the loud roar again.

"Grandpa, what was that sound?" the little kid asked.

"A wild animal," his grandpa replied.

Wild animal with banana head!

The adrenaline finally started wearing off, and I felt the exhaustion taking over me.

Was there still something left for me to see? I wanted to scream at God's face.

What had I done so wrong that he was punishing me like this?

I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on.

One more hard blow and I would definitely shatter.


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