Disoriented Cosmos {A Torchwo...

By RainbowDumbass

4.3K 255 23

A young woman, left stranded by a drug ring, lifelong amnesia, taken in by Torchwood - Evelina Cosmo Fireston... More

1. Everything Changes
2. The Weirdest Kidnapping I've Ever Had (And That's Saying Something)
3. My Drink Tastes Weird
4. Welcome To Torchwood
5. My First Job
6. I've Solved Something!
7. My First Paycheck
8. Amber Johnson
9. Supermarket
10. Merry Christmas!
11. Tommy Reginald Brockless
13. A New Addition
14. Coping Mechanisms
15. Boom Goes The Dynamite
16. Aliens Of London
17. The First Time I Found Out A Half-Naked Man Would Fight For Us
18. Owen's First Alien Smackdown
19. What's Up With That Rift?
20. Boom Town
21. What's Up With That Jack?
22. Owen has feelings?!
23. Something, Or Nothing?
24. No, It's Definitely Something
25. She Doesn't Look Like A Barbara
26. And Then They Were Coworkers
27. What, And I Say This Nicely, The Fuck
28. This Is Starting To Turn Into A Kerfuffle
29. I Wonder How This Will Turn Out
30. We All Need Some Spice In Winter
31. Once Again, What The Fuck

12. Tosh And Tommy's Second Date

115 7 0
By RainbowDumbass

I lean on a desk, watching Toshiko introduce a hundred year old man to new things such as a Hairdryer (that's been taken apart for machinery) and a CD Player (that's Suzie's so probably doesn't have very cool songs on). I capitalise these things as I think of them being shown to Tommy because to them they're literally magic. He's from the 1910s, for Christ's sake - he shouldn't be here in 2004! I so badly wanna know what he's needed for that I feel my head physically burning. Or is it just because I'm standing too close to the Rift? I do that sometimes - I should probably check that out at some point.

"Move," a strict voice orders, and I roll my eyes a split second after Suzie flies past me so she won't see and thus scold me on being 'childish.' As someone who can't remember their childhood, don't I have a right to be childish?

"Right, Tommy," she commands his attention, and the vintage war boy turns his head away from the Vacuum Cleaner to look at her. Almost like he knows what she's about to say. He even winced in anticipation.
"Time for the blood tests."
"Wait, blood tests? Why?" I ask her, and while Tosh links arms with Tommy and follows Suzie, Jack suddenly appears next to me. This man is a bloody magician, disappearing and reappearing, I swear to Judoon. Wait, who?

"We need to test his blood so we can check it's the same as it was the last time we woke him up," Captain Mysterio answers, and I look up at him incredulously.
"Why would his blood change? It's not exactly like he's been on holiday."
Jack examines me with clever eyes. Too clever. "Look, we just need to test him in every way possible to make sure he's still ready for whatever Torchwood wants from him."

I cross my arms. "So, let me get this straight: about a hundred years ago, your old bosses froze this guy, this poor man who had his own life and family and friends which you took him away from, then you stick him in a massive freezer and wake him up one day a year just to stick needles into him? That doesn't sound fair, Jack, and I know fair."

Jack doesn't say anything, doesn't bother to verbally respond, just shrugs and does that smirk on me. You know, that smirk. The smirk that makes you want to punch him in the face but also ask what he's thinking all the time he's making it. Or, again, maybe that's just me.

"Come on," he unfurls his arms to clap my on the back, "we gotta get to work recording the new Weevils. Leave them to their date."


Later that day, Tosh and Tommy enter through the giant cog door, smiles on their faces reflecting the surely magical day they had today. And why shouldn't they? I've never seen Toshiko have an ounce of confidence when it comes to the dating game, and she seems so joyful and full of herself around Tommy. Considering her, it's a real shame he has to be frozen again.

I say as much to Jack at the back of the operating room as the young man gets frozen once again by Suzie, my earnest friend holding his hand the entire time.
"Next time, could he have at least two days outside? Toshiko would really like it."

Give him credit, he makes it look like he's considering it. But then, as I kinda knew he would all along - call it a gut feeling - he shakes his head forlornly.
"I'm afraid we can't," he says in a voice tinged with a regret only meaning that he's gone through this conversation before, "because he only has a set amount of time to be unfrozen, and we don't know when that time will run out or when we'll need him, so for now he has to be unfrozen only once a year, when we need him. I'm sorry, Evelina."

"It's not me you should apologise to," I reply with the same tone of sadness, as I watch Suzie pry Tommy's hand out of Tosh's. That poor woman; she doesn't know how to be with someone other than a frozen army soldier. And I can't help her - all I know is from the drugring, and before that is just an unknown blur. Suzie I assume thinks dating and romance is just a distraction, and Jack is... well, I don't know what Jack is. He's not one for monogamy, I know that for sure.

I invite Tosh round for tea and cake, a British custom I seem to find a bit tedious due to all the sitting around and not doing much, and she tells me excitedly all about her date.

They wandered round the bay, had an ice cream at our favourite cafe, then walked down until they reached Penarth Marina. Tosh said that Tommy got spotted by a ship captain and was offered a leaflet about volunteering, but then on their way back he had no choice but to toss it into the water. Which I privately think would've harmed the aquatic life in the Marina, but I'm hardly going to say that with the aged tired look on her face.

"Look, Tosh," I put down my mug of tea and take her hand, and she looks into my swirling eyes, "I'm really really sorry that Tommy can't be unfrozen for more than once a year. I asked Jack, but I have a feeling you've already asked. A lot."

She casts her eyes downwards. "I just... nobody else will want me," she says to her shoes.
"Oh, Toshiko, of course people want you. Men, women, everyone in between, they think you're absolutely bloody gorgeous. And you're intelligent, and your smile is brilliant, and your so warm and genuine."

"Really? You think?" she asks with an earnest hopeful smile, and I nod to each question.
Of course Toshiko Sato could get anyone she wants; it's just that, once again, her lack of confidence is ruining it for her. I don't know how to help her with that, apart from to help be her wingwoman.


"Toshiko," I begin, "how would you feel if I... helped you get with people?"
"What, like a wingwoman?" she asks uncertainly, and I nod.
"It could help your confidence, and you could meet some amazing people. I'm very good at talking to people - in fact, that's how I got out of the drugring alive." Well, technically Jack making some sort of blue portal around me was how I got out alive, but I'm being pedantic.

Tosh considers it for long enough that I get agitated, then nods slowly.
"Sure, I mean, what could happen? I meet someone, and I like them, and they blow me off? There's always other fish in the sea!"

Tosh and I lay out a plan to go to a club the next time we both have a day off, and I'll seek out the nicest looking women or men and one by one introduce them to my lovely gorgeous friend. It's foolproof.

Nobody could ruin this.

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