Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

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✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

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1K 92 235
By Taegyaza

Sorry if some things seem unrealistic, But I did do some research on the matter, like velocity and atmospheric pressure.

Freefall time

"Tut-tut B1-G3 relax~" Minkyu slowly approached him with taunting steps and movements. He kneeled in front of him "You guys should really be more like me: Be chill~ at all times."

Beomgyu was squirming in his seat, not wanting that smoke monster who's impersonated as a human near him.

"Don't be so agitated, I won't hurt you or anything.. To be honest I always kinda had feelings for you.."


He burst out a laugh as he clapped his hands enthusiastically "Haha nahhh I'm just kidding ah.. I'm hilarious sometimes.." He looked back at his friend "Right Yeonjun?"


Minkyu turned back to BG and smiled innocently while placing his hands on Beomgyu's hip area, he then slowly took his teleportation belt off.

"Hey give it back!!!" Beomgyu demanded.

"Or what?" Zephyr gave him a soul-piercing look which shut the older up immediately. Beomgyu is still afraid of his enemy, the trauma is real.

He took hold of Beomgyu's left arm and effortlessly tore open the sleeve of the skydiving suit. He then removed the white glove to have full access to his bionic arm. A tough and fat rope was still keeping that arm in place though. Beomgyu couldn't move. Just his wrists, neck and legs.

With a pair of scissors, the younger went in to cut off a tiny little exposed wire which made Beomgyu wince a bit. Minkyu smirked "Now you're unable to generate any cyballs~"

Taking his teleportation belt away, neutralising his ability to make cyballs.. Why is Minkyu doing this?

The latter advanced towards the exit that directly faces Beomgyu, he opened the sliding door completely before throwing the belt out of it. It's now lost in the deep ocean.

...Beomgyu gasped faintly. The precious gadgets that Dr Froth gave him are now gone.. His expression clearly saddened.

But that doesn't matter that much to him at the moment, all he wants is... 'Taehyun.. how is he?'

Yeonjun gave the guy a little high-five "Nice job."

"Professor Yeonjun hyung! What is the meaning of this!?" Beomgyu shouted wondering why he's on Zephyr's side.

The older scoffed as he advanced towards Beomgyu and patted his head "Since day one, I knew you were an alien and a cyborg. It's also been that long since I've wanted to get rid of you~"

"W-Why...?" Beomgyu was in disbelief, he feels betrayed. He was never the nicest to Yeonjun but.. he still liked him as a friend... Yeonjun was the one he went to for personal problems. He didn't call him a professor for nothing.

"Why? I love murder. It felt boring to kill humans over and over again. You're a brand new experience you know."

'That hurts...'

The chief of the police glanced at him, he wasn't the proudest of his son. The latter kind of ruined his reputation.. But at the same time he didn't, Yeonjun's hotness tends to overshadow his past. A past that Yeonjun is trying to relive. Unlike what the public and his father think, the guy didn't change at all.

Minkyu snapped his fingers.

Hearing that sound, Junghoon came out of the cockpit and walked towards the back door to fetch Taehyun.

"Taehyun!!!" Beomgyu shouted pinned in his seat. The younger was dragged out of the room, his wrists were held together by handcuffs. And his cheeks are tear-stained.

The view of his berry looking so frail and scared, raged up Beomgyu on the spot "LET HIM GO WHAT THE FU—"
Beomgyu's breath hitched as he immediately cut his own words off in petrification.

Minkyu had pulled his gun up to Taehyun's temple. The human flinched with his heart racing, tears were forming in his eyes before flowing down.

Beomgyu breathed out, trying to calm down the immense concern that he's feeling right now. He slowly shook his head while whispering "Don't you dare... Don't you dare hurt Taehyun.."

Minkyu just sends him a smirk, he then softly rested his index on the trigger to tease him.
"Don't you dare, don't you dare, don't you dare, don't you dare..." He muttered in a threatening voice with his grey eye turning red..

While keeping his gun stationary to Taehyun's head. Minkyu gestured the latter to start moving.

The boy slowly walked towards the opened exit.
"More." Minkyu ordered with Taehyun hesitantly obeying.

No words can describe how terrified Taehyun is. Right now, he has no parachute on, his back is facing the open door with the brusque wind hitting his body. They are literally 15000 feet up in the sky, one wrong step backward and he falls to his death. The plane is already unstable he could slip any moment, he can't hold onto anything either. And as if his anxiety couldn't go any higher, a gun is literally pointed to his forehead right now. He's so scared, he just wants to run to his boyfriend's arms but if he moves, Minkyu will shoot him.

Endless tears were streaming down his little cheeks, the more he cried the more Beomgyu was burning with anger and guilt on the inside.

They are right above the deep Pacific Ocean.


Gun never leaving its position, the aforementioned looked back at Yeonjun's father who called him "Remember the deal. Do not kill my citizen. Let's focus on killing aliens, not humans."

The youngest clicked his tongue in annoyance, the man isn't aware of Minkyu's hidden identity.

Nor is he aware of the pilot and the skydiving instructor's identity... Zephyr had asked his fellow umorphia friends to take over those men's conscience. Which explains their odd behaviour.

Minkyu slowly turned to take a look at his former favourite prey "You know what would be exciting? Pushing this human out of the plane. What do you guys think~"

"HELL YEAH!!" Yeonjun raised his two fists up while his father was shaking his head with a stern look. "No."

"NO NO NO PLEASE!" Beomgyu pleaded, desperately trying to free himself from the ropes "If you want to push someone off, push me!! Don't touch Taehyun! Anyone but Taehyun!" He was almost crying this out.

"Ehhhhh that wouldn't be fun though.." Minkyu and Yeonjun said simultaneously. "Party pooper."

"I don't want to die..." Taehyun choked on his sobs.

"Taeberry, look at me."

The younger looked up at his boyfriend who was tied somewhere 2,5m (8,2 feet) away from him. Suddenly all he could see was him and all he could feel was the comforting energy that the older was sending him. Beomgyu mouthed "You're not going to die, I won't let anything happen to you.."

Taehyun let a weak and feeble smile play on his lips.


Here's some insight.

Zephyr went to Yeonjun's side even before the latter met BG. Zephyr had seen that he was connected to Logan who is connected to BG. Yeonjun told him that he's been bored ever since he got out of jail (where he's been ever since he was 18) and he said that he wanted a nice kill.

And that's when Zephyr told him about B1-G3.

Yeonjun had told his father about B1-G3's existence, the older wanted him dead on the spot. He's not letting some alien in this country.

Minkyu and Yeonjun decided to work together, or let's say use each other. Yeonjun wants/needs to kill Beomgyu and Minkyu wants the cyborg's strong hidden emotions.

Actually, being away from B1-G3 gave Zephyr the opportunity to taste other people's emotions. He even find some people who are tastier than BG.
So what's the point of clinging onto BG when there are so many yummy choices on Earth and Umyria?
Exactly. So Zephyr is going to finally leave BG alone.

But by that, he means that he wants one last big meal from him then kill him after.

If Beomgyu sees his adored one in this sort of situation, Zephyr bets that he will radiate so much of those emotions than he craves. And after Zephyr drains them down, he's going to let Yeonjun finish the job by dreadfully murdering Beomgyu who'll be completely powerless.

They'll both fill their desires.

In quite a unique way- they just hAve to make things more complex for themselves..

What the chief of police wants is for B1-G3 to be dead.
He's not that good of a person and he hides that fact.
So if that's how those two want to do it, so be it. Possibly traumatising Taehyun? Nyeh that's fine! But let's not kill him, that will ruin the man's reputation.

Yeonjun told Zephyr that he will kill Soobin before all this. But for a reason unknown to even him, he just couldn't. So he simply locked him up.


But one person isn't planning on following the plan. That is..


Simply threatening Taehyun won't be enough to get the cyborg's strong emotions out. What will be more effective is... killing Taehyun.

He told Yeonjun in advance that he might do that.

Shooting him will be boring. So why not do the thing that he had deemed as more exciting?~

Minkyu turned to Taehyun who was frozen in fear and anxiety. He grabbed him by the chin and forced a kiss upon his lips. Why? Why not? He wants to taste those luscious lips for the last time before they're gone.

This got Beomgyu's blood boiling immediately. He's been restlessly trying to free himself from the ropes, he's been moving like crazy but to no avail "BACK OFF!!!!!" He yelled before anxiously looking around him, desperately trying to find a solution.

His favourite person in the universe is in great danger, he cannot stay calm.

But then his eyes finally realised a way to get out. As they set themselves on something that's been on him all this time, one of the only parts of his body that he can move.

Minkyu pulled away and smirked at Taehyun "I'm not lying when I say that you're super gorgeous. But you know~ I never actually cared for you. Only your physic and the fact that you bring B1-G3's emotions out."

He sighed then put on his most evil grin yet "Your life has expired. Goodbye."

Taehyun uttered "What..."

"do—" *strike*

" mea-" He couldn't finish.




The aggressive impact of the wind that welcomed Taehyun's body into the blue void completely silenced his words.





All of this hit Taehyun all at once.


The chief of the police's eyes widened.

Yeonjun smiled faintly.

And Beomgyu... could hear his boyfriend's scream, it was loud when the action happened. But it faded away by the millisecond, as the gap between them grew bigger and bigger.

His heart stopped.

His eyes were hurting. As if tears were finally urging to spill.

His whole body started to shake exceedingly.

All of this happened during the moment where he witnessed that..

Minkyu abruptly pushed Taehyun off the plane.




The oldest there yelled angrily the second it happened "MINKYU!" He truly didn't want Taehyun to be harmed, that isn't the plan that he agreed to.

"Woah.. I didn't expect you to do that dude.." Yeonjun said emotionlessly.

The reason why the youngest had gotten rid of the teleportation belt and the cyballs was for this very moment. To make Beomgyu utterly unable to save Taehyun from dying. Plus he made sure that zero parachutes are on this aircraft.

Minkyu turned around, eyeballs pitch black and mouth wide open. Anticipating the negative emotions that Beomgyu will definitely let out.

But what he and everyone else truly didn't expect, was for Beomgyu to speed off from his seat within the speed of light, shove the damn umorphia away then


Jump off the plane.


Some time before Taehyun was pushed off, Beomgyu had been discreetly using the laser function of his bionic index to cut the ropes open. It was mentioned that he could only move his wrists, and he can command the lasers to fire with his brain.

The second after Taehyun was pushed was the second that Beomgyu finished cutting the last rope. And he darted off immediately.

"Wow. Just wow." Yeonjun uttered, completely baffled at what just happened "Beomgyu must be like.. so in love with him, cuz wow... I- wow.."

Meanwhile, Minkyu broke his constantly relaxed mood, he was staring down at the view in indignation "NOOOOO THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!" He raged.

"What happened to being chill at all times?" Yeonjun said in a tired voice.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled, black smoke coming out of his pitch black eyeballs.


Taehyun was falling towards the midst of Earth at about 200km/h in a lying position.

His arms and legs were going upwards, same for his tears.

What's below him is the ocean, he's aware of that fact but he couldn't care less. He's too busy living his biggest fear in the world right now.

He can't even swim.
Even if he could it doesn't matter.
Because at this velocity, hitting water is essentially exactly the same as hitting concrete. Bones will shatter on impact, his internal organs will go smashing around in his body and he'll die from blunt force trauma.

Minkyu had chosen to do this over the ocean because that way Taehyun's body will be automatically disposed of and no one is around to witness it!

He's falling from 15000 feet, that should be a whole 2 minutes and a half of free falling till his death welcomes him. If he was walking that distance it'll take him around 50 minutes or 20 if he was driving. But falling under the force of gravity only is way way faster...


During this moment, Taehyun was only thinking of one person.
His berry,
He's not mad at him, it isn't his fault.

Zephyr is at fault.

He didn't think that he would be the one to die first between them.. But looks like the universe had different plans.

In his head right now, he was sad. Regretful that he couldn't spend more time with Beomgyu.
Upset that they broke their promise of being together till the end.

But now there's just one thing that he wishes, is for Beomgyu to be happy. He doesn't want the latter to mourn his death until the deadline.

This isn't that scary if he forgets that he isn't wearing a parachute. It's low-key fun. The height is probably what he's been scared of, he's calm since he's not looking downwards at the moment. He isn't even screaming, just silently dying inside.

He can debunk the theory that free-falling has that 'rollercoaster' or 'falling' sensation. It seriously feels like he's flying or floating on a cushion of air. That's what most skydivers report the sensation to be anyway.

As he was staring up and the blue sky with half opened eyes. He could've sworn that he saw a silhouette advancing towards him. But he didn't really have time to comprehend it since his eyes closed, feeling himself lose consciousness.



Beomgyu was darting towards Earth, head first with his arms clasped along his body. Gaining more and more speed as seconds go by, the fact that he's falling in this position made him fall almost twice as fast as Taehyun who's falling back first.

'I'm keeping what I said'

'I'll be there from start to finish'

'I'll protect you at all costs'

'I'll catch you, I wasn't kidding'

'You trusted me with your life. You trusted my words, my words are the reason why you're in this situation. I promise to not lose your trust and catch you.'

Beomgyu was gaining more and more speed, the fall is calculated to last 2min30 for Taehyun but it might just be 2 minutes or even less for Beomgyu. He jumped 3 seconds after him, so if he continues speeding like this, he'll reach his level of altitude in no time.

'I'm not scared'

'I don't care about my short life if you're not in it. If you're going to die, I'll accompany you.'

Beomgyu couldn't believe it, he now actually reached around Taehyun's altitude. He could see him relatively far underneath him. Beomgyu immediately switched his position, now he's falling belly first which made him slow down.

After some seconds, he arrived at his exact level!
But his heart broke at the sight..
Taehyun's eyes were closed, his beautiful silver hair was acting crazy from the intense wind and his tears were drying from it.

Believe it or not but it's easy to move while you fall that high, Beomgyu made swimming gestures to advance towards him and took unconscious-Taehyun in his arms. "Taeberry..."

Beomgyu immediately moved Taehyun and himself in a position where he would be the one to hit the ocean first. That won't prevent Taehyun from dying but at least the impact won't be as brutal for him.

Beomgyu nuzzled his nose in the crook of Taehyun's neck. He was able to perceive the gentle strawberry scent that he's so familiar with, it makes him fuzzy inside. It reminds him of home.

He's aware that there's absolutely no way to save themselves out of this situation. But... he's glad that at least he gets to hug and protect his berry one last time, he kissed his cold cheek while keeping him warm in his arms just like Taehyun adores

It's been a while since Beomgyu did his fake smiles.. Well he's doing it right now..

He's smiling but on the inside, he absolutely despises himself.
Taehyun is on the verge of death and it all wouldn't have happened if he didn't listen to Yeonjun or if he got rid of the ropes sooner...

Beomgyu closed his eyes while holding his dear boyfriend tightly "I'm sorry Taehyun.. I'm so sorry..."








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