Dare to Love Her | Michaeng

By Deukaesido

267K 9.6K 5.7K

Chaeyoung turned around and saw this girl all angry staring attentively at her from head to toe. Judging her... More

Chapter 1: So you're a girl?
Chapter 2: Left and right
Chapter 3: That's karma
Chapter 4: She smiled
Chapter 5: Right?
Chapter 6: Minatozaki Sana
Chapter 7: You got a fan club?
Chapter 8: Nayeon, you're a genius
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Warmth
Chapter 11: Feeling
Chapter 12: She really is tiny
Chapter 13: It's okay
Chapter 14: I like it here
Chapter 15: Grow up
Chapter 16: I love fantasies
Chapter 17: Delusional
Chapter 18: Juicy
Chapter 19: I've grown
Chapter 20: Drunk people
Chapter 21: Cold
Chapter 22: Of course
Chapter 23: This is it
Chapter 24: It is real
Chapter 25: I don't deserve her
Chapter 26: Only yours
Chapter 27: Outside
Chapter 28: Lesbians, so dramatic
Chapter 29: Now kiss
Chapter 30: I promise
Chapter 31: What are the odds
Chapter 32: Please, don't
Chapter 33: What?
Chapter 34: How's this drama for you
Chapter 35: Perfect
Chapter 36: Tactless
Chapter 37: Forget her
Chapter 38: You cried over a penguin?
Chapter 39: I'll show you
[M]Chapter 40: Hot
[M]Chapter 42: Give this love a chance
[M]Chapter 43: Roommates
Epilogue: She said my name?
Thank you!
Special chapter: Valentine's day-ish

Chapter 41: I like girls

6.6K 174 171
By Deukaesido

Author's note: Not so long ago I learned the meaning of the word cloying (have in mind English is not my first language) Maybe that word can define them in this chapter, I don't know. But if you like them just being silly together, then this chapter would do just fine for you. Or it might call you single.
Also, we are on the last few chapters, so everything should be good things from now on.


Joy. Happiness.

Mina couldn't stop smiling. Not even when she got to the car. She felt so happy she didn't mind Kwan seeing her in that state. Everything worked out. She had been so scared of being there but the moment she got Chaeyoung alone, she knew nothing bad could happen. How could it? Chaeyoung was her safe place, Chaeyoung always made her feel better. Mina wanted to be that for Chaeyoung too. And she was going to make sure of that. Everyday. Now that she got to know what it was like to not have her around, in her life, in her arms, she knew it couldn't be any other way, Mina felt they belong in each other arms and that was it. No matter what anyone could think of it.

"Good morning, miss," Kwan greeted her. He was in his usual stylish clothes and super-fixed hair. You would expect so early in the morning he might look tired or something but he was as charming as always. "You look happy."

"Hey," Mina answered once she closed the door. "I am," she smiled. "How are you? I heard you left with Jihyo."

"Ugh," he stopped looking at Mina and started driving. "I didn't, I just gave her a ride."

Mina found it funny. The girls had told her how Jihyo and he had left together arguing with each other and that Jihyo had found him quite attractive. It was funny for Mina because Kwan could literally believe everyone found him attractive and charming, but he could not see it with Jihyo apparently. "How nice of you."

"Let's forget about that," he dismissed the topic with a hand movement. "Did you get roommate girl?"

Mina blushed. She did get roommate girl. And it was the best thing in the world.  "I... did, yes."

"Well," Kwan breathed. "Not that I needed to ask, your face gave it away but, I'm happy to see you smile again."

Mina felt a bit bad whenever Kwan would say things like that. Just like with Sana. Mina had misjudged both of them. Even Chaeyoung. She needed to do better.

She didn't say much after that. They took a few minutes to get to Mina's house and her smile started to fade away. She was once again nervous. Not that their family knew anything but she did. And she wanted for them to know too. Mina didn't want to hide anymore.

"Kwan... what did you tell my mom?"

"Oh, right." He was parking the car close to the entrance. "I called saying you had a bit to drink and fell asleep at my house. I said I didn't want to wake you so I was going to bring you home first time in the morning and here we are," he smiled.

"And that worked?"

"I mean, your mom was okay, you father, though, uh," he laughed nervously. " He didn't fancy having his princess spending the night at my place."

'right' Mina understood. 'that will be a problem' She needed to talk to both her parents. How? she was not sure. But she wanted to. She didn't want to lie. "Kwan," Mina said. "I'm... uh, I just want to thank you, for everything, really."

Mina had thought about it, she owed him big time. Kwan chuckled a bit and answered, "It's okay."

"But really, I know... I was indifferent about you and you were taking care of me either way," Mina fidgeted with her fingers, "and now you helped me with this even if you don't fully get it, I guess... and you lied for me, I'm just really grateful for you." Mina finished smiling at him.

For a while now they have been getting along and sharing. They could joke around and Mina had been opening more to him, but it is not like they talked much about deep important things like this. Until he started to try a bit, in his own way, and Mina started to trust him her worries and with the events from yesterday, you could say they were closer now. It was recent. That's why Kwan looked a bit embarrassed but he tried to hide it. "Oh, just say I'm awesome."

Mina scoffed and looked away. But then, it was true, right? Even she was going to feed his ego. "You're awesome."

Kwan clapped. "Yes! I'll remember that forever."

Mina liked seeing him acting so childish. "Hey, I... I won't make you lie anymore, alright?"

"That's okay, you'll probably need me again, it's okay by me... I guess. I don't like lying to your mom just 'cause she is so sweet with me but uh, I'm on your side," he pointed at Mina energetically.

He was right. Maybe she would ask him for another favor soon. But either way, she was planning on making everything alright and clear. The right way.

"Then thanks for stopping me yesterday."

"You be careful, alright? god, you're so reckless sometimes," he shook his head disapprovingly.

Mina laughed. She was, she knew. Now it was time to get inside. "I will. I'll be going now, drive safely."

"Wait, don't you want me to go with you?" he asked. "I mean, I'm kinda afraid of your dad but if you want me to I can go."

"No, it's okay, you don't need to do that, I'll be okay." She needed to start doing things in her own. So they said goodbye and he drove away as Mina got inside.

It was early. No one was waiting for her apparently so she went straight to her room to take a shower and then try and get some sleep.

She did sleep, though. Probably the best night of sleep she had in a while. She was used to sleeping close to Chaeyoung, relaxed, warmed, protected, it was perfect. But they went to sleep late so she still felt a bit tired.

After taking a shower she went to bed. She sighed and smiled taking her phone.

To My Cry Baby
I miss you already.

She rolled over on her stomach waiting for an answer. It was a bit silly maybe, but she could not believe Chaeyoung was actually her girlfriend again. And she felt just like before, even more. All giggly and needy, she truly missed her.

From My Cry Baby
who's this

'Oh, please' Mina frowned and pouted. 'This clown' Chaeyoung must be joking, right? That was Mina's first thought but then what if Chaeyoung had actually deleted her number and all. Now she did not know how to answer. She felt troubled so she left the phone aside to think. Until another message came.

From My Cry Baby
miss you

That made her sigh in relief. She had missed Chaeyoung's cute way of texting.

To My Cry Baby

From My Cry Baby

It was so simple yet it filled Mina's heart with gratitude and warmth. She fell asleep relieving everything that had happened last night. Making up Chaeyoung's lips in her mind. Mina was nervous about what she wanted to do now with her parents but she was trying to ignore it and just focus on who made her so happy. 'My baby'

After that, a couple of days passed. Her father had indeed been a bit hesitant about the time she had spent with Kwan but they did not talk much about it, her mother on the other hand was delighted with it. Mina tried to ignore it. She was going to talk with them, just not right away.

Who she did talk a lot with, though, was Chaeyoung. Mina had promised she was not going to disappear and even if they had not seen each other since, they had been texting and calling each other all the time. It was so simple, Mina hated now that they had been apart from each other because of everything and without contact at all when they could've tried to fix things earlier and keep in touch like this, it was really easy. What Mina did not realize was that of course now was different from before, now neither of them was heartbroken, they had grown. And the most important thing, Mina was not afraid. Mina was a hundred percent committed to being there for Chaeyoung no matter what. So it was indeed quite different from before.

But even if she felt they had lost time because of misunderstandings and fears, she was enjoying the now so much. Mina even locked herself sometimes in her room just to talk to Chaeyoung. They even fell asleep talking a few times.

Mina wondered how was it that her mother could not see something was different or realize that she was not like that because of Kwan. But then she realized the woman was so convinced that Mina had changed and there was no way she could be any other way. And it is not like she had ever paid that much attention to Mina's real feelings and dreams, right? That's what Mina believed. So she could use that to her advantage.

Why she had not told her parents anything yet? Because she wanted to make sure she could get back to the dorms once the break is over. It is not like she could change rooms either way, right? She just needed to convince her mother that it was okay to go back and then she could talk to them.

"I am," Mina answered through the phone while getting in bed. "Are you?"

"Yes," Chaeyoung's cute voice resonated in Mina's ears; she had earphones. Chaeyoung had asked if she was already in her pajamas. They shared night routines whenever they could.

It was really nice for Mina as they shared their silences over the phone just like they do when they're next to each other, it was actually a lot more. But she liked it so much and it made her heart beat fast just like having Chaeyoung next to her. She felt like a teenager in love, something she had not experienced before. There was a certain thrill to talking over the phone and texting each other while in this secret relationship that Mina probably did not realize how much she liked it.

Her room would be dark if it weren't for her nightstand lamp turned on. Mina was not afraid of the dark, but having it on reminded her of her girlfriend and it was almost like she was there too. Mina had just taken a shower and it was their first time talking after having had an exhausting day of helping her mother. She could not text Chaeyoung that much either because of it. Talking to her now, was the highlight of her day. She was feeling better.

"Do you have light?"

"I have many lights here," Chaeyoung talked softly.

"How many?"

"I am not sure... one, two, uhm," Chaeyoung stayed silent for a second, "many stars... I'm not sure, but there's a lot of light here."

Mina smiled closing her eyes. She liked to picture Chaeyoung. She kept quiet too for a while. Every dialogue had in-between silences and they talked so softly. "What did you do today?"

"Besides missing you," Chaeyoung said as if it was obvious, "I mainly spent the day lazing around..."

Mina held on tighter to her baby penguin plushie. Still with her eyes closed hearing Chaeyoung's voice, she couldn't think of anything else but wanting her close. "Sounds fun," she mumbled.

Chaeyoung hummed on the other side. More silence. "You tired?"

This time Mina hummed and created more silence until she found herself immersed at the moment and spoke her mind, "I want you," she whispered.

Mina was indeed tired and a bit sleepy, Chaeyoung's soft voice was soothing. Chaeyoung just like with every other answer took a moment, and Mina could imagine her blushing or looking away. "Why?"

Mina giggled a bit, that was a silly question. She ignored her and kept talking, "I wish you could be here right now..."

"Holding you?"

Mina hummed. "Playing with your hair."

"I like that."

"I know." They kept quiet again. Mina was still with her eyes closed just thinking about Chaeyoung. "I want you here... my bed is too big."

"My bed is tiny."

"Like you?"

"Mh, like me..."

"Come." Mina knew that was not real, her petition was just part of their game, Chaeyoung could not be there. But she was fantasizing. They were in their unique world.

"Alright," Chaeyoung whispered, aware of Mina's intention and knowing she was probably sleepy already.

Mina started describing the scene as Chaeyoung hummed positively at every sentence, "You could lie here... and I would get so close to you ... and I could trace your lips," Mina smiled picturing that in her head, "I really like your lips."


"They're so soft... and plump and..." It was a bit embarrassing for Mina to say all that but she wanted to, "when we kiss they get redder and swollen and I love feeling them I-"Mina stopped. She needed to think about something else. "I just want you here..."

For a while, Chaeyoung didn't answer. Mina didn't realize, though. She was busy fantasizing about Chaeyoung's lips. It was the change in Chaeyoung's voice that made her notice the moment was different. "I can't be there."

"I know," Mina said a bit worried. "It was just-"

"No, no," Chaeyoung hurried softly again. "It's just... I can't be there, but you could be here..."

'oh' Mina got surprised. It sounded like a real petition, not part of their dreamy dialogues. "There?" She got on her stomach supporting her head with her hand.

"Yes," Chaeyoung explained. "You could, right? I would love to have you here... my mom would love to meet you too." Mina stayed there breathing for a few seconds. She knew Chaeyoung had talked about her with her mother, it made her nervous but Chaeyoung had said it was all okay. Still, going there... she would have to use Kwan's services, Mina didn't like to depend on him and make him lie again but then... she missed Chaeyoung so much, a tiny little lie at this point wouldn't make a difference, right? "...Mina?"

"I'm here."

"It doesn't sound good?"

"It does... and I miss you like crazy." She heard Chaeyoung giggling on the other side. 'cute' "Are you sure it would be okay?"

"Yes, there's no reason not to..." Chaeyoung sounded so sure and calmed, it made Mina feel safe. "I miss you too."

That was enough. Mina was going. Chaeyoung saying that was all the motivation she needed. "When?"

"Mhh... I'll ask first, I'll let you know tomorrow, is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course," Mina said. And they kept talking for a while like they previously were, ready to fall asleep together. Mina was looking forward to seeing Chaeyoung again.

The next morning she got Chaeyoung's answer even first than a good morning. Mina knew Chaeyoung must be so excited about it. It was scary but she wanted to see her too and she has promised to be there for her now, for them. Mina was going to be as brave as she could, she had this. It was just another step. The answer was that there was no problem with her going tomorrow.

Her nervousness increased, but she got better when she got to talk with Kwan about it. Mina was not planning on seeing him today but apparently, her mother had invited him for lunch.

"You didn't text me," Mina reproached him.

"Yeah, I forgot, sorry, but hey," he frowned, "What you don't want me here for lunch or something? I'm hurt."

Mina rolled her eyes. "It's not that, I was going to invite you either way. I just think is better when I know beforehand you are coming."

"Well," he sighed and flopped onto Mina's bed. "Won't happen again." He reached for Mina's baby penguin, examining it.

Mina was not looking but when she turned to him again she frowned. "Let him," she smacked Kwan's arm. "get your own."

Kwan laughed. "Alright, sorry, damn."

Mina put the plushie away after kissing his head. Kwan just eyed her attentively.

"So," she said once again remembering what she needed to ask of him. "I know I said I wouldn't make you lie again but then you said it was okay and that you could help me and then I said you were awesome and it was the best moment of your life, could you help me?" Mina smiled innocently.

Kwan scoffed and sat on the bed. "You're a delight."

"I know."

Sighing Kwan shook his head. "Okay, what is it?"

"I need to go out with you tomorrow, but not really."

"Ah, I see."

Mina blushed. It was silly because Kwan already knew who she was going to meet but still, she couldn't help it. "Thank you."

"Do you need a ride too?" Mina smiled. Kwan was always offering rides, it was like he actually enjoyed driving around.

"No need, just the alibi."

"What time should I pick you up?" Kwan got up really fast smiling. Mina gave up immediately. It made sense, after all, they were going out together, right?

After lunch, he asked Mina out on a date for tomorrow in front of her mother. There was no need for that but as he had said: It is important I play the role the right way. Mina was not going to tell him, but she found him so funny and silly, it made her days better. And she was more than grateful that he had not rejected her after all.

At dinner, when Kwan had already left, her father reminded her to be good and talked a bit about what he thought of Kwan, which weren't bad things, but there was a certain hint at everything he said, Mina understood he was just worried about her, it was okay. Although it was awkward hearing all that, given she had no interest other than being friends with Kwan, she wished she could just explain that but it was not time yet. As always her mother was more than happy about the both of them. It made Mina's heart ache a bit, deep down she didn't want to disappoint her mother, but some things were just inevitable at this point. And Chaeyoung was her priority.

When she went to bed they didn't call each other. At least it slipped Mina's mind, she was too busy stressing about tomorrow and at the same time being anxious about seeing her again. Her stomach kept on feeling good weird until the very last moment when Kwan picked her up after lunch and started driving away, after receiving Mina's instructions that she had received over text.

To My Cry Baby
I'll be there soon <3

"Mina, relax," Kwan said and put a hand above Mina's knee for a second. Mina didn't react to the contact like she would've in the past, but it was still odd. It was enough for her to stop bouncing her leg up and down.


Kwan sighed. "You sure you like her?"

Mina scoffed surprised at the sudden question. "Are you for real now?"

"Well, what do I know? You look so nervous maybe you don't even want to be there."

"I do," Mina frowned a bit confused.

"It is easy to confuse your feelings, after all, you slept in the same room for how long..."

Mina didn't answer right away, somehow what he was saying made her reflect on the past, it was like a flashback to her old self, her thoughts from when she first started seeing Chaeyoung differently, she thought she was just confused. She shook her head. That was just the nervousness acting, she knew better. And she had been thinking about it all, not just Chaeyoung.

"I'm not confused," she said. It was funny how many times she had said that by now. She usually gets mad when she has to say that, but with Kwan, it was okay by her, she knew he was just saying things, it didn't bother her.

"I'm still more handsome, though," Kwan laughed.

Mina was not sure if he was serious or not. "Are you... jealous or something?"

"Pff, jealous? Me? That's impossible," he said. "I'm just saying, it still hurts me that you don't fancy me."

Mina sighed in relief, it was just his ego acting. "Not everyone likes you."

"Right," he said. "Well, we are close, feeling better now?"

Mina looked around, she didn't know this place but it seemed nice. "How's your sister?" She didn't want to talk about her anymore and she had been meaning to ask him.

"My sister?" He seemed surprised. "You remember that?" Mina nodded, she did. Just that, though, nothing else. She wanted to know more about Kwan. She only remembered he has a little sister and it is probably the reason why he is so patient with her. "She is fine," he answered. "She is with my father, I haven't seen her."

Mina nodded again. She also knew Kwan never mentions his mother, but Mina was not sure if she was still around or something different had happened. "Do you miss her?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"We always talk about me."

"Mhh, I guess."

"You don't like the topic?"

"Not really, I rather keep on talking about your weird love life."

Mina laughed softly. It was like he was insulting her relationship but it was not like that at all, she liked it. And she understood Kwan didn't like to talk about his family, which was probably why he spends so much time around Mina and all or why he focused so much on work sometimes.

"Alright, then."

He gave a few turns and in a couple of minutes, it seemed they had arrived at the destination.

"Call me when you leave, okay?"

"Okay," Mina smiled at him. "Thank you," she breathed out and opened the door.

"I won't drive away until you get in," he said. "Go."

Mina nodded and walked away to knock on the door. She understood why Kwan was not driving away right away but it still made her a bit embarrassed. 'okay, Mina, get it together'

She barely had to knock when the door opened wide and Chaeyoung's big smile made all worries fade away at once. Chaeyoung immediately embraced her, burying her head in her shoulder. "You're here," she mumbled a bit surprised.

Mina found it so cute, although it worried her how surprised she sounded, she didn't want Chaeyoung to be doubting or being afraid of losing her again, but she didn't say anything, they could talk about that later.

She heard Kwan's car honk. She turned around just in time to see him waving goodbye. "How silly..." she talked under her breath. Turning back to Chaeyoung she smiled at her. "Hey."

"Hey," Chaeyoung answered back with her cheeks pink.

Mina stood there, wondering why Chaeyoung was not inviting her in. 'should I remind her...?'

"Uh, Chaeyoung..." Mina signaled the house behind them.

And Chaeyoung seemed to get out of her trance. "Right, yeah, of course," she smiled and led Mina in.

It was... warm. Surprisingly everything related to Chaeyoung was warm for Mina.

"Were you waiting here?"

"Mh hm." Chaeyoung seemed so happy and shy. Mina wanted to kiss her all over. "Here." Chaeyoung grabbed her hand and they walk to the living room.

Mina sat on one couch and Chaeyoung sat in front, which Mina didn't like much, she wanted her close but it was okay. Actually, she had no idea how they were supposed to act there.

A silence took place. It was funny, Mina wanted to laugh and Chaeyoung was just looking at her probably still not realizing she was actually there. They were a mess.

Mina cleared her throat. "Are you... alone?"

"No, no," Chaeyoung said. "My brother's here and my mom would be down in a minute."

"Oh, does she... she knows we-"

"Yeah," Chaeyoung smiled. "It's okay, you're okay here." Mina smiled hearing that. It was really different to be in a place where she didn't have to be afraid. She already knew Chaeyoung's mother knew about her but she felt like asking again just to make sure.

They kept looking at each other and smiling for a few long seconds until there was the sound of someone approaching. Chaeyoung immediately sat straight, it made Mina chuckled, apparently she was more nervous than her.

"You should have told me Mina already got here," the voice filled the silly silence both girls were in.

Hearing her name Mina immediately got up and bowed politely at the woman a few meters away. When she got to see Chaeyoung's mother, it made more sense why she was okay with everything both girls had, she was young. Or if she wasn't, then, she sure looks like it, Mina was impressed.

"Mom," Chaeyoung said and got up too, "this is Mina."

"I can see that," the woman smiled getting closer at Mina who was smiling shyly. "How are you feeling, Mina?"

Mina was nervous but she managed to answer properly. It was a nice two minutes small talk. After that, Chaeyoung got Mina back and invited her upstairs.

Once in the room Mina entered walking backward ready to tell all her thoughts to Chaeyoung, "She looks so young," Mina stated. "How old is she?" Chaeyoung was looking at her with her brows raised, not answering her. "Chaeyoung, your mom is gorgeous."

At that Chaeyoung frowned. "Should I be worried?"

"Don't be silly, I mean it." Mina smacked her shoulder and turned around to finally look around Chaeyoung's room.

It was not that big as hers, Chaeyoung was right, her bed was not that big either in comparison to Mina's.

Mina was eyeing the place fully interested. It was like Chaeyoung's mind. Then she felt arms surrounding her stomach. "I cleaned just for you."

"How considerate," Mina said. She liked being close to Chaeyoung, she had missed her. But right now she wanted to pry around the room. "Let me go, I need to find your secrets."

"No," Chaeyoung held her tighter. "I missed you," she said while pouting.

"But I wanna pry," Mina protested not really fighting to set herself free, just waiting to be released.

"You can't," Chaeyoung insisted and hid on the crook of Mina's neck.

"Pretty please."

"No," Chaeyoung left a kiss on her neck. Mina smiled but she was not going to let her win.

"I'll tickle you."

Chaeyoung just hummed and left another kiss and then Mina flinched at Chaeyoung's next action, managing to get away from her hold.

"Ouch," she faked. "What is it with you and biting now?"

Chaeyoung chuckled and moved to hold Mina's hands. "I'm a vampire," she deadpanned.

"Right," Mina scoffed. She actually liked Chaeyoung's new favorite method of attacking her neck, it felt nice, she just got surprised now. But she decided to use the moment to guide it to another topic, "and I'm straight."

Chaeyoung didn't react, just answered, "oh, you aren't? I was so worried you were."

Mina knew Chaeyoung was being sarcastic. It was okay, but she wanted to keep talking about that. Letting go of Chaeyoung's hands she moved hers to Chaeyoung's shoulders. More serious now, she said, "I... I've been meaning to tell you... I like girls."

Chaeyoung blinked a few times, quite confused. She was not understanding why Mina was saying that now so she joked again, "Oh, you do? Man, I had no idea, how did I-"

Okay, that had been poor wording, but Mina was going to blame it on Chaeyoung and not her lack of clarity. "No, silly," she interrupted her. "I mean... I only like girls."

At that, Chaeyoung finally had a proper reaction, she looked surprised. "Oh," she seemed taken aback and it made Mina a bit nervous but the reaction only lasted a few seconds. "Good thing I'm a girl, then," she smiled wide at Mina.

Mina sighed. It was not like Chaeyoung could say anything bad to her, that's why she decided to tell her without making such a big deal, it was practice, easy level practice. But it was the truth. Mina had been thinking about it properly ever since she cried her eyes out to her mother, that day was sort of a revelation for her too, she only was attracted to women. It was... a relief, even. So many things made more sense now for her. Almost like Kwan had felt when he knew and he got that he was not really the issue. But the other way around.

Chaeyoung leaned forward looking at her lips, Mina did too. She really wanted a kiss. She deserved it, right? But when Chaeyoung was about to reach her lips, she also used a hand to get in between. "Wait," she whispered. "I have a gift for you."

Chaeyoung got away from Mina looking quite excited. Mina felt sad she didn't get a kiss but she was intrigued. "A gift?"

"Yes, guess what."

"No one ever does, just tell me."

"It's an old friend," Chaeyoung started to look among her things, behind a desk, "and you owe him an apology."

"An apology?" Mina had no idea what Chaeyoung was talking about.

"A big apology," Chaeyoung corrected. "Close your eyes."

"Alright," Mina sighed and obeyed, she was so interested now.

After a few more unrecognizable noises, Chaeyoung talked again, "Alright, open."

"Chaeyoung!" Mina smiled so wide. "Oh, my god, Waddles!"

"You like it? He missed you."

Mina took the canvass and eyed the painting with shiny eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Waddles." She moved to sit on top of Chaeyoung's bed. "I had forgotten about what I did to him," she said raising her head to look at Chaeyoung. "You fixed him." Mina traced the newly renovated Waddles with her fingers.

"I did, he no longer has the board canvass for background, I used a new canvass." Chaeyoung sat next to Mina. She sounded so proud of her work.

"He looks so much better."

"He has a background of his own now, it's yours."

Mina turned to look at Chaeyoung smiling. They were so close, she couldn't help but look at her lips again. 'she is so perfect...' Mina wanted a kiss so badly now.

Chaeyoung did too apparently, leaning again, they got so close, brushing each other's lips, they would have finally kiss if it weren't for the soft knock on Chaeyoung's opened door, that made Chaeyoung backed away at the speed of light.

"Chaeng." It was just her mother, but Chaeyoung looked so embarrassed, Mina wanted to laugh a bit.

"Mom," she practically breathed out. 'oh, baby'

"Your dad's here, he would like to meet Mina," she said smiling at Mina. 'oh, another challenge' Mina thought.

"Okay, we'll be right there," Chaeyoung said better now and her mom turned to leave. Mina giggled. "What?" Chaeyoung asked.

"You got so nervous and embarrassed."

"Well, she might know about us but I still don't want her to see us kissing, excuse me for being private."

"Alright," Mina accepted and got up to caress her cheek. "Is your dad cool too?"

"It'll be fine," Chaeyoung said softly.

"Let's go, then."

Mina turned to leave ready to get it done but Chaeyoung held her hand. "Wait," she said pulling from it and making Mina turned back around.

Really quick, Chaeyoung held her waist and leaned to kiss her. A soft not so short kiss. It took Mina by surprise, she barely started liking it when Chaeyoung stopped it abruptly.

"Who looks all nervous and embarrassed now, uh?" Chaeyoung smirked.

Mina closed her wide-opened mouth and frowned. 'I should've thrown the paint at you, not Waddles.' Chaeyoung grabbed her hand before she could protest and they left downstairs again.

It was just another short introduction, Chaeyoung's father seemed like such a sweet man, Mina felt like crying. Why? She was not sure, but it was what she felt seeing both Chaeyoung's parents being so loving with her daughter. It was everything she wanted for her own family. And she realized it was probably one of the reasons why Chaeyoung was so kind and nice.

Mina was not expecting to meet Chaeyoung's family so soon but it was being great. No one seemed to have anything bad to say against her, which she appreciated very much. She needed a nice environment and accepting people around her for a change. Being in Chaeyoung's house, made it look like everything was just fine.

Once they got back upstairs to Chaeyoung's room, she finally got to be nosey and check her things, which were mainly sketch books and books with many bookmarks, Chaeyoung explained she never gets to finish them for some reason.

"Then why do you keep buying more?"

"I like them," Chaeyoung shrugged.

"You're cute," Mina said and got close to Chaeyoung who was arranging Waddles in a better place. "Can I get a proper kiss now?" she pouted.

Chaeyoung finished her task and looked at Mina. "I've missed needy Mina," she whined and threw her arms around Mina hiding in her neck. Chaeyoung was being so cute today, Mina loved it.

"Is that a yes?"

Chaeyoung chuckled on her neck and then moved back, catching her eyes. "Of course," she said.

'Ah ha, finally' Mina was more than happy to finally feel Chaeyoung's lips again, the right way. She was so eager, she leaned down reaching Chaeyoung's lips and closing her eyes.

Chaeyoung smiled as soon as she felt Mina brushing her lips and held on tighter to her waist, getting closer. Mina started the kiss, but Chaeyoung guided it and it was just what Mina so badly wanted. Just a soft kiss where Chaeyoung would only play with her lips.

She moved a hand to Chaeyoung's hair tangling her fingers slowly. Mina's heart rate increased, but she was calmed, so calmed. Mina felt this moment was worth risking everything, nothing was going to let her be away from Chaeyoung ever again.

Slowly, both of them ended the kiss joining their foreheads. "Better now?" Chaeyoung whispered.

"Yes," Mina smiled. It was all she wanted, she was better now. Moving away she talked louder, "so, with what would you entertain me this afternoon?" she sat on Chaeyoung's bed.

"Oh, I know just the thing," Chaeyoung clapped. "Lay down," she instructed.

'oh' Okay, Mina didn't mean that kind of entertainment, she had not thought about them fooling around in bed at all 'but if Chaeyoung wants then who am I to-'

"Here," Chaeyoung extended her arm for Mina, who was already comfortable on the bed, to reach. 'oh' they had definitely didn't think the same.

It was Chaeyoung's Switch. Mina felt embarrassed, but she hid it just fine. 'am I so desperate?' Mina couldn't believe her own mind. Taking the device, Chaeyoung sat on the bed too. The truth was that even if she had misinterpreted Chaeyoung's words, she was quite happy to play again.

"I should've stolen this from you," Mina said turning it on.

"I got new games for you," Chaeyoung pointed at the screen. "I have no idea what they're about, I asked my brother."

"Thank you." Mina turned around and left a quick peck on Chaeyoung's lips. It was really heartwarming the way Chaeyoung was treating her today, Mina couldn't ask for more. Chaeyoung's smile was all she needed.

Turning back her attention to the games, she indeed saw the new ones Chaeyoung's brother had recommended. "Do you really want me to play? Shouldn't I focus on you?"

"No, I love watching you play."

"Okay." Mina was fine with playing if Chaeyoung was, so they settled in this position where Mina was comfortable playing and Chaeyoung was somehow surrounding her from the side.

They spent a lot of time like that. And Chaeyoung decided to leave little kisses on Mina's cheek every time she felt like Mina had done something good in the game, which was all the time.

"That was not good," Mina explained after receiving a well-done kiss. She had forgotten how nice it was to just spend time next to Chaeyoung doing whatever, just like in their room, it was perfect.

"But... you tried." She left a kiss.

Mina giggled. "Okay, you're right."

"But what are you doing?" Chaeyoung had been trying to get the game but she was so bad at it.

"Come on, is no that hard, haven't you been watching?"

"Mhh, not really." She left another kiss. "I get distracted."

"Just..." Mina tried the last part where she had lost again but failed. "Well," she sighed. Mina never gave up easily, but she paused the game and left the device aside, turning to Chaeyoung. "You have my full attention now."

"You gave up?"

"Mh hm," Mina sat better to be facing Chaeyoung. "I want to share with you now."

Chaeyoung didn't answer. They were just looking at each other. Mina felt so silly and giggly. There was a certain feeling in her stomach as well. Using a hand she reached for Chaeyoung's cheek, who closed her eyes immediately at the contact.

"You okay?" Mina whispered caressing Chaeyoung's skin softly.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung said holding Mina's hand on her face. "I'm just happy."

"Me too," Mina moved her hand away and Chaeyoung opened her eyes.

"What are you thinking?"

Mina was thinking a lot of things, good things mostly, but there was something she wanted to discuss with Chaeyoung.

"I'm a bit scared," she confessed.

"Of what?" Chaeyoung put a hand on her knee rubbing it. Mina felt so safe talking with Chaeyoung.

"Of what I'll tell my parents..."

Chaeyoung seemed to think for a second while caressing Mina's leg. "But... you don't have to tell them anything."

"I want to, though," Mina explained.

"They don't have to know."

"I don't want to hide, I don't want to hide you."

"I don't mind," Chaeyoung smiled.

Mina laughed softly. "Yeah, but right now they think I'm with Kwan and I'm not, I'm here, I don't think that's good..."

"Maybe..." Chaeyoung nodded. "Then, why haven't you? if you want to."

Mina's cheeks got a bit red now. "It's just... I want to convince my mom is okay to go back to the dorms first."

Chaeyoung smiled getting closer and leaving a quick kiss on Mina's lips. "That's cute."

"Don't call me cute."

"It's okay if you don't, though, I mean there's not much left to finish and I don't think she is going to let you."

"I guess." Mina felt sad about that. "But I like sleeping with you."

"I know, me too," Chaeyoung said. "Come here." She pulled Mina with her carefully so they were lying in bed now, facing each other on their sides. "You'll be okay, we'll be okay."

Mina snuggled closer to rest her head on Chaeyoung's chest. Chaeyoung brushed her hair. "We'll see," she mumbled. The only thing Mina knew, was that she didn't have to be afraid, she had Chaeyoung by her side. She had Kwan and her friends as well, it'll be okay.

They stayed like that for a while until Mina moved to talk again. "Thank you."


"For having me here," Mina explained. "For being patient with me...always, for not rejecting me... I'm just so grateful of you." Mina felt like crying, she was quite sensitive today, being with Chaeyoung seemed like such a fantasy, but they were there. "Feel," Mina whispered moving Chaeyoung's hand to her chest.

"It's been a while since I've felt your heartbeat." Chaeyoung's eyes looked so beautiful right now. The girl didn't say more for a while, but then she asked, "Mina, stay."

"What do you mean?" Mina was not going anywhere.

"Stay here, tonight, don't go," Chaeyoung got closer, looking at her eyes, "stay with me."

Mina blinked a few times, she couldn't stay, right? She was not supposed to. Even if it seemed tempting. "Baby, I can't."

"Please," Chaeyoung insisted. It was odd, Chaeyoung never insisted that much when she knew Mina couldn't. "I want you, don't go, just for tonight...."

"That could be risky."

"I know I'm being selfish, but I don't want you to leave." Mina's heart ached. Chaeyoung was serious about it and she sounded so in need of it, Mina wanted to stay for her. "You can ask Kwan, right?"

"I could," Mina thought aloud. "I don't like him lying, but I could."

"Then stay."

"Would your mom be okay with that?"

"She will be," Chaeyoung grinned, noticing Mina was giving in.

"What a spoiled child."

"I am," Chaeyoung nodded. "Stay," she repeated brushing Mina's lips.

"I..." Mina could feel Chaeyoung's breathing.

"Please," Chaeyoung said brushing her lips again, she knew it was Mina's weakness.

Mina didn't answer, instead, she moved her lips too to kiss Chaeyoung's. She knew better than to make decisions while in this kind of position but it was far too late.

So they just kissed, softly and tenderly. Only using their lips. Mina held Chaeyoung's waist and Chaeyoung got closer intertwining her legs with Mina's. Mina was definitely staying. They spent minutes just kissing, it was a sweet kiss. It didn't mean anything else but that, not like when they kiss and they end up taking their clothes off, or when one of them has to calm the other down, no. They were just kissing and Mina loved it.

They stopped by giving each other little kisses and smiling, after all, they couldn't kiss all afternoon.

"I'll call Kwan," Mina whispered.

"Then I'll go say you'll be staying for more than dinner," Chaeyoung smiled and rolled over to get up. "Be right back."

Chaeyoung left Mina alone for enough time to ask another favor from Kwan. It worried Mina that she was allegedly going to spend another night with Kwan, she was going to have to talk with her father. But she was more than happy to be with Chaeyoung. Maybe it was reckless, but she refused to see it now, Chaeyoung's smile and happiness were enough reasons.

When it was time for dinner, Mina was no longer nervous about being with Chaeyoung's parents. Only a bit, as anyone with sense would, but she was not terrified. Chaeyoung even seemed more nervous than her, she found it cute.

Mina got the customary questions any parent would ask her. But she answered just fine. She even got to hear stories about teenager Chaeyoung which she very much appreciated.

"You are," Chaeyoung's father said. He was explaining to Mina that she was the first person Chaeyoung ever brought home.

"She is not," The mother corrected her husband. "There's that boy from high school."

Mina turned to look at Chaeyoung, who had been with her cheeks all red during the whole dinner time, Mina was having such a good time.

"Weren't they friends?" Chaeyoung's dad seemed confused.

"I thought so too until I saw them kissing on the couch."

"Mom, come on," Chaeyoung tried to end her suffering.

"I thought they were friends too," Jeonghoon nodded while reaching for more food.

"We dated," Chaeyoung explained. "Is that so hard to believe?"

"Well, he..." The man tried to explain but didn't keep going.

Jeonghoon, though, spoke his mind, "He looked gay."

Everyone chuckled but Chaeyoung, who was not liking any of the topics since they were all related to her. Mina tried to help, "Well, I'm glad to be here, thanks for receiving me."

"Of course," Chaeyoung's mother smiled at her.

They ended dinner not long after, Mina helped with the dishes. Chaeyoung's father went outside and Chaeyoung was talking with her brother.

As she turned the faucet on, Chaeyoung's mother got in with more plates.

"Leave that, darling, it's okay."

"It's no problem, I actually like it," Mina smiled and started washing.

The woman just let her, but also helped and they formed a chain, scraping and washing.

Mina didn't feel nervous being alone with her there, she liked that she wasn't. Until Chaeyoung's mother started talking and she did worry a bit, she was not expecting that.

"Chaeyoung looks really happy today," she started. "But she wasn't at all the last few weeks." Mina was not sure how to answer.  "She told me about your family situation, I hope you don't mind, and I'm really sorry about how hard things have been for you, but I need to say this now," Mina was definitely panicking now, she almost drops a glass in the middle of her task. "We've supported her with everything, we have her back, and I approve that she is with you, but still, every day it terrifies me what other people could say or do to her, you get why I mean?"

Mina just nodded. Even though she was not so sure, she understood Chaeyoung's mother was just worried.

"She is so sweet and kind and gentle, I'm sure you've seen that," The mother kept going. Mina nodded again and smiled a bit, she sure had. "But most people aren't. Now, I know she will try to protect you, she must've, but I need you to do it as well if you care for her. I don't want to see her so sad again."

There was a pause, so Mina tried to speak, "I do care for her."

"That's good, and I can see the way she looks at you, I've never seen her looking at anyone like that." Mina smiled again, it was not the first time she hears something like that. "I don't know you, but I trust her, so I really hope I can trust you too. You are both adults and I can't meddle in your life, but Chaeyoung will always be my sweet child and I really need you to be serious about her."

"I am," Mina tried.

"Don't expose her to danger, don't let her do dumbs things for love, because I know she might." Mina laughed softly hearing that, although she was quite nervous, she understood. "I know it's difficult, the kind of love you chose, so if you don't feel safe somewhere else, know that you are here, both of you, see that? You can be here, if you're scared or not ready, there's no need to rush things, you have here to be."

Mina liked how much Chaeyoung's mother cared for her daughter. Just like Mina wanted to care for Chaeyoung but failed sometimes, she had the intention. And she wanted to be able to promise Chaeyoung's mother that she was going to take care of Chaeyoung and reassure her that she was not scared but the mother was right, that might not be enough, she needed to be careful too.

"Thank you," she said, not knowing what else to say but just thinking and processing everything she had just heard. "I won't do her wrong, I don't want to."

Chaeyoung's mother just moved to the other side of Mina to get the washed dishes and dry them, she didn't answer, just put and hand on Mina's shoulder and squeezed it gently. Mina felt better. But she was still thinking about it all.

Then she left the kitchen and caught a bit of Chaeyoung's and Jeonghoon's conversation as she approached them.

"Why are all your friends pretty," he asked.

"I choose them," Chaeyoung answered. 'clown'

"Right, but really."

"Don't you just have eyes for Tzuyu?" 'Tzuyu?' Mina kept listening, a few steps away, so she wouldn't interrupt their dialogue.

"The other day," he said. "I didn't get to say hi, but you were with someone I've never seen before, she was so beautiful."

Chaeyoung laughed at that, Mina didn't know what was so funny and she sure wanted to know who this girl Chaeyoung had been with was. So she got next to her.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

Chaeyoung was still laughing a bit as she acknowledged Mina's presence and said to her, "Hear this out, so, this dummy here has had a crush on Tzuyu since forever," 'Ah, that's why' Mina understood now the previous mention of the girl. "He really thinks he has a chance, now he told me he finds Sana beautiful."

'of course it was Sana' Mina felt silly, she always got jealous of Sana even when she didn't intend to. Now she understood why Chaeyoung was laughing. 'poor Jeonghoon'

"I still don't understand why is it funny," The boy looked annoyed.

"Thank you for the games recommendations," Mina directed the word to him for the first time that day, other than greeting each other, they had not spoken directly.

"Oh, right, did you like them? Chaeyoung was awful at explaining the kind of games you would like, I figured seeing the others."

"I did," Mina smiled and kept explaining about her experience playing in the afternoon. Chaeyoung got visibly bored at their conversation, so much she started hitting her head against Mina's shoulder.

Until her mother approached them and Jeonghoon left saying good night to Mina.  He seemed like a good boy, Mina enjoyed talking to him, she expected to share more in the future. And that fact that he did not care at all about his sister's sexuality was so new and amazing to Mina.

"Chaeng, get the blankets from upstairs."


"I'll fix you here to sleep," she pointed at the couch.

"What? I can sleep in my room."

"But Mina is staying, isn't she?"

'what?' Mina was confused, why couldn't they sleep together?  'is it because at the dorms there are two beds?' she was about to ask but couldn't.

"We can sleep there, it's not-"

"Chaeyoung, I won't-"

"Mom, can we talk over there?"

They left to argue about it, Mina frowned at the event, it was odd. But she could ask Chaeyoung later, she just hoped they could sleep together.

After a couple of minutes, Chaeyoung got back, holding a tray with sliced fruit on it. She took her hand and they went upstairs again.

"Is everything alright?" Mina asked once they got inside Chaeyoung's room.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung answered calmly putting the tray over the bed.

"Are we sleeping together?"

"Of course," Chaeyoung said and got closer to Mina.

"Chaeyoung... does your mom not know we are roommates?"

"Shh," Chaeyoung hurried softly putting a finger on Mina's lips. "Don't tell her."

"Oh my god," Mina said removing Chaeyoung's finger. "I can't believe you," she raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "You are a bad child."

"I'm not."

Mina laughed at the situation. "You are."

Chaeyoung sighed and laughed too. "Come on, it's just one little secret, she doesn't need to know everything."

Mina couldn't believe her. Moving to the bed she started eating out of shock. "Terrible," she mumbled just to mess with Chaeyoung.

"Well, if I had told her then she would want me to change rooms and I wouldn't have so she would have looked at me disapprovingly," Chaeyoung pouted getting next to Mina. "She can't do that."

"Cute," Mina offered her a grape. Chaeyoung gladly took it with her mouth.

"And now we can sleep together, see? It's okay, don't tell her."

Mina found it funny. "I won't, I don't want you to change rooms and I do want you to sleep with me now, otherwise what's the point."


They both laughed about it and got comfortable while talking and eating. Chaeyoung's head ended up on Mina's lap. Mina played with her hair softly out of habit. It was not that late yet.

Chaeyoung had her phone and suddenly groaned and threw it aside.

"What is it?"

"Have you talked to Momo?" Chaeyoung suddenly asked turning her face to look at Mina abruptly.

Mina had to stop brushing her hair for a second but then continued in that new position. "Momo? I guess... mainly in the group chat with Sana, why?"

"Has she mentioned Dahyun?"

"Uh, no?"

"Right, thank you," she reached for her phone again but Mina held her hand stopping her.


"Just... Dahyun made me ask you."


"She kinda likes her?"

"Oh, really?" Mina had no idea. "For more than just sex?"

Chaeyoung scrunched her nose, she clearly didn't like the topic, it made Mina smile given Chaeyoung had asked either way just for Dahyun. 'how sweet'

"Yeah, feelings and all, I guess."

"Mhh..." Mina had no idea if Momo could feel the same, but she sure felt it could be good. "Well, I don't know how she feels but it would be nice if she dates someone, for more than just the physical part."

"Do you think Dahyun should try?" Chaeyoung asked softly. "She is not much of a feelings person, it worries me."

"Neither is Momo." That Mina and Chaeyoung knew quite well. "I have no idea actually."

"After everything, I don't understand why she likes her."

"Well, baby, I know what Momo did, but she is not a bad person..." Mina tried caressing Chaeyoung's forehead too with her fingertips. "I don't know what they have shared... you know we had no idea they were sharing at all," Mina giggled and Chaeyoung scrunched her nose again. "But it might be good for them, right?"

"I guess so," Chaeyoung turned again, this time to the other side, and hugged Mina's stomach.

"I could ask Sana to ask Momo if you like."

"Aren't you on speaking terms with her?"

"We are but I don't think we should talk about that kind of topic."


Mina kept thinking about that for a while. The truth is she had no idea how Momo felt about anything, which was weird because she thought she did. Now they had to kind of start over, they had been talking but with measure. And Dahyun? Mina liked Dahyun, she just hoped for Momo to not do more stupid things or use her to change her feelings.

Suddenly a random thought crossed her mind, it made her frown. "Baby!"

"What?" Chaeyoung moved out of her lap to face her and did the same frowning face as her.

"How come I call you baby and you don't call me anything but Mina? I don't think it is fair."

"Well... I like your name."

"But I want a cute nickname too, think of one," Mina pouted.

"Uh," Chaeyoung looked troubled. "Let's see uh, you..." She had no idea what to say so Mina kept frowning, she wanted a sweet nickname too.

"You have no idea."

"I do, I do! just..." Chaeyoung hid on Mina's neck. "Uh...."

"So unfair," Mina mumbled, entertained at Chaeyoung's panic.

Then Chaeyoung moved back again. "What if I call you princess?"

Mina frowned again, shaking her head. "My dad calls me princess," she explained. That wouldn't work.

But Chaeyoung smiled wide. "Then you should call me daddy."

"Chaeyoung!" Mina smacked her arm and Chaeyoung started laughing hysterically. "I don't even call my dad daddy!" Mina couldn't believe her, she has been really into cringey comments lately. 'well, that's the clown I like'

"Okay, okay, I was joking."

"You better be, I won't call you daddy, god, you're my girlfriend."


"Ahh!" Mina stopped her and got out of bed leaving a protesting and laughing Chaeyoung. "I'll go clean this, we must sleep now." she took the tray and ignored Chaeyoung's silliness as she left for the kitchen. 'I just wanted a cute nickname'

When she returned, Chaeyoung was ready to sleep. Actually she was already in bed and it shouldn't have been a surprise for Mina because she had been told before, but still, it surprised her when she saw Chaeyoung's exposed back as she was on her stomach.

"Why are you like that?"

"I told you I sleep shirtless," Chaeyoung mumbled with her mouth pressed against a pillow. "There are clothes for you, wear that and come here."

Mina just sighed, she would have to get used to that. She found the clothes Chaeyoung had left for her by the end of the bed and changed. It was just some shorts and a long shirt, too long for Chaeyoung not that long for Mina but it was comfortable. The lights were off, but Chaeyoung had turned on all her lights and Mina could see she actually meant when she said she had too many.

Since the bed was not that big, she was quite close to Chaeyoung, which was no problem. But it was a bit distracting to have her back exposed. Mina got comfortable on her side and focused her eyes on Chaeyoung. "Are you really going to sleep?" she whispered. Chaeyoung hummed as a response so Mina just stayed there. Looking at the ceiling, she could see stars and constellations, it was quite pretty, the room had a blue tone. It was comfortable and soothing. She could feel Chaeyoung's warm body next to her, after a while, she started caressing her exposed back.

Just tracing it with little circles and hearts. Mina had such a great day. She really couldn't ask for more, she felt so lucky to have Chaeyoung with her and she couldn't stop thinking about everything they had shared until this moment, they had done it, she was there, warmed and happy tracing her back.

The other thing that wouldn't leave her mind were Chaeyoung's mother's words. Mina didn't want to bring danger to Chaeyoung, at all. She was going to do things right this time, she was not going to leave, there was no way. The way she felt for Chaeyoung was... indescribable. Suddenly Mina felt her heartbeat increasing, she wanted Chaeyoung so much.

"Baby," she whispered.


"Baby, look at me."

"Why?" Chaeyoung cried. "I'm sleeping."

"Come on, why would you ask me to stay if you were going to ignore me."

"I asked you to stay and sleep with me, what else did you expect, pervert."

Mina smiled at that. "Just look at me, I need to tell you something."

Chaeyoung turned around, resting on her back. Mina's heart skipped a beat and she was thankful the covers were properly covering Chaeyoung's body, otherwise, she would have blushed so hard. But right now she was feeling so good, so safe, she needed Chaeyoung close. "What is it" Mina stayed there supported on her elbow still mesmerized by the sight in front of her. She couldn't speak right away. Nothing at all was wrong, quite the opposite, everything was just perfect but Chaeyoung got worried. "Mina what is it?"

Getting closer, Mina found her voice, still feeling her heart in her throat. "I'm in love with you." Chaeyoung blinked a few times probably not understanding right away. But Mina knew what she was saying, she was so sure, saying it felt amazing. So she kept going, "I'm in love with you, Chaeyoung, I love you," she said and moved to get even closer to her, almost on top of her body, really close to her face. Chaeyoung's eyes were so beautiful. "I love you, I love all of you..." Mina didn't want to stop saying it. "I love your face," she said eyeing Chaeyoung's every feature. "I love your eyes, and your nose," she kissed her nose and kept kissing every mentioned place, "I love your cheeks... and your head, and your lips, oh how I love your lips..." she kissed those only in the corner of her mouth. "And your jaw... your neck..." she kept going down and Chaeyoung had not said anything, not like Mina had given her much choice, but she was so into it, she wanted to say more, "your collarbone... all of it," she kissed tenderly every part of it, it was so warm. The fact that Chaeyoung had no shirt on was both distracting and a blessing now. "and your chest, how your heart beats..." she kept going down kissing Chaeyoung's body carefully and then to her stomach. "And your belly..." she kissed her there too, smiling, she stopped there and used her hands now. "And your legs.. and hips.. and waist..." she added every part by caressing it slowly going back up to get to her face again. Chaeyoung had her eyes closed and Mina could feel her breathing. "I love all of you, Chaeyoung." Mina swallowed nervously, not because of what Chaeyoung could answer but because she was feeling some kind of way. "Look at me." Chaeyoung did. And Mina couldn't hide it anymore. "Baby..." she breathed out. "I know this started as a love confession but I'm feeling so turned on right now, I really need you to react."

Chaeyoung kept breathing and Mina could feel her chest rising and falling underneath her. "I..."

"Get me naked enough now," Mina whispered close to her lips, she felt a bit embarrassed of how needy she got so fast but she wasn't going to keep that to herself, Chaeyoung could fix it, only Chaeyoung.

"N- now?"


Chaeyoung licked her lips and Mina wanted to kiss her so badly. "I... I can't," she breathed.

"What? Why?" Mina felt a bit frustrated, having Chaeyoung half-naked underneath her was not helping her now. "Don't you think is time?" she asked going to Chaeyoung's ear. The truth is Mina had no idea she thought it was time until a minute ago, but she wanted Chaeyoung so badly.

She could feel Chaeyoung struggling, holding her waist but then releasing it. "I do," she said, which surprised Mina because she had no idea Chaeyoung thought that, still, better for Mina's cause at the moment, right?. "But my mom's here."

Okay, Mina could definitely not find the problem there. "So what?" she whispered in Chaeyoung's ear and then got back to her lips, "I'll be quiet." She had no idea where she obtained that kind of confidence, but her mind only could process the way she was feeling for Chaeyoung.

"No, you won't," Chaeyoung giggled.

"How do you know that?" Mina smiled wide and oh, how badly she wanted to figure it out.

"I just... we can't."


"I already had a hard time convincing my mom to let us sleep together, I don't want to betray her trust."

'oh' Okay, that did make sense in Mina's head. She left out a big breath giving up. "Then what do you want me to do now?"

"I don't know," Chaeyoung patted her back. "Think of ugly things."

"What ugly things," Mina pouted.

"Like Kwan."

"Don't mention him now!" Mina frowned and leaned down to hide on Chaeyoung's neck.

"You see? It's already working."

Well, it was, and the fact that she got rejected had helped too, Mina got a bit frustrated but she understood they couldn't. Still, she couldn't get the image of Chaeyoung's body out of her head, and being on top of her was not helping in any way. "But you got the point, right?" she asked looking for Chaeyoung's eyes. "I love you," she repeated and stole a quick kiss from her lips, without waiting for an answer she got out of bed really quickly and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," she sighed. "I need to wash my face... with some cold water," she mumbled the last part. "And put something on for god's sake!" Mina was sure it was all shirtless Chaeyoung's fault. She just heard Chaeyoung laughing as she closed the door. 'it is not funny' It was the second time she wanted more but things didn't go her way. At least this time it wasn't Chaeyoung's fault directly.

Once in the bathroom she grabbed the sink and left a big breath smiling. Mina could not believe she had just done that. Not the confession part, that she was so sure and certain of, but the other part. Where she almost begs Chaeyoung to take her clothes off. 'seriously, Mina, not cute' The truth is that if Chaeyoung had said yes, she wouldn't have known what to do exactly.

She looked in the mirror and passed a hand through her hair. She felt so happy right now, she wouldn't stop smiling. This had been such a perfect day and she even got to sleep next to Chaeyoung now. Mina had completely forgotten about her worries or the other part, where she had Kwan lying for her. For the second time.

She did wash her face and took her time in the bathroom. When she got back to the nicely illuminated room, she noticed Chaeyoung now had indeed put something on. 'thank god' Although Mina really liked that Chaeyoung trusted her enough to be confident around her like that.

She went to bed again, calmer. Mina felt at ease, she had spoken her heart out to Chaeyoung and she had meant it. It couldn't be any different, of course she felt that way, completely in love.

To avoid getting caught up in the moment again, she stayed by her side, the most she could, since the bed was tiny, they were meant to be close. But she stayed looking at the other side away from Chaeyoung, who was on her stomach like before.

Mina wished she could sleep there forever. Mina wished she could have days like this forever. After some minutes of relieving the events from today and feeling sleepy, she felt movement.

Chaeyoung changed positions and supported her head on Mina's back. "I love you too," she said softly. Mina barely heard her, but it made her heart and stomach feel funny. And she felt her eyes a bit watery. The last time she had heard Chaeyoung saying that she didn't believe it, she ignored it, she was feeling so betrayed and out of it, she had thought now saying it to Chaeyoung, the girl was not going to say it back so fast, but hearing it now, she only hoped it was true. Of course it was. And Mina was not going to let her change her mind.


She slept like a baby. Having Chaeyoung cuddling her all night. She woke up receiving little kisses on her forehead with a soft, "Wake up."

Mina opened her eyes with difficulty, it was so bright, yet she saw Chaeyoung standing by her side leaned down close to her face. All the memories from yesterday came to her mind, wrapping her arms around Chaeyoung's neck, she made her lean even lower to capture her lips.

Chaeyoung didn't resist it, although she lost balance for a second having to sit on the edge of the bed. Mina was not trying to get a simple kiss, she wanted a different kind of kiss. Why had she woken up so needy? Maybe because she was and maybe because it's been so long since she got to wake up next to Chaeyoung every day that she wanted all that back. Not like Chaeyoung would ever really let her get a kiss right away when they woke up, but today was different.

Mina had just woken up but she was fully conscious of what she wanted, deepening the kiss, she tried to obtain access to Chaeyoung's mouth with her tongue, which she got immediately but just for a few seconds.

"I just wanted to wake you up," Chaeyoung teased her as she backed away. Mina loved her silly cheekily smile, but she was not going to let her go so easily.

"You certainly did," Mina assured for then reaching again for Chaeyoung's lips, but only her lower lip, biting it slowly.

Chaeyoung closed her eyes tightly and let out a soft whimper. She frowned at Mina but after a second she kept kissing Mina like before, and now also, getting on a better position, holding Mina's waist. And oh, how Mina loved the contact. She also felt proud of her achievement, Chaeyoung's surely had a thing for biting.

Mina couldn't help but smile, stopping their messy kiss for a second. "Is this breakfast in bed?" she asked giggling.

"We don't do that here," Chaeyoung was smiling too, still holding Mina's waist.

"I was looking forward to getting it, though," Mina pouted.

"Breakfast's with the family," Chaeyoung kissed Mina's pout and let go of her waist, "Come on, that should've been enough for my needy girlfriend," she said last before getting up again. Mina was okay with that, she got her kiss and she got to tease Chaeyoung, her favorite things. Mina just loved the way they fooled around, Mina loved the way they were such a mess together. So she got up too, went to the bathroom, got dressed, and had breakfast with the family as Chaeyoung had explained.

Soon enough it was time to go. Not because she wanted but because of the many texts from Kwan she could no longer ignore. Yesterday Kwan was so willing to help, but to cover up for Mina during the day, not at night, which complicated things a bit but Mina didn't want to say no to Chaeyoung so she ignored Kwan's words and since he was not going to tell her parents, she let them know with just a text. If they called Kwan or something she was not aware because she had been ignoring her phone since that moment. Now it was time to get back to reality.

Mina thanked Chaeyoung's parents and they let her know she could come whenever she wanted. She also said goodbye to Jeonghoon and promised next time they could play something. With Chaeyoung, they had agreed on Waddles staying at Chaeyoung's room in the meantime, later it could be back at the dorms. Furious Kwan was waiting outside.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Chaeyoung walked her to the door.

"Yes, I mean, I might have to lie a bit, but it's okay, I'll be fine." Mina hoped so.

"Then let me know when you get there and if anything happens, promise?" Chaeyoung looked a bit sad, Mina wanted to ease her mind.

"Promise," Mina cupped her face. "You don't have to worry, just miss me lots," Mina kissed her forehead.

Chaeyoung still looked worried, slowly, she moved to hug Mina tightly. It seemed there were many things she wanted to say, maybe fantasies, to ask Mina to stay forever, by her side only. But they both knew it couldn't be like that, not yet. So they hugged and remain in silence, wishing for fewer goodbyes.

It was not nice. The change from Chaeyoung's warm embrace to a whining annoyed Kwan.

"Oh, you are alive," Kwan spat as soon as she closed the car door.


"Sorry!?" He started driving. "Sorry- Mina, you were so reckless!"

Mina just sighed, she knew he was going to say a few things so she just heard him complaining for a few minutes. Then she talked again. "It was just a night."

"A second night, Mina. Your dad does not like you being out so late with me, what will you say?"

Mina thought for a moment. For some reason, she could not see the gravity of the matter Kwan was seeing. Was her father that upset with the whole thing? She could only wait and see. So she did. Kwan left her outside her house and she got in. Mina was not worried at all, not even with Chaeyoung's worried face, not even with Kwan scolding her, Mina was okay. She had done what she had felt like doing, that was new, she liked that new part.

It was not until Kwan's worries and predictions started becoming true that she realized, she might be wrong about being so carefree about it.

It was after a few minutes she got inside. After she went to her room and changed clothes. After she texted Chaeyoung letting her know she had arrived. It was on her way to the kitchen, passing through the living room, where she got to hear her father.

"Princess, you are here."

"Dad," Mina turned to the voice, getting closer to greet him with a smile. "Hi," she said.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Everything seemed okay. 'see?' She was about to turn around and return to her destination when another lecture started. And this one was quite different.

"That's great," he said and then cleared his throat. "But Mina, I don't like you spending the night out."


"Let me rephrase that, I don't like you spending the night out with him." He sounded serious.

"But, Dad, It's okay-"

"It's not okay. And it's the second time you let us know at the last minute, your mother may be okay with it, but I am not." It was not usual to hear him scolding Mina. She never ever gave motives for it. "I really thought he was a good man, but if he feels no shame in spending the night with you whenever he wants, then I was wrong. Did he make you stay?"

Mina didn't like Kwan was looking like the bad guy, she couldn't allow that. "He is a good man."

"You didn't answer my question, is he forcing you to be with him?"

"No, no, Dad, he is not."

"Then you wanted to stay?" Mina could say yes. She could say yes and be over with it. But then what would happen after? More lies? More Kwan complaining? More favors? More hiding? She could not keep that forever.

Was her heart beating like crazy now? Yes. "I did," she said. "But I wasn't with him."

The face of confusion her dad made was the beginning of Mina's worries, she had been here. She had been here in this moment a couple of times now, it had not ended well.

"Are you trying to make him look better?"


"Mina, you don't have to lie for him," Her father got closer to her holding her shoulder.

"I'm not," she said. Trying not to lose her voice. "I'm not lying for him, but I did lie... for me. I made him lie too."

There was a silence, in which Mina could feel the ringing on her ears. "What do you mean by that?"

"I was not with him yesterday or the other day, I-"

"Princess, you don't have to make things up now," her father interrupted her and kept talking strongly. "I know he is your boyfriend but I won't have you-"

It was like with her mother all over again, Mina trying to say something but them not understanding or letting her speak. Just assuming things. Always assuming things. Did Mina know she was going to end up saying all this to her father? Deep down she wanted to. It was probably the word boyfriend that triggered something in her, she was not going to let him say more, she's had enough, of everything. Of how everyone could just assume everything about her and no matter what she would try to say, they would try to change the meaning. Now, she just needed to be honest and be over with it. At once.

"He is not my boyfriend," Mina snapped. "He is not, how many times do I have to say that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dad," Mina sighed, quite tired. "I don't like Kwan, I never had and I never will." Were Mina's hands all sweaty? Yes. "I know mom thinks I do, but she thinks so many things of me that I'd never claimed to be true, please, don't be like that too," Mina was not only referring to that with her plea. Mina also hoped her father would not look at her differently after she was done with what she needed to say, Mina didn't want to go through another rejection. She knew many had her back and maybe that is why she was there about to come out again, but she didn't want to lose her father too, it hurts. It hurts when the important people of your life don't want to see you as you are or don't accept you, "don't see me differently, don't toss me aside, don't-" Mina somehow found herself breathless, crying, hugging the man in front of her and just crying. "Not you too, please," she cried.

Her father patted her back, probably extremely more confused than he already was. "Princess, what's wrong?" His voice resembled how worry he was now about her crying daughter begging for something he had no idea what it was.

"Nothing's wrong," Mina whispered through her tears.

"Then how come you are crying?"

"Because you won't like what I'll say." And that made Mina somehow mad. Sad and mad.

The man moved Mina so they could sit on one couch. Mina took a bit of distance now, wiping her tears away. He was utterly confused, but remained calmed. "Mina, I won't-"

Unlike Mina, who was not calmed, who was afraid, angry, tired, who was shaking, but just couldn't hold it anymore, "Dad, I like girls."

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