The Little Devil of the 5th x...

بواسطة Kiyorisawabakinami

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As you guys can see hehe This takes place at the start of Y2V1 Ichika Amasawa along with 2 other White... المزيد

Her Feelings
Her Freedom
D-D-Date!? (Revised)
D-D-Date?! Pt. II
D-D-Date!? Pt. III
Showing off
Argument(not an update)

Expect the Unexpected

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بواسطة Kiyorisawabakinami

Amasawa POV~

I stood infront of the very large gates, I was finally free, so this is what outside air feels like, quite nice I was walking with to 2 other people to my left was a blonde/white haired girl with an aloof and carefree expression she was probably appreciating the feeling of being outside just like me, to my right there was a boy of average height, on the outside his expression was very lively he looked keen on making some friends, but only me and the girl to my left knew that inside he was jumping for joy he finally had the chance to defeat the 'masterpiece' and prove he was "superior". Unfortunately for him my senpai would never lose to anyone even God himself hehe~.

I finally get to meet you senpai~, i hope you're ready for my welcoming gift hehehe~

Ayanokouji POV~

Advanced Nurturing High School

Regarded as Japan's best school where they train so called 'elites' the students chosen to attend this prestigous school are selected through a wide variety of characteristics meeting the board's criterion.

Most people might think that being academically smart equals superiority, the majority of schools and universities might agree but not this one. 

The school boasts about it's 100% employment rate and a guaranteed future, getting accepted meant that you were set for life, atleast that's what we thought, if only society were so easy that getting accepted to the most prestigious school in the country or possibly the entire continent were enough to secure your life of luxury, but sadly reality was a cruel mistress.

ANHS accepts many kinds of students to prodigies, academically gifted, physically talented, some were average, and even what society might call trash, scum, or what the teachers and higher classes call as 'defectives'.

I , Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, am currently a student admitted to this prestigious highschool where I'll soon be commencing my second year of highschool.

As of April 1st, I'm a student of Class D or what most people call the 'Defective Class' we have a total of 275 class points. This means that every month we will recieve aroung 27,500 yen's worth of private points. The current highest class, which was Class A it was led by a smug-loli named Sakayanagi Arisu with an outstanding total of 1119 class points, following behind was Class B which was led by and overly friendly girl with monst- I mean a well endowed body named Ichinose Honami, with 542 points, and at their tail was Class C, which was led by a Dragon tyrant, Ryuuen Kakeru with 540 points.

If you compare our class to the other ones the gap in class points might seem large, but even so, it may be more accurate to say we were catching up.

The extent to which we can close this gap over the course of this next year would decide our fate for our 3rd year.

Spring break has finally come to an end, it was finally the day of the opening ceremony. We were officially ditching our old 1st year classroom which reeked of Yamauchi's lingering scent and relocated to our new and fresh 2nd year classrooms without Yamauchi hehe. 

I just arrived at the classroom and from a glance it didn't look very different but the vibe it gave off was pleasant and fresh, at the front of the class there was a message displayed.

[Sit down in the same seat you used last year and wait for further instructions.]

Last year we had a blackboard that the teachers used but what was there instead was a large monitor, my incoming classmates were also surprised at this as they went their way to their previous seats.

We were to have the opening ceremony in the gymnasium after this.

The teachers then spent 2 hour briefing us on this year's schedule and other important details before releasing us into the wild(lol) before noon.

Many people who hadn't seen each other during spring break started catching up, of course I was one of them I was also talking with the Ayanokouji group since we hadn't met at all at spring break.

(Just for your information Kei is indeed inlove with Kiyotaka but they aren't dating since he didn't confess and wasn't planning to, my guy spent the entire break in his room while there was that one time he talked with dragon boy and the master of the bro-con before graduating - Author-kyun!~)

(Everthing still happened and stuff the reaction to bro-con's hair the convo with the Ayanokouji group and such while Kei was nicer to Kiyotaka inside the classroom.)

It was finally the opening ceremony many students were chatting and walking towards the venue which was the gymnasium, there was a group of students that caught everyone's eye. 

They were the new first years, at a glance they looked pretty normal some were fat, some were thin, there were even a few who looked stunning. but there was one group within the first years that caught all of the senior's eyes there stood a man who's build was very large, a beautiful girl with blue eyes and white hair resembling that of a puppy, a tall boy with a slim yet muscular figure with blue hair, a girl with a listless expression sucking on a lolipop, a brown-haired boy with average height his body at a glance was nothing at of the ordinary but if you observe even further his hands were extremely veined they were popping out it was a sign of intense training which peeked my curiousity.

But there was one girl who stood out she had red hair with twin-tails an extremely well endowed body that could even rival Ichinose's and Airi's, she was the perfect mix between cute and beautiful, she stood out like a sore thumb which caught everyone's attention. The boys had hearts in their eyes while the girls were admiring her looks. Class D's boys wasn't an exeption all the boys had heart in their eyes including Akito and Keisei, while the girls look at them with disgust.

Change of writing style

Ike: Whoa, she's perfect, look at those ass and tits!

Yama- oh wait he's dead

Sudo: Yeah dude she's hot, but not better than Suzune. 

he muttered that last part.

Okitani: Ne ne do you guys think I have a chance? nope sorry bud I muttered

Hondo: Hell no dude! You got no chance look at her she could be in the top 5 beauties within the whole school!

Miyamoto: I know right! I'd totally hit that!.

He said while the girls were shouting things such as.


"Get away from me fcking scum"

"As expected of you perverts!"

When they said this the boys hung their heads low in shame even Yousuke and Kushida didn't bother with them, while the girls were giving the perverts a mouthful the red haired-girl noticed my gaze and returned it with a smile that was a combination of the smug-loli's and the two-faced bitches greatest weapons. I widened my eyes slighty, a question raised in my head 'Does she know me? Is she the Whiteroom enforcer?' while I was in my thoughts questioning myself, of course Keisei and Akito even Haruka didn't miss this little interaction their eyes widened greatly and turned to me. 

(Airi was looking down like a nervous dog it's better this way since she'll probably faint like the other fanfics.)

Akito: Ne Keisei, Haruka did you see that?

Keisei: I think my eyes were playing with me Haruka could you pinch me? 

Haruka then proceeded to pinch Kesei's cheeks.

Keisei: Oh good I'm not dreaming, that cute girl just smiled at kiyotaka right?

Haruka: I think so too Yukimuu! Do you know her Kiyopon?!

Akito and Keisei's attention was focused on me. Well no matter I was gonna answer honestly, anyway I need to divert the topic I dont want to deal with more troublesome questions from them

Kiyotaka: No I dont, and she didn't smile at me, she probably smiled at Yousuke.

I then proceed to point at Yousuke who is behind me talking with his harem. I just recently knew about the meaning of the word 'harem', I learned it from the Professor or his real name which was Sotomura Hideo. Apparently its definition was 'A group of female animals sharing a single mate.' 

Akito: No Kiyotaka I think she smiled at you.

Keisei and Haruka nodded their head in agreement.

I decided to play dumb

Kiyotaka: I really dont think so.

Haruka: We'll believe you for now. 

She eyed me suspiciously the other two did the same aswell. Yare yare that smile was troublesome. (foreshadowing at it's best)

We continued chatting about useless topics, then we finally arrived at the gymnasium the seat were lined up and we were segregated by year level and class, Beside me were Akito and Keisei while Haruka and Airi were seated infront of us, we still continued conversing after that when suddenly the lights went out and immediately opened again. This was probably a way to gather everyone's attention.

A man whose aged probably between his late 40's to early 50's stood atop the podium gathering attention. He wasn't very intimidating but carried great charisma, the audience instinctively straightened up once the man was staring them, then he began to speak.

 Acting Chairman Tsukihiro: Hello students of ANHS the second and third year students most likely know me already but for the newly arrived first years I am the current director of this school, you may call Chairman Tsukihiro.

After his introduction the murmurs could be heard from the first years, while the second and third years sat in silence since they already knew about the Acting Director so it really wasn't anything special, but did he really just say 'Chairman Tsukihiro' with no 'Acting'? He really just left it out like that, is he really confident that Chairman Sakayanagi won't comeback sometime during this year or something. I call bullshit.

He continued his speech and kept talking about the expectations and values of ANHS, it was disgusting because I knew it was all fake. Then Nagumo came onto the stage and started his speech, but no one really listened exept for the third years, I kinda feel sorry for him but there was one girl who couldn't care less, I was quite curious about who she was but I left her alone

The program was done and we arrived at our new class and sat in our original seat while Chabashira-sensei rearranged our seats. Finally I can get away from Compass-chan and her Master. While I was thankful to Chabashira-sensei she placed me into an equally troublesome seat 'Not again' I thought

(Btw i know the OAA introduction was a few days after the opening ceremony but i added it into the afternoon classes they have to take right after the ceremony. Why? Cause I'm the author and its for plot convenience so it all checks out right? :3 )

I was seated next to stalk- I mean Matsushita Chiaki a very troublesome person who stalks me from time to time apparently she suspects me of holding back, every time I confront her she asks me all sorts of questions from trivial ones to very personal ones, it was getting annoying thankfully she stopped, but now as ironic as it is I am sitting next to her she smiled at me while I gave her a nod, then she pouted which was cute, but Sensei suddenly slapped her desk and gathered everyone's attention.

Chabashira: I have an announcement to make please spare me your attention.

The whole class stopped talking and payed attention to sensei, most of them were feeling anxious they were probably thinking this was another special exam, but from Sensei's face I can see that it was not the case since she was lacking her usual serious self when announcing a new special exam.

Ike: Sensei is there a special exam?

Most of them were clearly restless Sensei knew that he wasn't joking like his usual antics so she slightly smiled and answered respectfully, which shocked the class.

Chabashira: I understand that you're concerened, but there's something I'm gonna need all of you to do before I answer that. It is very important for the rest of your life here at this this school.

Chabashira took out her phone and started explaining

(It is just like the canon so I ain't wastin' time on explainin' it since it's to long and I think most of you guys know already tho, and if you don't then read the goddamn novel its so good.)

Sensei was done explaining and all of my classmates were checking out each others ratings and the other classes' and years' aswell

Ike: this was the cute girl earlier right Ken?

Sudou: Yeah her name is 

He stared at Ike's phone 

Sudou: Ichika Amasawa, huh? Nice name Suzune's better tho

he mutterd that last part.

Miyamoto: Yo let me see.

he proceeds to take Ike's phone 

Miyamoto: Ichika-chan really is cute right?

Ike: I know right?

The girls were busy looking for hot kouhais so they didn't reprimand the perverted boys. Sensei was about to walk out when the door suddenly burst open. It was a girl with red hair and twin-tails.

Everyone stared at her but she didn't care Ike and Miyamoto were practically squealing saying things like 'She's here for me bro!' 'No why would she be here for you?! She's obviously here for me' even Koenji showed interest which was rare, Sensei was about to say something but was beaten to the punch by Yousuke.

Yousuke: Hello, do you have any business with our cla-

She put her hand on his face implying for him to shut up which I found amusing since his harem will start talking shit about the rude kouhai, she ignored the things they said about her, she clearly didn't care. The Ayanokouji group also looked shock Keisei and Akito just stared at the girl not knowing what she would do, while Haruka was staring at me, but I ignored her.

The girl was clearly looking for someone, and she apparently found whoever they were since her expression clearly suggested it. She started walking towards me? Ike who was sitting behind me was elated thinking the girl was approaching him, but unfortunately for him his dreams were crushed and so were mine.

She stopped at my desk which confused Ike, Sensei and the whole class. They were curious about our relationship, there were things spoken like

'What's their relationship?'

'Are they siblings perhaps?'

'Oi! how dare him have a cute girl staring at him!'

That last statement left me conflicted, Its not like I want her staring at me, to be honest I wanted to run back to my dorms and sleep. The Ayanokouji group was in chaos Keisei and Akito were squealing? like little girls, Haruka was trying to revive the fainted Airi. Kei, and Sato were frozen in place not making any sense of the situation, my seatmate stalke- Matsushita was calmly analyzing our relationship, which was quite impressive.

Ichika: Ki~yo Sen~paii

 Kiyo?How did she know my name? Many things could be heard from the background but we chose to ignore them. It seems she does know me I should just let the conversation carry on.

Kiyotaka: May I help you?

She smiled and said 

Ichika: Yes senpai~ indeed you can.

Kiyotaka: Could I know how?

Ichika: Sure~! 

She held her hand out to me and I took it she probably wanted to shake hands or something, she then proceeded to grab my tie and.

She tried to grab my neck and choke me, I slapped her hand away, her smiled vanished while she threw a hook towards my jaw, I parried it with my left forearm. I got out of my seat and jumped back, her smile returned and immediately tried to roundhouse kick my head which I decided to take on, but instead of letting it hit my body I grabbed her leg, which led her to lose balance, I grabbed her wrist then threw her towards the ground back first.

Ichika: guh!!!

Silence.... filled the classroom

2 chapters 1 day lezgoooo!

Sooo... did you guys expect that? I wanna know c'mon tell me hehehe.

Hello guys Author-kyun~ here and sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger but it's more interesting this way I hope you guys forgive me huhuhu 'fake cries' well anyway I wanted to ask you guys what route would you like me to take I only have two options I'd like to write 

Ichika Monopolizes Kiyo


Ichika shares him with someone 

I wont make it a harem so kiyopon will have only 2 partners at max 

A threesome isn't considered a harem right?

So guys please vote for what route you want to take!

Also about the conversation style would you guys prefer ?

Light novel format 


Name first format 

I would like to know


2.8k wordz lezgooo!

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