Wattpad's Stupidest Stereotyp...

By Bookworm010101

239K 14.8K 14.6K

Just a couple of things that I found just kept getting repeated throughout loads of stories. This isn't aimed... More

Wattpad's Stupidest Stories
Bad Boy And The Nerd
Old Ladies
Start Of Every Story Ever
The Inevitable Continuation


16.3K 1K 1.3K
By Bookworm010101

1. We never have a lanky, small, snot-nosed wimp as our main man. He's always able to lift an obese cat with his pinky finger.. Sometimes, I think that these stereotypes affect many guys' self images and lead to an unhappier society. But then I get me some McDonalds and it's all good.

2. 1 word: smoulder. Apparently some people are under the delusion that men have coals for eyes because that word is as overused as garlic in a vampire's dinner. I now realise that this comparison fell way short but still I refuse to edit it out. Who knows when it could be useful?

3. They never push for.. Ummm.. intimacy or anything like that. The good guy is all like "I'll wait until my thingy has rotted off if you're not ready". Speaking of which..

4. .. People in new relationships never have the Talk. They just always know where the other person is in relation to all things awkward. Now this is fine for our sci-fi telepathic relationships but come on.

(I'd like to take this opportunity to state that I got my hair cut today and now it smells like rainbows.)

5. He's always intelligent, even the bad boys. Like, gets straight As every time. Not only is he smart, which I've mentioned in one of the other chapters, but he's not attacked for being smart. Wasn't some soccer player accused of being gay because he read books? (Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, and good God do I hate that I even have to clarify that when it should be just accepted aannd end rant). No, nobody seems to notice that our main guy is smart but the main girl gets bullied for it every day. I smell a chauvinistic rat.

6. 6 is for 6 packs. Every guy in the story has a six pack. I was under the impression that 6 packs are hard to get and maintain. The guys in my school practically turn into girls every time they see a six pack. They get so excited it's kind of cute..

7. They all have crazy amounts of confidence. Like, the guy just kisses the girl like he knows she likes him. He talks to her sure of it. Even movie stars probably don't have that kind of confidence.

8. Every guy has a really high pain threshold. And he makes a big deal of being hit by the girl.

"I smacked him in the chest for his sarcasm. "Ow!" he exclaimed, rubbing his chest with a hurt look on his face. How mature.
All of a sudden, a motorcycle- riding knife-wielding old woman crashed through the window into his massive living room.
"Hi, dearie!" she exclaimed to me. I squinted. Was that... Grandma? I waved back gingerly.
Granny stuck her knife into Xaviander's thigh and leapt out the window again. I vaguely heard her yell "Dearie!!!!" before turning back to the injured man.Xaviander winced, pulled out the 7 inch long blade and tossed it out of the window. "Now," he said, dusting his hands off. "Where were we?"

I actually got really into that example..

9. He'll love children, and have a younger sibling that he dotes on who also happens to give our main girl their blessing where so many others have failed. Don't guys get all withdrawn and grunty in their teen years?

10. He'll be free with the compliments, before they get together. I don't know a guy that would risk that in front of his friends. Or why he would do it at all. I guess it must just be to do with his unnatural confidence.

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