Mafia's Retribution

By kangsuzy18

485K 9.9K 1.3K


I love you till the moon and back
Worst than Hell
Cruel Fate
Welcome to hell
I hate you.
Get Ready
My retribution
First Step
I Pity You
Empty and Confused
Going back
Falling Again
Once and for all
Ava's retribution
Love me Like you Want
Upside Down
New Place, New People
Heart Wrenching Fire
Let Go
New Beginnings
When I Look At You
New Story Soon


7.4K 145 18
By kangsuzy18


We were currently sitting in front of the doctor, who was looking at Ava's report. Honestly, he was doing that since 10 minutes. Ava held my fingers tightly. I could see, she was nervous. Beads of sweat on her face. I was getting impatient. What the hell is taking him so long? I swear if I could, I would take out my gun and point it at his forehead. And then , his mouth would speak. But no , I can't. I don' want to create chaos right now.

"It is possible, Mr Johnson", he said.

As soon as he said that, Ava glanced at me smiling widely. I also smiled at her. We glanced towards the doctor.

"We would have to operate on her, to bring the vocal cords back in shape. The damage which was done to the vocal cord is treatable and with proper therapy she would be able to speak within fifteen days", he said.

"Thank you so much, but would there be any complications?", I asked. Ofcourse my baby's life is more important to me than any of this.

"No, there is none. We have handled hundreds of cases like this, and it  all turned out to be a success. We are the best in the country or you can say the world and we can assure you that she will be able to speak again", he said.

I can't be happier than this. Ava was also smiling and happy. I would get to hear my princess again. The voice I missed for years. But more than this, I was happy for her. I know, how much hard it is for her, not to speak. She must have felt helpless sometimes. And I don't want that. I want my baby to be strong. And this is the start of it.

"When can it be done?", I asked.

"If you want we could admit her now. We would need to medicate her for the surgery, for that it would take two days. And after that we will operate. And after the surgery, she would need to stay for at least 15 days.", he said.

Does he really think I am gonna leave my baby here for almost 3 weeks, in this stinking hospital. No, never. I would better get the whole medical team kidnapped. Yeah , that's a better idea.

"We will come here tomorrow", I said.

"No problem, Mr Johnson.", he said. I held Ava's hand and we exited the hospital.

We were going back to the mansion. Ava seemed so happy. I really love it, when I see her smiling. I just want to hear that melodious voice of her's.

Soon we were in the mansion. We sat on the couch.

"Thank you."

She wrote in her notepad and showed me. I pulled her on my lap.

"Princess, you don't need to thank me. I could do anything for you, this is nothing. I just want you to be happy. I want you to forget everything in the past and be happy. I can do anything for your happiness. Getting the best laryngologist in the country is nothing. I would even present the world before you, without you even saying", I said.

Tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged me tightly, burying her face in my neck.

I cupped her face and wiped her tears. She started writing something in her notepad.

"I don't want the world, I just want you."

"I am all yours. Always and forever, till eternity. Even death can't part us.", I said.

She smiled widely.

"You and your cringe worthy lines".

I chuckled. "Only for you", i said and pecked her on the lips. I  wrapped my arms around her, bringing her closer to me.


"Are you going somewhere?", I asked seeing her packing stuffs in the truffle bag.

She looked at me as if she was amused over something. She headed out of the closet and picked her notepad.

"Aren't we going to hospital tomorrow for the surgery ?"

"No", I said. She was shocked by my answer. Of course she would be.

"Aren't we  going to have the surgery?"

"We will", i said chuckling.


"The procedure will start tomorrow", i said.

I could tell by her face that she was confused and irritated. I was having fun in teasing her.

"Then, I have to stay in hospital for a while, as the doctor said."

"No, the medical team will be here. I have ordered my men to kidnap them", I said. Now, her eyes widen with shock. But soon it was changed to a glare. She looked at me with a "I am done", expression.

She picked her notepad to write something.

"No comments princess, it's final. I can't be in that stinking hospital. Neither, I am gonna let you. It's final", I said  coldly. No matter, what it is I am not gonna listen to her. I know, she won't let me stay beside her for long in the hospital. And I don't want to leave her alone. Furthermore, I can't really hold myself back when it comes to her safety. I don't know when I might blow someone's head. Last time, I shot a nurse , and it was really chaotic and difficult to handle. But it was managed all thanks to my wonderful Consigliere. I am not going to risk it again.

She pouted and folded her arms. I love it when she throws little tantrums and anger. I know she can't stay angry at me for more than a hour. And I love to pamper her, when she is angry.

I picked her up and sat with her on my lap. She turned her face away. She wrote something in her notepad.

"This is wrong".

"Not for me princess", i said caressing her hair.

"What about their family?"

"They would be informed", i said.

"You won't hurt them, right?"

"As long as you are fine, of course not", I said.

She gave me little smile and showed me her thumb.

"Okay, now what do you want to do?", I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. I know she is still not convinced. But there is nothing  I can do.

"What about Ice Cream and Netflix? You won't be able to have ice cream for a few weeks", i said.

She looked at me with glistening blue eyes and nodded her head like a child. I  chuckled. I know, she can't go without ice cream for a day. So , it would be quiet  difficult for her.

She ran from my lap. I followed her. I know where she is going.

She went to the kitchen, taking out the ice cream bucket and devouring it. She will always be my baby.


Next Day

I was on the bed in my room with the doctor we met yesterday, few other medical staffs, and of course my mafia boy.

The doctor was checking on me and the staffs were setting the medical equipments in the room. I could see the doctor was literally shivering. All thanks to my love. He was literally glaring at the doctor. Time to time, glancing at me and giving me little smile.

I was also quiet nervous about the whole surgery thing. But I know, my Aldric would never let anything happen to me.

A needle poked in my hand, making me close my eyes.

"Do it properly. Can't you see, she is getting hurt?", he shouted at the doctor.

"I am sorr-y si-r ", the doctor said.

Poor doctor. I feel bad for him. Aldric glanced at me with a worried face. I smiled a little,  telling him I was alright.

Oh god, this is going to be tough, for me, but more for this poor doctor.


After 2 days

The last two days, I spent beside Ava. She was getting medicated. So she slept a lot. But never the less, I never left her side.

Currently, I was in the living room. Vincenzo was beside me. Ava was going through the surgery. No matter, how many times the doctor told, that everything would be alright. I can't help it. I was nervous and scared. What if something happens to her? I could not loose her.

Now I am regretting my decision for getting the surgery. I should have not agreed to it.

Vincenzo came beside me and started caressing my back with his hand, to comfort me.

"She would be alright", he said.

I nodded my head.

It had been three hours , still no news from the doctors.

I couldn't hold it any longer. I got up and rushed towards the room. Vincenzo trailing behind me, telling me not to go. As if I am going to listen.  I was going to push the door open. Just then the door opened, revealing the doctor.

He got frightened seeing me. I glanced behind him. Ava was sleeping. The heart beat monitor, telling me she is fine. I calmed down a bit and rushed inside, sitting beside her.

"When will she wake up?", I asked.

"In an ho-ur or so", he said. "The surgery was a success", he continued.

"It is better that way, or else you would be inside my lion's stomach along with your complete family", I said. I know I am cruel and no one can change that. And when things come to my love, I am least bothered about anything else.

"Out now, and prepare for further treatment", I said.

"Oka-y sir", he said and left.

"I would be outside, if you need anything", Vincenzo said. I nodded my head and he left.

I was staring at her for while. Her calm and composed face. Honestly, I could do this for hours, without getting bored.

I felt her fingers move, signalling that is going to wake up. I held her hands.

She fluttered her eyes open, revealing those oceanic blue orbs. I smiled at her widely. She opened her mouth, as if to speak.

I kept my hand on her mouth.

"Not now, it would hurt. Let it heal first. Just 15 days more", I said.

She nodded her head.

After 15 days

"Aldric", Ava said. Yes she said. She didn't write, she said. Tears welled up in my eyes, hearing my name in her sweet voice after years.

I rushed towards her and hugged her.
"I love you", she said.

"I love you too baby", I said.

"Come on don't cry, it's a happy moment", she said.

"You don't know how much, I missed your voice", i said sobbing.

She chuckled and said," I know". I heard little sobs from her. She also started crying.

"Thank you. Thank you for giving my voice back. I feel complete now", she said sniffing.

I backed away from the hug. I wiped her tears. "Don't. Your voice is not for sobbing, it is for laughing and giggling", i said.

She nodded her head and chuckled. Slowly, she leaned towards me and captured my lips into her's. Moving her lips slowly into mine. I held the back of her head, to deepen the kiss.

Thank you god , for giving such a beautiful angel to this devil.


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