Forever In Their World [Seque...

By nashlycam23

17K 515 601

After Jaylee Stone finds out her parents have been taken, she has no other choice but to return back to the D... More



350 8 28
By nashlycam23

Jaylee's POV

"You're gonna start behaving right?" Louis asked as he stood by my chair and peered down at me.

"I always do." I scoffed as I glanced away, not ready to start this conversation with him.

"You're funny, I didn't realize you started taking humor classes." Louis sassed said I clenched my jaw.

"Gee why are you so pissy today? Did you start your man period?" I bit back as he tightened his fists.

"You know what-"

"Not now! We need to go come on!" Liam interrupted Louis right when he grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him.

We both glanced over at Liam before Louis sighed heavily, hating how he was stopped.

"You're lucky Payno saved your ass." Louis muttered before he released me.

"You don't need to abuse me every time I piss you off." I mumbled as I propped myself up.

"Well you give me reason to, I told you today isn't the day to mess with me." Louis commented as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I sighed as he grabbed my arm tightly.

"You want me to throw you in my room and give you a lesson?" Louis growled as Zayn and Niall walked by us.

"Louis will you leave the poor girl alone! We need to go, let's try to make one day without hating each other." Niall sighed as he looked over at me.

"See I'm not doing anything wrong." I spoke innocently as we made eye contact.

"You're pushing it babe." Louis said as he pointed a finger at me.

"Do you need me to walk with you?" Zayn asked as I limped past Louis.

"No- I'm fine, I can walk on my own." I grunted as I clung to the table while moving painfully slow.

"You really shouldn't be walking on your leg." Liam said as Niall glanced at me too.

"That's what I told her." Niall replied as I swallowed.

"I said I don't need help!" I remarked before I heard Louis come behind me.

"Stop being so stubborn." He sighed before he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Wha- really?! Wow! So unprofessional. I told you I was fine!" I groaned as my hair fell in front of my face.

"Put me down!" I demanded as my body swayed back and forth against his broad shoulder.

"Maybe in another life princess." Louis commented as he walked out the door and approached the car.

"There you go, all better. See! Look how much time we didn't have to waste!" Louis beamed as he placed me on the seat.

I looked at him with an annoyed expression, hating how he treated me like a child.

"I swear you just love to baby me." I hissed as he chuckled.

"Yeah you caught me." Louis smirked as he pinched my cheek.

I slapped his hand away before he laughed and sat himself in the drivers seat.

He honked his horn as his patience grew thin, not wanting to wait any longer for the boys.

"Come on let's go! Chop chop!" Louis yelled as he kept beeping.

Suddenly all the guys marched out the door before they filled inside the car, squishing me in the middle.

"Gosh why can't you get a seven seater car or something?" I groaned as I tried taking my arm out since it was stuck behind Liam's.

"What a great idea. I'll add that to the list once we get these papers signed." Louis spoke sarcastically with a fake smile.

God he's driving me nuts today I swear. What's up with his attitude?

I rolled my eyes as Louis backed out of the driveway, trying to create as much space as possible between the guys.

"You look hot today." Harry smirked as he touched my hair.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed as I slapped his wrist away.

"Damn, so feisty. Lighten up butter cup." Harry said before he began tickling me.

"No stop! Cut it out!" I squealed as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Enough! Leave the damn girl alone!" Liam yelled as he wrapped his arms around me and leaned me towards him, slapping Harry's hands away.

"I'm just trying to lighten her mood." Harry defended.

"Sometimes you all annoy the sh*t out of me, especially when you're constantly bickering with Jaylee." Liam huffed as he still held onto me.

"Well we are family." Harry replied as I clenched my jaw.

"Don't even think about it." Liam instantly wrapped his hand around my mouth the second I opened it, already knowing what I was gonna say.

I looked over at him before I sighed and relaxed against the seat, hoping this would make him release me.

"Now let's have a nice quiet drive to the destination yeah?" Liam asked as I nodded my head.

"Good." He replied before he released me.

I widened my eyes as Harry helped me out of the car, feeling intimidated as I stared up at a massive building before me. I swallowed hard as the guys began shoving guns in their pockets, acting like their normal gang member selves while I stood there completely out of place.

This area was very private and highly secured, coated with black gates all over the property that had spikes coming out from the top. I didn't realize we would be signing the papers here. I was expecting to be at some kind of paperwork office.

But this... this is high class.
High class government type.

"What are we gonna do about Jaylee's leg? She can't just show up like this, talk about worst timing." Harry asked Louis as he was loading up his gun.

"I know, it looks weak, but we have to roll with it. I'll just say she injured it during a fight, make her look tough." Louis replied as I overheard.

"We can't carry her in either, and she can hardly even walk." Harry mentioned before they both glanced over at me.

"She can handle it. We'll be fine don't worry. No backing out now." Louis assured before he shut his door.

"You ready for today?" Zayn asked as he slowly approached me.

I glanced at him briefly before I stared back at the tall dark building, noticing the glass wasn't see through. 

"I guess I have to be." I sighed as I balanced on my good leg.

"I want to say that I'm really grateful for what you're doing. I know this isn't what you want but I'm glad you're doing it with us. It means the world to me that I can have you on the team." Zayn said before I turned to face him.

"I was forced to do this, you do realize that right? I'm not doing this for you I'm doing this for my family. The more I please you guys and do whatever it is that you want, the greater chance I have at protecting my family and getting them out of this crap hole that you dug for me." I replied seriously as he swallowed nervously.

"So don't think this is for you. It never will be for you." I spoke coldly as he nodded his head sadly and looked down at his feet.

"Jaylee, I still am really sorry-"

"Save it." I rejected his upcoming apology as I raised my hand in the air.

"You ready to get this show on the road and become official kings of the city?" Liam asked happily as they all approached us.

"I sure am!" Louis beamed as I looked at him with annoyance.

"This process will be nice and easy if you do exactly what you were told. You got this Jaylee so don't mess it up. You're Nirvana Scott now." Liam mentioned as I exhaled.

"So when I sign this thing the whole world will know who I am?" I questioned as I crossed my arms.

"Yes, but luckily the people you know won't recognize you, that's why we changed you up." Harry said as I stared at him.

"Do you want a thank you?" I asked sarcastically.

"This grudge you're holding is really starting to piss me off." Harry hissed as he towered over me.

"Well that's too bad that you're the reason for it." I hissed back.

"No fighting, we need to go." Liam ordered as Harry clenched his jaw.

"Once you sign those papers you are officially ours. It means you belong to and with us. You're never getting away from us darling. You're our little gang member now." Harry grinned evilly as I clenched my teeth.

"I can come up with so many ways to leave you guys. It'll be as easy as the time when I threw your poor little butts in jail." I grinned back before he grabbed me by the throat.

I was then slammed against the car, keeping the grin on my face as I saw how pissed off Harry looked. He pressed his body against mine, leaving me hardly enough space to breathe as he peered down at me madly.

"Hey! Harry come on not now! There's cameras everywhere! We're a team remember! Let her go now!" Liam hissed as he grabbed Harry's bicep and yanked him off me.

"You're not getting away with that!" Harry growled as he pointed at me.

"Seems like I just did." I grinned as I crossed my arms.

"Jaylee enough." Louis ordered as he came to my side and pinched me.

"You're going to behave right now, got it?" Louis spoke sternly as he pulled me by the waist and held me in front of him.

I looked at him seriously before I nodded my head, knowing I didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"Good. Let's go." Louis said before we all started walking towards the entrance.

It took almost forever to get inside the building, but once we did we were led to an elevator with a bunch of security guards, protecting us at all costs for whatever reason. It was strange how we were treated so royally, everyone seemed to have saluted us and valued our presence.

I never thought this was how it was going to go. I was expecting to just walk inside the building, sign a few papers and walk out like it was nothing. But this.... is something else.

I looked all around as we approached the office, forcing all the pain to not be shown as I limped next to the guys. It hurt like hell to try to walk as fast as they were, but I knew being carried wasn't an option. It would make us look weak. We had to look strong and independent at all times.

"Miss Clarson, your 2 o'clock appointment is here." One of the armed guards said as he walked inside before us.

"Oh perfect. Bring them in." She responded before the guard allowed us to walk inside the huge room.

My heart began beating really fast as we approached the formal lady sitting behind a rather large desk, looking awfully professional and important.

"The Dark Riots, it's an honor to be in front of you guys right now. I've been waiting for this meeting for a long time." The lady smiled as she looked at all of us.

"The pleasure is ours Miss Clarson." Louis spoke charmingly as he flashed her a smile as well.

"Please sit, make yourselves comfortable." She offered as we all made our way to the leather couch.

"Oh my, what happened to your leg?" She questioned as I glanced over at her, feeling my heart stop for a second.

What did Louis want me to say again?

"I got into a fight. I won of course. You should see the other guy." I shrugged with a confident grin.

"I'm sure you did, you are the number one gang in London right now." She smiled as my ears perked.

We then all sat down in sync, making ourselves comfortable while Miss Clarson stared at us.

"So, I'm sure you all are excited to start your new life and become known to the public about your victory." She beamed as she examined our postures.

"We're ready to get what we deserve." Harry nodded seriously, acting like a professional gang member.

"Well of course, you all worked so hard. So the reason why I needed you guys to come here is because I just want to go over a few things about what your life is going to be like and the benefits you'll be receiving. If you have any questions during the process please feel free to ask." She announced before we all nodded our heads.

"Well let's get started then." Liam grinned as I felt my palms sweat.

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