I Hate You

By Marvelyaoilover06

11K 446 39

"I hate you Andy Barber" "I hate you too. But I know you want me and I want you... A story of Love, hate and... More

~fourteen~ Slight NSFW
~sixteen Gay smut~
~nineteen light smut~
~twenty one Hella Fluff ~
~Twenty-two NSFW~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty six~
Smut ~Twenty-seven~ Smut
~Twenty Eight~
~Twenty Nine~
~thirty one~
Love 18+ ~Thirty Two~ Love 18+
~Thirty three~
Thirty-four Fluff
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty six~
~Thirty seven~ SMUT WARNING
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~
~Forty one~
~Forty two~
~forty three~
~Forty five~
forty six
Forty eight


309 14 3
By Marvelyaoilover06

(3rd person pov)

The moment Y/N walk into Andy's office, he looked at the boy and thought 'Great'. Andy didn't even know why he said Great. Andy didn't hate you, he just found you quite annoying but also...cute? Love wasn't the term he would use, you guys just met each other. But he didn't mind in getting to know you more.  So he invited you to dinner in which  didn't end to well. 'Y/N really is stubborn' he thought.  When he would give Y/N a lot of work, he felt bad but it's your job after all. 

But when Y/N went full rebel mode, it did bother Andy a lot. Your sweet face turn into a scary demon face and that surprised Andy. When he got home, he did some thinking and came to the conclusion that he deserve it. Andy felt really bad for Y/N, he never meant to hurt you or anger you. He was nervous when he tried calling Y/N and even more when Y/N answered. Of course Y/N send him to hell and it made Andy feel even more guilty. He needed to apologize and when he found Y/N walking down the streets he ran towards him. Andy saw that Y/N began to quickly walk away upon seeing him. 

When you accepted Andy's apology and the invitation to get some coffee, it made Andy feel warm. It has been a long time since he has felt like this. He felt nervous when they sat there, probably because it's been a bite of a long time since he talk or invited someone for coffee. Either way he found it quite nice talking to someone, about others thing whether then work. After that he felt pleased and wanted to have more chats with you. 

And when you brought dinner, Andy felt kind of happy. He and Y/n talked, Andy enjoyed Y/n's company, he really did.

Andy just needed a friend and some to have small chats with. 'How could he be single' Andy thought.  'He is smart...funny and attractive' 

What Andy didn't know was that Y/N also thought the same. When the topic of his family came up he felt sadness and went to the bathroom. Andy didn't cry, he just needed space to breath. After calming down, he went back as if nothing happened. When Y/N left, he felt a bit sad but consulted himself knowing that he was going to see you the next day. Andy needed a friend and Y/N was fulfilling that role...

(Y/N pov)

The next day went as usual, Andy was smiling more especially to you. Work wasn't that tough anymore, Andy will make sure you were doing your job properly but wouldn't scold you anymore. 

"Looks like Mr. Barber  found himself a girlfriend cause he looks pretty not normal." Maria says, coming out of no where. You rise your head up and looked at her, "Yea I guess so" you respond. "I wonder who the lucky girl is. Do you think it's someone from the buliding?" 

You didn't really feel to start gossiping with her, "I dunno" you mutter. "Hmm who do you think it is?" At this point you were beginning to get annoyed. "hey Maria I'm busy right now so maybe we could chat later." "Oh yea sure, cya later" She says, exciting the room. You sigh in relief and went back to work. A few minutes later you heard curses coming from  Andy's office. You got up and stood in the door. "Mr. Andy are you alright" you ask, knocking the door, "May I come in?"

No response so you went in, "Mr. Barber is there a problem?" 

You look at him waiting for a response, he look bother and mad. "do you remember the guy Carl Levison" He asks. You nod, "What about him?"

"Turns out he isn't in NY anymore. He moved to France last week and now this case may have gotten harder" he growls, banging his fists against the desk. You smile to yourself, thinking how hot and of a idiot he was when he got mad. "What should we do now" you ask. 

"We could still go on with the case but it will be hard.  We could win the case but the police can't arrest him because he is in another continent."

You sigh and walked over to him, "Mr. Barber you need to relax" 

He looks at you strangely, "No I can't Y/N" 

"Go out tonight, have some fun" 

Andy chuckles, "That won't solve anything. I rather go home and drink beer" "Then do that, go home right now and relax" you giggle. "I will clear up your office and tomorrow we could find a way to resolve this problem"

Andy  lips curl into a smile, "Thank you  Y/N, you're a very good frie- secretary.  I appreciate that" You smile back and mutter, "I know" 

Andy sigh and got up, "Sorry for this mess in here. You sure you will handle the mess or do you need help, because I could stay and help if you want?" 

"No Mr. Barber, I don't need help. Go rest" 

Andy nods, "alright kid see you tomorrow" He pats your shoulder and makes his way out "Goodnight Mr. Barber" 

Andy stops and turns to look at you. "Call me Andy."  You smile, rolled your eyes, "Goodnight Andy" 

"Good night Y/N"

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