There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

39.2K 646 114

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Ten: First Date
Eleven: Airport
Twelve: Take Me Home
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day
Twenty Three: Back For You
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Thirteen: Will You?

1.1K 23 3
By vinylhoran

Niall's P.O.V.

We've been in Ireland for a little over a day. I watch Lana cooking in the kitchen and smile. She seems to love it here. I could swear this is the happiest I've ever seen her. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I quickly pull it out and see that it's Liam.

"Hey mate." I say answering it quietly.

"Hey, how is Lana doing? She feel at home?" Liam asks.

I smile watching Lana try cut up a potato, but fail because of her casted arm. "Yeah man, she really likes it here. She's struggling to adjust to her cast. But she'll get it within the next few days. How's home for you?" I ask.

"It's really good, I realized how much I miss it sometimes... But I wouldn't have it any other way. But anyways I was just calling to check in on you and Lana. Have a good Christmas Ni." He says.

"Yeah, you too Liam. Tell everyone I said so." I say.

"You do the same! I'll see ya in a few days." Liam says happily.

"Bye Liam." I whisper hanging up.

I go sit on the sofa and close my eyes for what seems like a minute, just to think. But Lana shakes me awake.

"Come on babe. Dinner's ready." She says.

I smile looking up into her face. "You know I'm always hungry." 

She giggles, the giggle I thought I would never hear when I was standing up on stage at MSG. I never thought I would feel the warmth of her skin, or hear the sound of her voice. I never thought I would feel her lips against mine. 

After that first kiss, just hours after we met, I knew. I knew she was the one. I had to have her. I bite my lip. Telling myself not to say those three little words just yet. Though I know it's time. 

"Damnit." I breath. 

Lana turns and looks at me. "What?"

"You're so perfect it hurts." I whisper kissing her forehead. Then her nose. Then her lips.

She smiles. "Come on Niall. I'm starving!" She says pulling me off the sofa. 

I laugh and follow her into the dining room. It's Christmas Eve. I got Lana the best present ever and I can't wait to give it to her. I can't be without her.



----The Next Morning----

I feel a warm breath in my face. Then it stops. Then it starts again.

"Niall.. Wake up." Lana whispers.

I blink my eyes open slowly and pull Lana closer to me as I do so.

"Goodmorning my love." I say kissing her lips.

"Goodmorning handsome." She whispers back.

Lana cuddles closer to me and we stay like that for a while.

After about an hour I kiss her on the forehead. "Merry Christmas." I whisper.

She smiles. "Merry Christmas. Now come on! Get up. I wanna open my presents!" She says climbing out of my grip.

I sigh and pull myself out of bed. Standing up slowly and opening my bedroom door. I turn around and look at Lana who is standing in the middle of the room.

"Carry me?" She asks.

I chuckle and walk over to her and pick her up bridal style and carry her downstairs. 

She gives me a kiss on the cheek as I set her down on her feet and sit down on the sofa pulling her into my lap. 

"Good morning Lovebirds!" My mum singsongs coming into the room with Greg close behind her.

"Goodmorning mum. Merry Christmas." Lana and I say at the same time.

I laugh at our timing. 

"Alright. Present time!" Greg says as he starts handing out the presents.


Lana's P.O.V.

Niall makes me open all of my other gifts first. The boys gifts for me arrived a few days ago and have been waiting under the tree since.

From Harry I got a turquoise beanie that I absolutely love. From Liam I got a Pandora bracelet, and from Zayn I got a gift card for beads to put on my new bracelet. And from Louis I got a new iPhone, (because my other one was crushed at the airport.) Niall's mum got me a pretty clover necklace and Greg got me a pair of turquoise high tops.

I turn to Niall with wide puppy eyes and beg him to give me his gift. He hands me a box wrapped in gold paper which I rip off.

I pull the lid of the box and see the pictures of us from our first date in a frame. I smile remembering that night. Then underneath the silver frame is a sequined silver body con dress.

"What's this for?" I ask turning to Niall and holding up the dress.

"The boys are going to be here tomorrow morning, with El, and we're all going out to dinner." He replies.

"Yay!" I squeal while jumping up and down like an excited two year old.

I go to put my dress back in it's box but see 2 pieces of paper. Picking them up I realize what they are.

"Niall! You got us tickets to go back to New York City for New Years eve?!" I shout.

He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. Lifting me into the air and kissing me lightly.

"I only want the best for you.." He whispers into my hair as he sets me down. 

I smile. "Thank you."

Then I press my forehead against his and get lost in his blue eyes.

------The Next Day------

Christmas went by faster than expected, we spent the rest of the day just walking around Mullingar and talking about our lives. And drinking hot chocolate of course.

"Lana! We've got to meet the boys and El in an hour!" Niall yells from the kitchen.

"Okay. I'm going to start getting ready." I say getting up from the couch and making my way up to Niall's room.

I close the door behind me and strip, then slide into my brand new sparkling dress. 

Surprisingly Niall has a small mirror in his room, which comes in handy with my hair and make up.I plug in my curling iron and brush out my hair. Then I apply my signature bronze eye shadow and add a bit of silver glitter to the top of it. I grab my curling iron and quickly curl my hair making it bouncy and light. I must have adjusted to this cast better than I thought because my hair looks flawless.

I take small pieces of hair from each side of my head and clip them back, then after approving of myself in the tiny mirror I slide my feet into the turquoise heels that El sent me and grab my coat and make my way downstairs again.

I almost run into El as she walks into the sitting room. 

"Eleanor!" I yell pulling her into a huge hug.

"Hey Lana! Niall called and said you missed me." She says smiling.

"Well duh! Not to be rude but why are you really here?" I ask.

"I need your help. I can't decided between dresses and my hair won't cooperate." She pouts.

Niall runs by, heading upstairs to change and kisses my cheek. "We leave in 20 minutes ladies." he says.

I smile then turn to El again. "Okay what options did you bring me?" I ask.

She pulls out a red body con dress that hugs her curves and is sequined similar to mine. Then she pulls out a flowy black one.

If this night is as special as it feels.. Then the red one.

"Red. Without a doubt. Red." I say sending her into the bathroom to change into it.

She comes out a few minutes later. "Yes. Definitely the red." I say as she spins.

"Okay and your hair......." I whisper to myself mostly.

"Lana! You left your curler thing on!" Niall yells.

"Well. Looks like we're curling it!" I say as I grab El's hand in my uncasted one and pull her upstairs.

I finish curling Eleanors hair with five minutes to spare.

"Damnit! I forgot to bring shoes!" She gasps.

I walk over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of black/multicolored sparkle heels and hand them too her. She smiles and slides them on and stands in front of me.

"Damn girl. You're lucky you have me around." I say and we both smile as we meet Niall downstairs and he escorts us to his car.

The ride to the restaurant is quiet and consists mostly of Niall singing along to random songs on the radio while me and El laugh.  We walk in and Lou pulls El into a hug while Zayn, Liam and Harry swarm me, give me hugs, and kiss me on the cheek. Eventually Lou does too. 

"Thanks for the phone Lou." I whisper into his ear as he pulls away.

"Not a problem love. The least I could do after you got trampled by fans. How's the arm?" He asks, and suddenly all eyes are on me.

I laugh. "It's fine guys. I don't even feel a thing anymore. Come on." I say as the waiter takes us to our table.

Liam walks next to me and I have to say I missed Liam most. I can talk to him about a lot and he doesn't judge me.

I look at him. "I really missed you Liam. It sucks not having you around 24/7." I giggle.

He wraps an arm around my waist. "I missed you too. It's nice having someone like you to talk with when things go bad." He gives a small sad smile and I have to keep myself from asking him what's wrong as we sit down. 

I sit with Liam on my right and Niall on my left. Niall immediately takes my hand and I lean on him a little bit, suddenly feeling tired.

Harry notices my sudden mood. "What's wrong Lana?" He asks from his spot next to Lou and El.

I blink a few times. "Uhh. Nothing just a bit tired." I say.

He nods.

But we both know that's not true.

-----1 Hour Later-----

We finish our food in a hurry and now we are just talking. I hear the familiar music for Little Things come on in the background.

"Guys listen." I say.

Everyone stops talking and each of the boys smile. They slide out of their seats and stand at the front of the table and Zayn starts to sing.

"You're hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me." He finishes and smiles, looking at me.

They must have planned this, I look to El and see her smiling at me. She knew. Liam suddenly starts singing.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes

When you smile

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs,

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But I'll love them endlessly."

El is still smiling and I look around the restaurant to see other people intently listening. I smile as the Zayn and Liam harmonize on the chorus.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 

But if I do 

It's you

Oh, it's you they add up too

I'm in love with you

And all these little things."

Lou starts right up.

"You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea

And maybe that's the reason that  you talk in your sleep

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep

Though it makes no sense to me..." 

I watch him look at El and she smiles. Blushing. They have the cutest relationship ever I swear to god.

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape

You never want to know how much you weigh

You still have to squeeze into your jeans

But you're perfect to me." Harry sings smiling at me, he blows me a kiss.

I pretend to catch it. Harry and Niall harmonize this chorus.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do

It's you

Oh, it's you they add up too.

I'm in love with you

And all these little things..."

They sing it perfectly and Niall catches my eyes as he walks over to my chair and starts to sing.

"You'll never lover yourself half as much as I love you." Goosebumps. Instant goosebumps.

"You'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you too.

If I let you know, I'm here for you.

Maybe you'll love yourself

Like...." I watch him take a deep breath.

"I love you... ohh.." he says smiling.

I jump up from my seat and the boys start to sing the chorus without Niall. I hug him and press my forehead to his and his lips slam onto mine.

"I love you Niall James Horan." I whisper between breaths.

He pushes his lips against mine again. I see a flash of a camera but I could care less.

"And I love you Lana Jade James." He whispers pulling away and pressing his forehead to mine.

Again a camera flashes. I pretend not to notice. I watch Niall get down on one knee in front of me.

"N-Niall?" I ask.

I'm so not ready for marriage.

"Relax babe." He whispers pulling a small ring out of his pocket.

"N-Niall.. I-" I start.

"Lana listen. I know neither of us are ready so don't worry. This is my promise to you." He whispers taking my left hand considering the cast of my right, and sliding the small delicate ring onto my pinky. 

"My promise that someday we will be ready. And I will always want you. But for now. Lana Jade James, all I have is one question." he says looking into my eyes.

"Yeah...?" I ask.

"Will you go on tour with me?" He asks.

My mind goes blank. All over the world? With Niall Horan.. And One Direction?

"Absolutely." I whisper and Niall takes my hand and stands up, kissing me on the lips.

I hear the boys applaud and Liam comes over to me.

"Welcome to the family." He whispers, kissing my temple and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so glad to be here." I whisper.

"I wouldn't want you to be anywhere but here." Liam whispers.

Just loud enough so only I can hear, and he squeezes me tighter.


woah so major writers block all week sorry. I know it seems like there's something going on with Lana and Liam but there isn't. dont worry hahah they are just best friends and i mean. me and my best friend do that. so its okay. what do you guys think about Lana and her 'tiredness'? huhhh? (EDIT: I SO TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS RING. WHAT. WHAT.)

anyways. Thanks for reading. hope it wasn't to crappy.

I'm out all night tonight with my best friend actually:) so sorry probably not another update until monday at the latest.

Later my Lovelies<3


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