A different feeling

By ReignRye_17

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Rye is well known in Camdon town for being a bit of a trouble maker. Her highschool years were full of consis... More

Introduction/ prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2, Lilah's party
Chapter 3, unknown chemistry
Chapter 4, Romance and butterflies
Chapter 5, Change of plans
Chapter 6, the scan
Chapter 7, The incident
Chapter 8, House grounded
Chapter 10, Movie night
Chapter 11, Firsts
Chapter 12, Building bridges
Chaper 13, Bows or Bow ties
Chapter 14, An unexpected encounter
Chapter 15, Part 2
Chapter 16, A trip unlooked for
Chapter 17 Apologies
Chapter 18 The nightmare before Christmas
Chapter 19 : Heartbreak
Chapter 20 : Cut off
Chapter 21 : It's time

Chapter 9, Louis' interlude

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By ReignRye_17

I’ve been here for 48 hours now.

Two full days of staring at the same plain four walls, I feel like I’m in a prison cell.

I don’t even know why I’m still here, I’m fine.

My chest doesn’t hurt that much now. Only when I have to clean it. it looks sort of gnarly but the nurse said, its all part of the recovery process.

Every time I look at my stitches, it brings me back to that night. The petrified look on Rye’s face in the ambulance. The blood. The sirens.

I can’t remember all of it, just fragments; like random puzzle pieces scattered around my brain that I have to put together. Pieces of the moment. The doctor said, it must be caused by the concussion, when I hit my head on the coffee table.

But the one image I can’t seem to get out of my head is his face.

My mum doesn’t know. She thinks I got roughed up in football practice. Sliced by some boy’s cleats. I don’t know how to tell her the truth.

That I lost my virginity, got my girlfriend pregnant and her dad beat the shit out of me because of it.  Its hard enough having to tell her that Rye’s pregnant. So imagine what’s gonna happen when I tell her that she’s having twins!

She’s probably going to think I’ve gone completely insane. I wouldn’t blame her, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself.

I’m not even dealing with the worst of it, Rye’s family have completely grounded her.

She’s not allowed to leave the house, and she’s definitely not allowed to see me.

Its killing me not being able to see her. It hurts way more than the bruises. Than the cuts in my skin.

 I’ve had so many girlfriends. More than I can count on one hand. But none of them can compete with the way I feel about Rye.

Rye’s sweet, kind, loving. The way she cares about her family. The way she  stares off into the distance when I’m driving. Stuck in her thoughts, Its like she drifts off into her own little world. Her soft, smooth, irresistible lips and her soft light brown skin. Her big bright brown eyes, the way they glisten in the sun light. They way they stare deeply into mine. Luring me in. Its like she stares right into my soul. Like there’s nothing I can hide from her.

Her laugh, oh! her contagious giggle. I’d do anything just to hear that right now.

The distance between us is tearing me apart and it’s day 2.

“Louis?” Nurse Rosina said, opening the door and poking her head through.

 “Yes.” I jumped up a little and caught my reflection in the mirror on the opposite side of the room. Damn! My hair looked awful.

  “You have a visitor. Someone called Eli?”

 “Oh! Yeah he’s my friend.”


  “OK, you can come in.” The nurse said to Eli.

  “Hey man, how you feeling?” Eli sat on the brown leather couch next to my bed. I assumed he had just came back from football, because he was wearing his Silver fleets football kit.

“Hey, I’m good. I didn’t know you were coming.”

“Yeah, I spoke to Rye yesterday, thought I’d pop by. Her family situation sounds kinda rough.”

“You spoke to her? Is she okay?”

 “Yeah man, she’s good.” He paused to take a sip of water out of his bottle.

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I bumped into her in the corner shop, she had at least 6 tubs of candy floss in her hands.” He chuckled.

“Oh, must be the pregnancy cravings kicking in.” I said, smiling a little.

“For real.”

 “She told me about the fight.” He whispered.

 “Oh.” I adverted my attention to my phone in my lap, looking away from him. It made me flinch even thinking about it.

 “I’d rather not talk about it, man.”

  “Ok, yeah of course.” Eli said, considerably. There was a short moment of silence between us.

   “So, you’re gonna be a dad, huh?”

    “Yeah, its crazy.” I said.

    “I KNOW, I couldn’t believe it when she told me yesterday. What are you hoping for?”


    “I haven’t thought about that yet. Maybe twin boys.”

     “Really? I can see you being a great dad of boys or girls to be honest.”  

      “I hope so.” I said, dubiously.


       “You know what, Louis?” Eli stood up and walked over to my bed.


        “Can I sit here?” he asked.



         “Do you care about Rye?”


          “What kind of question is that?!” I was a bit offended.


           “Just answer it.”  Eli slightly rose his voice.


           “Of course I care about her! I love her.” That was unquestionable.


            “And are you going to love those kids?” Eli asked, sternly.


   “Without a doubt.”


   “Well.” He smiled. “You have nothing to worry about, then.”

I had never seen Eli this serious about anything, EVER. I mean hadn’t known him for long but, I’m not gonna lie, this side of him was a bit scary.

Suddenly, there were two little knocks on the door.

“Who is it?” I called.

“Its Emily!”

 “And me! Me Aliah!”

 My sisters yelled, excitedly from the other side of the door.

“Come in.”

They burst in, and came running straight towards me.

“Lou!” They shrieked, reaching up to give me a hug.

“Hi, girls.” I grinned. They had just come back from school. Emily was 6 and she was in year 2 and my youngest sister, Aliah, was in her last year of nursery. She was really tiny for her age, so she looked 2 years younger than her actual age.

“I better get going.” Eli said, rising from the couch.

“I’ll see you soon.”

He came over and lightly fist bumped me. “Alright, thanks for coming Eli.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Girls, this is my friend, Eli.”

“Eli, this is Emily and this is Aliah.” I introduced.

“Nice to meet you.” Eli said, in a deeper voice, shaking their hands.

The girls giggled.

“Now, I must leave you two princesses. Until we meet again.” Eli bowed and saluted.

“BYE, ELI!!” The girls said in unison, as Eli left the room.

“Come and sit here girls.” I scooted over and patted the space beside me.

“OK.” Emily said.

“Help me up!” Aliah said.

“Ugh! You’re getting big Aliah.” As I picked her up and put her on the bed, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen where the stitches were. I almost swore, but I kept my brave face on for the girls.

 “Uh huh, that’s cos I’m 4.” She said, proudly.

“Where’s mum, Em?”

“She went to get coffee.” She grabbed the TV remote from my side and turned it on to a kids channel.

“Ok, when she gets back, I have something to tell you guys.”

“Is it a surprise?” Aliah asked, eagerly.

“Sort of, yeah.”

“I wanna know! Please!” Emily begged.

“ME TOO! ME TOO!” Aliah squealed, bouncing the bed.

“Alright, Alright.”

Mum walked in not a moment too soon, with her hand bag hung on her shoulder, a cup of to-go coffee and a cheese sandwich.

“Hi Lou, I got this for you.”  She tossed the sandwich at me and I caught it.


“Aww! Mum can I have a sandwich too?” Emily, moaned.

“Can I have a sandwich?” Aliah, copied.

“You’ll have to settle for a cookie, just don’t mess up your uniform.” Mum said, grabbing two big chocolate chip cookies from her bag and passing it to them.

“So...mum. I was just saying to the girls, that I have to tell you guys something.” I said, tearing a bite out of my sandwich.

“Yeah. Louis said its a surprise.” Emily said.

 “What is it then?” Mum, took a long sip of her coffee.

“Um...,” I combed my hand through my hair, nervously. “I’m having a baby.”

“What!” She choked on her coffee, spitting it all over the place and spilling the cup on herself.

Luckily, she only ever drank ice coffee, because that could have been a disaster.

“Don’t be silly Louis, only mummies can have babies.” Emily prodded my belly very gently.

“Isn’t it mummy?”

 “Yes Emily.” Mum sighed, agitatedly.

  “This better be some sort of a joke, son.” Mum whispered angrily, drying herself off with a paper towel.

 “Um.... I..”

  “Hello, Mr Jayson?” Nurse Rosina said at the door. She looked around the room, noticing that I had company. Then at mum.

 “Am I interrupting something?”

 “No, not at all.” Mum said, plastering on a friendly smile but glaring at me when Rosina wasn’t paying attention.

  “OK, I would just like to inform you, that you are now discharged.”


    “Sweet!” I almost jumped out of the bed.


    “Careful! You don’t want to injure yourself again.”

     “Thank you Nurse Rosina, we will be leaving very soon.” Mum said, Politely.

      “No problem, I’ll leave you to it.” She left the room. I was almost tempted to tell her to stay because I was scared, considering the way mum had reacted a few minutes ago.

      Mum pinched my ear hard, pulling me up from the bed.

  “You! young man, have a lot of explaining to do when we get home.”

      “Ow!, Okay, Damn!” I yelled.

       “Get your stuff Louis. Girls we’re going home, NOW.” Mum said, sharply.

        The car ride home was painfully tense between mum and I. The girls seemed completely oblivious to it, but I felt as if I was suffocating.

  Mum wouldn’t even look at me, she acted like I wasn’t there.

   Until we got home, that is.

  “Emily, go upstairs and take your uniform off; Aliah your sister can help you.”

    “Ok mummy.”  Emily said, climbing up the stairs. Aliah followed.

     “YOU, get in the kitchen, we need to talk.”  She ordered,  pointing at me.


      I gulped, took a deep breath and walked in after her.

      “So let me get this straight, you got a girl pregnant?” Mum said, sitting at the table.


     “Ok and who is this girl?” mum asked calmly.

      “She's my girlfriend and her name is Rye.”

       “Louis George Jayson, you are seventeen years old!  With A-Level exams coming up this year, no job. You’re still a child!”

 “How on earth are you going to look after a baby?”  Well, her calm state lasted about 2 seconds.

“Two babies.” I corrected her.

“Oh good lord.” Mum let her head fall on the table, resting it on her crossed arms.

“How far along is Rye?”

“3 months, I think.”

“There’s still time.” Mum said, thinking out loud.

“Time for what?” I asked.

But then I realised what she was trying to say.

“Mum! She isn’t aborting the babies, MY babies!” I yelled.

“That’s not what I meant.” Mum said.

“Bullshit! That’s exactly what you meant.”

“You’re too young Louis!” mum yelled back.

 “I don’t care if you think I’m too young or not!”

  “This is just another girlfriend of yours Lou, you’ve had loads.”

“How do you know you’re gonna be there for your kids. I don’t want you to end up like your dad!”

“I know because I love this girl mum. I love her so much. She’s nothing like the other girls, she’s special.”

“I’ll never be like dad.” 

“You don’t know that.” Mum argued.

“We are having these babies with or without your permission and I’m going to be a good father and love my babies with all my heart. If you don’t want to be in their life, that’s fine by me, but don’t EVER compare me to dad again.”

With that, I walked out, slammed the kitchen door and went up to my room.

For the rest of the day, I stayed in my bedroom. I didn’t even eat dinner. I had to sneak down to the kitchen at midnight for a bowl of cereal.

Honestly, I can’t believe mum said that. How could she think that I would do what dad did to us? Abandon us for another women. Leave his children. Mine aren’t even born yet and I could never do that to them. And I definitely couldn’t do that to Rye.

I was so upset, I lay awake that night staring at nothing. It crossed my mind to hop in the car and go for a drive, but I figured it was a bad idea. I’d be tempted to pass by Rye’s House. So I texted her instead.

 -Rye, are you awake?


-I can’t sleep.

Me either. I have two little beings keeping me up, what’s your excuse?

I thought about telling her what happened earlier today but I decided against it.

-I don’t know. I’m just laying in my bed staring at the ceiling.

Your own bed?

-Yeah, just got back home today.

Yay! That’s good.

-Yep it’s better than that hospital bed.

I bet.

-I told my mum about you being pregnant.

Let me guess, she wasn’t super excited about it.

-As far off excited as you can possibly get.

Well, she’ll come around. Eventually.

-Yeah I guess.

-Oh shit! I just realised I got school tomorrow. L

Oh, you better get some sleep then. Xx

-Yeah, you get some sleep too baby.

Who are you referring to? Baby A, B or me.

 -Ha-ha-ha! All three of you, but especially the mother.

Ok night Lou. Xxx

 -Night xxx

Friday morning.

I woke up feeling like a zombie from Resident evil. I got to sleep around 2am.

Most boys in my class stay up later than that and still get up for school.

I don’t even know how that is physically possible.

I practically crawled into the bathroom, showered then got my clothes on.

Downstairs, my sister Emily was at the table eating jam on toast and Aliah was fast asleep on the sofa. She didn’t have school until the afternoon.  Lucky.

Mum was in the kitchen making packed lunch.

“Morning sis, did you dream last night?”

“Nope, and I slept in my own bed too.” She said,  triumphantly.

Emily has trouble with sleeping and has nightmares a lot. They started around 2 years ago, so she takes drowsy medication before bed to help her sleep.

“Awesome!” I grinned and gave her a high five.

I snatched two pop tarts and a blueberry muffin from the cupboard then sat down opposite her.

“Don’t you want toast?” mum asked, holding a plate of freshly made toast in front of me.

“No thanks.” I mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

“But you always have toast.” Mum said sadly, putting the plate down on the counter.

I feel sort of bad for wasting the breakfast she made me but I’m still mad at her.

 “So Em, did you like Eli yesterday?”

 “Yeah, he’s funny.” She grinned, with jam smeared all over her cheeks.

  “Yeah he is a bit.”

“Louis, what about the surprise you were gonna tell us yesterday?” Emily asked. She obviously thought the announcement about me having a baby yesterday was some sort of joke.

Mum’s eyes widened and she shook her head frantically.

I leaned in closer to Emily.

“Don’t worry about that Em, I’ll tell you later.” I whispered, taping her nose and winking.

“Okay.” She whispered, smiling and tapping my nose back.

“Got to go to school now, though.”  I grabbed my bag from the sofa careful, not to wake up my sister, but then again, she was a very deep sleeper. She could almost sleep through anything. Even if I played loud music on full volume  she wouldn’t even twitch a muscle. The only thing that could wake her up was mum’s morning kisses and the theme tune of kids tube.

 “I’m taking the car.” I yelled.

 “Ok I need it after school.”  Mum called back.

 “Got it.”

 “Bye Em!”

  “Bye Lou!”


I was late to school today. On my way to Kingston, I took a detour down Emmett drive, where Rye lives, and stopped two house away from hers. I didn’t knock or walk by, I just stayed where I was, parked in my car.

It seemed a bit stalker-ish, but if this was as close as I could get to her, then I’d  take it.

I just sat in my car and scrolled through my gallery, looking at pictures of us. They were mostly of me and her during the summer holidays hanging out. I loved all of them, but there was one picture that was my absolute favourite and also my phone background. It’s a picture of Rye, laying on my lap, fast asleep, on a train. We were on our way back home from a surprise date in London. It was two weeks after Lilah’s party. Rye and I had been hanging out almost every single day, mostly in the park across the street from her house. Some days I'd finish sixth- form, pop into Dream Café and take her out for ice-cream on her break. For the most part, I just loved being with her, it didn't matter where we were.
Although on this day, I had a surprise planned for her. I was going to take her out for our first proper date.
It was going to be amazing.

I had just come home from school. It was 4:30pm. Michael had dropped me off, since we both had a late lesson that day. Mum and my two little sisters were already home, in the kitchen eating their snack. I unlocked the door, threw off my coat and stumbled around, trying to undo my shoe laces.

"Hi, Lou. How was your day?" Mum asked from the living room.
"Good!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.
Rye finished work in exactly 30 minutes, so I had to hurry if I wanted to catch her.

I frantically rushed around, tearing off my blue Nike tracksuit, while trying to search through my draws for my black jeans and nice white shirt. Clothes were flying all over the place.

"What’s all that racket upstairs, Lou?!" Mum yelled.

"Um...nothing. Just me mum!"

"Okay! Well keep it down. It sounds like the ceiling is going to cave in."
I buttoned up my shirt, zipped up my jeans then ran downstairs.

"Sorry mum, I was just... Ow!"
Mum hurled my black jacket at me, hitting me straight in the face.
"If I have to tell you ONE MORE TIME to pick up your jacket, I swear I'm gonna LOSE IT LOUIS!" Mum yelled.

"Sorry." I scooted past her, hung up my jacket and slipped my feet in my white trainers.
Mum just glared.

"Where are you going looking so smart?"

"Um..a date."
I pulled my phone out my pocket. It was 4:45pm. I had 15 minutes.

"Shit!" I grunted.

"Louis! Language."

"Um sorry, I just... I gotta go." I slipped my arms in my jacket. Not my black one. My blue varsity jacket, because I knew Rye liked that one. I grabbed my keys and then hesitantly picked up the car keys.
Mum narrowed her eyes and glared angrily at me.

"Please?" I pouted.

"Lou, I only have a half tank of gas and I need to go to work in the morning."

"I'll fill it up for you, I got money today." I said.

"Pfff! Money from where?"

"Cleaning out our neighbour’s front yard?" I lied.

"Louis, our neighbour’s have a concrete driveway and you have never cleaned anything in your life." Mum said.
I won the money from a bet with my friends, but she didn't need to know that.

"I clean my room! And that's besides the point. I got money to get you gas, PLEASE can I just take the car? I'm gonna drop it back off in like half an hour. I just need to pick up my date on time and...(I glanced at my phone again) I'm gonna be late!"

"Alright. Just be back before midnight." Mum sighed.
I grinned and opened the front door.
"Twelve thirty?"

"Don't give me that cheeky look. Twelve twenty five."

"Twelve fifty?" I pouted again.

"Now you're pushing it." Mum said, raising an eye brow.

"Thanks mum." I winked and ran out the door to the car.

"Louis!" Mum yelled.

"I'll be back by one! I promise!"
I heard Mum sigh and I laughed as I got in the car and sped off.

Before I went to get Rye, I stopped off at 'The Bookcave'. The owner, Mr Harris was sitting at his desk reading a newspaper. The lights were on, but the shop was empty. I pushed open the door and went in.
"Hey Mr Harris, did you get it for me?" I asked.
"Yep, it's in the back, one sec."
I didn't know Mr Harris that well, but he knew Rye. She would come here on her breaks sometimes, so they had gotten to know each other that way. When I came by earlier this week, I asked Mr Harris to pick me up some flowers for me to give to her. His wife worked down the street at 'The Blooming garden' so I knew he'd know the best flowers for her.

Mr Harris came out with a bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. They were perfect.

"Oh my gosh! These are great.Thanks man."
"No problem, just make sure you look after her okay? She's a special one." He smiled.

I smiled. "I will." I passed him a tenner then ran to the door.
"Thanks again!"
He just grinned and waved.

When I got to Dream Café, the lights were on low and Rye, Eijai, Eli and a few other employees, that I didn't know, were cleaning up the shop.
I knocked three times on the window. Eli and Eijai grinned and waved at me.
I lifted up the flowers and they nodded, tapping Rye on the shoulder.
She turned around and gasped, dropping the mop, that she was using, to the ground.
I grinned and waved for her to come out.
She smiled and put her finger up- gesturing for me to wait a sec- and ran in the back.

She looked so cute in her work outfit. Even if it was just baggy, grey tracksuit bottoms and the usual Dream Café uniform jumper, anything looked cute on her. She could wear a bin bag and still look sexy to me.

She came out a few seconds later, with her phone in her hand and a rucksack on her back.
The bell jingled as she opened the door. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. She had the biggest smile on her face when we pulled away.

"Louis. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Wow, okay." I said. Holding my hand to my chest dramatically.
She grinned and slapped me on the shoulder.
"You know what I mean. Like why are you all dressed up? And why is your hand behind your back?"

I smirked and pulled the bouquet of flowers out, handing it to her.

"Aww! I love it. Its so big!" She smiled.

"Yep, but we need to get you home so you can get dressed. So come on." I grabbed her hand and tugged her towards my car.

"Alright, Alright!" She giggled. She waved at Eli and Eijai through the window and walked with me to the car.
We got in and I drove ,around the corner, to her house, parking right outside.
"Where are we going Louis?" She asked.
"It's um... a surprise. Just put on something nice and tell your mum you'll be back by one."

"Yes, now go. please?" I pouted.
She leaned in and kissed me before getting out the car.

"I'll be back in like 20 minutes." She called as she ran up to her front door.

"Okay, I'm gonna go and get some gas for the car, but I'll be quick."

"Alright!" She called.
I blew her a kiss, turned the car around and drove off.
At the gas station, Michael was there helping his dad wash his truck in the self service car wash.
I waved at him while I inserted the petrol in my car. 'It was my mum's car but, I used it more than her, so basically mine. Right?'

"Where you going?!" He yelled from across the gas station.

"On a date!" I yelled back.

"Oooo!" He grinned and wolf whistled.
I just laughed.

"Hot new chick?" He asked.

"Hottest in town!"

He ran over and fist bumped me.
"Does she have a sister? Maybe you can hook a guy up?" He winked.

"No man." I chuckled. "Only brothers."
"Agh, worth a try." He shrugged.

"Anyway, gotta go Mike." I pulled out the pump and hopped in my car.

"Alright, see you at Kingston tomorrow."
"Bye." I said.

I waved to Mr Rowel before I drove off.
I got back to Rye's house and beeped my horn twice. She quickly came out, called 'bye' to her parents and ran over.

"You look cute."
She was wearing a blue dungarees and black shirt underneath with a red bandana tied around her head. The bandana matched her red, black and white trainers.

"Thanks." She grinned. "Let's go."

I drove to my house, dropped off my car and then we walked to the train station. Since it would be easier to take the tube to where we were going.
The train was packed with a whole lot of people heading home from work. That's how it usually was in London, packed trains and rush hour traffic.
It was a miracle that Rye and I managed to find two empty seats to sit by each other.

'This train is now departing.' The inter com sounded as the train doors beeped and clicked shut.

"How long?" Rye asked.

"Six stops."

"Okay." She laid her head on my shoulder and held my hand that was resting on her thigh.

The train ride was faster than I thought it would be. Ten minutes went by and it was time to get off.
Rye was still laying on my shoulder, but was now playing a game on her phone.

"Hey, cutie?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

"We're getting off in a sec."

"Okay, but can you tell me where we are going now?" She asked.

"Nope, you'll find out in like...a minute." I smirked.

The train stopped, the doors flew open and passengers poured on.

"Come on." I held her hand and we went through the train station, up the escalator, to the exit doors and onto the streets of London.

It was still bright and warm outside, even though it was 6:00pm. The sun didn't set until late when it was summer.

"Do you know where we are going now?" I asked.


"Look up." I said.

She did as I said and looked up. Her face lit up with excitement.


"Yep." I smiled.

"We're going on the London Eye! Yay!" She squealed and did a little dance.

"Awww! You're so flippin' cute!" I pulled her into a hug and kissed her.

"Can we go now?" She grinned. 

First, I took her on the London Eye and we enjoyed the view of the whole city from afar. Then I took her to dinner. It wasn't anywhere super fancy, it was just at TGI Friday's, but they had the best cheese burgers we had ever tasted.
Then we just walked around London. We went to China Town and then went into a few designer shops. We tried on a few outfits that we knew neither of us would wear, but we got a lot of giggles out of it.

We found these little water sprinklers that were in the ground. They would pop up and spray water every few minutes before shutting off again. There were multi-coloured lights in the ground, making the water change different colours.

"Hey Rye, I bet you can't run through without getting wet."

"I can! I bet YOU can't." She grinned.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah it is."

"Okay then." I counted down from three in my head then ran through to the other side. As soon as I reached the end, the sprinklers turned back on and I was completely dry.

"Okay, I can do that too." She smirked.
She waited until they shut off and made a run for it. It was looking like she was going to make it, but I couldn’t let that happen. So I ran in, grabbed her waist and wrapped my arms around her so she couldn't move.

"Louis!!!" She screamed and tried to wriggle out of my grasp.
I laughed.
A few seconds later, the water came back on, and we were stood right in the centre of it.
It came up, sprinkling us with water and soaking into our clothes.
I let go of Rye and she turned around, her short hair, wet and curly and an angry frown.
I pulled her close, bent down a little and kissed her. Time seemed to slow down as our lips touched. The sky was now dark blue and the moon was out. Rainbow water raining all over us in arches. It was like something out of a dream.

She pulled away and glared at me.
"I hate you." She said as she brushed her wet hair out of her face.

"No you don't." I smiled then tickled her.
She shrieked and squealed and giggled so loudly.

"Okay! I don't." She said.

"You can't not love this face."  I posed and winked.

"You're such a dork." She said.

"And you’re such a sore loser. I'm sorry that I'm faster than you and I made it to the end without getting wet."

"I WOULD have made it but, jokes on you, we're both wet now."
She tapped my shoulder then sprinted off.

"See ya!"

"Come back here!" I yelled and chased after her.

After that, I bought us two towels, then a warm cup of  hot chocolate each and walked back the way we came.

"Thanks for today, Lou. It was amazing." She said.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

Since we got wet, we decided to leave a little earlier than I expected. We got on the 11:00pm train back home. That was when Rye fell asleep on my lap, with a white towel wrapped around her and her wet, curly black hair drooping over her forehead.

My phone alarmed at 8:30am, startling me out of my day dream. That was  when I usually needed to be in registration, so I figured it was time to go.

I was about to start the car when I heard something.

“Mum, can I go for a walk?!”

It was Rye.

I didn’t hear her mum’s answer, but she must of said yes because Rye was heading right towards my car.

Rye was so close, but yet so far away. She didn’t even notice my car as she walked by with her ear phones in.

Should I get out? But what if her mum sees? I didn’t want her to get into trouble.

But I needed to be with her. My body literally urged to be close to Rye. “Oh screw the rules!” I said, out loud.

I opened to car door and ran up to Rye from behind, lifting her into my arms.

“Ahhhh!” She screamed.

“Don’t worry it’s me.” I said, letting her down slowly.

She span around, took her ear phones out, and jumped back into my arms smiling.

“Louis? What are you...”

 “Shush!” I placed a finger on her lips. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I put her down and we both ran -hand in hand- across the road, to the park and out of sight.

  “Rye, I missed you so much.”  

  “I missed you more Lou.”

 We sat on the ground behind the slide, Rye's legs wrapped around my waist.

Her smooth, luxurious lips kissed mine with such desire , it was like she was craving me.

 She tore off my jacket and put her hands straight up my shirt, brushing it gently against my chest.

 I pulled away, lifted her jumper lightly over her belly and laid kisses all over the small bump.

 “Its getting big.” I said.

   “Yeah, they’re growing fast in there.” Rye smiled, rubbing her belly.

    “Lou, can we just forget about the rules? I can’t stand being away from you.” Rye said, lifting my chin up to hers.

“Yeah I don’t care about the rules. They can’t keep me away from you and the babies.”

  I kissed her again, yearning for my body to feel every inch of hers.

 Rye pulled away, staring sweetly into my eyes. “Lou, don’t you have school today?”

“Yeah.” I said, hesitantly.

“Louis...., you have to go to school.”

“What if I don’t want to?” “What if I’d rather stay here with you?” I leaned in for another kiss, but she blocked it with her hand.

“Baby, you have to.”

“I know.” I said, sadly.

“I need to go too; my mum is probably wondering where I am.” Rye said, standing up, brushing herself off.

“Message me later, okay?”

 I stood, staring at my car parked outside the park, not wanting to leave. “Ok.” She placed her hand on my cheek and turned my head to face her.

“Louis, we’ll see each other again soon.”

 I bent down, laying my forehead against hers. She rested her hand on my chest. We stood silently. The world around us was almost completely quiet since everyone was either at school or work. All we could hear was the sounds of nature and our own breathing. “I love you so much Rye parker.”

“I love you too.” She lifted her chin up and kissed me.

“OK bye.” I said.

We both didn’t move. We just held each other’s gaze.

“I want you to stay.” Rye whispered, biting her lip.

 My heart quickened in my chest.

The desperate look in her eyes. I wanted her so damn badly.

“You look so sexy right now.” I said.

 “I do?”

 “You make my heart go crazy when you look at me like that.” I said,  breathlessly.

She kissed me one last time.

“Go.” She said.

“Fine, but we are going to continue this another time.”

 I winked.

She giggled.

She playfully whacked me on my chest. “Go to school Louis Jayson.”

“So you’re calling me by my full name now?”

“Go!” she yelled. A little hint of a smile escaping her lips.

I ran back across the street to my car, waved goodbye and drove off to school.

By the time I got there, I had already missed the first lesson and the beginning of the second, but it was so worth it. I walked into maths and sat in my usual seat next to my best mate Michael.

The class was chaotic, no one was paying attention to the teacher and the room looked like someone had set off a grenade.

“What’s up, man?” He said.

“Hey Mike, have I missed much?”

“Nope, its a supply today, we can practically do whatever we want.”

He scrunched up a piece of paper, aimed for the bin and threw it. I watched as it landed straight in.

“Lets go!” he pumped his fist in the air.

“So are you better now?”

“Yeah.” I grabbed my revision book out of my bag.

“So you can play?” he asked.

“Sure,  I guess.”

“Good, cos the team needs you back man.” He slapped my shoulder in a friendly way.

“When’s the next practice?”

“After lunch. You’ll need to tell coach Dave that you’re back on before you go on the field.”

“Cool.” I opened my book and tried to revise my maths, but it was no good. All I could think about was Rye.

Michael was playing Fortnite on his phone under the table. He looked up and saw me staring into the distance. “You alright Louis? You seem distracted.”


“Is it family problems or is it..... Oooo! Is there a cute girl on your mind?” Michael said, excitedly.

I wanted to say no and keep me and Rye’s relationship out of school gossip, but I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her.

“Its a girl. I know that smile.” Michael said, poking my shoulder and grinning.

“Tell me about her.”

“Well she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She has the best laugh and its like the world stops spinning when she walks in the room. She’s just amazing.”

“That’s love right there man.” Michael said.

“You think so?”

“Yeah, what’s the girl's name?”

“Rye.” I wasn’t going to tell him. I was going to make up a name, because there was only Rye that I knew of in London. But I stupidly let her name slip out my mouth without thinking.

“No way, man!” he gasped.


“Rye parker?”

“Yeah?” I said, confused.

“The one that everyone’s saying is pregnant.”

Shit! How does he know about that?

“Who told you that?” I spoke, angrily.

“It's been going around school for a few days now. Lilah shut it down as soon as she found out though.”

“Is she here?”

“Yeah, she’s in English, I think.”

I put my book back in my bag, snatched my coat and headed for the door. The male supply teacher said “Young man, the lesson isn’t finished yet.” But I just ignored him.

“Wait Louis, where are you going?” he jumped out his seat and followed behind me.

“To talk to Lilah.”

“You should stay here.” I said.

“Nah I’m coming with, especially since you’re angry.”

We left the class and went to the second floor where the English classrooms were. The corridors were pretty much empty, since everyone was meant to be in class.

We got to the English block. Room B was Lilah’s class. We stopped and looked inside through the large window.

“She’s there, sitting at the table in the back.” Michael pointed.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, but Michael stopped me.

“Man, I don’t think she's the right person to be angry with. Take a breather before your anger makes you do something you regret.”

He was right. I guess it wasn’t really Lilah’s fault, so I took his advice then knocked the door.

A male teacher, called Mr Fox, answered it, but everyone just called him Sam.

“Hello, can I help you two?”

“Yes, can we speak with Lilah? It will just be a second.” I asked.

“Alright, but be quick. Lilah chase these boys would like a word with you.” He called.

Lilah got up from the table and when she saw me, her eyes grew wide.

 She hurried past the tables and closed the door behind her. “Hi Louis and Mike, what’s this about?”

“Why are people saying that Rye is pregnant?”

“Ok, its my fault... but hear me out.” Lilah confessed.

 “This better be some good damn excuse.” I said.

  “A few days ago, I saw Rye in the shop buying two ice creams, she looked bigger but not the chubby kind. I made a joke saying that she was probably eating for two, to my friends. But then it went around the school. People were saying she was pregnant, you know how rumours get.”

“How could you say that about Rye? she’s your best friend.”  I said, angrily.

“I know, I regret it now, but I swear, those were just rumours to start with. I didn’t think she was really pregnant. I told them to knock it off.”

“Until, I found out from Eli yesterday that she IS actually pregnant with YOUR children.” She glared at me.

“What! You got Rye pregnant?” Mike gasped.

“Shut the fuck up man! Do we really need the whole school knowing this information?” The corridors were beginning to fill up. The year 9’s were getting ready for their morning break.

“They technically know already, we’d just be confirming the gossip.” Lilah said.

“Alright smart ass, and your point is exactly?”

“Watch the way you’re speaking to me.” Lilah whispered, threateningly.

“What are you gonna do about it?”

“Guys CHILL! People are watching.” Michael yelled.

Suddenly, Lilah’s jaw gaped open, her eyes widened in shock.

“What.” I asked.

“Police.” She whispered.

Michael and I turned behind us. Two police men were walking in our direction.  Luckily, none of us had done anything wrong. Had we?

I leaned against the wall, to get out of their way but they stopped in our presence.

“Hello students, do you know a young man called Louis Jayson.”


I nervously stepped forward and raised my hand. “Yeah, I’m Louis. What’s this about?”

The whole of Lilah’s class, watched intently through the window, while the teacher tried to avert their attention back to the lesson.

“Louis Jayson, we need you to come down to the station.”

My heart dropped.

“Am I being arrested? I didn’t do anything, I swear!”  I was terrified.

“No, we just need to ask you a few questions.”

“OK.” I said.

“Don’t say anything about Rye to anyone, I’ll text you both later.” I said, walking away with the police men as they escorted me out of the school building.
Kids whispered and gossiped as I walked through the playground. This  looked worse than it was. They probably thought I was actually being arrested for a crime. I wasn’t, but it definitely felt like it. I was sitting in the back of a police car and being driven to the station. I was so scared my hands were shaking.  I had no idea what was going on.

Once we got to there, they took me into a small dark room with a table and two chairs.

It was empty, other than a camera in the corner.

The police man sat at the table and I sat opposite him.

“So Mr Jayson, my name is Alex and I’m an investigator.”

“OK.” I said.

“You’re here because we need to ask you some questions about the incident on Monday  4th September.”

“So tell me what you remember.”

“I remember meeting my girlfriend Rye after school in the park, she told me she was pregnant. I was shocked. Then she took me to see the first ever scan of our babies.”

“You’re girlfriend is pregnant?”

“Yes.” I answered.

He wrote what I said down on a notebook.

“With multiple children?”

“Yes twins.”

“Oh ok.”

He wrote that down too.

“After the scan, we went to her house to tell her parents since they didn’t know yet.” “I remember sitting at the table with Rye and her parents.”

“We told them and they weren’t happy about it.”

“When you say ‘They weren’t happy about it’ can you elaborate in more detail please?” said, Police man Alex.

“Her mum was angry, but her dad was furious.”

“I remember her dad saying something to me and I said something back.”

“Then him punching me in the mouth.”

“I don’t remember anything else between him punching me in the mouth and me waking up in the ambulance.”

“So you blacked out?”  The police man asked.

“Yeah, sort of. I must of hit my head because I got a concussion.”

Alex nodded and took down more notes.

“Okay thanks for that Mr Jayson.” He closed his note pad and placed in the front pocket of his uniform.

“Can I go back to school now?”

He leaned forward, lasing his hands in a fist on the table. “Not quite yet.”

“Considering the situation of this case young man, you are in the position of pressing charges to Mr Thomas Parker.”

“Pressing chargers?”

“Yes, if you press charges, depending on the judge’s decision, he could be jailed for up to 6 months.”

“And what if I don’t?” I asked

“Then he will mostly likely be fined, but either way there will be consequences for his actions.”

If I press charges Rye would probably never speak to me again, but does he deserve to get away with it?

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