Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►...

By Miko_Koru

1.7K 37 26

Why do you hide ? You don't love it, but I love your face. It hasn't changed for me. Tomorrow, you will be ab... More

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● Chapter 1 ●
● Chapter 3 ●
● Chapter 4 ●
● Chapter 5 ●
● Chapter 6 ●
● Chapter 7 ●
● Chapter 8 ●
● Chapter 9 ●
● Chapiter 10 ●

● Chapter 2 ●

173 2 1
By Miko_Koru

My body no longer responds, the scene that is unfolding freezes my blood to the point that my vision begins to blur. Ayumi is in front of Shu, trying somehow to get him to talk, if only to get a single word from him. Free, him, looked at the scene from the park entrance with horrified eyes, holding Yumi by the hand. As for Lui, I could feel his anguish from where I was. Yumi walked towards us calmly, she looked at me and said curtly...

- He needs to be alone; you should let him breathe.

- Yumi... Said Ayumi looking at her completely disturbed.

- I'm going home with Shu; it will allow him to take a walk and calm his emotions. You should do the same.

With these words, Yumi left, and Shu followed her without even giving us a single look. I would never have thought that Ayumi's sister would be so mature, after all she is only six years old. And yet, I could feel how serious she was in her words. We waited a long time in complete silence, all disturbed by what we had just seen. It wasn't when Free decided to speak that the silence was broken...

- And now, what do we do?

- I don't know... Lui whispered.

- I'm going to see his parents. Ayumi tells us spontaneously.

- We shouldn't... I mean, you heard what Yumi said, we should leave him alone and... Started Free.

- And what?! We're going to pretend like nothing happened?! We just found Shu with his face scarred after three months and none of you want to know what happened to him?! Valt, you are his best friend. Don't tell me you don't want to know what hurt him! Ayumi cut angrily. I could feel his rage, deep down I wanted to know the reason.

- You're right... I can't sit idly by, but I can't help Shu if I don't know what happened to him. I answered.

- In that case, let's go. You know the address.

We were there, Shu's apartment. I remember those times when I came to his house after school and all the evenings we spent together. His parents were so used to me coming that they were never surprised to see me at their house again. After all this time, I didn't think I could be so afraid to knock on their door. But still, my hand bumped the door several times until a white-haired lady opened it.

- H-Hello Mrs. Kurenai... I stutter.

- Valt... It's been a long time, what can I do for you? His mother asked me.

- We would like to speak with you. Ayumi replied.

- It's about Shu. Pursued Free.

His gaze changed in an instant upon hearing her son's name, it sounded like he had been told that someone had died. She let us in without saying a word. As I walked inside, I noticed that the apartment hadn't changed at all. Apart from the fact that all the mirrors are covered with white sheets. Shu's mother looked at Ayumi and me before telling us to join her in her office. She knows that Ayumi and I had a strong bond with Shu, and she had never seen Lui and Free before, that's explains why she only wants to talk to the two of us. We followed her into the office where she took the time to close the door tightly and settle behind her desk before speaking.

- You wanted to talk to me about Shu, right?

- Yes, we would like to know what happened to Shu... I answered.

- If you want to tell us, of course. We haven't seen him for three months, the meeting we just had disturbed us all... Signaled Ayumi.

- Well...this all happened three months ago... She began.

We left his sister; he and I ate at their grandmother's. I wasn't in a good day, but I had promised to come and help my mother settle into her new home. I had asked Shu for help, not feeling very well, I knew I could count on him. You should have seen him, so helpful, so smiling with his grandmother. While I was trying to drive away my bad thoughts while leaving clothes to dry outside. I remember hearing him cry before we left, he who hardly ever cried, I still remember the sound of his sobbing. I was worried so I asked him what was wrong, but he replied that it was not important and that I had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, I do not attempt to go further in the discussion. If only I had listened to my instincts... I went upstairs to the bathroom to take a painkiller because of my headaches. I stayed in front of the mirror for a moment, calm, trying to calm my migraine. Only, I realized too late that it had started to rain. I left the laundry outside...

- Oh shit! Shu, we must get the laundry in quickly!!!

I screamed hoping he could hear me from downstairs, I had quickly grabbed a laundry trunk and raced down the stairs. Shu had heard my screams and had started running towards the backyard, where the only way out was this sliding glass window. I knew he was not well; I knew his mind was elsewhere. I shouldn't have rushed him like that, I thought he saw that the window was closed...

- Shu Watch out!!!

I didn't arrive in time and the glass shattered with a tremendous crash... He... He passed through the window... I saw him in front of me, collapse to the ground. I rushed over to him, dropping the laundry trunk, to raise his face. He was covered in blood; bits of glass were embedded in his skin. He looked at me, the tears were welling up, his lip was quivering, and his breathing quickened.

- Mom... He said letting out a sob, tears streaming down his cheeks.

- It's going to be ok sweetheart; it's going to be ok... I answered him.

I picked him up and took him in my arms, I just had time to tell his sister and my mother that I was going to the hospital urgently. Shinaki was petrified, she hadn't seen what had happened. She watched me leave with her brother completely in shock. I drove as fast as I could, even toasting a red traffic light, I didn't even take the time to call his father to let him know we were coming. Once we arrived at the emergency room, he was taken care of. My husband was on a break from duty at that time, when he saw Shu, he ran to me completely worried...

- What happened?!

- He went through the window... he ran, and he didn't see it! I replied, letting the tears that I was holding back flow.

The doctors put him on a stretcher before taking him to the operating room. I saw him leave while crying in my husband's arms. After his operation, we were able to take him home. The doctors told us that unfortunately the scars will only go away after a long time. They advised us to wait before putting him back in school, given what he had been through, he was not yet psychologically ready to face the gazes of others. Once I got home, I started to cover all the mirrors with white sheets, I didn't want him to suffer when he saw his reflection.

- We're going to avoid mirrors for a while.

- Mom, Shu's scars, they're going to stay etched in his face...? Shinaki asked me.

- No, I assure you, it is not final. But I can't tell you when they will leave. I reassured her.

Shu lowered his head, blank staring at the table, I lifted it to tell him...

- Know that for me, there are no scars. You have and you will always have the same face so beautiful in my eyes.

- I'm sorry... He replied crying.

- You don't have to apologize sweetheart, it's not your fault.

- I didn't pay attention... A-And I ran into... A sob cut him off in his sentence.

- It's okay, it's over now. Breathe.

- All because I was too busy thinking about... He cut himself off.

- Too busy thinking about what? I asked.

- I was sad because I had a fight with a friend this morning and... and he said things to me that really hurt me... I-I didn't think it would hurt me so much. But it confused my mind all day... I didn't pay attention when I ran, it's my fault. I'm sorry... He confessed to me, letting out everything he had been holding in him since this morning.

I hugged him tightly, letting him vent his sadness. It broke my heart to see my baby in this state...

- You know everything now...

● To be continued ●

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