Who Are We?

Par sweetghostgirl97

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*I don't own any Vampire Diaries characters the all belong to their rightful owners. * Arielle and Blair Faye... Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Seventeen

165 4 1
Par sweetghostgirl97

"I don't love you." Blair robotically repeated. Having enhanced vampire hearing has its ups and defiantly downs. Over hearing what had just happened in His bedroom, my heart sank lower than my stomach and ached like I had never felt before. Knowing that he had just compelled away my sister's love for him made me realize that maybe he wasn't as heart-felt as I thought he was back in Tennessee. I stood from the couch, a little too quickly as I stumbled on my feet. Luckily Stefan was there to break my fall. I looked at him gratefully and then motioned up the stairs. He nodded sadly and that's when I knew he had been listening as well.

I slowly made my way over to the staircase and ascended towards the Devil's Lair. I didn't even bother knocking before I barged in. I found Damon standing by his fireplace drinking, like always.

"Can we talk?" I asked annoyed. He looked at me with guilty eyes.

"When did you wake up?" He asked.

"A few minutes ago." I quickly and dryly said. He just nodded and looked at me up and down, seeming to be worried about my well-being. "When were you going to tell me? Before or after you broke my heart?"

"What?" He questioned acting confused. "Wait, did you hear that?" I nodded slightly. "Arielle plea-"

"Don't Damon! Do you not understand how hard it is to hear that your sister is in love with a guy you care about?! No you don't!" I screamed, not caring if any of the party downstairs heard me.

"You need to listen." He said calmly. The guilt in his eyes turned into alert as he knew my emotions were heightened and I couldn't control them well, just yet. "Arielle I know that was hard. I've lived through it remember? Finding out Katherine only wanted my brother?" He said inching closer to me. I forgot about that, apparently he was crushed according to Elena.

"Look Damon, Blair was right you have to choose," I said folding my arms and staring down at the floor trying to hide the tears that were falling. "Blair or me?"

"I already made my choice," He softly smiled. "I made my choice back in Tennessee." My head shot up to meet his gaze. My eyes were soaked with tears as I looked at him in surprise.

"But you told Blair that you couldn't choose because you loved her? Please don'g play games with me Damon." I begged not wanting my heart to hurt anymore than it did. I stared at him as we were stuck in the deafening silence that surrounded us like a dense fog. You ever know that feeling when you know you have feelings for someone, but it's driving you mad to know if they feel the same? My heart and brain were exploding with this feeling because I didn't know if Damon was just using me to make my sister jealous or if he truly cared for me. "I need to know the truth Damon. I can't compete with my sister for you because that would ruin us, just like it did with you and Stefan." I stated. His blue eyes became alarmed as he wasn't aware I knew their family history. He thought the only part I knew was Katherine's betrayal. Stefan filled me in about his brother on the way here when Blair came and picked me up. Telling me how conceded, rude, arrogant, and a womanizer his brother was. I didn't expect to become so attracted to him like I am, but I also didn't count on my sister being in love with him either.

"Arielle," He said moving forward and placing his hands on the sides of my face. "I know that you think it will ruin you, but-" I began shanking my head and trying to move away from him.

"Damon I just watched my mother and step-father die! She's the only one I have left besides my actual father. Who, ironically, always chose Blair over me." I muttered the last bit, although I know he heard it. He looked at me sadly. I walked over to his bed and slowly say on the edge. "I need her Damon." I whispered. He sat beside me placing his left hand on my knee in comforting way. I looked up at him, only to be stuck in a gaze once again. I noticed his eyes glancing down at my lips then back up to my eyes like he was debating in his head to not kiss me. Though, apparently, his head told him to go for it because we both began to lean towards each other, well that is until we heard someone clear their throat in the doorway.

"Hello brother." Damon said smirking. Though, it wasn't his normal arrogant smirk, this one seemed more annoyed and angered towards Stefan.

"I just came to make sure everything was alright." Stefan said calmly. I stared at him with confusion clouding my tear-stained face. He glanced at me once, but then back to his brother. Damons stood from his spot on the bed and confidently walked towards his little brother.

"Why wouldn't it be Stef?" Damon asked arrogantly. "Afraid I'd do something to hurt her? Haven't you heard? I already have." His words cut like sharp knives that had been thrown at me. After the conversation we had, my shattered completely and this time there was no picking up the pieces and putting them back together.

Some people say that a women's heart is fragile and easily broken. In this moment, that would be true. I was vulnerable and fragile and Damon used it to his advantage to annoy his brother. I was done being the fragile sister, I was going to take care of myself and won't let anyone stand in my way.

I shut my eyes, tightly, shutting out the dim light of the fireplace. I concentrated on every single bad thing that had happened to me since I had been here; meeting Damon, seeing my mother die, hearing my sister's confession, becoming a vampire. I focused solely on just letting go and not remembering anything. All of these memories flashed in my mind and then they seemed to vanish one by one.

"No! Arielle, don't you dare do this!" I heard Damon's voice in the back of my mind. Then, it was all over. The pain, the hurt, the anguish was gone and I didn't feel a thing. "Please tell me you didn't." He begged.

"You know I would, but I don't care what you want. Actually, I don't care about anything." I laughed cold-heartily. The brother's looked at me surprised and stunned. "What?" I questioned.

"You turned it off?" Stefan asked.

"My emotions? Duh. Why would want to feel when I could care less what happens? This is great. Mark this as the dawning of a new me." I smiled as I sauntered over to Damon's liquor cabinet in his room.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be Arie. Once those emotions come back, every horrible thing you did will make you want to die." Stefan tried to scare me.

"Who said they were ever coming back?" I asked annoyed. They acted like I was going to go kill thousands of people.

"Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness, but it's also what makes us human." Another voice entered our conversation. I looked behind Damon and Stefan to find Elena in the doorway.

"Did anyone ask for your input Elena? You aren't even a vampire." I snapped. She smiled and shook her head at me.

"Now I honestly thought these two would have mentioned me." She laughed as she entered the room smirking at both the brothers. She looked exactly like Elena, but seemed more evil and cunning.

"You're Katherine." I said staring at her.

"So they have mentioned me. Let me take a guess at who." She said turning towards Damon.

"What do want Katherine?" Stefan inquired. Katherine looked back at him and then laughed once again. I glanced at Damon who still seemed surprised she was here. Not caring about him made it easier to see how annoyingly clingy he was. Always asking where I was going, wanting to know if I was alright, telling me what to do and how to live out my eternity.

"I'm here to help Stefan. I'll always be here to help." She said placing a slim hand on his shoulder.

"Too bad we don't want your help Kitty-Kat." Damon found his voice and finally spoke. What did I see in this guy?

"Well see that's where you're wrong Damon. Arielle here could be my new partner in crime with her new found off-switch." Katherine laughed as Damon squirmed under her intense and harsh gaze. He was still wrapped around her skinny little finger.

"And what makes you think you can decide my life for me?" I quizzed. She looked towards me up and down, examining me.

"You're right. Still a new vampire and in desperate need of a few lessons on being a stylish un-dead person." Katherine said carefully walking towards me. She circled me like a vulture looking for it's next meal.

"What the hell are you doing here Katherine?" Elena voice rang out, snapping everyone from the current situation.

"Hello Elena." She smirked. "Still a shock to know I'm not going anywhere?"

"Get out. No one wants you here." Her voice began to give me a headache.

"Elena shut up!" I yelled. She glanced at me shocked. "Just stop talking for five seconds."

"What is wrong with you?" She stared at me until it seemed to have clicked in her little head. "You turned it off."

"We have established this about twenty times, thank you. I could care less about what you think." I said placing my hands on my hips. I began to head for the door, when a large hand wrapped around my upper arm.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked. I just looked at him with a blank and empty stare. I had no feelings or emotions towards him any longer, so what was holding me back? I swiftly got out of his grasp and twisted his arm to where it was right against his back, practically breaking it.

"Don't worry about what I do Damon. Worry about keeping my precious sister alive." I whispered cunningly into his ear. He struggled a little more trying to get free from me as everyone stared in awe. I let him go and walked out of the room without anyone stopping me.

I made it to the drive when someone pushed me against the driver side door, nearly breaking my window.

"You think you can get away that easy?" Klaus' voice sang from behind me. He had my arm twisted, just like I had Damon's.

"Get the hell off of me!" I shrieked trying to get free. His strength overpowered mine as he held me without struggle. "What do you want?" I said.

"You never held up your end of the bargain. I leave you alone as long as I get to see your sister."

"You saw her!" I struggled harder.

"For about two seconds yes. Then she ran after that impeccable Damon." He said exasperated. "There is something different about you."

"You can thank Dam-"

"Arielle?" Blair's voice sounded distracted when she cautiously walked towards Klaus and I. He released my arm and stood in amazement, once again, but this time more noticeable. "What's going on?" She asked glancing between Klaus and I.

"Hello again Blair." Klaus grinned. "It's strange how much you look like her." He muttered, only to where I could hear it.

"Ugh, kill me." I sighed. Blair looked at me strange. Oh that's right, sister dear doesn't know about my new self.

"Are you okay, Arie?" She quizzed. Always the concerned sister.

"I'm fine. I just finally got rid of a problem." I giggled at myself knowing the other meaning to that.

"You see Blair, Arielle here has switched her humanity off." Klaus smiled. Blair didn't seem to understand what he meant. You's think knowing about vampires and hanging around them for months she would. God, why is she so clueless?

"Why Arie?"

"Ask Damon. I'm done being messenger girl. I'm going to live my life how I want, without a care in the world." I said prancing towards my car again. I started the engine and drove like I was out of a Fast and Furious movie.

Once I made it to the Grill, I walked in towards the bar, where I saw the cutie Matt working. One of the only humans left in the circle of friends I stumbled upon.

"Hey Matty." I smiled. "Can I get a whiskey?" I grinned suggestively as I rose an eyebrow.

"Arielle, hey. You know I can't. You're under age." He whispered.

"Oh come on Matt. Please?" I used my puppy dog eyes to my advantage. He looked around for his boss, and it wasn't that busy.

"Fine, but only one." He said so authoritatively.

"How about," I said grabbing his wrist. I looked down and saw that he had a bracelet on. I went to touch it only to be burned. Damn you, Vervain. I ripped the bracelet off, being burned in the process, Ow. "You bring me as many as I want Matty." I compelled. He grinned and nodded complying to my compulsion. It feels great not caring. Matt brought my drink to me and told me it was on the house. I smiled and sat at the bar for a good hour and a half having about four different drinks.

"Arielle," Stefan said sliding on the bar stool next to me. I looked at him with a questioning look. "Can I join you?" He asked smiling.

"What are you up to Stefan?" I said turning towards him.

"Nothing I just want to enjoy a drink with my friend." He grinned.

"I know there's more to it than that, I'm not an idiot." Beginning to become annoyed, I downed my drink and tried to stand, barely succeeding. This is going to be a long way home.

Stefan's POV

"What the hell did you do to her Damon?" Elena shrieked. Her compassion still amazed me, but I had to keep my guard up with Katherine in the same room.

"Blair told me she loved me, I compelled her to forget and Arielle heard." Damon shrugged seeming to not care that he could have just sent Arielle to her downfall.

"If she is anything like me Damon, if and when she turns her humanity back on, it's going to consume her." I cautioned.

"Well that's the thing Stefan, she's not you!" Damon argued.

"Enough with the fighting, it's giving me a migraine." Katherine buzzed in. "Look the only sure fire way to make her feel again, is to find her emotional trigger." Katherine said.

"Finally something that you've said is useful." Damon yelled with sarcasm coating his words. "Now what is her emotional trigger? Blair?" He asked glancing between all of us.

"No it has to be stronger than that. She turned it off because of you right?" Katherine inquired. Damon didn't look at her as he nodded. I knew he felt quilt, but he would never show that side of him to anyone. "So there's the emotional trigger. Damon is the answer."

"No, it can't be that simple." Elena chimed in. I looked at her with confusion. "It just seems to easy for it to be Damon." She continued.

"Maybe dear Elena's right. There is another trigger that you haven't thought about." Klaus' british accent echoed from the doorway. We all swiftly turned to see Blair joining him.

"Even though Arielle doesn't have her emotions, she was always a daddy's girl." Blair said shyly. She seemed intimidated standing beside Klaus.

"She said that he always chose you over her?" Damon entered his opinion.

"Her emotions are off. She's-"

"She said it before they were off." He said abruptly. I stared at him trying to figure out what was going through his mind. "We have to keep her distracted. That way she won't 'accidentally' expose vampires to the entire town council and get us all killed." Damon insisted.

"My sister isn't an idiot Damon. She's hurt." Blair said defending Arielle.

"She has no emotions Blair!" He yelled. "She doesn't feel anything! Let alone hurt." I could tell he was deflecting everything he was feeling. The guilt, the hurt, the pain, the sadness. He knew it was all his fault that Arielle had no emotions, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Well dear Arielle is at the Grill right now, probably drinking it dry." Klaus rose his eyebrow suggestively.

"I'll go and keep her busy while you all come up with a plan." I said as I flashed to my classic car.

As I ended up in front of the Grill, I saw Arielle's car, that she had 'borrowed' from her home. I knew without her emotions, everyone in the bar was at risk.

I quietly walked in and saw her sitting at the bar talking to Matt. I noticed Matt had a blank look in his eyes as he stared at her. Really Arielle? Compelling a friend? I swiftly, but quietly, walked over towards her. She must have been here longer than I thought because she had about three empty glasses in front of her.

"Arielle," I said sliding on the bar stool next to her. She stared at me with pointed questioning look, but I held my ground. "Can I join you?" I asked smiling.

"What are you up to Stefan?" She said spinning towards me on the stool.

"Nothing I just want to enjoy a drink with my friend." She still stared at me with confusion not understanding my presence.

"I know there's more to it than that, I'm not an idiot." She said standing. She could barely walk, but before she slipped through the door, I saw her grab a guy that had been staring at her, equally as drunk as she was, and took out into the dark, misty night.

I hope she won't be another 'Ripper'.

Overdue! I know, I hope the length makes up. Sorry if it sucks you guys. Thanks for all the views BTW holy crap! Ya'll are amazing❤️

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